Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1959, p. 2

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Elle barrio Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd Is Bayfiaid street Barrie Ontario Thousands Out Of Work Decision of the Canadian Government to scrap the Avro Arrow program was difficult one to make No doubt they opted on the advice of defence experts although there remains considerable con troversy even among them that this worlds fastest manned aircraft interl ceptor is already outmoded But the manner in which this decision was announced is tragic throwing as it has thousands of Canadians out of Jobs and sending some of our finest engineers south of the border Before the Arrow was scrapped the Government should bpve had some definite works ready so that the splendid aircraft plant and its highly trained team would not be lost it is to be hoped that immediate action will be taken to remedy this disaster in one long leap Canada has Jumped hom the age of subsonic aircraft into the era of missiles In so doing this country skipped completely the interim period of supersonic flight in manned planes The and appears near for the RCAF as combat flying force although its sgnadrons in Europe may still get new plane which would be used in effect as longrange artillery Prime Minister Dielenbaker completed the funeral rites for the supersonic Ar iow interceptor Little hope had been held for its recovery since his statement last Sept 23 He confirmed the govern ments intention to go ahead with in stallation of the Bomaro antiaircraft missilevsystemwlth the United States paying twothirds of the costand made it clear that the Eamon will be fitted with nuclear warheads The North Bay area has been prominently mentioned as the site of one of the two Human anti alrcraft missile sites to be built in can eda The point about nuclear warheads for navy and army missiles as well as the RCAFs Bomarcwas foregone conclusion because missile is not much more effective than conventional can non without thern The governments Ar row decision was based on two factors cost and intelligence reports on what the Russians are up to Apparently the first factor took priority Mr Diefenbaker indicated the remain ing cost of 100 Arrows would be about $380000000 or about $80 million more than the Bomam system Some $400000 000 has already been spent on the Arrow and about $100000000 more will be re quired to wind up the program The prime minister made clear that he be lieves the bomber threat against North America has diminished He did not re fer to statement by us Defence Bec retary Nell McEllroy that the Soviets are developing new supersonic bomber Check OnUnscrupulousness At this time of year it is not unusual to hear remarks passed about persons who would rather draw their unemploy ment insurance benefits than work The implication is that there is no particular difficulty about doing so The fact is however that every person who is in receipt of benefit must declare every time he receives money from the Unemployment Insurance Commission that he is able ready and willing to work Moreover anyone refusing an of fer of suitable employment is likely to be disqualified from receipt of benefit In order however to test the sincer ity or insincerity of persons declar fitmnthat he is able ready and willing to accept work the me must him suitable job opening to which that per son Can be referred Here is an areain which employers might well work more closely with the Commission The Commissions National Employ ment Service is designed specifically to find the right worker for the employers job and the right Job for the unemployed worker Matching the worker to the 10 is highly skilled occupation and the NE has the staff to be of great assist ance to employers in this regard Incidental to providing this service to workers and employers the Commission would be placed in much better posit ion to check on the availability for em ployment of claimants Canadas unem ployment insurance plan was created to help the unemployed through periods of genuinsunelnployment We are all losers when those who are unscrupulous abuse the plan Opinions of Otherlllewspapers PUBELY POLITICS Edmonton Journal Anacquaintance remarks that the first rule bf politics appears to be to accuse the others of what you are doing yourself Or perhaps to blame others for not doing what you arent doing either ACAN or SOLVED av woakaas Gait Reporter Figures released by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics this week reveal that the number of unemployed in Canada in midJanuary bit éWar peak of 538000higher by 11000 than year ago when the nation and the cuuohyto the sjibth of us were supposed to be going through wba has been called business recession Labor leaders like Claude Jodoih president if Canadian Labor Congress and others have deplbred the fi even though it has few lg spots While we underslaadand sympa with tb ir neern we wonder why their first question is What is the Government going if if about it They know what the Cavern man is doingpouringmiilioasof dollars of the to help keep it boiling But this appears to be doing little else than robbing Peter to DRY Paul 531 speak tNew employment is the most desirabledhing be world But as wesee it too often those 3mske up thewarking force of this countIl man in overalls or white