violations There is much to be saidfor the as sociations attitude The Association lievea that constableetlme is being wasted on these infractionajndon tag ging or cars which have overstayed path in privileges nouce traiiie duties have increased enormously in the paatdocade duo prin cipally to the development or metered areas and sharp boost in the number of cars on the road Metering cailsgfor close supervision or parking andfror the employment or more and morercon stables on this work cmersot reuse the raetthat 18115 192993 which anyone with large proportion 01 nroutlue work believe that special constables shouldjbe engaged to do checking onparkingj AtmrneyGeneral Roberts has advo Ophiions bf other Newspapers DEFINITE EYESORE Creemore5tnr The abandoned rigbtofway ot the Canadian National Railway fromtheemore to Allistoa has become ddinile eyesore across this 3an as Simcoe County The steel rails wooden hes and all bridges etc were removed three cars ago and the rightoiwav has since revertedto nature shrubbery andweeds have groom up Accord ingly the entire areais becoming less valuable zveryyeer As we sec it perlyls valuelus except to the owners of the1farnistlirooghwhieb it pluses lielieke the ONE wonld=be wise in deedni the land big all smov slowly The closing up 01 the stubrailway line from Creamoreio Golllngwood in long been mntlu pated There atemo traekmcn looking after the rightofway and it dingly is going tclbe aocor dogs The time is ripeforsome dflinlta action thc gt1 and department to handle thousands who make pay interest on such Banks today havelarge the savings accounts at the use of them Theynot only deposits but also permit ch against them For this small charge whichis arinore than offset by tha convenience and security and worthwhilenus of having savings account invariably deplore minimiimvot train ing could carry out satisfactorily They be written the power9 spacialco said there could be oompil 1n the light or Iwyhatgisldone in the City ntBerrie the complicationsonvis 1agedlby the atwmayoenerai seem purely academicai The poilcs force here has one constable employed prinplpally ror that purpose and the nintho seems to be most effective Perhaps the mismé to consider parkingregulationa law in the initial sense 02 the word No oneshould be considered 1a criminal becausehe breaks oriniringes parking regulation be it in connection witna meter or in the matter of where avelilcle is parkedAnd if this premise is accepted there seems no reason to look poll those officers who see that parking reguiitions are en torvoed as law enforcement officers they are surely coilectgrs of fines imposed by municipalities on those who broketho rules of the game gt Almost without exception everyone could says little even it at lirst was pom dollar week Its the obit that counts Its way of lite way of thinking about ones lia ances itsan attitude that says with determina tioo n1y money belongs inmy accountatlhe bank There it is safe and there it will stay ea cept for such expendiurcs as in my wisdom decde to make Wane wbo adopts such habit will ba delighted to see his bank balance growing at an accelerated rateHe will enloy some of see curity and a1peaco of mind that the strlclly cashminded individual will never experience ornnderatand DANGEBS 0N mwu morass Owen Sound SunTimes For great many young people and some not so young there seems to be certain challenge abouta railway trestle To walk the highly sus pended tracks is often taken as signal couraxe omelliing tobe done on Or perhaps theyd short cut tosom herea fellow is going could go Generally there is no real hurry fellows just dreamingalonz And that ls act which adds to very real danger which always lurks on such res Ms seepsyJoget out on one of these bri es beloré realizing where they areThenil train approaches thereiua moment of panic They may be able to run it out and get of sater So often they cannot makeil Jhe tran cann op inrtime and life is lost Warnings help Buttbere will elwaysbe ladswho must be told again and again They just cannot understand how there could be deathly peril Sure there is always the risk of baigh train But so oiten it is viewed as at seaming Italiii minim orf scum uKLaaoa1msuactmmr ore than By Mom HOOD mauwnntonunn at five articles dealing with labor managemcntnnd indoor aul relations lathe onus mum LONDpN During the period oiliyearslram1947lqli157thn lastv complete figures available Canadianindustry lost three an Inï¬leveu Lasthre Days Thail the tromthe experience therehas grown recouisedsechnlqua loi achieving settlements of disc pulse without resorting to strikes extreml is abalftimesasmanymandays of labor through industrial strik uasdid the Zindos ea oi the United Kingdom