Both sides awards eanhot by lamth experience has shown tha having co to send the ute to court furl the two parties have in emailsexile case ac cepted on One recent one which illus iratea this was that in which the Building Trades Unions were aziring tor cs wag in crease an per ed to have it referred to the Industrial Court The decision was against theunions to the all increase was accep the unions tinsl and there waano strike arena the at strike Ano er important step Erich shouldubél mangoï¬ergis 91 an Act in 1990 Under this act the Board odglrada was charged with teetering volun tary conciliation agreements and was granted powers connectionwlth trade disputes To inquire into the causes and circumstances of die uto to hesteps towards rinsing the parties together BAXTER number from here attended the simcoe Federation walllhlp service in Angus Park Sunday George Gordon who has spent the past isw years in 30 is spending law weekswithjis parents Mr and MrIpJoeepn Gordon Mn Ruby Pinkerton repent thepast week with her Ionand daughterinlsw Mr and MrsJG Pinkerton Thnmlns Mr and 514 Mcaiee had baliy girl in Stephenson Mem orial Hospital Alllaton Mday July 14 Both the liOBA and L0L ledges at Baxter took part lathe Orange celebration in Elmvale Saturday Miss Sharon McFarland Dril lio is spending hoï¬gays with her eimt Mrs Mary augh BETHESDA Sunday visitors or means me McCallum was Mr and Mrs Boys of OakRidges With Mrs Squibbwera Mr and Mrs CSrnlthandvlJougias of loronto and ii Smith of Mac Tier Mr a2 Mrs Bentlety sand family Bramp spen un day with Mr and Mrs Dur mutt Misses Ann and Terry Diurnott returning to Brampton with them Ronny gentley is spending his holidays with Mr and Mrs Durmott llouse guests with Mr and Mrs Sharpe few days week were Mrs Emily Green side of Guelphand Miss From cra llindlie oi Cookatown Mlas Sharon Barnsdale is nspending three weeks with her grandmmher etOak Ridges SUNNIDKLE andMrs Oliver Raymer return via Petcrhorough from an enjoyable trip to theist Law cnce SeawayK and Mrs James Freethy ve returned to Toronto attests this week vacation with Mrs Relian Carmichael and Ed er Mrs$am Burg at Toropto your my visitors at the car misuse ho Mrs Alex Grdnt Mr Ron ohnson Rhonda and Paul Fawrnanbille an Miss Myrna of wereSunday vss era of The era subso usually amid the Minhtry of Labour tlonal Service when Ilite and got authority ier it from created Indthu act if tin op Judashays mm laSn ilV lperlorCourt SuCCessiul Burglar lit Years VaneTe Start ecu at by some standards hewsnted tonartaverto turn the pagequ entirely by remn Thats why he worked so hard at his adopted tradeburglary says Gordon Ellis Allow He was good at it Basays be carried on morethan no hur glarias whichnettad hlrn 3100 in 000 or moraiï¬e kept three lux urious apartments at once lie eluded oilioers in almost to states Canada and Mexican When caught he was dropping his last nickel in Reno Nam parkingmetor SELFANALYST All through his months 05 ex citing lightlrom one police trap to another the keenminded law breaker kept Vin to figure him salt out want to see what makes me tickhe said Wednesday on r8 turning to has Angela Atteberry worked successiully aa professional hypnotist actor writer and photographer at pudelee studied engineering at the Universities oi Colorado and Wisconsin Hesdescribod as an expert at electronics Masozis Elect liewOliiéials TORONTO GP Ontario masonic appointments and results of elecflons were announced here today at the mth annualcam summation of the Grand Lodge at Canada AF and AM Clarence MCIend Pitta of 0t tawa was elected grand master for 195950 The new deputy grand master is Mr Justice RussellW firelsaven Hamilton Those elected to the board at general purposes include Hon Allen Dunnville Fos ter Bidgetuwn eJlington Smith Fort Frances Dlsuict deputy grand masters with districts bracketed in clude Coe Terrace