one heroic can HUI m0 is the most important product Gunilla can offer to world moving also ally into new age Preeidentlciaude Bacall of the University of Toronto says wer is people cultivatedandln in men and women He supports contention by pollan if the coun unlor civil servants especially those the Department of External Affairs thing he says has added more toCan aéa prestige than thergputation they ve gained at home and abroad two addresses last week pr Bissell ussed the role of the university in reusing production of the kind of peo Canada and the world needs He told Rotary Club of Toronto that there the more positive attitude mwards th selecticn of university students At pr he said this selectionis looked upoitoo much as screen to Meet in at of as net to capture the worthy arahlps and bursaries are notvo new of family allowance he insisted yore instead the methods by which COMMIIIED T0 TOLLS St Catharines Standard has been pointed out that poll allySt ace seaway toils represent com talent by both the major Canadian political parties he Liberals agreed to them when they nego il ed the original St Lawrence agreement with shlngton nd the Conservatives who were then in op ition supported the agreement in its passage th ugh Parliament one use REFRAIN New York Herald Tribune tone dull stage in the foreign ministers meet at Berlin in 1954 Secretary of State Dulles used an adjournment with the remark lie can keep awake indefinitely under the sti ulus of new ideas infind it very diffith to alert when an old refrain played time at time after time Soviet Union clearly is convinced that dip in atic repetition is the soul of emphasis at any ra on the German question it is again playing oi refrain of 1054 which was itself anccho heisong the USSR piped in 1952 In pr moss rouon CANADIANS Oshawa Times deorge Dudley secretarymanager oi the Can adian Amateur Hockey Association would have be well advised to do some research before lingthe Belleville McFarlands to use some ration in their European hockey tour It CAHA action followed criticism of the vog oro play oi the Canadians in some oi the games they are playing as warmups ior tha wold championship tournament in Czechpaiolf next month spa calfy 1L3W the howls of couple oi FEmiih newsilapelsif fer game in which the McFarlands beatthe Finish national team 81 The reports reaching Canada has toldiabout on Canadian player threatening the referee an other arguiag bitterly with the referee third waving hiaslick at some children who were snow halling him and some others exchanging pleas anifies with spectators Most of all we in vb heard about the newspaper complain and learn the ABC oi sportsmanshi adieu fought well played badly onal view is that we have not ful story of that game hint is given in the coounent of the only Fl lsh newspaper not tobiast the Canadians easy to lose your temper when you are tir nuotlaer words the Canadian players op re reference to weariness is little odd While the game was the fourth in five days for the adians the players had scarcely been called to put out their best efforts Moreoverthe lab team was weaker than the Sw team It it ed P9 Newsof ABY 1839 PIrince Steven Semio and Princess Kika be offspring we married pr aratlons and of bountiful supplies for th we ding feast She described the ceremony father and mother took me and gave me to the father and mother of my husband that ma me theirs Then they gave me to their son on said We hope you will have good life make good wife and live 1000 years do mines produced $322 millions in gold cad zinc nickel and other metals of of the Royal House oi Bo 31116 drinker who hides his liquor ison tn road to becoming an alcoholic1cays syehologist Not necessarily He may ding it from somasody whoson road eral parlor called Ellis Sam Reader Authorized can 17 PB Outc Department sandn and statutory aounny minds wane oméni Manager Id wanna Business mun calm faaocswmï¬aonmn at VIII Blanket Se 50 vmon Eodog Dslltaldlcanl Eost Importdnt of gliewspapers meats may be expressed by the But our heard the aid The crowds reaction was not good and and the Finnish crowd was hostile Form Years in Toronto The bride told of the thereountry can molteffecuvely and most teeonomicauy utilise its human re sources Miler the some day Dr Bissau wel comed thousand high moo teachers to the University of iomnto He assured them that the Universitys great expanse siori program which is Housing for an enrolment of 2300 by it will not lead tonaechanisation in education We will do everything in our power to ensure that students