rie Lions clubs iourth goltlrs Willem Udell See Another new industry is inter ested in Barrie Still unnamed thaiirm has ottered to buy 16 acres on the west side of St Vin cent street south oi ilighvia 400 This is the second news in week at new industry to be loc ated in Barr Construction started Monday so an on south radiord 5L Bnrrlewho at medinz altv both or the dairy be instructed contoroi with on originheaviest or the easter cutout Tho requestgwas contained in report JlltleZZ ot motweayee to par tially rem on restrictionroi on th northerly 45 real is lectliva inches or thcwatér iotin iront oi Poyntz Street that was sold to Lakavlcw once wasobout tended Tlfursdays game at stall photo iii100 ura re loot factory City council night agreed to shit the land by July 30 and to install ord surface road on Sti ineen water sanitary sewers and arrange for gas electrlcity and telephones by July so next year WaltenGigE City comptroller and recently chairman of Barrie of services would be nothing Part oi ih costwhlch wouidr normally be borne by adjoining property holders would however be earl ried by the city until they were readytu use their land Then the cost would be charged to them Everyone else Zwas busy eating buying draw tickets and makingfor the races at Springwater Park Wednes day None of he surroun ing ISt Mary parish pic nickers from Barrie knew who he was and he refused to give his namede was st one of hundreds of um parishioners whey Vivere having themselv Synopsis The leading edge of slightly cooler air from western Canada has entered northwest ero Ontario Ahead of there have been few scattered thun derstorms This cold1 front twill reach the Kirkland Lake region Saturday afternoon on its way to Southern Ontari There will be increasing cloudm and dfur ther rise in the dity over the lowei lakes regions glual forecasts valid until midnig tFriday eke Erie Lake lluron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay Hal urton reg no Windsor London Hamilton to cities Mostly sunny with chance of an afternoon or ening thin dersborm today Rarity cloudy Saturday withscattered showers or thunderstorms developing by aiternoonr Continuing warm and humid do south to southwest 15 today becominglight at night glcreas gto southerly 20 Satur ayr Bay Sudbu day mostly Chanceof howers or thunderstorms today Partlyeloudy nd littl cools Saturday The incoming company had enacted locat ctripeurfaced raids andï¬agreed to accept them Cost is about $1500 mile Alderman queried storm water to drain adjacent to the property He re called is tanning days when he had iven an easement to the Department of Highways to run watermii Highway 400 down the ditch These people dont want ti Newton rmitt Council commission to the ex swiped cltys findings the new hmry M4 week by 11 stated Mr examin xe o8 aignotion had no connection with the dispslthAidennsnWice also toldsihe Examiner Mr McLl wain hod becn contemplating resignation iorsome time it had come at the same time as tho Lakavlew dispute come one 500 Members for 1959 is ainingjMoinentum promotion and The New Members palgn ol the Chamber merce which is atmipg at re entitling500 membersjor 195a itproving verysuccessful as the new high otï¬o membersrwas reach toput in storm sewers he sug gested Mr Gigs replicdthe cliy sol icitor had searched the titleto drain and found no easement registe Answering oth or questions he said the Depart ment Highways insisted on an 85 oot setback iromu Highway 400 This would allow tor an un demmo rpass var Cloverleaf ad parallel torthe rtually attain the industry $4000 pe aerofor ramall pro arty odjo ing ETeach People Think PorSelf Ann Ofï¬ciucaiion Hamilton Jack Hamilton cation Education is everyohesbns iness il our democratic way of live is to survive he said Mr Hamilton was spea ing to the club lThursday on the work at the principal of collegiate lie said he would not attempt todeiina education butthat its aim was to teach people toth forthemselves The principal aschool worksvtor two masters the Ontario Department of Edn cation and the local school board The work otthe school is open inspection by resident and subject inspects makes it interes he said During the spmrner holidays the principal is faced with his mostformidable tale the pm paration at full timetable or the new school year within the of trarnoworlr laiddowo by the De partment of donation Theaim oevery principal to secure competent wait but that is not always possible be cause otteh only one applieati is received for staff vacancy vfDespite wh tyou read in the papershthere is stills teacher shortage in Ontario seems little probability of an irri mediate Hamiltoj It is theJob ofthe carry on teacher checks from time tot eamatter which has to done Inservice ï¬shing for new tea chers is anolher matter which ents are welcome to visit the has1 to begived his attention School is bigbusinessand the fore public relations are import ant This falls within the sphere otjhejwork of the principal At the North Collegiate we Par nt snow Barrie Man could Drowhst fishing in Owen Sound harbor He apparently fell ir theboat when his linegoicaugh He othetï¬abermc nearby rec ered the body with minutes and artifk respiration was air plied shut to no avail Aspden ho had operated dental aboratory ioflarri since 1947 was on holiday with his wiieand two whom David and Keith 11 The boysihad asked to accompany their tath er fjshing out reiused and was aloTn in hoatatvth dhls wuelhégtm rd in Pawth Soils Owen gt the bercove Barrio some delicacy The common under chairman Harvey Little is makinga me by asking members when mekx lug purchases oridolng business with local establishmentsto tin= quire and it necessary sellithe joining who agreement makes it velopment The membership commutee greetédthonew mambo en Motors Atlislon Real snug Harry Murdock Wheel Aii Pearea Television PethiclrlSmlflr Funeral linsrnucmn nim ACTlVI non Mossop talksto ming supervisors and in structors of Barrie Recrean ion mlnittee at be it Plan cone estrogenchi Barrie is to have new swim ming beach twithiowtwo weeks Council last night agreed Harbor Committee go beach at the foot of Johnson streetiivestward zsoseo feet to exceed snow work can be completed in 10 lie considered the beach saI and there wasng supervisio of the days program atDro Beach Ronis teacherVat Bari central Collegiate lonreservefroni oholotits reservoirs The Ma Streetvreservoir dovelopedo tron using lapses tonight sinoe many residents will be awayon the weekend ne saidho hoped utentu atlhn would be by bï¬ land newspaper while Mr Cranston who is one of tho use bu mum om Featured raybylaw such as e1 ectritit speakers at the convention the former edito class papers oyer second in best allround best editorial page best trontpage and best local spotnewa pic ture ih Mason lrophy which has previously been won Midland on sereralv occasions was won byiheChllliwack BC Progress whose publish Leslie Er Barber will be TODAYSIS ocx =12 ens smiled at noon by Flynn ammo uno Collier Street at comma Gaourm mun some mom sue Aluminium Ltd Alhena curri Asbestos Atlas Steel mooni bran Bk or Mont Caldstrosns nmgon Dom Faun 15y Do on DD Sell 1101 store Chen ll ringerpm an KemAddu has than Mal aooo circ ation Midland was Barflehnd no and lather services ioniwhiï¬ humongous be water tand Another Him for ya ubglivls Denna no vol is some Nit haw tree lty been Heloile condenser is ores TO FiT 1M RTED CARS