Bay A1 guma PaintergtBranliord Brant aLong South ampton Chatham Bi Sands Wallaceburg Chathshsl Caughey Camp Borden Geur lest inn Bruce Riliiie rand ley Grey cDunald ihurold NiagaravA Wilbert Stonehouse Niagara Ealla Niag ara Arthur Easay North flay Nipisslng Edstlflid FLeea Blind River Nipissing West Kenzie Holmes Sexton Wingham North Huron OsborneNewcastle Ontario Browne Peter borough Peterhorough Lloyd DMcMaster Trenton Prince Edward Henry Russell Sarnia Sarnial William Treble God ch SautirHuronHarry True man Lmdowne St Lawrence Norman Rolling St Thomas Stlhomaa Donald Patter son Englehart Timisknmingn Cephas Doherw Beaverton Vic toria Bruce amend New Hamburg Wellington Fal loway KeewatlnWestern Bruce McCall Emhro Wile son Three or Family Killed In Crash nnorommsrna Sasr or All the Main Stillthere vm sehuthlngllock ing not life planned to reduce my age ilvs years asnnne at identity and eventually edtar Universityot Florida as pro medical student majoring in pay chology Sobo came burglar titrer it ea or it months he said aver aged tour or live iobI avalshr very seldom Iver taking night oil averaged in money about two aalght Police loilnd 00000 worth of loot in his spartrnenls last March they got onto him alter husband corhplained that Atte berry was stealing his wile l1 Caoiodrrallo mountainous are pleased to aonounaatho appalnhnent at Mr Ken Mit hellCLll as adult time repreg seotatlve inharrle and district sroa Mr Mitchellhas reprav seated Moderation tile as part time representative tor that past three yearsand duerto the expansion of the contoderatioa Lite Association in this area has found it necwary to devote his full timeto chilling inLiis UnderwritingpeL llhsse oyedclose once Industry tor the past nine years and is 2well hnownand active in number at cornmua ity organizations among them rwea up who geBfltishhalresatn Wan do Va thoughtha being the Branch 147 or the Clnlt link adian legion RCAF Association wall as being Scout Masters the 5th Barrie hoop sponsored by st Giles Anglican Clinch Senate Giving Consideration To Humane Slaughter Bill OilAWA CPlA government bilitï¬gfldate humane slaughter at an in Canada was passed by the Conunona Wednesday night alter two unsuccessful of position attempla to have the specify that Jewish oua slaughter should be canal erod humane Agriculture Minister Hartman replying to opposle criticism on the point assured the Com mons that the government has no intention at limiting religious rights Cabinet regulations implement ing the act would be in line with recommendations at the Com mons agriculture committee which said the Jewish ritual scheebitaahould he considered as being humane PROPOSALS DEFEATED liberalmemhere proposed specific amendments on this point both 31 whichwarede rum woos amendment by Alexis Caron Hulll wouldhave speciï¬cally allowed bath shooting and echechlta Anotherhy Leon Crestohl Lanw Cartier WHITBURN England lieut erslThe love story of pretty young girl prominent in society and cannon alnployed by th Queen came to an abrupt an unhappy and today Footinsn Bill Robsons ro mance withi Pat Evans want on the rocks despite helping hand Item the Queen herself She offered to have the yearold tootman flown home from Canada where balsa munber of her touringentoun age initimeior his wedding Now is trip wont be daughter wealthy building connector Lawrence Evans announced tadayLatten eiamily contereuce have decided to call it at Four milesaway train the Evans mansionin lull subsidized cottageMrs Anna amenmother th Jilted tor explained Pats parents made quite clear they do not wanther to marry my iod toldmyboyj toiind someone more suited to easily his position But it is door they head on into Grcyh undvhusgthreo miles west of liege wereinlove Thevlady and Jim liootman hadbeen engaged seven onth Tm Ad DP NEW 83710 Already behind bars other party to the manee so