sï¬Ã©k Tof sépéraitt Séhqols Eirehta vvho send mall child to pthie schooland other children to Ieparaia schools thua coming in for public school taxation are only dcprlving the smustehchoola of valuable lun it was de eidedat meeting of honlo Separate School Board night1 motion was passed by the Board stating In all cases where school supporter is entitled to directrtaxuto rep arateuschools and does not do so for any rhesouthe separate school board names the right to refuse admission to the tax payers childrenffl Most adamant about these selfish people was Bill hier rlek past presldent of the board who proposed an orig lnal motion stating that these old not send nnï¬ separate school theywere sending oth rs to while school Becausepubli s¢hoo take precedence ovér all Quite umber of parents were sending youngsters to the public schuoHdndergartens he added and as soon as par ent elected to pay puhlic school tax it automatically meant twoyear loss of taxes to the sepante sdwol board ev if the only at tended public schooifor year it was possibleheaald for family to have any numher of dzildren educatedat separ ate school and becauseone rainy England icPlDur swelteriozdays ion the mg Bislsy rifle ranges Canadian Army marksm have shot their way into prominent positions in three parate events gregotevin separate shoot More thaan military masha men are entered in the twoweek Bisley meet which began in Bri tains moat aevaxevheai wave in me years In previous years Jug one leg at Mont uuumnu Eco amall child was sent to publ lie schooLto paypubllc school taxes Taxation said Mniiierri shnuld not be hunted in our face for the purpose of kiln dagarten whlchis not all that important anyway gt Earlier lthad heeo decided onMr Merricka advice that as two olthe separate schools had very low kindergarten tinl urea parents should he advised sendjuniors ioSt Maryal Wewantollthochildrenio ave Roman Catholic education went on Mn Merrick People who deliberately send child to public kindergarten and the remainder to separate school should stopped He added canzleliish people should basstralghtened declared and voted through unanimously Would Have Only One Kindergarten garten pupilsatst John Vlan ney and St Monica Separate schools itvwas revealed by BMerriok atamee gothar rie Separate School Board St Monicasiast night letter is to be circulated to they send children to Marys This was airned at parenia who might take aWay their youngest children from St Johns good tlms The general opinionyas that because oliadvamed growingeonclllioaa the show waséneweek late Exanp lner Photo ilha hintedMr Beck inule look the minutes oi the meet ings to ï¬nd out the uneils have been so many indie to the count ciliors and to taxpayers that thEyetnever getwan errlng eying anBeck said the councillors This little lad waslwith grpup of Ammish visitors to Ontario who passed through Barrie yesterday on tour whichwllliake them to Owen Soon where group oi mem bers the religious sect ll located They came trom Doyer IDelaware iExamin Euioï¬Ã©iBpiindy Barrie wmfbe den represwéd Jilly 19 PinAmerican transAtlantic flight Five local Canadian GeneralElechie un ployeea some with families will henboardthevplape which has beenehartered by the social club of CGEs Davenport Works and St Monicas and send them to nearby public schools con ate AileenHurri are 1th will cover last $133430 deï¬citde als the board enough capi onllntil theanext grant comes throusllin October eteamsofteohaduto battle Crawford mamerino =5 shin for VEFWD also on the Ooe hundred and mnety4ive teenage armcadela from all over Ontario are presently living the ves oinsoldiers at Camp 130 bodes Training camp 4R glioml higheachools stersfraugiogrrfom ages 162m alloverjha province the young 19 are an liedin one of three sextonweek courses tor which they apepaid totalpf $100 for the surmher The courses open them are infantry signal driver mechanics and rifle Many at for interesting ï¬rst they come back the boys that sign up eded by thunderstorms is hearing down from the northw This eald iahlo momma lou for eason ind the come so Jenneltamecipproiectlalue said nouns had 5de thldklogthiswoold coat levy Imdredmllarshutha mfll an was lllnzw nlryeyinzlirm selt went tothe clerksnd log without the proper authority hehad was irvm wum told we pmeot lmuiy eauedcmipedn md 2a smeetin Slit the nylon An angry Mr Beck stated that was nuspen the present council simply did nt knowihowfio when he awokeat 630 When asked it they were sick one at the I30 said its goodvto beawa tram whil wiea high igh of recreation prograxhare threetrlps toMaple up Staci to watch some in emploij tmeht turned or way hen us Ee said thaoLJy authorization Reeve1lsam mm in DLIVESw