room crispfwhito witba planted fskirt in heeom unitorminan around MARYHAWORTHS MAIL Generaloaï¬pnBy TWOSOME dri thrl marries ovirhlmgfdwig surplice closing below the col lared neckline The sldrt is textured cotton Writer Could Be Dangerous For DeViates DEAR MARY EAWORTH The letter iron 05 lJune loin spires to write further and perhnp withgreater accuracy about relationship among girls and women Twice it when my mister tune to get involved once in collegerand inter ioliowing the collapse of flimsy hriot marrt age Psychiatric treatment started do my latentwenties proved enormously helpfulalter two suicide attempts vlo per storms and general toget alpngwithpeopi My deviate 1porto Ifld though supposedly on only to ï¬ght again within hours or minutes any wiséiioctor saw the deviate condition as symptomatic of deepij inflamed emotional dis turbnn and be worked at elite Wining the insights one must aveto handle desperate personal proli Jlotus Gradually minded friendly peop such as goo eartedtamily shje attachediherselt to as rman graspsat ertainly these can help or warm expressionsof human waysLhelp thelonely and annetydrlvén Ev so theyare more bani de against the psychiatrist Persons involved in such abnor mal situations are apt to ho act ingout conflicts and distortions traceable tozininocy Such pat terns tend toharden rolheo than diminish as the years pass so howcan the untreated deviate is expected to outgrow the prob emt YIndeed how can these twisted personalities seeking to belong nndbaiieving theyve found love in tho halt world of deviates respond to healthy friendshipsl For possessive love seems to em the oniy seeinity There ere occasions hate to remem ber them when my partner reV lectedJne and literally iEwanted to die Nothing could assuage the tbrture until were togetber dealtin ONGTERM HELP Today am ree sthanks lo itiaiiy to psychiatric treatment which led to the giveandtake of real friendships Without long term psychiatric treatment this advance wouldnt have been pos sible Yet 1C rates psychiatric care as second in importance to social acceptance from normal people missed BCs letter May is and your reply concerning wayward boys plan to marry such said who clings tohim So dont know what was but urge you through your column to strongly adlIise the girl to consult competent psy chiatrist qr aclergyman who is ï¬rstrate counsellor Some in both groups are hopelessly inade quate as lam sure you know cer 1y yours ClW no commiquou Thanks for adding nyto sto the eiiéct that rehabilita on is pos sible tordeviates who wantto he nonnaland have the stamina to work in personality health admit the reality conclusion drawn fromrhcr ex perience that loyal friendship of andruin Whaty received out the wthii made itpos lhle or to proï¬le was xendly sympathetic interest in your7 hasic individuality Thus sppportedy could iace the worst in urself orgin your fee boutiife and self rl he to usher restorative received similar hel CilnéSï¬ tr miraclairn thal psychiatric Color is makinthuil initiu ever Phase of firmware living Time was when mostnf or thought of color mainly in terms oi our clothes andaececsorles followed olivine bythe home decorating scheme When we plan our wardrobes we select colors thatflatter and reflect the person ality that accentuate the good points Land woodmlyminlmire We defects real or inncled COLORS FOR HOME Now we are teaming to select colon for the home with just about the horde objectives in mind And theres no quicker more economical way of chang ing wail colorsthe setting ot the roomthan with todays inexpen sive eosyteappiy paints Of come as with everything else certain colors are promoted eachrsosson Its wise woman who wont permit decorating col era that happen to be in high iashion to dictate her choice on less of come said colorehappon to be fovoredanyhow JN rwo camoom As women we are hound to belong solar as coloring and temperament are concerned to two of the categories given here categories which list some of the colors that the experts consider ilineal for certain typu and colon gs Pole blues helm stays suit greens with bright accent here and there piua small amounts of hiaclfland white is the sortoi thing said to he in variably chosen by the reserved We The We and retiring tape please them $09 nearest type loexnn have preference forhold warm colors llldlxll orange red hrils liont yellow and iirlkhslorlh binationsoi block and will serous amounts of elcctrlc bin and emerald green also pie this type Redheads lt claimed react tayorably tohriiiloot humpin clndiog bright version at yellow and hiueWnrm browno rush violet ana grayed huea Mauve wslisi with green sntl ydiow fabric accents do wonders as abackground or the Titian haired while deep r9ds Viavend uegreens orange and to bacco brown are all becoming to hnmetteé Particularly attractive to brunettes late walls painted salt purpleblue with chameuan in draperies and unhol slery him ownnasinrn Blondesmkgxeneraiwgo in salt most any variety For afflict room Buyblue walls and deep blue fabrics with muted Efeen accentrare flattering rho some room hot with coppercolored walls makes gay rotor is vivacious hionde While yourare concentrating on the whysand whereiores of paint colors it is great help tore member Law salient facts Col ors are relative and must he seen together Warni and zonal colors should be mixed inevery room Artificial light usually changes oolorsoatudy individual col ors in both day and night light seems to lean to cool clear hlnes greens and panels like hale mien stays belies ivory and in end Tim them the bureau ttemptto find mow thucewomon mess the value of their tormoi educa suave asoapaNan Through National Employment Service officers the bureau also iracolleclins intvrmotian about what women think about joh training Miss1t cc said th Toronto CA owis exploring the pos illty of doing stuck project on individual or group job coun selling ior women returning to wnrlc The National Council of Women surveyenucirotlit drawn froml acomprehenslve report bythe Montreal rCouncil Women found that women goihg backto work had thatmoot difï¬culty entering competitive fieldaauch as politicJemima real estate nodinvestments uniesstbey had very special qualifications The most promising occupa tions includedteaching nursing social and gum work numer one business occupationsvrequixu tog secretarial and stenpgraphy work and in sales and services occupations where the older womans knowledge and interest in homemakers needs were con sideredanadvantage Home Join the hundreds been wtvu wing covers on nau at noonL vintpm sin new mamaAdul Alma Lllutartunmls mortal as iaily during the weeks d1MW HRH DIETITIAN 3M1 iii no no camm er an as ed hySouth Peei education board for being too generouswith her Wm finance committee report to didath there we deficit last year of $112 in the operational sixdcaletezihsslin tlEboardgnfacc on aryo on neariorooto Business admlniatrator Brown said the dendt could only be explained hyvtha operator giv log too generous servingsinnd the ghouali hi and served Hesald uevndvlsed the woman her services would not he re quiredioivthe coming term fihisnietltlonielho pin on if if itiisri us em up said trustee Jnhucndpweu Chairman Elmer right and trusteeer Smitb bloated the dietiflanrheiog belittled for serving large helping They said she should be commended not criticized pa 34661 Pltlt MVIIJII Your itiirn specials ANNUAL ACATION HOSIERYiSALIS seem moo sa roMonow AY Theyre our own famws Evangelinenylons theyre alisolmelyï¬rstquality andgood value at regularpricea and now for this yearly onlwc malt them wonderful vanuni beyon téet opportunity while solac hasL Choose train our tuitionright shears In sizes saasonahloshariuto Now $11er reg $1 oruuv FASHIONED styles enemas is cause 019M Veda OPEN FRIDAY