collarworkei ore office factory even the professions are lttingly and repeatedly bringing aboutvelrv latices that cause unemployment lied the people directly involved both wide spread labor unrest that plagued this country pastyearhandfiwhicbis still irtually all sins are airbrush936 yourself and save the difference hen youre helping another person to bear hiscross be careful not to give him chance to nail you to it dip Home Emotion Authorized as second sissy null Post Ollie Dwarfmilk Ottawa Sumlhyl and statutory Holidays excequ wants General Manager wADGr Buslnesl mun NEVILLE saunart NewaSdlicr 178110me Advertising Manager llllluyiiistha 55p itsiuh hill to year six months oo in mm 33 months cums Canada it year IL ionmt Clmr ltreat mantran wandsmug meetIvar Members tbpcansdlsn NW real Association The cnmalmin rumpno nu sumo or ducalaunt mMmm Is uuualveiy inducers 94Wlo lt ulaam dlhllblla or his and also the local fem pnbllshsld therein an man at revIlbllcdoa of specil watcha ha ervad lwtorisl Advertisin snd Wat is rmuema ers money directly into the employment ahle place settledbad they been genuinely interested in the basic matter or holding Job they would have came to terms even though not wholly their own terms without going on strike And they would not have prolonged strikes as was the case in morethan one instance when the differential was matter of few cents per hour The consequence of their action all too ire quently has meant rise in price of many com modities be it something one buys in dime store or in the purchase of home The increased price has cut down the turnover of goods and if carried to lhe extreme it could mean that fac tories could close down or cut back Ihelrstsffs and unemployment would increase in other words to use phrase that while true is getting somewhat overworked these days Can adians are pricing themselvrs right out of the marketsnd that includes the labor market at home as well as the Isles market abroad What is the answer No one seems to know As writer in the Christian Science Monitor stated recently survey shows that in the USA and that applies here people are increasingly cast conscious and while not on strike have rea ched stalemate And he adds thispertlnenb point The time is here for everyone to take look and ask the question Am doing all can for 7mg customers loJleip them continue to help me This is something every Canadian worker employer and employee alike should be asking Lets get away so lhsyhuve done in Britain and many other places from this false idea that we can or evenvshould get everything from the Gov ernment An economy that has gonehog wild needs controlsnot necessarily government coa trnls but the kind which are provided by the peo ple themselves And the greatest of times is self Our prediction some months ago that the medics wouldnever reach the point of blaming hammsrtoevon emotionalten slon may prove false as one of them re cently blamed tension for corns Drinking alcoholih beverages shrinks the brain says psychiatrist What pltyl The person who can least afford to have his brain shrink is the one most likely to begin drinking and thereby set up vicious circle The National Academy officienees proposes to drill hole in the batten of the ocean Press report if they do soit is hoped theywillbe carefulnot to extinguishhell which is such desir for people to consig their emesaedh the Paragraph ciusrsiseaung thatoftbe DailyExpress which Hit Pm ow Important Is as Controversy WNW tr WTOllllmfuuz tomakduvblImlnd abou lbesdllwatinuingnshlral ltfllufl warm in how imam haw mob attuflan should be paid to ill A¢¢atdealofthstlmeofthe House has been spent on it There bu been an extraordin ary amid of newspaper space given in it And it undoubtedly is alive in large section of the public mind Not only toad reasons but also lame obligation to talk Ibout it POLITICAL MOW But against this there is the consideration that any talk adds to its unparance The further fact that one knows that at least part of the motive of opposition grupaiskeeplng ii alive is liralghi politics That the CCF believes it has uncovered scandal and that by Continuing to Mnmuiflepum sadwilh lta great recital achievementgovernment AWL ALL NEW 1110 one day we had Health Minister Dr Dymond make speech about great new mental health promm Provincial Secretary Dr Phil lips reported on new citizenship branch of his department And Education Mlan Dr Dunlap while he didnt have new step to matinee reported why he wasntmoving quickly into aewstcpthe teaching of gt the new look in mathematics GOVERNMENT ADVANTAGE Does the observer cridolzeiNo not really This is all Just part of politics You can even say it Is part of govemgieait Frost mild can telon are was armmg the public And one cant complaln of that But it does point up the ad vantage government has while in power as against the opposi dwell on it it will belle political do fortunes And that the Liberals feel there is no choice but to help Montreal Politics Stall Canadas First Big Zoo MONTREAL CF Canadas first bigscale zoo may some day rise in swooded park on the southwestern outskirts of Mont real At the moment the zoo con ceived in 1354 and started more than year ago is stalled in the maze of Montreal municipal politics if the project is completed large part of the credit for keep ing it alive will probably be given to slim softspoken