rwo YOUNG Canadians Richard Bouoreau 19 and Gerard Lcclerc 10 were cap tured Sunday at the Mexican Ottawa Teller Other Yoiith border withlsiMJOO Canadian and 5129 American dollars Inspector Bleacher checks the money Police said mmd smog he stole the money from an Ottawa bankiFriday Arenabbed with SANDIEGO Calif CPLEe covery oi more than $70009 not evanilmdwn tobe ssing has been reported by cc who ar rested two Ottawa youths trying to cross into Mexico Ofï¬cers said Richard Boudreau 19 carted the money away Fri day from Hie TorontoDominion Banish in his flight south by another 0t tawa youthnfthe same age Ger ard Leclerc rheteeniagers later told tele vision raudianee 571529 and said them two Weeks clear blue They were arrested sunday as they attemptedio cross the bor der into Muico in riigstore cow boy duds bought in Teir were booked on susp on at grand their and are he gi held for Cans an authorities Police sa Boudreau andLe clerc told them the money would not be missed hy the bank until it opened for business today TO ESTABLSE SELVES Bleucher chief of police ospectors said they told him of plans to establish themselves in business in Mexicdan ecome came to go out of the over station Km Boudreau said Trailer owners HAMJLTON or Knapmantrailer camp outside tion notice as zarobou appear to be defying hoop ioNnoNJ0nice smoke bomb at the lpperwash Doï¬glas Brown suffered phosv rpbr ous burns to his stomach he young iii vewho broke out of mental hospital Friday More than100 Then New York state PiiESS reins Clear Court in Hearing GODERICH CPMglslljateDudigy court room at youthful fw nesses told be ing of murder charge against litye old Steven Trus cott opened in Huido County courti grime Boy lzfyearoldjhatrie bo was stetiiln the money was easy He said heput the money in empty suit hair The youthssrniled and seemed relaxed on the television screbn ThEYJoked about their cowboy hats Their iacestsobered how ever when the prospect of im prisonmenL was mentioned oudrean themsï¬ide he hoped ey would be returned to Canada aodg it over with He told icllow employees when he lettatnoon Friday for lunch that he was going to pick up new suit thn he returned he had an empty suit box And when time came to close for the day he put the cash from his tellers drawer into the box He walked out and Leclere joined They ditched his car aodhired man to take them across the Canadian borderioto They made their way to New York City and took an airplane Texas They bro tern type clothing there sod continued onto San Diego they stayed at hotel Satur day night and took taxilto the boijder this morn he stopped by the Sn police darpatrol on of whose func tiops is to check for unescoited this city have obeyed an today came and Went They der to disband Holmes leared the tiic eliminary today in hospital aner beingr and no eye We wrecked car was found Satur ay near Nevis aboutas miles hat of thaproviocial gntal hos BELIEng ii Ajiother When theatwo give evidenceoi theirage oili cars checkedtheir baggage and found the money They said the had changed$5129 it United States money iflhnntiessaidappro $990 wasspent by the travel xpeoses Boudreau was ontoDominion branch block from Parliament His father Guy Bdudreau said Richard lelt home aiter worlr Friday saying he was going cam mg with trieuds suppose the BoyneVJoAhnston incident had something to do with this reap said owia serving touryear prison term forJheit of $26o000 last October from the Imperial Bank of Canada where he was chief teller officials Bank Manager Jacli Rooney was believed to he holi daying in cohourg and assistant manager Corrlgan coiild not be located immediately were Leclercs parents were belieVed to he at asummei cottage or the weekend and could not be reached Immigrant IsShot By Chasing Ofliceri dronomo ca man re leased only few weeks agofrom Kingston penitentiary through the royal amnesty was shot todeath todaybya motorcycle policeman investigating ahurglary Poiice Ad Constable John Gettygcha ng speeding auto wasvholding his pistol in his hand as he drove his motorcyde and it discharged as he braked to stop was woundedvby the same buliet Both were youn Hungarian migrants vDead aszloF kas 202105 pthubik 20 was aken hos pitalgwith bullet und in the ce and possible brokeh The bullet smashe gith ricocheted ok wasarrested after the bi me his father step other and air iive eliildr werefodiad Il family aragc Co dangerous meshe citation an the hospital LONDON Reutcnl Russia has successfully laimched audie trievedf two dogs iron the outer atmosphere thci Saviet news agency Tassvrepoijcd today Thenews agency said the two dogs were sent up last Friday in the some type at rocketlthat earl ier this month carried two dogs and rabbit into the atmosphere The og and iostrurnepti IKozldv WiShes ills Prosperity NEW YORK APiSoviet Dep uty Prcmier lrolv Kozlov wishedthe American eopie peace and prosperity oday hen heitepped inhoar sian Jet Iirpa prescient at his visit to the ad States is that theAmericanpeo pie as the Russian pee le are striving foreternal peace etween our two countries Asked whether Pram or Nikita Khrushchev We did visit Uoihd SlatesKozldv repli that the grandchildren oi present day Americans wouldiive iii Socialist society He said how ever that hebelievesthe systemi aoy countryadopts should be the internal business of its people SpacefDogs Reds aboard the rocketwere paralt ehuted back to earth This rocketa payload weighed 2290 kilograms about 450 pounds Tess bald The broad cast gaveno details as to the height it attained loformationwas obtained on wide range at scientiï¬c subjects the