cluhe it is certainly not dittlcnl to margin spades pn thlshend when nre seen Declarer see clubs medals longage trnlnI dummy spade it Eastyplays low makes the slum with the aid of later heart ease Bot on the adverse hands are not known the problem is more complicated II for emple West held the singleton king oi spades as well as the tingnt hearts this line at play would all and declarer would go down because he had not played the one or spadesand caught the king Since practice declarer slamjs Irina SupposeJhe heart iineueu trick two succeeds Now declare has nsure tldng iorhim rn certain he does not lose two trump tricks is can be easily compllshed by entering dummy toiead low spade South adiusta his play to what ever card Em am East OCRWing mama in the Cominons hm that the proposed Bomnrcantlelr mm mm crnlt missiles may be exploding over the heads of maior cities on It clever and thrifty to make quilt of odds and ends Youll he shows out of spades declarer Proud of this quilt takes the ace and returns spade ii East ollows suit with Bk spade honor South takes the ace lianst follows suit with the three South llnesses thus assurlng the loss of only one trump trick Tomororw valuable elne Let your handiwork showiotn tills easYtopiece quilt will Start it now Pattern 7108 pattern of tchee charts dine itions new Send Thirtytire cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The Blame Ex aminer Household Arts Dept 60 Front St Note Out cotanrm pm engrossinw be so Mr Hetero said that with Bornerc bases near the Cana disn borderhthe missiles would be intercepting any attacking planes over populated Canadian areas because its rangeï¬was 200 to 300 miles Mr Pearlres replied the range isvery conslderably greater than that it would protect all major Canadian cities JULIET JONES nurmaee DROPS THAT NEW 51455 DIsHI wuL cure HtS NEIGHBOIZ Damion Nor PUPILS He WM GlaLWAms TAKING ANY ATIs WRONG wit WINGEIS mineï¬wmo Childrens Aid Our 1559 ALICE BROOKS 31 Min one WEATSJVEW CimalLrepn tstion or last first actual news coverage will be further en hanced with the installation last weekend at mobile telephone unit inRedio 95s coloriul new station wagon Final tests tori equipment which permits dir cot contact between wagon and station were carried out on Dominion Day ironically barev 1y had the engineers given their hiessihgpwhen hurried call ad vised that Barriea Bayileld streetwas once more inthe news The rest ishistory Three reliant reports direct iron scene within the hour gave ii are uptotheminute cover on the near tragedy involv the runaway truck ABOUT PEOPLE and things maawopnemmna 31 gméiiFo our nation citizens fleverywhera open their hearts by lending moral and financial as sistnnee With the Queens Visit toOnterio overshadowing most other major news happenings mooon us have all but forgotten the Nawjrilnswlck ï¬shing trag edyone that indirectly client edxojzer £00 Canadians CKVR TV and CimBfladioi are cur rentiy requesting public support oi this most worlhy cause Con trihntions may be made payable Bamocssr InroaMAjnon Adveitisement to New Bninsvick Fishermans Disaster Fund co Box 519 Barrie HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL US radio operator has expressed modern radio this way Form ula or good radlo which con sists basicallv of music we Enthusiasm Emagma Application of this form uia may be In part responsible six months ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE and things By tho Luna this gets into print lil onc MOD will be holidaying in the Haiiburtonsi Ii thasunbum behaves the next column Will be briei epislle datelined Holiday Inn LATE hiNEtiP Wednesday anmmc WalshHazel Court Thursday Champagne Safari Rita Hay worthAly Khan Friday Street With No Name lilark Stevens Richord Widmarky Saturday Great Movie Rocking Horse Winner Valerie