Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1959, p. 3

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Eventuql flbpe Oi Survey lnwhliclyoontrulledachnola iuylloationainrrveyoiteacbu qualifications report by the Canadian reachm Federation on trade in certification standards uyl the in 15651 Idlers with lag than tunin matriculation and only one year at teather training made up 191 per cent ol can Idas 123840 teachers This 11 nr represents the cumt mini mum shcrtage oi qualified teachers the sewage report says Adding an estimated 500 teach era needed to take care at stu dents taking onrespondencc ooursu and another 9000 to all minato overcrowding in class rooms the minimum slmrtage would be 33160 teachers the re port says SCHOOLING BY MAIL in 1057 some 10000 children took correspondence courses They would have attended reg ular schools had qualified teach ers been available As for overcrowding the re SPIRIT OF SPRING An easy and inexpensive Lmethod oi chasing winter wardrobe blues is via the new blouse treatment Many om ong the beautiful blouses now in the stores are priced for the very slim budget Made of By hirer ALDEN cotton cashmere is this over blouse in colorful carna lion print The smart cardigan neckline is paralleled by hlphugging to band Best of all alter easy launder ing this blouse scams the iron SIHE BARRIE W3 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 195 Conduct Election of Officers gilt Crystal Chapter No 50 Meet Members oi Crystal Chapter Nc 50 elected oiiicers or the coming year at recent meet ing The election was conduct ed by the Past Sr Preceptor Vera Wood Free Daily Burn Xltt Pratt Maglougblln Prec Jackson Prec Wood and Sr Prec Myrtle Reid of Midland Crystal Chapter No After the business of the ov uening was completed members gathered in the banquet hall for turkey dinner convened by Precr Agnes Robson and her as sistants The dlicers are as follows rSr Prec Lunda Gllhooly Im Past Sr Prec Freda Huey Past Sr Free Thelma Tomplt klns Chaplain Jr Prec Mar garetfiandy Emma Carter Fin Reg Free =Alma Rirzico lreas Prec Maud Semmens Chaplain Free Rec Reg Prec tors ElisaHurst Deaconess Prec Vera Bristow lst 1190i Free Hattie Bakerz 2nd beet From Mary Davis lst Escort Prec Louise Stewart 2nd Escort Prec Madeline Minnikio lrt ensor Prec Past Sr Prec elma Tompkins 2nd Censor Prec Agnes Robson 3rd Cen sor Prec Irene Howie 4th Censor Prec Lillian Orr 5th Censor Pram Etta Ferguson 6th Censor Prec Agnes Wynes 7th CensorPrec Vera Gallaugh er 8th Censor Prec Shirley Knight 9th Censor Free May Corbett toih Censor Prcc Ca thorlneBalcom inn Sr Prod Priscilla Linddl Outer Sr Prec Mary Gillham Musical Dir Prec Gail Crewe Audi lst Prec Marie McCraclr enmd Preo Edith How rard FreeAnnie Bigger Angel Prec Nellie Alter OCIAL AND PERSONA Mr and MrsA Bell and famliy Tomato recently visit xed at the home of Mr and Mrs Chew Main Street Gordon Brown Kingston lapent few days with Mr and ers Balance Cumberland streei Mrs Bryce Thomson Napier Street spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs Peter Mills Shanty Bay Road and son Jonathan are vacationing near St Petersburg ZFlorida at the home of the formers mother Mrs Richard Pearson Mr and Mrs Ross Stephens Letilia Street have returned home tron holiday at Fort Lauderdale Florida Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis lUtopia have announced the en gagernent of their eldest dough ter Helen Margaret to Sgt 1Verlin Eugene Weiiand St Georges Anglican Church Utopia will be the set Cal gang of the wedding March Mr and Mrs Dens fmore and family Eugenia St iwore recent guests of the lat itcra mother Mrs Church Weston Mr and Mrs Ed Hagan llol gate StreetLAilandale and Mr and Mrs Doug Robinson Bar rrle attended the christening oi the farmers 10monthold grand son Michael Scott on Mr fiend Mrs Bill