will be eitisens of great community of scholars he said individuals to be treated as individuals to he assisted in their individual self development Ciasses which should he kept mail will be kept email be continued large lectures will be supplementedwith sem inars and tutorials We shall strengthen federated college system provide more staff and more residences There still be room for wonder and the ioyofdiscovery thatbad been easily beaten by Belleviileindeed itwasmuch the same team that took lacing from the Whitby Dunlops year ago so the score itself appears odd as well as the cumstences surrounding it Let us not rush to condemn the ltiacFarlands There is more pressure on them than on any oth or team in the tournament The Canadian team is the only one that must face ieers at home if it loses abroad sorry commentary on the attitude oi large numbers of Canadian fans The players know that they are expected to be win ners not diplomats no matter what pious senti CAEA It is wrong but thats the way SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED Brandord Expositor Why all the mushymindedness about those pese flierous starlings and pigeons Would it not be morssensible to exterminate the things instead of having them mess up public and private bulldingsand stop the hands on the post office clock THEYRE MUSICASTERS Calgary Alhertan We see by the paper that radio station in Portland Maine is dropping the term disc Socklt ey on the grounds thatit is not aflattering description of the employees who play records and indulge in aimless chatter The station wants to substitute musicaster although how it figures thatsuch aridiculoua word can add dignity to the occupation is beyond our comprehension 24 CIVIL SERVICE OVEBSTAFEEPZ Quebec Cbr Kw At the risk oi offending lot of good people wï¬gguld suggest that the civil service is over The review of the activities clutbe Government service should have madein honest appraisal of the needs How many of the present employees could be eliminated II it necessary to go on hiring thousands oi new workers each year we regret that the commission made no at tempt to answer these questions I5 YEARS FOR DRUNK DRIVING Edmonton Journal About two years ago drunken driver in one Russian city who injured two pedestrians was ed for 25 yearsin another cltya drunken drivor who killed man was sentenced to death Punishment no matter what the crime is apt to be severe in Eussia Nonetheless without going arias as Russia it 2wowere to adopt tougher penalties for trafiio law violations we soon would develop more re speet for our traffic laws and our highways would be much safer goldalone it was sinlost millionslhere are now its Producers thwas statedrln wages they pald out about flamlllions andccntributedin dditlon to sickness eoidont andsother forms insurance for the welfare $55000 workers in the business Toronto daily carried on front page three column picture of Ms or Barmon Rice of North Bay being klsse by two pretty young lad lea one of whomwasQueeoof Glamour The broad smile on the face of the genial mayor dicated that he was enjoying the un Ilneosely This was at Carnival time This old world is pretty tough place 10 live in at times but itheats having no place to live in Mexico there stun Qua Vodlsit Press report no apt response to this question would he the query Quien sabei About all we know bout uter space is that theres oodles of it than there is of inner space particularly in her space inwhibh cars can be parked califomiaexvpert onproble at the aged placed the onset crime as would yearsPtess report This confirms the inngvheld belief of many of us that there was somepolnt at whichpeopie carts in they were getting younger In Cuernavaca cln dangers because of all the snow cover By SCOTT BA ILIIed the desirability of general pub lic school teachers At first glance this isJust another snow scene but behind its obvious beauty there lurks danger This partic ular bridge carrying Highway 490 over the snow carpeted stream was Washed out in Hurricane Hazel when turbulent storm waters swept away the structure Now for different reasoh the long awaited spring may bring with it flood cos County ing the land The land has beendeep warnings parently deliberate attempt to reach and it may not absorb any sudden Snrnlns Conservative MP and thawlhe bridge pleading the water this time but the can ring disaster and misery to homes and farms Some communities cggemï¬mgnixnrhgvaï¬ï¬ are already preparing for such an event ualltyit would be as well if we may withstand the in ï¬lm wlth our many