Robson John Mills Saturday Late Twin Bill Raunho Notorious Marlene DietrichArthur Kennedy Army Surgeon Kent TaylorJane Wy att Sunday Msn on Eiffel Tower Charles LaughtonFron chot iouo Administration Policies Said Cause Gills costs Iobless oweradnï¬nistratlons money policies Were aaid byw the Conferenceon Econo gt to have iosterednnemploy intuit and hlgheroosts cil of economic advisers under nuo SMAtt ADS The conference privately suppoirted organization of labor and farm leaders and business mamattacked PresidentEisen howers antiinflationerusade as scare campaign which it said has actually generated initiation The coniereooe report was dr by Leon Keys who ed the presidents coun iormer prnldent Truman Mann hers oi the conference board in cluda President WailerfReuther of the United Auto Workers law tions President James Patio of the National Farmers Union and Murray Lincoln of the nation do an Company Theirreport called the gov ernment to draft national prosperity budget tor the next News gt five years or so setting definite for maximum production for CltBBs sensational increase in daytime audience 38 per cent lovely designs to order crochet mmg mm HAMILTON ca Weller dolls caving special slit in We keep thud ha gamed counterieit ring involv ing at least two men cashed SI lly occupieda cutout doll and games to color Sm 25 mmooo worth of urged Childrens Aid Society cheques here Y0 WWI The cheques range in amount between $80 and $90 FRIENDLY mg More than tinged repoï¬g as ar were pun on or umdlgs$$a gmihank paper used by the society sin um vement am unwind signed by carelnl forgerlu the Sewn ma Wm lot the signatures of Jack Finlay terson of the society EASIER DELIVERY Mos the cheques were The Norwegian pen office is cashed supermarketsandgro installing collective mail boxesoery stores bytwo men in their on the ground floorstot all multi plesstorey apartment houses Iadequete identiï¬cation RADIO ilND TELEVISION TmnAY cg 321 hm in Walt Disney Present in mi cameo hers mm as our new All at amino Haste Attemoon Mom 1330 Tale Uni23112 no world Passport loan Country Junction 550 sky Kin um CBC IV News EN Conaan Event 605 Western Theatre 11 Riwwfi SuzumrtlsI ms Farm market Reports Communlty aw €343 rtst lLso Late Movie ea or us rt amour my 7W Test rmém it Bill Chewshfll Weather Farm ort one Comma in Battle iï¬mwmoonnom moo The Show nan nu amt mums 5m soso Two For Physics 2nd Alternoon Movie use one New Childrens Pran 15 Weatherman Woody Wood ecker Today in sports cominn Even Cnmmnnl New Western Theatre 1130 lioyu VIII Review rm Market Report use lioneymoonere New wanNaanaY rutY gig2 Test Pattern Sheri or Cochise Ws is is Will er arm Elam Mort Have on Win frugal Womenl Show Wyat 2nd Alternoon Movie Re cannula Pro stocktaking uunn cumin eats Western That an TV New on cméuurypwem no in Vï¬itdteview ckaansoiooiai950Â¥ Weather er Tom Rowe snow wum In gewdltn it 531$ rtgflnh Tim Elm Market neport manna News Stenflnylor Show 5323 News anuetln open 61aBullet1n Boad ï¬les Results ew nu auto Show New News tom News and apart um News and sport mnsnas use strength For new hliiiin in Bennett show jun no me m1 seomt Farm dnrle Export News weapon Scores as and Weather Nell no ews no sump NOWWI Ne mc rum Hmmm Nm end soon St is lfli EhGW stimuli35 Board Bulletin sane am Hewitt NONI Jackrlu Prov munon Returns News p9 Nowr liar Needlecraft Catalogue has society director and Miss Pat ails well dressed and carrying GRANDMA JELEVISION CKVR+Chann$l sawtsmmaémr gum mark 190 1219 533 Gallery sum iXIcKer mouse 3qu snwven EYE5 BEAR msae DOYA MIND IF WALK AROUNDYOUR ROUTE WITH YOU MEOTIS POW THEl THING CHANgesl GOSHWITH ALL TH KIDS AWAY ON VACATIONS rrfS GOOD ACTBUT VOUNEEP LICENSE TO THIS TOWN llSI IlKl THE FLIGlhSliRGEDN SAID BBL rr mm wumns our man armam Wfltiiwï¬Ã©iiiiim urw MAN oorANY