English man who virtually grew up in zoo and has dedicated his life to zoos and their inhabitants Gerald lles was picked by Monheals municipal executive to direct the creation and admini stration of the $9000000 1354 virtually municipal zoo to be built on Angrlgnoa Park an undeveloped amucre bush area on the border of suburban Lacbiaa In October 1957 be left the Manchester zoo where be had suc cebded his father as director and came to Montrealnto be director of the Montreal too which was REPORT FROM UK Public Pleased cu Moscow Prospect By 01mm HOOD London England Commandant For The Barrio Enminer LONDONA warm glow oi satisfach is thabest term that can be used to describe the public reaction to the an nouncemcnt that Prime Minister Harold Macmillan has accepted an invitation to visit Moscow and talk with Mr Khrushchev Newspaper comment is com pletely onesided in praise of this bold decision by Mr Mac millan There is great faith over berein the value of sitting down at the conference table with oaos adversaries and that is aoticaablein the tenor of the reception of the enhancement There isaiso surprising ale meat of satisfaction in the thought freely expressed that Mr Macmillan may have goon contrary to the wishes of John Foster Dulles who flew over here to see Mr Macmillan prior to tbe annoimcement that the Moscow inviiationhsd been ac cepted Some political commod tators upressed the idea that Mr Dulles mission was to try to dissuade Macmillan against the trip to Russia Eav ing been presented with that idea the British people are do lighted to an extraordinary de gree that Mr Macmillan is go ing They accept that as sign of British independence and an answer to the oftrepeat ed charge that Britain is simply political tool of the United mrcar typical comment on the Macmillan visit to Moscow is 563 The news that the prime min ister and the foeign secretary have been inle to go to Mos cow is welcomed by the people Such visit will have their warm suppo This visit to Moscow will give Mr Macmillan an unique opportunity to speak for Britain and the West He can speak the language that the Ruslisnsund landtbs lsn guage of trad The general note folm other editorial commentls fervent wish that ihe vls to Moscow will be frutful who nouns lN General redirection is flush M108 included sum of £80 million wblch was used to payanatn aunt owing to the now defunct European Payments Union This left net increase in reserves of£15 million which reveals the continued and growingx thought of sterling Britains gold and dollarreserve now stands at £1111000000 and has risen steadily since September 1051 DRIVE FOR DOLLARS Britains drive for dollar ex ports is meeting with remark able measure of success in the Latin American countries At recent meeting of the London Chamber of Commerce Dr Luis Thomeu Dominican Republic Ambassador pointed out that in the last two years period Brlt isb exports to Latin American increased by is per cent In the same peripd the UK ex ports to his own country in creased by 70 per cent British exporters are not just keeping pace with increased demand in the Republic lie said but are taking trade away from keen competitors CANADAS POSITION On the other hand Sir David Eccles president of the Board of Trade speaking to the Can adian Chamber of Commerce in lamina expressed concern about the large Brlflsh daflcit in trade with Canada No other coon fry in the world sslla toms so much more than that country buys tramps ask you to im press on your people in Canada tion of Montreal zoological so still only an architects dream He had worked years in the English zoo He left England with the dersiandlng that the project was under way but en ar rival in Montreal found this was not the case The schema had been approved by civic administrationme was turned out of office shortly before he came to Canada The new administration while not deflnliely anthem is giving the whale lan long hard look There has been no definite commitment by the city executive committee but says Mr lies am the supreme optimist PRELIMINARY WORK Part ottbe reason foibls opti mism lies in the fact that con siderable ground work costing nearly 8600000 had already been done on the zoo financed both by money voted by the old executive and the now boulevard to the main en trance has been built and there is parking space for 1000 cars iofoobbigh wire fence sur rounds ths zoo area and within its boundaries electrical conduits sewer pipes water mains hsvlefbeelaidlsgg co plaoeof eat beauty says Mr lies lake nearly threequarferof smile long already dug and fli led with water from the nearby city aqueduct will run through will be the animal enclosures designed so that visitors may sail down the lagoon in launches and sea the DIVIDED BY BITCHES As much as possible the sub male will be in enclosures sepa rated from visitors and each other not by bars but by wide deep ditches so that the African section for example might ra setnble stretch of the African veldt There will be bird exhibits reptile house restaurant lac turr hall animal hospital and is laiory as well as administra tion ulldlngs and storehouses according to the architects plan will be constructed of steel stool and plate glass in the modern style Animal houses will be built to protect tropical Animals from the rigors of the Canadian winter Mallashopesthezoowlllre main open all year