DR AND MRS FISHER Dr and Mrs Lloyd Daniel Fisher Barrie cut their wedlt ding cake following their re cent marriage at Central Unl ted Church The Rail Brena officiated Dr Fisher is tha son of Mrs Fisher and the late Mr Fish er of Clifford and Mrs Fisher is the former Evelyn Agnes Grinneli daughter of Mrs Grinnell and the late Mr Grlnnell of Nannimo BC Lee photo Mrs saloon Aikins Is Speaker llt Cains Corners WI Meeting cams CORNERS Mrs Bariford Aikins president of the West Simcoo district vas speak er at Cains Camera Womens Institute February eting at home of Mrs Norman Neva Mrs Aikins gave the mem here an outline of the district ac tivities for the coming year mentioning the district annual to be held in Collingwood and the area convention at Oriilia She also spoke about the Farm Safety Survey the idea of local institutes annating small Canadian souvenirs for the dele gates from Ontario to take to the ACWW convedtion in Edin burgh An auction sale of miscel laneous items with Mrs Presser as auctioneer created much amusement nd netted the treasury approximately sin Mrs Fleming president conducted the business session Roll cellth ansld by 15 members and ther were two visitors present Mrs Norman ments at the elm of the ing Nevils alternate district direc tor was appointed delegate to the officers convention at AC Guelph in MIJ Plans were made for euchne to be held at Sunnldala Corners Hall on February 29 and committee was nod to pre pare for sale of rk and home baking to be hel laterln the spring in Stayner Members were asked to bring donations of canned food to the next meeting to be delivered to family in eed of assistance Mrs Fleming is to represent Cains Corners at the rm Saf ety Survey meeting at Duntroon Mrs McNiven convenes of home economics and health was in charge of program and introduced the caker The motto Arrry heart doeth good like medicine was well presented by Mrs lL Gil pin and Mrs ZcNi reported on Whats New in The World Thehostesscs served relesh leet SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr andMrs Calvert Rose street entertained small gathering of friends at an in formal evening Sunday Hugh Curriemeteorologist at the BCAF station Trenton re cently visited at the home of and Mrs his parents Mr Gladstone Currie Kempehfe drive Mr and Mrs Harring entertained friends at an informal after noon party Sunday in honor at Mr and Mrs Bob McLean prior to Mr Mdmans depart uer for Hamilton He will join the staff of CHCliriV the he ton Cock street ginning of March Mrs McLean who teaches school here will Ms4399 It Join him at the conclusion hi the term Ml and Mrs ABud Noble Nawmarket formerly of for motor to the southern states and Florida Mrs Nobles parents Barrie left Sun trip any Mr andMrs Mumber Inn New Lowell accompanied than Mr and weekend at Toronto moi Marilyn Dyment Peel street and ss lrene Watson Napier street spent the week end at Kingston as guests of ï¬nes Joan and Madlyn Saso girls were cocktail he cal students Mr and Mrs ernCanadB the former Wanda Watterworlh member ofhe lxaminer of fice statf Mr Buchanan is former manager of IAC and Niagara Finance in Barriel Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgrove arrived home by air from Mexi co intime to attend therecep Lion and official opening or the nyai York Hotel in Toronto last Weekend Mr and Mrs Sentio nan Brock street recently visited their soninlew and daughter Mr and MrsWllliam Tregwln addition to the WutweyVlllA Bobcatgums at home of Mr Mrs Robert Smith road were their willylaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Hugh nnd Vernika Is John Gra ham Shirley avenue spent the entertained at PM prior to attend ueens University dance held at Grant Hall by the media Buchanan and son Pete of Calgary form erly of Barrie have been va cationing in Hawaii and report that terrific numbers of West ple have been using the Pacific for holidays this winter Mrs Buchanan is Mrs Dyment High street when the staff of Barrie branch of the Liquor Control Board honored two of its mem bers Harvey Jones and Ken Ramsay who have recently been transferred Mr Jones is going to Torontoywere he will be inspector ofetores while Mr Rooney has been appointed vendor of the new branch store at Newmarket Nc Webb re tired staffmember also attend ed the dinner FO and Mrs Then ston nee