Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1959, p. 7

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We Inho Sonic IACars far Solo BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING BEST REPAIR SERVICE AN1IQUIANDW I959 BUYS mm unionhouse mmlune MIDMaul nonhumanmo StxmlnhilhtIm IO59 RAMBLER HI DELUXE SEDAN Iul Izmir Lin no gr ElecirIcMoiors $2395 10 non sL earri mwflmmw PHONE on new mm DO IT Now CARPENTRY lull em DIM RAJ mill62 no 34m filmmmum un°° mm on he Omu RUDOLPH GRAVA CARPENTEY so Weldon II Buri FA ml snu JOHNS FIXIT SHOP REPAIRS Im Vncunns citn $1598 AS Low AS om DOWN Elmira ill MONTH PE PHONE PA ems Hm MW 51959 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP Elanspine with 610 BMW ii III uox or In STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE so Clspperton se FAIRVIEW gm MOTORS women AND snow rLoanma I90 GIII SITES or orlnwm no puklnl Ion gt PA 390 ormla as Anne st Scorn 13m IgtH0NE FAlrview 5930 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Uged 43217 33 Clean Cars Wanted HAROLD HART HIGHEST PRICES PAID 50 OWEN 61 PH PA em lsrzle their union FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN Gonzo Bay City Motors runoqu plenumIv or noin mp0 IKUP 0N MED MARKET SQUARE BARRIE PLCMIGE mm FA 55525 sinunfourcnun churn or unul Ill43 Phnnn Collect BARRIE PA 93617 Gannon YOUNG mo WMl Tow Hm ii MOST RELIABLE DEALER For Ditching Used Cars Excavating Buck Fill Dozer Work or Loading i3 $23 ii Rhone STEWART loss Ford snuon Wagon mm no ma use rord Furln sodn 0121 floss Studebaker deluxe door less Mercury door homo COLLECTIONS Nocoflmflnn No enm email Bnnln or Phone PA um any Hm DEAD STOCK non AGAIN nmlnfllnl you thli run our unsoln Aro wnoloo 1m Plymouih Hrdton Elinool oonIloquu mmurnous Inn 50 Fold Sedln Elma moevfii pfinwfigTufl no mm Belin Sldln PP In much svecm Sean ifsflsiri rdIWoni sitar 1m yard uIon unru lflfilfllmw my Ponfllulilln N0 DOWN PAYMENT mm Business opposm wnuws Opportuniries PA lVIJSIA llwkn GENERAL STORE 34 BUSINESS FOR SALE VIau Motors Mn mum as smart menswear Wm hilfoniifililiiifiiweliiihii 13ldililiifilm IsnirInwsrsae mg our wooluim ORE s1 womans ooor olen In SHANTY BAY no and out nit nlu onion The price is rub ii33 min $133an Dogs Per Stock colrIIIoSFoinlnfi ill all THE FISHBOWL PETROOM In mum on low mile Gwen St PA 68036 ll Kl windhm any unluluzomuutmo llle AND 00mm Gownn sum horri PA 06088 arm ml gt gm q3 Bcars wanled In your MarielSou II by for on dogs lilo iiiclog yoursdwitb The Barrie Examiner ginghth im15n°11qowr Phone PA 34410 If you have Birth announcement you wish published lill in this 10m and return to The Barrie Wider Hospital on bo Mia and Mrs Monlrul P3 mucosa nymph Employment 7A Help Wanted Malé MECHANIC MILLWRIGHT For one monIhs work Apply to MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED BARRIE 7A4ul CORNET PLAYERS For am this hush band APDU mam 7s VESSBOROUGH DRIVE OSHAWA ONTARIO muos KXPKRIENCSB aillie Mon tor nu ElmuAD 1y Home nuyoes gt lire Iorrl or one PR M141 1A1111 Arm YOII snihflnd wIIh your ore uni income ll not lnvamsolo use money rumor opponunluu which could be your VlLklnl aemr In rurll loullly Nuon lily Idvertlsed producLsnccusi Ll for Ivory home And llrm No it 855 rim l°w€ op xuu Compny Sso st Roch so 1Aus74xa AManIOUB Men or Womnn to Ink over enablhhud Walkllll Business in films No money to aneli Oldest And lnrgesfi