rivers and streams were also to make some prac tical preparations It needs more than Education week1s ThreeiWdy ProieCtx to nby Tha understaffed situation which uienprevailedaocouots in part for the astounding fact that 81 public school teachers were em ployed during the school year lemma which69 were class room teachers Countingthe two classrooms in thearea annexed at Candler on Jan l1959tle stall now totals 96 of which 85 are class Public School inspector Slmcoe NJ During Education Week Marcb Hi the public schools in Can adas newest and most progres sive city the City oi Barrie are particlpotlngactiveiy through various programs initiated by local committees of teachers parents and board members in bringing the schools andwhat mom bathe 3035 mam hem The enrolment has increased but vary rapidly since ms in June Education Week should re 01 355 A99 1qu were enrolled as of January 1959 ceive the support of all citizens because only through the We 2311 including the two class rooms in the annexed areaat port of wellinformed public cad1 those chargedkwith aching inistrai on war succea 1y toward further porgress and 13m ggggmï¬ï¬em imptlxelrrlilelnt action to provigla for 13 septemb 1950 C9 vamlei 12 cilitief stain specml scivi ï¬igafl signiï¬ed and curricula In uiese rie has beenparticularly for jï¬msigéngngsï¬ 277 tunnte it has been said that in mat ters of education in per cent of the people make things hap pen 20 per cent are aware of the changes as they occur while 70 per cent are unaware of them This is the main reason for increase has plac vy demand upon the boards concerned to provide atlllmore necommodatlon it is interesting to note that about 78 percentof the 2641 pupils presently enrolled in the city public schools are receiving in struction in classrooms new sincalssil new eightroom school with home economics and industrial arts and multipurpose roomvia lie support of and participation in the activities planned for the first week in March MADE THINGS HAPPEN Ever since according to tra dition school was first held in deserted immigration shanty at the corner ofMulcaster and Dunlopï¬streets in 1832 Barrie has been fortunate inhaving publicminded citizers who have made things happen to solve the neverending problems confront ing uslover the years Under the guiding influence of fine staffs and energetic hoards backed by dwellinformed pub lie and faithful administrators our schools are striving by re solute and cooperative action on the part of all concerned to provide the bestin education for our girls and boys By 1854 there were two pub lhat supposition can beread in Barrie into the Soviet premiersiattadt six 18 in 1896 and Tuesdayion the Westernproposal The staff had increasedfor foreigncrninisters panic QUEENS PliliK 919692 9m Canadian Press aim Writer NikitavKlirusliche appears to be angling anew higfour summit confercn by 1872 in 1910 Iurï¬neasrmo THE nws tions of the panelists were omit Steel Street ltia expected it will be ready for occupancy this fall it has been said that the school is the bridge between the generations preserving the val ues of the past to inform and enlighten the present MEETS CHALLENGE Barrio public school board is to be commended for its con stant endeavor to meet the chal lenge facing boards everywhere in this rapidly changing world The ultimate can be reached perhaps through the realisation ofthc aim expressed so beau tifully in Section of thaBri Education nothings which Dent says should be himg up in the meeting room of every local tioncomrnitiee and learned heartby every citi and the schools avail able for an area shall not be deemedto be sufficient unless tlioy are sufficient in number character and equipment to af ford for all pupils opportunities for education offering such var iety of instruction and training as may be desirable in view of their different ages abilities and aptitudeshand of the differ ent periods forwhich they may be expected to remain at school including practical instruction and training appropriate to their respective needs Khruschev Angles for New Big sliour Summit Conference lance to consider the German questionvandread off the Soviet threat turnflleir West Berlin duties ov to the East Germans May 27 ext Add easing Moscow political rallyKlirushche indicated he would preferrta conference at tended by the heads of govern ment of all the countries that fought against Hitler in the Sec ond World War The aim of that CBC Information Proves Point Made lag aysem displays improper bias in reply CBC ofï¬cials have written to every newspaper