Hagen Owen Sound Bill Is iorrner menn iléler or the Barrie Flyers Hockey ll and Mrs Cox had BWattended the otNura Street recently returned home irons Sunnybrook llospltal To ronto Sgt and Mrs lan Austin and their children Carol Denise and Kevin Barrie ER are sailing on the SS Ivernia March 18 for Europe Sgt Austin who is withthe RCAF l51b9lnfl posted to Marville France for three years The neighbors gave the husllns surprise party Feb 21 and presented them with travel alarm clock Prior to sailing they will visit Mrs Austins parents Mr and Mrs Frank Barrett of Fruitland How Dunlap Street East returned yesterday from visiting his sonsinlaw and daughters Mr and Mrs Lugsdln Kleinburg and Mr and Mrs Salter Toronto MrsGIR Hadley and her son Keith of Scarboro have been visiting her parents and Mrs WW BakerCoiiler Street FiveBarrie lady curlers are leavrng tonight to play in the annual invitational bonspiel at North Bay Granite Club complete rink of Mrs Dave Smith skip Mrs Archie Fras er Mrs Ralph Hayter and Mrs it Fendiey are travelling by train while Mrs Ernest Mc Knight who will be curling with North Bay rink is travelling by highway William andNoel Stephenson oi Banre flew to Cleveland Mon dynmgmb inlh err ro answers Ellinswonh Mr ministration givenaoursesjn the use says one teacher tar as pup is the desirable figure but it would take at least 9000 teachers to relieve the problem with some classrooms having as many as 60 pupils The maximum shortagefde fined as teachers with less than senior matriculation plus ayeer oi teacher training is al7olmther the slande usedis at Iaachars ma non ion to 151 unanimousam However the report lndicatu that the omission ls getting higher proportion of university graduates In an esti mated 5700 of 40000 graduates became teachers The trend across Canada scernsto be one oi gradually placing teacher education in the university this trend bottoms there is considerable reason to believe that we may expect constantlylnareasing supply oi degree teachers The survey also lound that higher teacher qualifications at tract more and better teachers For somo years teacher or ganizations and more recently the 1953 Canadian Conierence on Education have urged raising teacher qualifications to the point where ultimately four years oi lulu plus the additional year training snow random year most prov laces uoeption oi 0n liizumfi uiammm ve whit the nmporlion at teachers lacking hmior matncula lion ino of the largest teachercm Slayingrprevhr ou0ntario and srnce lmhave shown increases in the proportion oi teachers with in than senior matriculation However tarmac also had the htallestpercentage 341 oldegrce teachers in any prov ince British Columbia tr erred teacher education to the univeraiw in 1956 and the el iectsnl that change are still to come Alberta which placed teacher training in the university in 1946 saw its proportion de gree hackers almost double the prowar figure from 129 per cent in wash236 per cent in l857 In proportion of degree teacln era Alberta ranked third alter BCnnd Ontario whichth 249 per cent of its teachers univer sity grqdudtes Nova Sean was fourth with 22l per cent academic and professional study will be needed for prmanent teaching certificate Saskatchewan and British Col umbia have the highest propor tion of qualified teachers the re says This holds true the Junior matriculation level or Groundhog Secret Interests Doctors OTTAWA CP An elixir obtained from grouodhogs may provide the next big advance in heart surgery Canadian expert says The hope to hiberdata patients Just as the groundhog curls up or his annual winter snooze Dr William Mustard oi the Toronto Hospital for Sick Chil dren said Wednesday the process at hibernation applied to human beings would greatly simplify cardiac surgery NOW mERlMENTAL Experiments were now under way at groundhog