eP certainly fromgtimetn citizens withperfeotiyi improper molly may and have bound themselves er to putpressure oiligovernm serve their own ends This wh the Aerm pressure groupshaa somewhat sinister connotation suggests Gordon Bites in Health magazin But on the other hand every volunt ary society working forthe public good is pressure gImIp Dr Bates points out Without pressure groupsbfew of the forms of history wouldhave been achiev ed Women would never have achieved the right to vote had it not beenjor cietiearwhich well might be calledpres magnum eahouid be proud of heingrpart of pgalirejgraup trying to achievechanges in the public interea no matter what our detractors may call us It is very easy to give term sinister meaningiuat be cause we dont appreciate or approve what some particular group is doing As matter or fact thensuspending whatever wrong with the term pruauregrou It is the motive and not the namelw should criticised so lets goon sure groups not would the slaves have lng tor what is gepd Have Wrong Among some 50 applicants for employ ment ranging from 18 to 20 years or age ths great maiority ssuntered in for an interview with both hands stuffed in their pockets somrwlth cigarettes dang llng from their mouths writes Nova Scotia businessman Leo Hagen in litter to The HalifaxChronicieHerald on more than one occasion says Mn Hogan had to move iastto get my chair before they did Most of them sat down beiore being asked to The mlmber who addressed the interviewer Im prescion assirj could be counted on one hand The appearance of most mtgenerally unkempt with dirty hands and finger nails The hairdofa Ill say nothing about Perhaps they are the style rWhywondorsMr Hellenism so many of todays teenagers lacking in neatnega and in good manners Ohhnces are that climate of contemporarypolltics together with parental indifference has it mdhy inst entering the mg roe wimthe notion that the world them iï¬ing and that employers exiatmniy mhaud them Jobs ona silver platter opinionsJolower ironic NEEDLESS COMPETITION Winnipeg liree Press Theidanitobsgomnmentisgivinguplls re tail appliance business The stores that the Manitoba Power Commis sion has been ting inWinuipeg Brandon and Petunia aaretocleariheirotoekand close up ship usual 81 perlimciiilrlyby pawns deal in anee era province with whom the government has for years Bieoneedirlsly inrompetilion LETS TRUSTBRAKESNQT LUCK Toronto Daily Star Two heavy vehicles have careeoedout of con trol down mainslrcet in Barrie inJha past rwo mouths It wasthe sheerest luck that no one was billed in May when buslcarrying hi shld ants ended up in Lake Simone and agam early this month when tractortrailer loaded with seven tonaofsodhurtieddown the street stupid 65 mph hitting three cars and store front before coming wrest against building in both these cases the hrakes felled After the bus accident The Stardrew attention lo the seriouahaaard posed by the lack of second braking system on buses and big trucks and recoirnneadedlhat0nlario combine With other provinces and states to require this safety mea sure by law The law now renun ing order but only in hold the vehicle stationary not to stop Thus it is merely sparking brake Educ 1956 true dual braking system was re quiredthe law setting out lharcaohsct would have in be sufficient fostoplhe vehicle within proper distance And ihoy had tobe constructed so that if either Jailed the vehicle would still have brakes effective on at least lwowheeia But Hie Detroit automakers ignoredthis after ihey developed hydraulic brakes power nrakingnnd air brakesAndlu1956 ourJaw was evised to conform with the auto Milkers con venienee The second brake became mailed TUESDAY JULY 1939 Free Butter Going Rather Slowly disinbution has been satisfactory according Welfare Officer JfKMarshallw ohas been in chargeharries allotme underthe govern ment scheme waameo pounds of whichlï¬ai pounds were for relief recipienlsandm for non rellefers or borderline cases 760 pounds in all had been givenvout Mrs George hrown of the Red Ctossvliad been activegincooperating with distribution table non relieiees and Li KiwaniaChtiahnaa Ch through two large wooden emeri brake but little in 1mm Thla wasla bumliquor claim on Till calls Britons Writer Britons are breed Cunadain Press Sv LONDON supposed to mwmuoxnmamuuaminwnmmeymescendwmrsn rileda1 government to enact legislationre holiday abroad it is said they Egnmfmg miss Insulate turn hilzhoalhadlrnpliedpotiraiin limes in the Wind Butt Groomers Habits memos holidayrbqulidyhtlwn is increasingly sdfconscious his rowed with frowns of concentra nders what to wear attire fills me with misgivings Do these people pause for one iISs flag This is serious mat ioriwouidlikeloseesl Jennings that too menyscrlptl in none was anynama Innber man Charles admittedlo somaum easian