In $8000 tobaild an auditoriiun KingEdwsrd sehooL gt Everyone willreiuemberbow council ulsle outed resoluti the board to build the ad tioo and how the hoard askedli eounelliwould Ices rerpo usihility Iorthead fluoro buck was posed bodies 10 issued an churches In parklnz MWi ments for same mains and the new iboPPins centre Ono more lion im will be the erossloz at street over the EMU rightotwny£hlslsgolngtobe Council tonight will slso find itself called on to make do elslon on the Nottawnusa non rervatlon Authority Ramon are we may expect Geoli Glenn who so nearly bulldozed the pro poeal through meeting oi el looted municipalities last month to Itiend council meeting he in delegation from the Run as and Anslers Conservation Cluh oi which he in dent to urge the city islhers petition for or sgln menu urity But ltir Glenn would do well to give something lawn to Cl Council also its can say thank you nttbe end or it sodium in other business But letterihas to be dealt with byoesolutlnn and it is well to see whether council is in loci for orlegin the authority Ildermen can listen politely necessary now councilman pro vided tree parking lpace more than 200 can the other sideoltheliue Allinailitloalrsllkeshusyi and late evening for those elected to nerve as LENGTH AGENDA Councilhas lensthy agenda There are saved committee re ports to consider one of which least will occupy Izlnt oi at teatlon It is the report oi the trniflc Committee on soietyi measures onitunaway Hill otherwise known as Bnylleld street and contains farroadi lns proposals incliidlnz recom mendations to senior lovern mentiho observant will have noticed warning slen wnloh has lately appeared at in of the hllh advising drivers at the dangers awaiting them vCouncils deliberations will be of apeelelinterestto some highrecline students lhu$ driver truck driver the owner soiimniiii Bob Pickering and Mum Smith at No to School expect to enlor Collingwood Collediato in Sestemher Mr deH LS Grant and Mr and George Cut ham left last Sunday for the west aru provinces Mrlnud MrsDavid kitsch andXou also Mrs Lebeek ofiDetroltwere Sunday visitors of an Mrs JLeheois who will 81 years old in October is Mrs Brillingers aunt Mi and Mrs James Freetliy of Toronto are spindles couple is twaan with Mrs Reassess iniehael audit Cook Mr and Mrs Tarn Pindi Ayimer spent couple days lost week with John WEhiheldliI Mr and Mrs Norman Taylor and Cathie spent the weekend withthelrpareuta hirs Wilson nndiamily of Men espent niewdmre cently with the farmers sister Mrs may ook Ernie Bristow his beenholiday ing tor weekin Toronto with sister Mrs liarmen Taylor Larry Elliott and DougHAm mett oi Melton have beepvcamp in or sweeten the wide open speech on the smile tha torm ersunele and lint Mr and Mrs John Morgan Mrs Thornton Bristiow or Stay he spent last week at the home ol her daughter Mrs Keith Her very and family jMurray an Carol Moiarlane ofCleervie tow days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Fred McFarlnne Paul Craig of Stayuer is holi dnvius th coiisiM Roger and Maura Harvey tors of Cooks of in Nelson Freetliy and Miss Linda Moore of Toronto On Saturday Ed Allen fvlehart died Mr and Mrsiewis Allen Mr and Mrs AILTSYIDT and Mrs Howard McFarlnna ah tended the fiuiernl of their uncle esday rs Carl MullahTom and shnisyoi Burris also Mr and Mrelzlnrnes Freethy of Toronto were Thinsddy visitors or Mr rend Mrs Lewiska Mr and MrsSheldon quibam are present in Toronto where sheidon lsï¬nttendlng Ontario College ofArL Mr and Mnsï¬ewis cook si tended the Tracey Reunion uly at Sprinngiter Park nossisiw Out cr Fenheli or Toronto beat Maxwell War nï¬Londau0nt 1249 and mens Mrs Ben Brllilnger he and Mrs FredCook With Camera his new tively displayed in an auéihssi contour hsdzet bag Miss Dorothy awry stands beside the new camera bar at Reeves Jewellers All the memhsndlee is altssod Sill sixtynine yearslleeves Jewellers have been in business During that time we have seen many chansonhoth locally and the national trout One thing however has not chaiiged our rigid policy of continuously and sittware We have never wavered irom this policy For generationsnow 319 name of Beaver Jewellers has been synonymous with excellence in our field nndthe public all deuce placed in most gratifying Recently to broaden our se lection of glitwnrol we established our fAroundtheWorld Gli Sling offering an exdueive choice or original gilt misses ions from every part of the world or those discriminating who wantysometliing erent us has been Dr Torontowas for mom niWitiii Réeves Poliev offering only