agency added This was the seco this month that Bussia had me dogs into the upper atmosphere Two dogsSnowyvaod Course eousand rabbitwere brought back to earth July said Courageous was one oi dogs rocket flight for 56hour rest ie in behindan mamas 521 thatrmarked thei British columbia When they boarded their min after the al ction Friday nl people who WINNIPEG CF Canada top two political leadels say til West mustvstandiirmdn th Ber linrcrish and at the same time alway be ready to negotiate with tie Russ ox Prime speaking totbe AliCanada Co grass of Ukrainian Canadians is dead Westwlll abandon the people it West Berlin rep alternative wi Commm army cap torcycle heli pte the field today intha pe oddball race an isomer he 5m turn LMustiBféFirrrf 17 In BerlinPMS abséhc oi negotiations there would begunthinkabl encing wait at the Cominuoist bloe from the Berter Uni of state said ca is necessary to war towards gra ual disarmament to remove an threat oinuclear extinction Th made it cessary to W1 ever be prepared toente intp negotiations with Union believe that the West ust continue whilefmainiainin the defence strengthoi all the tions in the worldtopro every opportunity toth So et Uoioiitodemonstrate tbe cerity of its professions however insincere it has been eSovie Louis Bleriota chadnei cross 50 ago were eiipected ste rom Marl ch todayv carriede the latest passes and rivers silEWDlEfl Striki municipal emp oy bauï¬rlt this city without t7cleaneraand arhage men for almost two weeks And Norwich once known for tr abundance of reml now ie tryiiigt di triolay yam parade whidl chided some 200 horses at racted about 75000 specie or Sunday The streets laden with candy Wrappeir coofettin cups and trawr And in the centre of to at Franklin Square where the horses marched there is enough iertiilzer to start the oscsgrowiiig lo on had been displayednt the earlier EC stops They were to makeiwo ore stopstoday before starting their vacation Theywere torhegin the day this interior city of 10000 there they were toledve Lake Led mans para east otKaml Oops ago isolated fisher lmiles south in theroyal train from tlieiiut sldrts at Calgary toBaoit then drove to Lake Louise at speeds unto 75 milan hour aiter they dropped 30 minutes behin ohedl than 10007cheered them aboard the train and another I000turoed out at the station at Goldenwhere they stopped and appeared in the platform Twice that number were on hand to greetthem for onehour stop in Revelstoke The royal couple laughedand joked with members oitbe Rev elstoke crowdpbeiore makinga four mlle drive up 6000 foot Mount Revelstoke to alookout at the 350040 level The Queen and asked the nam 07 mountains mink stale and gieyeblue print dressla changefroin thefull skirted dress of palebluewith white spots that she hadonearl The prince wore airior th ir rest at Pennask The royal couple Friday rrode member To Shféive Threei VA Amwestern for mlnisters flamed their talk with the Serial Union today in ameliort toiled agreement on compromis Ian far ahelv the immediate Sovie thrca to wearer TheBig Four coolereoce was reelmied at 333 pm EDT after threeweek recess Western iatrategy agreed poo this rooming was to take lb inl tiativeand seeka quick declara tion irom the Russians on the Berlin problem lnfa réveisn at their earlier stand Western apokminen were Wand more attemptfor an accord with muesli on Genonn reuniï¬catio manya Heinrich von Brebtano met with Better inhis adquar tern here three hours be are the resumption of sessions with Gro mykoat the Palagdes Nations Sumerians trouble appeared in the Wutern camp overihe de termination to try to negotiate with in to about freezing the meViat German authorities argued the United States Britain France should make one reported roadyto negotiate withiï¬mvï¬mfllbian and Brim Andrei Gininyko on the Rdssians Human 1d the as 11°F otter of Berlin standstill agree ment but they want tli ioposed moratorium torun or at least 30im0ntha instead ofthela months offered by Griimykopand they want pledge at Soviet re lslpect for Westernrightiaiir Bcr stateSecretary Chris on ter wasdedgnaled in strategy meeting to lead tern the Wcstern chmpaign whenthasbig Four conference reopens afle threeweek receas Aa chairman tortilla day ican foreign atfairs chietiha opportunityto speak first DECEEON STRATEGY Western strategy wasdecided upon whenForelgn secretary SET wim Lloyd of Britain Foreign MinisterMamice ConvefdeMur vine of Franc 11 yearold Jane usko admits set tingtbe iire thatskilied of her iarnily poli but he doesnth why From her statement the girl didnt appear to have mad atanyone oi the iamin or was she holding grudge of any kind Police Capt William Malooey said Po ce Chiei Eugene said Jane he met onto iieioi papers noooin an eiiort to avert firstfloor clothes closet Th in jail to await cour psychiatric nests car our igned statement that she had thrown lighted nowoi getting any agreement other than some kind oiiiiterim arLangemeot to case the Berlin cr is mi YORK APiThe Steel workers Unio White House union ran dndustry page tutors agreed toresumn talks at strike dtrnidnightiuesday Thetaiks had been broken of completely Sunday with no fur ther egotlatin amaioas acbd Jr said she also admi ted havin lit two fires the prevmiis ay Both Vwcreputout beforethey spread The girl was calm atberar rainmeotSiniday on charge at juveoie delinquency but later broke into tears as she was met by her parents Malooeyeaid she Woul rdered Neighbors described the girl as triendlyhardworliing and well mannered child who had been giyen much responsibilityyin the But dy dress and prompt Th eheid