aboutrthe trend being taken Aby Preview commentary Mr Bushnell had told his ve mentioned had aiant or his hadbeennnheppyahontthapro gram for months comm men Tnedrémarosetoapeaknot leen lora long time In this his voric building Throne of news men overflowedvthelr seats as spokes never beiore in acomminee Al thopgh moved into Parliaments biggest commute roonl there Bushnell explained simply on the CBC had auifaed rather uagic series of unfortunalocir canisianoes in the at six liefelt that we did not all up our socks someones would roll or he himself might be aentto Siberia Some Aotthe Preview suipts were not what the CBC would ordinarilwexpecl He had him self made this decision to replace political in finance No have not had the honor of lo theJrlme minister for about two years No cabinet minister or other person purporting even to upms iha prime miniatersvielvshaa Io me shod was big huh gram Thus priokedl QUEEN PARK packsack atuiied with pamphlets moment and think that their on protoool his forehead fur teasers are in iaot their coun will newsman the eifeciiveemergency brakes onall trucks expect the natives to conform mum at doc ll and buses After the near tragedies in Barrie this This lofty disdain applia even um cm gt lemme AreW seen abroad La Minority Parties munrm En amenacolvsolousï¬g it nénmzï¬hcwnï¬ l2101alliliignifnfor insetancea By vuvihlil This new selfawareness iCouIdBe Problem ask the sensitive French is spring fromthe forthright words he comma to be onheir best behavior abroad She re Tb aunelknown in France of British haberdashez named called group of youngsterawho tossedde the air andv oi the Canadian Broadiiasdng as Lsï¬t Email wiamnnhrgikmsd omv ng oneempoyee more ng an en err tolhec Corporation milthlajobiherewouldnt ripple is thovgeneralization about in holidays and said MW their mum Wings mm aurned milxi Emmygm applied it is losing in mafust confess that the Wiggeogveugs in 158m suba roaom Mr car now has on or ci urpoles or EWIP 00M when the miles of ipoiifleal inurference fnm Judmhyfem PM WWW Mme mm mm mm gingham plate with trim Mire mar There is one odd kickback this particular situation ever At the sum time the CCF nounced itscaucua plans it call or fall sea in light night aihappy din is made over the cancellation of program Could lhe Canadian people careless ihls colmtry ls not devoid of talent it could be said that every employee the 030313 expendable As for commentators and those airing oplnlona theyareadimeadozeninallprovlnceainCan ada it is the easiest thing in the world to round up people ready at the drop of hat to express an opinion on anything That is one of the troubl with the CBC broadcasts too many people ready to air their opinionsovei the air wuVes In many respects broadcasting has dcgeneratedfrom medium of entertainment to forum in which selfstyled expertsget theirbeefs oil the Chest If it is political interference in clean the air of some of this shill and xet radio and television baoiï¬nio its properjield of entertainment hyfall means let us have more of it few million dol lars of taxpayers money mi ht be saved in the process it isa sorry state of affair when Parliament cannot get all the information it seeks onIOBC expenditures The thought occurs in the public nnnd that if the CBC can defend the emendltures it should not be at allreluctant in exposing thorn fbetimeseema ripe for agrastdealdaoealle political interference in whatla being dished gt unto the public by way of the air waves gt or my to impras therlisteners with their exam one second brakeln works llrpon PROM 11x Skyscraper Hotel For Park Lane Byvbf am noon undomlnfllnmlmapondent For ThoBarrlo vï¬ami London is atlast to have its first skyscraper hotels After three years of wrangling between hotel interests archl teats and municipal authorities the London County Council has given planningpermission for the ereellon ofdskycrapar hotel on Park Laue This mammoth hotel will be built as Yshaped block an mount large base It 115819 beigbtoi all feet It provide 506 bedrooms on 73 is 27 floors an the top in béuhlizcd as uxurlous do in keeping with rkLnue tradit wnseuioyed ou the may through the Thirty Thousand islands oi Lake Huron Gettogether ames were enjoyed and prizes venlï¬nfiew wmngsmEvglryncénldiey pry Mean og Mary Bowen Eric Johnston Mercer irwin BilifGran Pen 7N on and irwin fewfrmB Were rt eat ltwas in orilila that destruction of three high ayslgnaland damage of mu haircut his auto remitedyhen bee ship the ankl of Rumor of Leasidej According to thattown Bemhanhad been driving north on Eighway 11 and attireth of Coiglw tar Street where Highwade forms junor honxlhe begstunglthe driverlHa loat one of ï¬le car which jumped over therourb an broke metal one is andravamsii iah ï¬nancier Cbaries Clare associated with the United States or plans for sky