farm nsar Toronto where Dr William Eige low of the Universityol Toronto was taking extracs from lat glands oi groundhogs near the ioropawa in search or the sec ret oi hibernation What an elixir itwould bot Dr Mustard an authority on heart surgery and orthopaedlcs said adding playfully The possibilities are unllrnv ited Think what you could do with motherlnlawl Dr Mustard was speaking to meeting of an unnliicial jaint Commons and Senatocommittee on health you could make human be ings hibernate the way ground hogs do he said it would greatly facilitatesurgery Doctors could operate for longer periods under convenient conditions Present deep freeze opera tions must be limited insight or 10 minutes and artiiiclal lung machines were some and each cost Al Ps we gyros Under hibernation the metabo lisrnis reduced to its lowest point consistent with ans The groundhog hlbcrnates at just about freezing said Dr Mustard The heart beats only once or twice minute When the temperature goes up the metabolism goes up In human beings slow rate of heart heat would make sur gery easier gt Dr Mustard said there may be something in the theory about the groundhog going back down his hole if he sees his shadow oundhol Feb iisk for Donations lgfHelp Missions ANGUS An inspiring talk on aid to missions and charitable organizations was given by ther MeGivney at the monthly meeting oiCWL Ave Maria Council which was held at the home of Mrs AViel Father McGivneyfisuggested that each member bring donation oiused clothing stamps Catholic literature etc to themeenngsj euchrein aid ofthesbuildr ing fund is being planned for the near future Details will be giv eoj through the newspaper and posters The next meeting will he on March ii at the home eatern Angus Blind Will need Printedgiago With New Portable Machine WINNIPEG UPT soon will be able to read the printed pagethrough the tears Jan McPherson of the Cana diao National Institute for the Blind herevsaya he has received detailed report oia revolution ary new portable machine that takes the letters printed page and converts them into series of sounds Now in its final stages of ex perimentation the new machine is the work at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus Ohio The institute began world on tha ma chine nearly two yearssgo Its studies are being sponsored by that United States veterans Ads By using an intricate mesh of 11 photoelectric cells an equal number oivtranslator oscillators and diminutive lenses lsmps the reading machine coavertis eachletter into soun combination of soun sounds are read bythob through small earphone set at tachedto the madhin The machine has sliding rollei that moves across the printed line Potential readers must learn the sounds and comI binatlons of soimds nieacnlotter whether capital or small letters and of punctuation marks Twelve blind persons wanna instrument by the iastitut After eafiboutsh hours instruction ext ded over period 01 they developed high degreeoi and adios by an eblin chloarsaboutthesizeoiasmall mantel radio andweigi1ts about pounds Begibes Tnp For Stroud WIi srnouo Thirtyeight mem thB February meetin Mrs John 0an and Mrs Bertlviulhol land were in charge of the pro gram Roll call was answered with the name oi an important woman of another country Ronald Jones assistant afipuhlicatlonsler Crown if Insurance Companyvandvnepha of Mrs Cowan delighted his auideoce with an account of his or trip to Europe He showed slid as be had taken in England Scotland Franc Holland Italy Sw tzerland and Monaco Mrs Jelierrnan dress ed in her Dutch costume and accompanied by Mrs Wanless sang two solos Mrs My Good iellow commented on the motto Grant me Lord thatI will not judge another until have walked mile in his moc ccsina boxes fio ers and cards Donn tions were modelto the Wo menpAuxiiiary oi the Royal Victori