Many animals adaptamsz ineg well to change in climate he says Mr lies hopes for the forms that it goes hard with us to see clety which would find its so much of the money you earn hare spent in other marks Sir David however expressed gratification on the fact that Britains exports to Canada wererapj to six per centln 1960 as compared with 1057 in spite or the large decline in Canadas total imparts humor son of Taylor the Canadian industrialist and fin ancierle been working with some success as free lance radiosad television inun lie is rcfeledfloln the Ddily Express as Csnsdssmost uligible bachelor bathe in thor oughly inlove with his war in members among the faculties the citys universities LABOMTQRY NEEDED The universities be be partmebtr of the For example in Mr lies sayl one doctors specialist aasxnls used livers make noise The still further fact that though them is shrill demand for inquiries and com missio there is not too clear point in why there should be such es and lust what they led to find out unccmsat consists of By WEEK MaeSWEEN Press Staff Writer tribalpolitical atrlls Congo republic may mean than local trouble for Preside Charles de Gaulle and hislre cl cornlrlunlly of Na dons The bile until recently colony one of the African terrier voting to maintain links wli francs under do Gaul ediate cause of the political clash be fallowers of Premier Youlon and0ppo sitioni Jacques Opnngsult but it developed fight the Balsli and MW relaxsllo If French control over affairs of the terri process turbulent andcompli cated cha artiestbe sawed Democratic Rally federal Pam for African ouping All this makes it clearvthat there is danger of the trouble it is not only in The government can talk about things it is going to do The opposition can talk about things it might do if it were in power But this is dreaming as against action And the public soon gels weary of dreams while it always can listen to stories of ecion The underdog never gets break in lifei French territories that Imrest prevalls Brazzaville where the current shset fighting is taking place is lust euros the Congo River from beopoldvllle capital of the Bel glen Congo where more than 40 Negroes died in different lrlndg of rlcllng last month IRONIC CONTRAST Britain also had eocmmtered serious setbacks and perhaps it is significant in an ironic way that the two colonial powers giv ing least to the Africans from political standpoint Portugal and Spainhave met the least difficulty so far Fiancar stallsin Africa is vast The community republlca in cludo seven from old French West Africa four including the Congo republic from old French Equatorial Africa and Madagasé car The republics are selfgoverns lag in all matters except foreign policy defence currency finan cial policies and the disposition of strategic materialsThey have population of 40000000 and provide an economic potential and markets of great import ance France imports most of its cof fee bananas cotton bauxite and host of other items from Africa while supplying about threequar tors of lhe goodstbe republics buy The Congo republic alone has huge supply of manganese snl also iron ore Potential hydro electric power develop ments may promote development of an aluminum industry Br tish PM cast Western Lead WAS TON CPlBrliaius tel Macmillan ap ed to become ha tern spokesman in parture to in Moscow nodfscetotacs talks with Sovie lfianlsillllcbev thnlsts the ii ea er lo ole in 016 crllclal dmunths ahead Two fact contribute to Mac rgeace as key fig Western alliance One is relationshi to the Soviet threat to withdrs fromEast Berlin in May and its responsibilities over to Germany Macmil lan obvlo ly hopes to gain some insight aajust how far theRus sians intend tugo in denying the West Access to the beleaguered capital SECOND FACTOR The num factor in the illness oftuS State Seaciaryjulles now under ucfllment forcanter and on the diplomatic sidelines Should he be ubebleto return to active directional the statsde school ct hxrnrtllas gb the meat to banana mills he am far paraneat there is no one on the American scene at the moment sufficient stature to assume Tbégs lawnosuggesuon gatbtb can es out was to swing um Waning don But there is Ellimild not fill Western bppropcll to liray Unlonls in the blpdstitwo with oscdw trip and its to Don Dulles is under heattneat for cancer and President Eisenhower is recovered beart patient and has suffered alight stroke An implied recognitioaol Mao tl millans rising importance can be seen in the fact he may be in vited to visit Washington follow ing his Moscow trip Diplomatic sources feel that Americanshave or more cant dance and faith in Macmillan than in the other two Western leaders Frances Charles do Gaulla and West Germanys Kon rad Adenauer De Gaulle for onethingl is deeply embroiledin his own poll ilcal problems in France and Ale gerls and the swearold Ade nauer is inputtoo robust health andis too close to the German problem to vi effective Western leadership Ensure Spaces For Recreatibn roam can or Canada is nation of city dwellers and will become steadily more so EdwardG Pleva head of the Unlversi Western Ontario geography department says He said there was immediate need of leadership and action to delicate open spaces 301 willmske madman pres clear than fine gold BIBLE THOUGHT lah

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