Dowsett millionaire builder She was sent my prisonint ins court orderï¬ohtained tatheriorbld the only not manner on Caminope speciï¬ed that theict should notJ invade or interiors with any religious 11 is and practices presently enoyed by anyone in Canada Mr Harkness laldlhll was in too general terms and be doubted whether it would be good legislation vlhe hill nowgoes to the Senate Mr Harkness said the govern ment intends to pass regulations which can be met by Ismail abattolrs new inexpensive type of electrical stimneifur example probably would he satisfactory Collins Bay PriSOnMagazine Haslldverhstng KINGSTON ChThe newest issue of That Diamond magazine written and edited by inmates of Collins Bay Penitenti ary carries is advertisements from men who are due to he re leascdwithln 80 days and looking fqr yobs The ad Coluhin is the first in plan announced some ï¬me ago to assist in placing the man in lobe Tlhemonihly magazine says These men are attempting to bridge the gap between prison and the free world They wish to live in social amity withyou They require the opportunity that you can furnish Surely it would be savings in tax dollars for these men to once again become paying members of society Ads in the issue seek such be as bookkeeper bricklayer ship ping clerlr welder electrician typiat form worker general is borer automotive parts distribu tor tailor garment presses Each ad givesthe mans age marital stahis education previous emlt pluyment andaxperlence The aplt plicani also speciiiea the area where he wants to we Under each ad comment troni penitentiary Michigan the mans capabilities and potential rename assroar loeland in thaNorthAflan was an lndopmdentrepuhllcj be are jainlngwith Norwegin the lsthcentlny have is months ago while be ing the rolI olawel1 healed man mum mm mm Austinsald am mason into newshouse Wilda then Ron Berd said theperson clubs Her lemmiliatry limit do aided wasgnot to that bade gathaghne to cantinua an couple elapv toScotlaudlnEn parsldtil consent is requisile at poppedintdprisoo minnepeea HiliSlifliedbOs Back Mr Ryan waI comrhentinden government was cmsiderlug the UP German need of twin loch reap the WI in Mr Ryan said that it arlhlp ll was were to gothrough the canal with what owned Wednesday on other tunic to interfere along the mil in the 27miie roilte tromer Wel iertoPort Colborno it would take uaflnofaboutelththmtoeornpotaths ugh claimed arm sAoï¬dniF ti sayesargea as seen some were We 3m Dm tampered mum Thoughthour passage mm mum control oifleer down into four hours travelling at who left thadog seven miles an hour and another nearby Markham WW marriage until 21 In Sootlend 1959 DEMONmAlOB DESOTO Finide Power st srin tutu ush oumu radio crash slghtolaareekis on club Wmhmcliim at can 73 trigiii 250 Canadians Lose Their Lives lnMay Recideuts mam cmmule Ieci dadon in on In crease one my rose mm at 219 th bureau at statistics Witli May dIath tall by New laces with 1m tinne in brackets NowioundlandaitPrlneeEd ward Island Nova Beetle flotzNeanmswickeiiiQna hot 00 63 Ontario 95 68 is Manitoba no Sashatahowaa so 17 berta 11 is an Columbia so it 33 awasa eome an in was he aunenseus Jingle locks on Welland Ship Canal but the canal mammals sauna now is operating close tamoxi quï¬ï¬‚inimï¬i Wednesday coNscInurlovs mnawamua bought lines cm ml roo abse recen statement by federal Transport Minister Rees that the eight loch now aretwinleeka yenr ma Manufacturers Lita tied up without load or eter tour ho travers th within in sun sinusitashoï¬ CA ANDERSON you on 1959 house 1959 MAYFAIE DEMONSTRATOB DEMONSTRATOE Viscount sedan am two tonI whit Inlpll no lltl inlsm insert tom Inna wheel on were remote ccnhol mirror FULL Newman GUARANTEE Elizabeth and stardust aura egmnmo tone alnmln resusage nah to my to Two on fair Ecdln Fun mam1mm ah an naw maywhealv 195590an fï¬ï¬‚nï¬ï¬h 3112 opdflrca gt