Eileen Prlngle and chosen eon Bret Bald Evan of Ottawa spent week at the home of Mrs Theakstonspar Pringle Sanford stret Mrs Boy Smith Shirley ave nue was hostess for recent meeting of the ladies section of the Barrie Country Club Dur ing the meeting it was an nounced that the CIISU dollaru 23 23 mild Members were also told that the Ontario ladles golf champion ship toumammt would be held at Stamford July 610 Mrs Marian Riggs was appointed flower convener Tentative plans were made for card party later this month at the home of Mrs Gray Brookdaio drive with Mrs Charles Kear ney at convener Mr and Mrs Nixon Sudoidale road returned by air Sunday fronra vacation at Fort Lauderdale Florida Bgm Sdhools Aided by IODE imaomo do pilot project with seven secondary schools in the Leeward islands of the Brlflsh Westlndies has been set up by the Imperial order Daughters of the Empire library of reference bohks has been shipped to each of these schools in Antigua St Kitts Nevis Anguilla and Montserrat Further supplies will be sent dus ing the year by chapters located in British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba 0W tario Quebec andNova Scotla Itlsanextenslonoftheplan by whiclich up as fedoptv schools in Canada and tondale oois havene educational held in inner Sat Dunclnren school eandlvhate knowing Women Film Producers Use Home Studio For AniInation aycamvuwnsm HannahMm mm ice Dundaren nukes alumtin we AlinaktheartilAndrsythe Wm mania The Hollywood camera out MIWWMDW domainhugethutbentndla tdoesntn um coll much of an airline for work if you have elaborate equip ment you rely on too mum Alina laid ally this waywebavetolooklorthe ind Audrey Mm who work in securdfloor rnldtown studio So far Dlmclsrens completed works total is minutes on film and two fillsKinan the Sleepy Hunter and Hearts and Solu Both heva won their share of film festival laurcll in North America and Europe Theyve been shown on television are available in nlnnber of film libraries and in several Canadian and United States universities common svnNssms The two former National Film Board employees in 1952 com bined their surnames to spell went to work in an attic of McLaren home Audrey born in England of Ca nadian parents grew up in flam fiton served in RCAFadmlnls tretion during the Second World War and then worked in NFB laboratories here Alma from Paris OnL worked as commercial artist and then joined NFBs graphic division later moving on to the animation department 5o lflsr this sevenyearold ven asgone roma ctoepert meat and still swingtsqon shoe string The present studio also is Almas home and includes bed room kitchen studiohving room limplut way to make films The partners try to cmfina moviemaking to fiveday weé and do extra jobs to help rneet expenses Audroy is portrait photogra pher and does some extra nega tive cutting Aline does come ciai artbookillustretions interest in childrens films and educational productions the parmars can guide their brain childrenirom start to finish Their two finished films are ex amples of creative meduilous workondethirdlllmnowis under way AlflC PRODUCTION Out of the attic in 1951 came Kumak laminate film in color based on an old Eskimo legend it took 1400 still pictures to film the story with pintsized pup pets as actors Heated and dressed by Andrey Hearts and Sales an experi mental fivominute film in color was made in less it is gay imaginative work through which shou left outside hotel room doors are givenllle and danceto music by Ottawa composer Fred erick Karam who also did the music for Kumak The new Dunclaren production will take 150 drawings to mold past and present with Canada and shooting room 115 relationships as theme lTHE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24 1959 Popular Singer Pat Boone Writes Book for Teens By CLEVELAND MYERS Pat Boone still in his twenties father of four young children known and adored by millions of youths for his singing onihe air in moVIngpicbnu and on rec ords has written remarkable book Twixt Twelve and Twenty Prenticeliall it is addrmsed to teenagers in modest folksy manner and gives them good sound advice spleed with humor In this book Pat proudly tells of his good homediscipline and Influence his learning early to work hard for living and to help pay for his schoolinglie tells of struggles