Figures estab lishingth were given in an cheod intBiVlew by lainlid brltlsh minister otlabor siantlato hlsclaim made House 1of Commoner that the British system industrial or Giving ligureswhich had not previously been published Mr Mecmod gave the following re cord of days lostiin strikes per workers over the 11 yearn tabla rand important lectorla and workers can eet moods industrial what are known lt ea Joint lndilstrlal Collndll made up ot equal number of epreseotatives managementwitb ministry of labor iialstmbflicersitï¬nslnns advlsor talkoy thelrnihblflljlvf enunciiha ll noresalv plan ml9 bk Wendi face at repeated attacksby lettlt Wake winger Aneinln Nye Bevan kriesob steps inlthc mat majority oloases results agreement being redched can of the ln Pl in negotiatl disputes when in deï¬nite popmuzing it All or am stieuedous thing claimto be made shamed tact thalBritaln hasbad cusnétancea negrdot labor cost liuin V3 SW2 Ng Gm tons years ando icgia tion no to deal with industrialdisputes not own inharoesatoralongtlmn lire horses seldom retireever thin elva two considerations one would could bavegreat importance his decision One is whetherhe to hand the party ever without The second is whether there is or will be malor meat Mr Frost is an mix Meantime Parti Headless Keeping British Labor Unity2 arise there cl of negotiation H1 the shop level 91 Mahatma gispinting reflection as the commutator party is petnelly on the boILiTabo one kettia all the lire andanother torts to That may be Hugh Geltakclla artys chief cook1 and bottle washer contemplates the sad and finally to JDim mans state otius kitchen ifthe issue instill For years pamjleader Gal kell tried tokeep his big discar MW dant opposition party tngcther in level short of iscipline within the union the in vleader Fr Now THREAT Now Bevaiilias joined tbelasna and Gaitskell confronts new threat to party unity from union Cousins tall 55 yearold orkahlremaa who has introduced an element of =pure enrolled into labora eareh for Theseroouncll meet regularly close is another factor whichrnuim P9X nude reveals unauthorized an un it strikes trom breaking in discuss all lypu of problems hich can arise and they result at theTransport andGeneral Workers Union conference on the way wouldbeabla Tbmhnlbecnquitou mild outlawyank dmshlywould be good dmslor the prairiesJo step out Es hucompleted coextensive program and thereon no large loose cadahangipg over The writer has hunch how there baone mom she would to do This is to get mass program ofnortbcrn developmentundue IP11 labia ya when he hasth of the nortbhiithevpeat And to foster pomam thatde send it ahead In blzshldea could be enough at tinge to make conttn allies attractive on enema the depthFund an cerity of anti bomb sentiment says it iaireaily not enough to say that because you love your lamily you insist that defence policy must not be based on on elm WWW In his his ot Man speech on dayettheendhewaatrem blunt and strained of laceCons ihs said people talk as though Britain would be expendahlain any future war COST VMEB do not allow anyone to talk about my family and my fam ilys tutors thatway said the former coal miner and longdis tance truck driver Cousins denied flint his action will split the labor movement but the consensus is that this new symptom oidiserrny in opposi tion ranks will cost laborwotec at tbegeneral election expected in midOctober Those who1kncw Coualnsfeel sure that be sincere when he harmonious rileticns also in hnational ï¬feï¬ittive of many matters ag settle as very for they each the disput era of discipline of lower level gï¬fmhgggaï¬oxï¬raimvf mm Lu United states tags metals who precipitate wildcat gisekdugglicy on weaponsarm The above figures for Western FEW ANNUAL CONTRACTS es on Germany and Italy cover the bgnglmzrgisï¬aaixe in effect this actionbylarlb years train 194 to 1957 only meex°euem mike suspended and nubed Mm alnsvblggest unionrepresenting 1191 Mm 111 exam at we are was =11 the scenarios Boyne Ivy Lodge 450 with neérly moiem munist countriesm which indus mm contacts between mm Emu that Jr datéreput oar emu beret1nd handed by ivy Bend took the prize try is statecootrolled and gm Mm Conn3 1mm giggle arrows simmers We We made we no um um as oe venue hi on can occe Forrmmce am ms gt thenivernorial ce at thecenotaph PostOifice 13 7959 WNWMi 1956 min mien may be Home in Square Wre were placed oneAminutxEs T119333 W5 Wad 19 at which lived in and line plant In the antomo lie in alience was observed and Trumpeter KenW some inquiring the 35°95 they are mu wrung er um duelW fprrinstaiice therei are sounded Last Post tor the low tigure ottune lost me connect as many 85221um005 mg Nine persona figured specthcular rescue in strikes in