in which my column In published to allege tliatDernalish1bIY hid is inaccurate Let us see who is inaccurate Hy revelation of the 080s Ip sbape puhlicoplnioo has caused widespread interest which has even surged into our Parliament where many quesqu have been asked on this topic by Senator Thorvaldson by that great dguhflmger Murphy others cmcu know as SMALL son vividly shows how extremely Hickey appeared radio programs last year buf fed the CBC But the inaccuracy of the CBCa pa to whitewash iLishort comings is clearly shown in its own answers to Senator Thorvaldc son Those answars reveal that neither Mackie nor Hickey hp st all on CBC last year while McCook made only one ap pearanceon TV CBC RIDES TRUTH lt would be obvious even to sunpietoa that Senator Thorvald soos questions were seeking comprehensive record of the use made by the CBC of press gallery and other commentators during the past year Yet the answers supplied by the CBC did not con form to known facts it appears that the CBC split hairs to sub small is the closed circle of cac rmit wimmv incomplete reoly to regular within the pres gallery exactly as have alleged have carefully analysed the lengthy answers They reveal that 66 per cent of press gallery mem bers did not appear on CBC atall last year But tiny 16 per cent oi members gave no less than 73 per cent of all comment coming from the gallery Glarlng evidence of tho entail ness of the closed circle is the fact that on Press Conference per cent of the participation was entrusted to mere four mem 1942 and to it in 1950 now planned iora location on hers I1t thaprcss gallery Tbeso figures supplied by the CBC itself amply prove my point that the CBC uses predominantly small cloud circle Turning to my other criticism that the CBC deliberately pre sents only one side of most impor tant public questionslet as com pose the extent to which the CBC hires journalists from the two English language newspapers in Ottawa which give perhaps the most intimate attention to our parliamentary affairs Last year the CBC hired five writers from the Liberal Ct to talk 51 times but it only bire two writers from the Conserva COREECIING REPORT FARMERS UNION MEETING no Orillla Feb loss To The Editor The Barrie Examiner SirIn writing correction to your report on the Farm Un ion meeting at have an uneasy feeling that forgot to sign my name so here is second effort which will sign Because of the use of the term price spreads instead of price supports in your report of the Farmers unionvmeeting at Minesingand because one or two vital points in the conten ted no meaning whatever could be gleaned from it Itwaa Ill wise as it turns out for me to have acceded to your request by calling long distance to re port the event to your paper Thé panel discusSed price sup ports after the petition had been circulation in parts of Simone County Theretition requested price supports at 100 parlu level but would limit the amount of subsidyan dividual farmer could collatzt Ben Steers Zone Director 0n tario llog Producers Associa tion and Gordon Caldwell Dir ector Ontariollederatlon of Ag riculturE agreed with Bebcr conference would be to work but Smith MP for She mm treaty with Germany If hehas summit conference in mind he may find the Allied camp dividednn this issue if no otber Prime musterMaunillan of the house than anyquestlon oi the period of current history niore probably than the highways and the famous debate itable Gifts Act put bTIlSnlt has happ thatihere haveébEen aflnumhetrlyoglotllies ques ons not erinen ace way oolnt has been cradles mu theaffair of the house but readied and yet In its ermine which havebappenedalong to bgénegswme House has hardly take hp move Some legislation has been lntro Mali Welland ducedbut probablyan about half ttiagamount usual by this timesad once in the house it hastended to stand still The casino has been busy but hashtchbeen getting anywhere By DON OEEAIIN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner ronomo This certainly is one of the strangest sessions on record At time of writing nearly month has gone by the FL 127 to gt Streets whichboth came up the some day Whatwili this mean ENothing muchprobably Ohe would expect it Would indi sessionto But the observerdoesnt look folthis It probably will bring few ectic sittings towa in ML and bu some telnhetwould find session in still and up ow tall rotim da be Eastar as expected int currently discussing East West differences with the So viet leader generally has favored summit tallu while President Eisenhower always has been