to get an education in cluding his latest twoyear stint art Eolumhis University in New or manscenamm He also tells of his teenage dating and love life and of his sticking devotedly toShirley who later became his wife Furthermore he asserts his im plicit belief in God and relates his religious activities in the church of his choice while also revealing kindly appreciadon of other religoius faiths In spite of thedcmandsofhlscareerhehas continued his church work Thousands of teen agerswho are here worshippers of Pat MARY HAWORTHS Mlln milY Fall MUSlZ Fa Boone will be inclined to emulate his ideals and struggles and to stick to them including his re fusal to smoke or drink Pat Boone gives the same ldnd of advice to youths that hundreds of us oldsters would like to give or have given The difference is that Patio barely out of the teens himself Withina few years he has won meteoric success as the kind of singer that stirs the Youths from 12 to so PRICELESS ADVICE if any older person had offered youth thelsame advice contained in this book not many would read it and fewer still would choose to follow it Coming from Pat Boone it is priceless We guess that Twixt Naive and Twenty will be widely read not only by teanagers but also by parents and teachers leaders of youth groups and counselors of youths and parents PARENTS QUESTIONS After neighbor boy had been playing for so minutes at our home my boy took the other boys bat and would not rcblrn it to him sent the neighbor boy home because quarrel ensued Why did you not curb your boy instead since he was the eggesst THE suns sin 31 We ran TOMORROW all activitieswhether ll busi ness or personal azureshould have unapth going now FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your laments for the year ahead while not spectacular age highly satisfactory Make constructive plansto advnu lobwise and if nancially in late March but do not put them into effect until late winno gt jyeen ow up thenandyonahould notice definite improvement in your status throughout May llme and July Next good business periods late September and most of De cember very favorable month Aspects where personal rela tionships are concerned will be excellent and in both domestic and social circles you should find the events of the next year 1115th stimulating July will be excellent for travdapeciaily if you are planning long tripand Decem succuumr canny rams Whip Up Sweet Cherry Texts To Brighten Up Winter Me sy ms amnvaunw melted butterand tbsp no kin 5i ii Edd gal 22 roses her eosanhle Min Marilyn Swain Kingston her only attendant were navy bluesuit with red accessories ends carnage of pink and white calnations= Berton Kingston was the groomnnan Mn Pringle mother of the Although ltissiliiwinterbuds fine chopped toasted almonds bridegroom was attired in royal Iroalreedyforming on cherry tree in the great Northwest remarked to the Chef Coma senor they will burst into bloom What fairylandlike sight Sweet dark cherries will begin in form growtn maturity be harvest when the summer sun warms them to full ripeness their lusciousnesa captured in can ready for enioyment any reason in many ways FINE EXAMPLES Today Madame suggest we present onr new dark sweet cherry cream tarts the Chat bar will be fine for romance and said They are fine example marriage Look for an interests lng opportlmity to expand yourin terests early in Januaryparticu larly if you happen to be en gaged in creative work or pursue an evocation along artistic lines Achildbomnnthisdaywillbe endowed with the qualiticsneedcd to become successful artist or writer CAMP BORDEN Congrahllatlons have been ex tended to Capt andMre Wallace on the birth of their daughter Susan Ellen who was born Feb 20 in the Stevenson Memorial Bupital Alliston Seventeen Camp Borden friends gave surprise farewell party for Mrs Bridgeweter 12th St on Saturday Mrs Brldgewater who leaves for Winnipeg in the near future was in the midst of packing Silver Maple WI Donates Funds PHELPSTON The regular monthly meeting of Silver Maple Womens Institute was held recently at the homerof Mrs Russell Turner Mrs Johnston presided Roll call was answered by some of the members favorite books and authors During the business meeting it was decided donations would be madato the Red Cross and Muscular Distrophy organiza tion Mrs