refiner andnhe Re es and Mrs ulhoiland agreed to take charge of the RedrCrosscollec tlon viiire Rrfioodiellow and Mrs Campr were aplt pointedreporteu or the farm accident survey which starti March angqu li en AW fleeting inEdinburgh th Thirdmcalcour oi Mrs Germany 001 WNW imdfin loiinowden stnrrs insults sun PagoPun Orange MARMALADE Mdnnmh Whit Ohacolata CAKE Mix Paramount Sockya SALMON Mlle CHILI Maxwell House We cherry Hm msmm coarse SKtMMED CHEESE bars and visitors braved below zero temperatures to attend of Street sauce Maxwell Home Drip Regular VACllllM PACK COFFEE AN ELEPHANT oner ems At Edenvale ggs UganiaMPIA called an Queer Mothet Elabeth nludaynlght nonsensem whotoldtheQueu mmh nanmelephan tatthodocrma TheQuecmrestinglaher salaricamplodgeatMurchL wade National larkhur ried tntha wtnd ow block Then game wardens drove the beast otf into the jungle Hold WA Meeting lit Anten Mills ANTEN MILLSPlain ior bake sale to be held in the building next to the Bank of Nova Sootla Barrie March were made at the recent meet lng at the Anten Mills held at the home of Mrs McGrady Twelve members were present Mrs Wilson was in charge oi entertainment and presented an interesting program The next meeting will he held at the home oi Mrs Height on Parade of Roll Call The secretary read letter re garding the folk school to be held at the home at Earl Parnell Saurln Mar 1114 The theme will be Enriching Rural Life Another letter advised that the guilt and Rug fair wouldlbe withdrawn this year but trait fair would be held in 1960 It was decided that mendzers would bring their contributions to the Red Cross to the March meeting Mrs Cecil Ward sec retary is taking community contributions Mrs Graydon Gillenwvas ap nointcd to draft bylaw regard flowers andpresent it at 52 filings vo pay expenses of the girls course Ths Club Girl Stands on Guard Super Innate Meeting madeasumdndasm aleatlu unuaadrrat alpha mieat Bdruhmrnn were oervedbylirs and MmliarryXlllschoten Centre Vespra WI Fesimes Healthr CentreVaspra wr held 173er meeting at the home oeraH Dawson with Mrs DGmnpresldingandlsladier meat Mrs Waiiln read oommual calionr and resulting busrn ecu was discussed It was decided to hold bake sale in March Mrs Dawson also planned rug making demmstration Mr Thompson read an excellent paper ln health based on home accidents with special reference to childrens balards She also demonstrated some lint aid treatments or wotmds and spoke about home nursing Mrs ll Bowles recited an ap propriata poem iea was served and the social halthour was en god at the close at the meet attain Meat IlURREffg £49 PfiME RIB ROAST 469 PORK LIVER AIMSwhom $pfi VBACQN 15 1959 iIKBDOCK nunsf M39 hormoneWI 1e 45am55 inspireMove an 3MN26 Maosaves on p31 MVE 176 3Mphs1oo moutheaves Ms Mhflfloleh MHZ hflflpIflvlh Hahns hmVlm swarIJ9 WHOGAVEh mm29¢ LBijzheiy Specials Baked in Aces Own askq By Bnluan Jana amm can as PINEAPPLE PIE Jana Parker 24¢ Pic BLUEBERRY PIE Boo Eoaav as amid9 MuttGAVE 100 an ForkirPldn Cinnamon 39 SUGAR DONUTS 2min ElenaPark ares Jannak COOKIES oAInEAL Jana Parker Lm Jane Parker Giant JELLY ROLL Janafarker PROP coox ES fiozen Fit Guhlity Southland CRACKED WHEAT an WMHAVE 2216ihm33c Rec coosst is 21949¢ mo and socenviro ANGEL CAKE tact39¢ Bea seeam 10 59 noo pIu asseaves 296 Footie mg WoTSAVfi at AsP Mics 6121255130 Rog MVE Tu BROCCOlI SPEARS aka his use asylummes Meme Worn localsell 4a OrvDut CHEESE SPREAD canned Meat PREM Delicious cancela Drink NEsnEs oulcx MODESS chore Quality woos AaP BEETS Fancy Qualify MP chem Quality fled mmr Spams Mustermt wanet9 Mateo3A Vila Zeus385g hmEh We 47 we seeamen Zoom 756 stgen Hus 416cm 53 Runth cooomen TOMATO NICE 24mm53c MVELJ RASPBERRIES 3mm estate dunner AEP pEAcrIES Jenn Parker Ion tin ZiaSAVE 3m53¢ HOT cRoss BUNS Main

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