regrowing the ammooywosa cmiyiupeen tutha least staggering it soonnth luvs completely metered the llrdiars whehave cut agid baled so much oi lt bui wont appear in he hesitant in gathering it into the barn have never so long even with the halos Many iields am Icood crop most hiding the bales that still lie in the iield The past week has shown some concern among the hay crop owners who have started to gather in the sales which in some iields adieuthick there is hardly room ior the wagons to get between them Hay is plen tiiul and thebig dairy farmer who usually goes out to buy up iieids or standing hay is ï¬nding plenty at his own prices Thu condition is not the some all across Canada as onlythis week Western farm journal told of thesearclty ct iodder in 1Sasatchewan The shortage oi rain there has depleted the hay crop and government agencies are arranging to locate hay ln other provinces adjoining this big cattle feeding country it could be that Ontario feeders who have harvested their hay will be able to buy Western iced erson forced market this iail When the wheat begins to turn onerealizcs that the summer is past the centre mark and we can wonder what the results at this planting will be FALL WHEAT It looks like is bigvcrop oi 0n iario iaii wheat throughout these parts The heads are well tilled and the stand is good of course there are many things that could change tbisbciore the harvest With combines now being used extensively the harvesting docs notitaira place so early in the days oi the binder and smoking the grain was allowed to harden in the stock Now the farmer must sit back and watch it and wait or the grain to harden so it will he well beyond gt the heating point when he starts tbeharvest it must be ready to all oil belore it can be properly processed with the combine otherwise there will be per SHELEURNE Ont About 100 violinists proiessionai and amateur will gather Aug at this gviliage midway between Toronto and Owen Sound for the annual Canadian oldtime iiddling competition Eortwo evenings the sound of stamping teen clapping hands and the highvpitcbed wail of old time fiddle songs Will be heard At stake will be trophies for the Canadian Open Oldtithe Fiddling Championship the Shelbume Open Cha nship andithe Nov elty Championship plus nearly 52000 in cash prizes The Canadian open now in its intb year and regarded as the most important fiddling compeih tion in North America will bring contestants from throughout Can ada andthe United states Ned Landry Saint Jdlin Nl3 musician and 20 year oldEd Gyurki Woodstock 0nt bonk keeper who was last years Cana dlan open ehampianrare expec ted to highlightenmpatition this year Vi W0 1956 AND 1957 OPEN llandry37 who fiddled his way to the l956and 1957 titles gave no the crown last year to Mr Gyurki when he discovered at the last moment becouldoot make the trip to i0ntario Vaencii stored Notian no at may on tartrm Wwamim and knowing that his taming activi ties were confined solely to grain wait that this iield ur overm acres was worth coin nientirnni the owner Maw nica once high school teacher and later on losuranoovageot in an eastern Ontario city is now harming the lsoacre iarin alone This is the borneplace oi the oldest armor inmiiy in this part oi Ontario He hires very little help only for iew days it be hnssuchiobsaabalesothayto bandieior which he has not this year required help so for He uses all the modern methods of operating the iarrn and can be seen out on his equipment when ever tbcre is term operation to he done He does this and still has time tospend at his summer cottage each year and to look alter the management of Strand Tele phone Company which takes plenty oi nighttime meetings BARLEY TOP QUALITY We asked him about thebar ley which looks like very top quality crop He said the field contained some macros and was special varietyoimalting har lcy known as Parkland The seed was developedin Manitoba and has been sold across Ontario for the past icw years we counted few sample beads and found there were six rows oi seed in bead and as many as to 25 seeds in row This would give an average of nearly hundred tonne increase in yeld Mr Wurnica sowed the ground which is top quality clay loam oi the Bondheao clay classiï¬ cation with six peels to the sore and used about 125 pounds to the acre of 42420 fertilizer which was recommended follow lng soils testing This lield of barley may be equalled in other places but we doubt if there ill be any which will outyield There are dicouple oiiarge fields at oats as well as wheat and the barley on thisiarmbut egrapher from Fork Riveri Man New Brunswick provincial it is just little early to esti mate the oat yield as the head The Shelburne contest which usually triples the villages pop ulation of 13410 and packs the 40Wseat communityarena was started in 1950 to settle an argu ment between two area ï¬ddlch as to whether youngsters or old timers were the best iiddlers Sponsored jointly by the Shel hurne Rotary Club and the CBC which broadcasts an hour of the contest on the first night the competition has so iar indicated anaverage age of open title ingo process is taking pliicc and the weather and rain will it up produce a3welliiliedoat that Will average as poundsto the bushel or over These pros peels look above the average in these parts has been raising its owners crop every year ior nearly 150 years will be among the topl producers this year Aeneas Goon generation has iaded out in this part of the country is apples We called in at the Rothwell 0r cbards in Giliord where over 75 acres of new trees have been planted in the The owner when he was about to retire from the Hydro system where he was one of the top engineers