lukewarm towards the idea OBWOUS RELUCTANCE Lutlllmmel with obvious re luctanccitha if ted States agreed summit conference on the dleEast at the United Nations New York only to sea Khrushev scuttls it on the claim that the UN Security Council was an organ of the 115 state depart ment if the LES wascool to th idea then it could be expected in the light of Khrushchavs per fdrmanco last August to be downright cold to it now There lsroom for speculation that Khrushchev sensing the dif fering viewpoints now might be hoping to drive wedge between the twoAngloSaxon powers Certainly his attack on the Wests proposal for foreign ministers meeting throws damper on Western hopes for an early settle nt of thsCerman problem and me of East ore sthe West vuhderetgndln drdwal iron Wést Berlin is rehched culture gt that cooperative marketing tended credit and greater fl clency all were necessary to ralse farmers incomesiifr Smith went further and said that any support prices should be paid directly to the producer and in order to receive price upporta at parity lavalpfalrmera would have to submitto pro duction controls pointed out that farmers are justified in seekingprlce supports because they were promised to thorn wheaprice ceilings were imposed on farm ers duringtha war and rar iffs trade restrictions when maintain prices prod cinz operations at an ificlal high gt In fact ofvthe money paid the government in subsidies and transfer payments more has beeppaid to support ins ted that on the amount of production for which 1nd individual producer could collect nipporte would render unnecessary any product tion controls contended that loszupport prices on total pro duction maintainedby govern mont chase of surpluses re sultedin gmaoteed BIllBIIVmSIr horsemeat in eq ly red herring other industries re the senatorIn act which com ing from group of public serv ants almost cmstitutes contempt of Parliament Typlcally misleading was the further comment in those CBC letters alleging that the CBCa wide circle of press gallery oom mentators included Charles Lynch and Gene Griffin Mr Grif fin at once pointed out to me that be has only beonon the CBC twice in is years whereas Lynch had appeared on three separate programs all on the previous day That reminded me of the fa mous recipe for Belgian game pie whis is said to contain the costly delicacy rabbit and cheap proportions one rabbit to one horse The CBC has got itself into enalt barrassing difficulties trying to explain away what ldbaral MP Hubert Badanal from Fort Wil liam has described to me as an attempt to mould political thought through the medium of TV But my revelations have already be Elli to bear abundant and ri for CBC producer recen confided to one of that smau closed circle that We have to spreadlt armed now gin of profit to large operators expanding productionand con tinuing low prices driving 5060 farriiersmer year from their The system requested in the petition would withdraw profit guaranteesjto factory farms and remove the urgency from the trend towards expansion and specialization of the family farms Yours sincerely BILL WINCHESTER SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT GETS SOME CRITICISM Barrie Feb 13 1969 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner SirAllow me to congratulate your special correspondent He is certalnly For example few days ag he developed an elaborate coni parlson between Press Confer ence and bull fight with the visiting celebrity representing the bull However at the crucial mom ent tbematador changes his mind and decides instead to despaich bis victim by cruci on This might have been difficult but wasnt necessary as the special corresponden then appeared on scene and lured the bull to safety with red herring Now the scene suddenly shifts and the bull is down for the count in the pile fight ring but is mercifully saved hythe heil Somewhat as nnanticllniax we are then informed that thovic ttrn was unaware that he was abull andthoughtallthe time he was fish that was gloriou ly gotten off the hooklby theI pecial correspondents friend that his is Now must agree eolorful prose at its finest How ever they ona mlnor criti cism For someone who leisup posed to be reporting on Ottawa speclal correspoade tells us remarkably little about wbatis happening there His has some unbiased unpink rev clothes to make why doesnt he make them instead of filling column with all this trivia Yours sincerely senor fheflord plead his people Jam Std You may think your good deeds areunnotieodand unap predated bdW men but not inn modem