the ï¬nest jewellerys In denomination oithe CanndianDeutel Meow tton It its suniisl meetingln Halifax in June loss Dr Mira native of Henley Seek is associategirolessor pebidentlee at the Universl airmen pr rector assure comer Kualnlumnur capital oi the Federation oi MalIyI started about less as iiimining settl meat in thejaunt case right at the rout of the store You are invited to come in MM Mretlnl lovelytco servedby unless Jiiuiiniies GENEVA hymn dammfielimred oilunnd mug WMS meetinx was held Tue day evening It the home oi Mrs Smith The sympathy at the villain goesioinenmimnyinrne things ill in who roxvo ism in was Communist partytodny virtnam admitted ltwlll iuiito EM its ambitious 575L000mton mm production sool lor 1259 lNithout naming him by organ the pins Peo sudden deathoiitheirhmband plea Dally orlticiud Premler and lather Norman Dunn and see the supplierthat aro lavallahle for amateur ander Minna photographer alike NEW CAMERA em Now it is with mixed emolt tinns tliatwe open our new Cam era Bar pride in the fine quailtycarnera line listo selected yet bumble apologies that we have not pre viously had such complete ilueii cameras Invites to our youstomers We too ithat the ad dition of our Camera ar will complete our seleetion of fine jewellerYyrhinn and giitware and we are conï¬dent that you Will honour our choloe with patronage We invite our regular cus rtomers to come in soon to look over ousting selectinnof pro olsioumhde Japanese Yasiilca Oiii and Minolta cameras and ec censoriesl£ you are not yet ac qualuted with ReeVes Jewellers please do come to browse around andbecome acquainted It will be our pie ure to meet and to serv you Advt minimum iniiiLMiimiiai it Hit Iain steal oliup triumphantly roomful picture warnow semi qmie and res Io annual iightarthanastnndnrddine usesmails Chou mlnts demands tut April James Taylor Toronto Snent two days with his family here He that the country boost its amen tiiral production by so per neat over 1959 consistent in our policy iii of ierins only the finestAqunlity merchandise Weetneeves Jaw eliers have diosen two or the linest predsiaaiinade Japanese carnerasfltor our new Centers Barnihelashlcn and the Min olte carnone all the woridiainous Japanese camera craitsmanslilp designedior slrn piicity of ogeratlon and high est stander of photographic leasure Everyone from the ginnenstnge amateur to the critical proiessionai will appre elite thesequalltles So make it point to choose your next earners at Reeves Jewellers end be pleasantly surprised in two waysT at the economy and at the superb quality yet ease or operation oi any Yashlcaor Minolta camera or accessoo ACCESSORIES Themany accessories youoev sire for taking and shown younpielures are available at Rseveroew earners harp th lain in or Yashlcs comer gt Jr MINOLTA ration features New Yeshlea 44 takeslfl pionee ï¬ï¬o rollbinokandwhite color or the picture In entriesLome Railways in Britain had 15094 steam locomotives in 1959 oom Vpms witnmoo in min PICTURE TAKING P0PiliiliiliOBBji Phi become over tom the out few years the hobby of thousands oi people Nowr people of Barrie and district who are not already on gaged in this pastime can do so line low priced guality Radiator GiillliEi BHES it 17 Lililii METERS no ThiPllllS our who riiisa till 111250 Speeds éi¢yot erinsapedrnens relating whettbeyï¬nd here to what therwheen issrninzlrom text is sponsored by sits aity Oxford Ohio whlgh because oi projects likeilis has ii outstanding produe geologist lorvmsny years The fleldiamp lsin the char threeMiarni seolozy oroiessoro Dr Karl Limper Dr Wayne Martin and Dr James Bever The atndentsfiiow on the field camp epresenttheitrst hrmienro and will com plete their four weeks here July relive the fun in yourlife with the new ici Whether you seek that WV movie amen or remnant in home moviu seq thluurlashiiees Patagonia quality compare to instruments costing more then twins the gt priceoasIoloperstionpra Vduoel sparkling mute hon tho very out me Mina llontiim bender ruin sharï¬xluhlknr 19 lIrisor sea Ittuhlueutl Infill on eonhiwmdw so on ol nau mu VJewelle rs Bunion St HrKnowleiI EzraCCU allies saidthe puma 3551 ahlein Bl ke north The win relied use constitution ï¬fth on out Annii Joflontredl ow The Merchant sirx ihreadiéeegll Sitwu the longish VV 7iisiiiii 11 cm napeiii romanomit souum New Yuhien 635 uses in and 35 jtilm features umiaotoniatloilim trans mit fmns and viewing for both ï¬lm was with ï¬lm sought for 36min Other teo hues indudemntched 85 color ooriodad lenses Iiiub tee speeds to 1m second MmWï¬MM REEVES