White was named delegate to attend the folk school at Mrs Parhells in the near future Members were urged to com plete their notesfor the Needs muir History book An inter esting studyofthelife of Grand lna Moses the famous painter was given by Mrs Rowat Refreshments were served by Mrs Rnwat Mrs John ston and Mrs nlrner WI members and their famil ies enjoyed turkey dinner re cently When they met at the home of the president Mrs Johnston During the evening games and slngsong were en joyed by parents and children In Line WhénPdréhts Dis own Son Dear Mary flavorful My hus band and his twp brothers and one sister have always had rather close reladomhlwt least no apparent rivalryand aways bad good time when they would allget together But about three months ago we had tremendous shockrMy hus bands parents disownedr one of their sons and theyexpect us to stop speaking tobim too might add thatrthey are also putting pressure on an aunt to stop see ing the outcast and his family Although Chailles attitude to wards the parents seems inexcus able behas never been anything but niceand serene with us And feel badly and time we drive loamy inlaws town and ignore Charlies household in deference to my husbands wishesL would like very much to see their new house and new baby The straingon my husband conscience has brought on the be ginnings of an ulcer for which be is getting edioal neannent no dant decide Whether to drop Charliepbrtalk to both sides to get the wholestoryv and try to patchuiptherouarrelus We alihave children ofpre to seefhn weaken the foundations of my marriage if andmy children were to visit the outcasts per sonally have no hard fee sags to wards them My motherinlaw says she has forgiven her son but doesnt want to see him as yet My huslt band doesnt actllally mind if decide to visit his brother but regards it as interference inwhat isnt my affair that would cause bad feelingas his mother has convinced him that he is follow ing the better path CR senile rnounanmasnn Dear GIRL Well here is your story minus the opage confl dential fillin on family back ground As get thepicture your hus bands mothernis chronic med dler anda doublemaker with ruleorruln biasonce she gets her denderup And Char is by temperath or conditioning hel most dependent son closely tied to her by neurotic sentimmts combination on both sides that largely accounts for the re cent savage explosion an his open rage he is more direct and honest than she hence more morail thinluanhe uuy gin in which the hidden is Boa Charltsxbelnngto Welland his wife 01 does he for her managerinlly intended giving to him The mother reveals the hate fury in her system masked by her fancied righteousness when she tries to browbeat the whole clan inot turning their backs on the outcastregardless of Moms ism determlnedfo crush the ï¬mbel at whatever damage to In your shoes ld consult my heart and head and do what felt was right as between me and the outcastregardless of Moms politlcking views But if you are too putupon by conflict and pres snre tomake decision of your ownwhy dont you ask your clergyman or spiritual adviser for tened authoritative guidance MR of the smart ncw ml lures you originated to make small dessert portions look as glamorous as they taste Measurements are level reci pes for Dark Sweet Cherry Cream TartI Cnlst Combine gra ham cracker crumbs or it fine crushed graham crackers with SOCIAL NOTES when her friends arrived and was not prepared for guests However the girls had thought of everything from brinyng the necessary food to dressing in working clothes Gilestspres entcd their surprised hostess with handsome carving set and produced beautiful cake baked specially for the occasion by Mrs Davis The guests included Mrs McDonald Mrs Edwards Mrs Creelman Mrs Bennett and Mrs Boucher mixed bonspiel was held in the Camp Bordon Curling Club on Saturday The winners of the two separate draws were Majordd Hemie Mrs it Her nie Capt Hobbs Mrs Hersey Lt Watt Mrs Watt SSgt Edmonds and Mrs Edrnonds Blankets were awarded to the men and each lady received palrrol sheets TV stools were given to the men and the ladiesde ceivedvsilvercurllng pins All of the men mentioned as winners are personnel of CSoi Ml Woos Oldsters To Victoria VICTORIA CPI Mrs Avis Carrol Walton is making atom of the Prairie provinces to urgo