the UnitedKingdom lactorycjn such cases however alter their 2n footmotnr launch had gone to the comparedwith Canada andme Th 0°de wwmt ihere isa joint negotiatingcom bottomo LskeSimcoe They hadbeen in the other countries 5993 it d0 mittee representingnil the oual strmng up the time termite ren wsl shys he is not interestedinfu tendiog his soilnuclearsampaign into bid for party leadership His forthright opposition intact will probably rally centsrand rightwing socialists around GaiiskellBeven axls The labor spilt thlarflme may erefvre be less profound than in the days when Bevan withhia strongpersaoal followings in 11er oapasiuqn Ito the official lina Nevertheless it may streng thenthevimpiesaionLjamongindo such as The Times and Manches Pendent 0m 13 13W 115 ter Guardian shake their editor mm 1an is headsgsorrowtully They re as were Chung atone lodnl ha 09103101 3P9 ï¬rstwbnypwzrant aedhldeï¬gdï¬ 1203111191 problem it is justfor the sake of poiit Th factgis tha th storget about Kingdom 159 isleof Man Thursday Cousinsp ada 732 Australia 775 Italy 1M Belgtunifm France 10 tNews olFornier Years worthiva dying art was revived at Phelpstoii Where about 60 active semiactive and frankly dorm antbaroraisers gathered at Pat Donovans and iierb Morreaus to raise barn as set by 56 long andtook snbourand The crowd attending was es eel Many of the younger ones had never raised barnbelore many of the older onesadmitted it was dying art but not decadent one 11 started raising the barn at 230 pm and ï¬lms ed thesame night Dave Kenoey directing the gbï¬reportedthateveryfliing went along splen Thfle was verylarge attendance of tello CNR emplo es at the funeral of Conductor SJSte ilayes who was killed under moving freight train at Gravenhursr yards noucr Serious iti newspe moms ram and win otticials of the Trades 011 has about two hours on Congress sgainstany one union bringing Keswi keptatlnat obyaix ilfepreservels for thedul labor and €591de of labor Following private service at his late resideu 165 Bradford St Barrie1Rev Dean St Marys tery Pallbearers ere fellowr emyioyees McMiilnn Brennan Alex McKinnon Brennan GeorgerWe andRobert De ronto Many flowers iriends and from the also mass cards fromthe of present tram outof town The largest orange Barrie was on July ofthe 101 making parade mike me 4000111 hers made meny bandeiwhich two miles tour of dnd Mrs Kirkwood Toronto andtwoof ill Toronto and as for the adul all prep ed and strapped kept two small cusli for himself ther dults were Mrs Mia Georgina Unales ions 11an Joe Corooran Toronto litiLelroannd the Corcoréa maid Corcorans historylob 12 see wben 159 units reconnaissance The surprsiug thing about these talks were that they produced the same set oi ans from the three group The decision to ansler Amer lcanifightel bombers and some from France toB tain brutally Wests fail contracts for since provision strike but Alt does strike whichwould throw all the workersoutof em meat without thefullvcvnsen vlhe otherunlo Thlsxdoes not vent one department have restraining inflnen Unemploymen DiseaSe 393 Ivory olution oes not contain what the whole thing Outlewghe jectLhanit from therealm of any not policy but an hide dictated by sincere and or table emotion ï¬lmsManchester guardian also Economics Writer wonders lags argrahdeurad tn ea few inquiries among the employe ter andvl bavereceived ed trad cm middling mixer and how immigrants have been taken by movingso Canadawhy Mfliey leave the old untry unemploymentl on ly unemployment ould be reclas cl Letapu it alongside some of the other annex DOWN stoma fllnemployment tie ti should be available in more brokenidown form rather than the flat statement way of present ingthem llow about getting the facts by areasurban and sub than by narlrtlm wpente pperttime farmer parttime but cher etc7 Lot Viind out whothe Wa wlll us along with leswellasthehiligetide the available butnotoapable list asonal Jcontro Va is major nation al incurable disease ANONYM warram The writer of theabove wishes tobe anonymous He spent sev eral months under observation in military hospital The doctors advisedhim not to return to his trade 1but to seekwork that hehold notput any strain on his That is an individual case of what may becalled an industrial casually for whichtbere provision But what about the present situation in general and the periodlcrecurrence of naem ploymentls ï¬iat too disease The dictionary rleflnmvas neck poiitl lens are prescribing grpgnsivelonlos in the form social securities higher wages somg and triage beneï¬ts 1whichsonly aggravaw thediseas ersosceped Friday night iron is groupof inmates ofthe chce ville Penitentiaryiform 17 miles orthol hero duringda be hell th rlsongrounds ldenflfledaas