crsper hotel on isvnoteflvlandon street Th then were evadrnore ambitious Lhnn those which have now been approved by the London County Conn an tharhiiniater of liq ing an era in They provi ms utshaped museum block 01 isms to ear bathe the rallysrero ner ing new liouse for its London representatives and it will dwarf all the buildingsinlla immediate vicinity Being hult at the cor net of Pall Mall and the Hay market New kaland House will be otzo storeys and will be 275 feet high Easilythe highest in this part of Inndoh ltlwill be 41 feethigher than the yepof Ne sons colinn on ruearhyTraf gar SquareAbove afiveJatore laughter iioneslly now dont you agree that these and other forms of amusement in somebody elsea country are lrather letting the side down PALM INSECTS In The Sunday Times Sirinl Huthones worried that tho cele brated Engllsh peaches and cream cgrnpleaion looks odd amid Fre ch bothers tanned to theoolor of toast oftigers of Esther Williams in the ï¬nal uloseUp She added Englishmen with the bowlers and good dark suits ruthlessly peeled away have the defense less pallid look of brittlelnsecls torn way from their scaly cover lug Bahitues of French beaches Reg Glsborn of Woolworth East hasbeeu elected chain man and from Thomas of Oshawapartymhim There are only five members forMi Gishorn to chair and Mr lhornus to whip hut protocol is helm served harness PUBLIC There is more to is than protocol however it might lookrldiculousior the CC members asnum the machinery of large group iffivs men cant get together and share their feelings without caucus than they must be too dense lobe members of legis lature But thlsria not the point It is important for any party sion of the lashin There wasnt enough time in the regular mnter sesaégn it complainedtopropet der the business of Lheyb em Whilernany people will agree with this the oddpart is that if theCCF werenton hand there would be much more time its presence and the impoei ï¬ance ofit appearing as full scala party probabiysdd 25 centto the time of the house They mean severalufullscalo addresses by erMacDodald and lengthy speeches by other mam hers on every question of any importance being discussed Monroes Whenthe LPP had its two men in the house this situation was knowvwhat Miss Bughdones has to register as strongly as it candaven more pronounced mind Among bronzed Eildul clad natives popular pastime in the public mind And the arliamentaly trap radians base4here will4 als topickg out thrEngllshmnnpmgsallaldlvtoih public im isstorey tow and plate glass win his lung khaki shorts and pressiou will be used extensivelyiogive it moderniatic appearance the Gallic guessers are hardly ever wrong They give asenseof impor tance Smasï¬rckét ram nylamo ammo caN surrey ANSWERS Seen ayi Martians Fontdsv HiltonHetels gr pflrstputfor Waterï¬would cat out of amass sedated Pro Science Writer Wéanng 59 muumenm You couldnt boil water for hot instant coffee flame would wasme or Mar flan patrolscouts inme spnta space roeketirom earth wheelingaround Mars They board for their first look at vislt from rth Excitedly theyflash homere ports about passï¬ï¬‚lgl Who look ighty peculiar or the Martians might be de did the Sovietli up space son as their firstugpiorers in aw frontier of spacsbiology There are ound easons atbe OKYO AP The Communist and tween Chine Nationalist planes that inclaired tomeaaure sical changes an maisrnns ow hnwto pro humansdromtha weighty of rocket tak ff prolonged weightlessness in space and shocks ofreentry on th way back horn Thers are even tougher prob lems to 1ch beforelnan goes long iyears to other planets Aeronautics Space Admlmsir on Prolonged weigh essness could hav bizarre effects food couid throat Foodairead$1waliowed might float upto choke man lions in other Far East areas The Nationalist claim the we ps lasting months or Dr ted smother itself Butgweightlessnessco pro uce tremendously lntereiltingb ioglcexperlm nary plauls grow space ship gardensiWouid seeds planld upside down sand roots down they ard inst or the Trenton division kw do unearth 0r Prernier Drew gave the party official reeogoilionperhaps as many thoughtvat the lime to am nny thze CCFand this meant that it also made detail state ments on all points No one of course would suglt last that the CCFshoiIld he off it is party of substance and lids inipomnt that its position should he made cle But given few morsminorl parties and there could be rinua prohiem portant changes atfecflng administration setup of the Bruce Division of the Canadian Pacific liaiiw company have been announced The announcem comes from theofficeof FerElifl assist ant eucral manager of the 011 neglomziorongo and fro offices of superintendea wart and superintendent of the LoudouDivislon Johnston The chauses bfeciivens of 1y BruceDlvr formally years those dines otth