monstrous v1s1rj0llc coups County wecd inspectors 1mm all parts oi Ontario are pre ently holding their annual con tinuous at the Ontario Agri cultilralCollcge Guelph Top les oi dismslon include new herblcldm and selective com IINNIISFIL TABLE ROADS PROGRAM lnnlslil roads chairman De puty Reeve Cochrane placed motion on the table at the last meeting of council which out lined the proposed program oi work to be done on township roads this year The list covers the Iollowing finish reconstruction work done an 20 sideer south endIre build 9th concession line lot to construct 12th lino west from Holly to the Essa townline rebuild section same line from Highway 11 to lot is tralghteri all sidcroad Mrs Ferriersstore trim hnish for safety construct I3th concession 1t sideroad east to bridge construct in sideroad sndstraighteo curves Highway ll south to 12th concession re gravel and oil 14th concession in sideroad to Highway ll The aboveis to be carried out is fat as theviunds will permit Any addl onal 1projects would 7require supplementary bylaws This is the first time we have seen the roads programmf any council placed on paper The roads inspections done early in theyear by the entire council usually take couple of days when the members drive the em tire roads and suggestions are made verbally on what should he alone Tbeseare passed along to the roads superintendent who works away at them as long as time and funds perm lf cer tain projects are let at the freezeup they are brought for ward mother year This year roads chairman Dochrane has tabled what came out of the road inspection trips motion was tabled to arrange certain authority tor the super visor to be guided by regard ing clearing of fence bottoms where construction was being done It was felt that some dir action to work on was needed However the motion was lost ai ter secondvote and the hand ling of these matterswas leit to best way they can be at the time and place Farmers desir ing to clean up their roadside fence bottoms especially where the obstructions cause snow blockage are honused 50 per pen of thercosts at present It was felt that Where construction was carried out this plan should alsnybe in effect Winter and perhaps they will be glad to take share of the costs was thersuggestion made by one member of council WILL SENDDEnannoN Associa was decided tha dele would wait on the council at their next meeting and place some requests before them to do with matters of interest to the betterappearance and conditions at the beach nrrcn AND PARKING commloNs he Dizllimore who operates arsummer are and par at attllefoot of the uthlllllgasled that some work he done on the ditch which on the road allow anee This chmakes parking ntvelii diiï¬cultrantlp pers getting into their perv One ggestion was the tilingolthe itch an covering Raiks Barrie infinitesimal amount Phorus nergraflrlnoi ware trol oilaisan weeds In the photo weed inspectors are seen discussing the in florwooncc oi Hemmpane one otthe many weeds com mon to Qatarin lelt to OTES ruin log allocated to the Brndiord and other areas at the end of the summer term last year Pupils up to midsummer were being paid or under the county pupils charge the amount of this being the account rendered At this time the township has no means at collecting this amount until new levy can be made on the part of the township that was beneiitting from this cou1nty pupil6 charlie it will mean about three mills Councillor Torrens stat ed Th pupils previously paid for lnthismnnnerarenowapart of the Bradtord area and had been attendinglelroy Continua tion School It was suggested that iunds may have to be bor rowed to pay the county APPEAL ASSESSMENT The hearing the appeal oi Innlsï¬l and Vespra on the levy assased to these townships as the costs oi Barrie District Col legiate will be held July Awaiting this hearing is the approval oi debentures which the district board wants so it can get on with additional rooms needed to seat the next years in reasedattendnnce Notice has been sent to the townshipslhat unless they have agreed to the guarahiee of these debentures by date early in September they will be required to hold vote of the ratepayers of the arearand decide it they desireto continue in the Barrie area and send their pupils to that school Innisfil has withheld the deben ture approval awaiting the de cousin of the assessment rate feeling that it would bias their case if they continued to approve debentures The Bradford ap peal is still awaiting decision of media during the last five years rats by exposure to strong coir centrations oi smoke have provided striking nega peflect example of cooperation In Westeroldeiencethat Is more talked than practised The land conventional equipment and per sonnel are Canadian the secret equipmentmuch oi the money are American and the informat Ijolo gthrled willI befuscd tohelp em can orce rotect Canada Ontario Dept oi Highways 3m Newmnrket Ed Thorn ton Woodstock Stephen son3rantiord and Dr Young or the GAO Field llus bandry Department Guelph Mcyhntfll CancerExperlmeni Defence against rcaui has In two aspects You have to tlnd the LONDON Reuters Expos ï¬Ã©adly mom and then destroy The problem of tracking lo range missile has been comp to induce lung cancerln mice and live result scientiï¬c report is sued today says The report of the British Em pire cancer calhpaigo for 1953 said the only lung cancer encoun tered had been solitary tumor in controlhrnt and this was associated with marked hron chial condition The section or the report pre pared by the Chester Beatty Re search institute relerred to the lack of ounces of many periments to throw light on the