people planning retirement to come to Victoria There arenot toomsny old people here she said in an in terview before leaving In fact Victoria could dowithu lot more old people Born in Winnipeg Mrs Walton is the proprietor of an advertis ing agency here that drums up business by welcoming new resi dents on behalf of local time But in her campaign she will Barrie District North Collegiate PIIESENTS AN EVENING 0F Muslo ii Brnmn III FEB2V6 800 PM Vin the colleenr no warn Heaven comedy Fantasy Selections From okia homeThe Glee Club The Marriage Proposal Comedy ADMISSION Ashlin 75c Students soc minim inTISTS Chunk roelam lemma emu urn Panvrmo DRAWING etc for bogfnners andothers are being held ntthe aaarlsrs WORKSHOP Bridford Street nay evening ind weekend classes Barrio Beglsttationwm per month none rm walrus INFORMATION AUDITORIUM crumbs onto aides and bet toms of small individual alumi num fall pie pans about in diameter Chill Filling Drainllllbcandark sweet cherries Save liquid Relt nove pits bases 18 cherries or garnishmg op rclnalnlng cherries Dlssolve pkg cherryflavored gelatin in boiling water Add cherry juice and tsp almond extract Refrigerate unill begin ningto thickenFold in chapped cherries and dairy sour cream Spoon into prepared foil pans refrigerate hrs or until rum Garnish each with whole cher riu Pass whipped cream if de sired ns dessm topping Tomorrows dinner Spanish potatoes or smoke hem and sweet potatoes braised celery and to mato dark sweet chery cream tarts coffeG tee milk Bpnnhh apple salad Chop pared slightlytart apples Stir in Ils vinegar Combined with in chopped green pepper and it coarseyated raw rutabaga or white tinnip Toss with 15 Spanish olive oil containing tsp salt and tsp each pow dered mustard and cumin Chill at least 30 min Serve on lettuce Braisedcelcry and tomato Cut outer stalks large head of cel ery into lengths pull off tough strings Arrange celery in wide skillet Add contents lb can tomato juice tsp in stant beef bouillon or bouillon cubes and tbsp minced anion Cover Boil 30 mln uncover tender TRICK or rm cums Season braised celery and to mato with tsp powdered ore gano woo the young as well as the old and farmers who spend most of their winters in California will not be overlooked Florida California and Her muda are not the only places with sun and nice weather Vic toria has everything old and young people want gt You hear some people gripe about older folk Many elderly people are great deallivelier then some young ones know old people have something to contribute to Victoria the price is right Now is goods for cash The heat than 7000 families daily apple salad lish unallopcd with simmer min more or lmtii blue with winter white access ories and megs of pink and white carnations Mrs Shortt was gowned in navy dress withmalchlng accessor ies and acreage of pink and white carnations Following the ceremony buffet dinner was served The table was attractively decanted with candelabra and three tiered wedding cake The bridal couple will make theh home at Montreal where the bridegroomls stationed Among them guests were the bridegrooms two sisters Mrs Cecil lamridge Barrie and Mrs IL Theakston Ottawa French Cherish Ideas Of Love PARIS BeuteralFrencb peo ple remain extremely sentimental and traditional in their ideas of love new book justlpublishad here LAmour et les Francals lava and the French by Junclanda lbert and Jerome Charles is type of French Kinsey Report But whereas the American study of sex life by the late Dr Alfred Kinsey was largely Itatis tlcalthe French work davorce larger place to individual nom ments and incidents folmd during the research More than 200000 French peo ple were interviewed on their at titudes towards courtship free love divorce adultery and rolt manoe The study shows that 75 per cent of those interviewed recalled their tirst romance with tender feelings and that so per cent still had photograph of their first love Mcn bad especially fond memories of their engagement George Bullies Family Want Ads they go into CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA MN AT Suit Pair of Pnnlslitc within lnsisiloting FAMILY WANT AD Many buyers are waiting to buy items such as these good time to sell unwanted way Is through Enaminer the homes of more Thu unwanted Plilllil Ill84241419 Ermine Wu 39 But