decid ed that he would develop api ples in his home area He has gone atthis scientiï¬cally and has had wooderiul success Robert Bayes who last month celebrated his 90th birthday and were shown arouiidee orchards Fiddlers Turiiflng Up New ragAug competition champion Ivan Curtlsvliicks is also of Saekville or is isyearold Tommy Meieskl oi Kirkland Lake 0nt who ie centiytook secondplace ina loribcmsOntario regio al con Esh brought riddich trons Maine New York Kentucky lindiana and Ohio the Simeon Couh anEltl wnnmqa sunvays cth to see the clusters oi iruithang ing so thick tome limbs these young trees they bad be thinned oil The early varieties hiave already been done but there are still thousands at trees to go over liay from an adjoining farm was being hmutmf which is put around thayounger trees to keep thsmoistum around the roots and add to their growth until the roots are big enough to take the growing load Wo lcameduthat spraying ls theanswei to growing apples successiully This has to be done at regular intervals from spring until the apple is ready to ripen Unless the trees are sprayed with various insecticides there just will be no saieabicriruit The fly that directs thctrees is there and the old apple trees that abound in the fences and in old orchards keep them around so that the wit growerrnust light continuous battle However he can win and the proof of this can be seen in the large storage houses and other facilities that are around the Rothweil Orchards Mr Boyes is remarkable for man or his age and keeps fatherly eye on all the progress oi theiruit besides being top ootch public relations man tor the farms which are stillox panding their plantings There will be enough estor eve one at this Si this tall MCKAY IN HOSPITAL SALEM Ore AP Former interior secretary Douglas Mc Kay as was placed in an oxygen tent Monday at StilemGenerai Hospitalioliowing recurrence oi heart ailment Hospital at tendants said McKay former Dragon govemor spent restful day and his condition was de scribed as good McKny cur rently is chairmanof the llS section of the International Joint Commission dealing with US Canadian Water problems to do with theweight The oidWarnlca farm which Another crop that in the past last to years Elmer Rothweil We talked to his manager Youngest competitor to enter so Entries as year so the winners of about 31 years But the dispute is still unsettled with contestants rangingjn age irom 19 to 78 This year Wayne Sleepy Mar lin 43 Louisville Ky radio and television performer will do tend tbenoveity titlebe has held for the last six years WESTERN ava Contestants for the Canadian championship come mostly from Qntnrio and the Maritimes This year for the iirst time western contestant hasentered He is Ken Cameron aoyéarold CNR tel Entries iromtlie Maritimes in cludea wpmao Mrs June Eik hard is lot Sackville NB who entered last year but became ill tbenight tieiorethe contest and fOPERATIONNlADBALL THE RED BARN THEATRE Jacksonfs Point on one event crannies destiny July 20 in TUNNELor Loved ing lhuesdtsy Eridgy NJOY THE cool jar lice opens it 0w derwritérs Associatlon lt iylnisteel and Ratepayers Assoc Lion Former activities havainelud edTown Council Public School Board and Chinch Hockey 1838 at the All MOTORISTS lorty cars daywturn onto Grov stPect thinking it leads to Highway 409 complains resident Ralph wesymouth Mr Weay mouth wrote to city council sog gesting signs on Baylleld street to correct the situation which he described as really noincon venience Council replied this has now been done onosnsr assas Georgian ay Development Association submitted brlei to the federal government protesting insight rates General tone is that subsidia such as Crows Nest Pass special rates have come ï¬nm revenuelrom other areas suctias this POflPONIJ DERBY Canadian chion in Barrlo postponed its Soap Box Derby scheduled ioi same ay as the Queens visit date Sept 12 Place Toronto street NAME BARBIE PLAZA New shopping centre at High way 400 and Anne street is to ba named Barrie Plaza Num bering catmat be properly done irorn any abutting streets spas vicepresident anddirec tor intcnos to move his ilyto landoo at the end oi Mrs liarsis the too theyhbave hence each there will have plaza number swanr ovnnmss Beard oi Transport has given iinai permission for city to con struct roads over CNR crossings atMaln street and Mary street Former will start almost ink mediatciy ACCORDIONISTS PASS Beverley Handel with 87 per cent was top otriocal students cram ined recently by the Can dian Accordion Teachers As sociation Otiicrï¬rado One cordion students passed were Robin Howard Eddington Barry Kinch Georgina Cole Margaret Mary Viicock Jim Bra ald vBrtmstead David siman wannvo scnooi Ross Caldweilr Sprucedale FarmBar this among select group of more than gt100pr sioaal musicians attending the Fred Waring Workshop at Dele waie Water Gap Pennsylvania this week Toe six day highly concentrated course is taught by the same instructors who train the famous Waring Penn sylvanians and is personally headed by Fred Waring Chiefme mmi ol the Alex Police Department who became well hnown to Barrio residch during his win Baz riein thetaie thirties and whiia stationed with the RCMPi at ck while holidaying atMsr tin Lake 40 miles north at North Bay JCbtei Ira yearsintiian gt He was ï¬rstslniimad at Camp Borden and then was loaned to Fleet Aimit Lid ntFort Erie During World War Iiihe Wed at the aircraitplan as chic security ofï¬cer Chic Traves leaves hkrwilo seamed is ANDLGENEBAL Borden tiled hi1heai1 to tinderinsurance te éface up to theprohlem onceand for all you much easier than you Let us show you wto cut apprehension initiation not Slitliliiiti riiiis as