problem at the association of lung cancer and cigaret smoking This it said has led to the suggestion that the association is an indirect one and that some in direct approaches might lead to useful knowledge bulls fiel UK Govt To Get Estate for PMs LONDON Reuters bill enabling the government to ac cept as gifta magniï¬cent home and estate or the use ot future prime ministers and certain members of the Royal Family became law Thursday The Prince of We heir to the throne Canadas high com missioners and United States am bassadors in London all qualify as possible iuture occupants The estate archevening near Sevenoaks Kent is the family seat of the 7ayearold Earl of Stanhope who having no heir wishes it to go to llle nationl when he dies Herwill continue to use thea omacre property during his litel time VESSEL SINKS SAFE SEATTLE AP Four crew members of SanDiego Calii fishing vessel were rescued rom Puget Sound waters when air mu the Mimicipal Board Naturedlceitingjf Health ChéCkup ATHENS VGa AWNature is starting to get revealing new type of total health checkup Its aimed at leaning how links the lite cycle cangownong to giveNature the equivalent oi sicl glands or an ailing liver And also how to get rid of ra dioactive poisons the atomic age without injurin natural life This checkup is coming through ecologythe science relations between and their enviro entgas prae tlsed bysuch scientists as Dr Eugene Odum professor of zoology at the University of Georgi the inter The first step is learning what happens naturally Radioahtive could spreadinfdangerously unexpected ways unlessyou knowwhat na tille dog naturally safe amount could prove lethalL to someform lite becausethéy thegCohun River Washington state contain no lo Bu yours custom1bil an PrinceAlbert radar is con sidernbly mus sets in hlrkey which have beenable to track trlngs oi Soviet Intermediate Range Missiles Although it heath capacity to track In ICBM thlsrll rolcTo be at any use Monaco ion Ibout an approachingle has to be helaycd to delenoo douarlersv at Colorado Springs or St Hubert near Mon treal and the data procested No such nor exists NORTHERN LIGHTS Far swilter progress has been made on the problems at ï¬nding and tracking on ICBM than on destroying it The antimissile missile will have to be capable oi being firedwithin seconds which means asolid incl propel lant carry awarhead power ful enough to bust the tough hlde at an ICEM have speedqu 32 gig iii 33 are power uml BMEWS stations due to so ebrated their golden wedding anniversary with party where guests Included the brides maid and the best man wedding in 1909 into operation up 95 IW which am Erin Keno AI Home raisin hundreds at am WI will um um cannon Apply won immune mu PA ca lhis archltectédesijgned names us Horas liiiléas nun nominal Wlfllmtnt have the uportdrlvo Win withoveneas inanimate Mplllarl Jenn exportm will momage other its imbal miéim Edinburghs st ammonia akin to be part oi the original Norman panama 120 dog hhgnltnilsgl new sumoii bevsflsnutivedn panties Australia sin nldthegroup tlclllarcaseJhamoralib nqllatlonthntonlythehldlvldh nu Britain otuh INGLES PAVING viciou st Barrio DRIVEWAY PARKING LOT SPECIALISTS All WorkGuaranteed mac esrmam rs 65995 summer PA 633 areas where catlish are caught craft was rammed and sunk by seagoing tug streams to the Savannah River and back again This means they could carry radioactive atoms to and eaten as food In another technique square home the Brant is priced at onl Are you faced with the possibility of having to moire do with second best because you just cantniiordthe home youve always dreamed 01 Then herels news thatwillgladden your heart revolutionary new homebuilding methodmakes it possible tor you to own an orchitec resigned home for much less than you may be thinking otpaying for conventional rtythouse llhe home pictured above is just onevof many designed by panelot architects retainedby PrecisionBuilt Quality Homes Inc Because these homes are Prodratted tor erec tionrlgbt one your lot costsareso re ced that this particular 249500 This price in eludes an interior trim lining and insulation Erection ls simplicity itself more Precisio Built Quallt Homes are custombuilt you canchoose anorne which our veryown Within the same price rangeyou have or engage oi several plans 01 for small extra charge one otthe eolsionBuiltflpanel of architects will design home to your specifications Youllnever forgive your em if youdonftiind outmoro about these ho and about thesimple method of fin ancin Fill outand mailthe con to learn Justihow you can makeyou dream come true Or cationand have chat tear it Is to own exactly the Butlt Qualityflomes Inc MOETANT ThePieclsloriBullt method biconsttuctlon is the only constructionfsystem oi thlsvnature to have NRA lde yard of grasslands is all with radioactive atoms anld lrayept covered Leaves bsorb the ra giaocuve chemical Or it can no injected directlynnto the plant stems Either way the fate of the atumscan be traced Radioactive phosphorus spreads rapidly through the plants In few days insects feeding on the plants become ahit radioactive too The scientists thus can trace Natures food chain lenrning whereradioactive atoms ultim might Vtelygohand whether they harm somelink in th chain Polish Sailors Ask French Asylum you you decide to buy the Bran right downrto thelost cent Norannoying extras Who 01 10 Small char we will erect ii roi $249500lstne pr by theVLA It fulfills across Canada gt1 amJnterested In owning oreinio ation sbo approval8ec SubSectlon and acceptance all requirements or Building Codes lentil Pilllllllii ii nrchItectdesignedhome 131 asersupply ume reclslon Built Quality