Comp any it kind Products nation ally ldvorllnd NI lyvoils 7D poflunli or pmmnllnn 15 hour week rite immediately to Mr Rlvsrd 50 SI Rdch Siren normI our 7Aala7fi3 7BHelp Wanted Female SELL OVER PHONE memos NOT NECESSARY WE man you slow IN TWENTY MINUTES Desk space and phone provided at our offices If you have pleasant voice you can earn xood income on liberal com mission bssls AGE NO BARRIER LF YOU ARE OVER 21 Convenient Hours Can Be Arranged PHONE Barrie Examiner PA 66537 7341 YOU NG WOMAN xennnl onlce work Should ben goon Iyplst wIIII nookkeeplos experience Apply MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LIMITED BARRIE 134244 FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Experienced Permanent osiuoll to the rim applicant Aplfly BOX 19 BARRIE EXAMINER M45 WOMAN or young girl Ior restaur ant work Ind short order cook Phone on 2510 134241 HOUEEKlllPEE WIIIIMI llflul Indy or nmlonor to he with eriy gen lemon and son Phone 171v Signer 734244 CAPABLE Womm Ior nounwork Inniswaod prime ouroIIl Phone Barrie PA 34253 134 MODELS required for immediate mlznlncnls 1n the Bunll null ply Join Garrick Chlm nomtha phone PA wool 78 7DEmployment Wanted EXPERIENCED SECRETARY requires mlllfiunnpnlllon STENOORAPEER TYPIBI CLERK lrsmmn we sure once in shorthand dicln one light lnl lnduntilll bunsllnoss Ind sn cll expHence l7 Horri EX or Write Bax lmku smearsan rsoulm posmon Ty mm nonompner or um AnnughIEII ennui tor minim1150 to one oomor Expenenced Flinn PA limo 194244 work wornen inevenlrI by mm from oclncfi onA Anyihlnx consldlrflil Write Box so Bsrrll Innminer 4s For Sale UPHOLSTERY AT IT FINEST nlluuomis or hour so chem mm IExpert workmenhip on pick up Ind delivery ePrompI service Call PA 66487 lodny Barrie Ten and Awnins Ca 34 Bnylleld St sluu NEWSPAPER MATS Ell axis Ideoi or he opossum 25c PER DOZEN Apply Th0 Blrrll Examine Burris Onimo Hut lune sin shot odd condi Ilon Phone solid suu CHESTERFIELD sum in good connlilon Phone PA Mm H43 LADYB DIAMOND runs out in or but all Phone PA 041 44 ATIBNTION Ennisuncommon olchronlu pom Ind uipmonl very cheap cm so monsu Avenue Apartment durum lu flierle orator good condition 15 or om ouor Phone PA M651 oom BEACH Electric Blue 380 or en rhmle or ring In on cent Fuel dlunn Ap 1y Borne or phonl ems Hui DOMESTIC H0 Yul Boiler complete with oil Isrnsr rod controls nna inchi hostins surfco Adoqu or or mom hungniow Phone PA 33192 54843 Ems new no rennin large stock Safes opened refluxed cam blomon chlnzcd nle us Loeklnrsnle Works oweo souno phone use sasoa PEWITEBE omce IIIshine portsblel nddlnn machines ml runners In Ins service oomey il mom so sum hone PA 94115 Box 73 Smith rronn represenuvvo HM you slzr Felt mnnruse sew ooh Iro mu Pinno mm hnhyl chrome nun Innr 51 dropslde couches $400 eleh Invendor woaI cont Ill In so um um weed mine east size lo so Phone PA ow one Tnnms Up to 5an on on Amer ican FLyer ancessorlcs rm Llonel colloner in out suggestlons Authorised serv cc depot or Tri anx 110 huge Free In ours Good selection orPInsuovIu null Irarlooinran nnrowm su Wanted to Buy PORTABLE Pinifnrm Essie Phone PA E7111 my 1mm 94345 on mmwnn Filing Csbinct legal size sieel sprelamd Phone PA 87147 to pm 94345 l0 Farm Supplies NOWTWO CURES FOR MASTITIS VIOBIN OINTMENT nowunblock Iormuln serms oonnot build up resistnnce VIOEIN PEN lMYCI OI NTMENT An nuuhIotlo Inmuil svIIhl in three different menzuu ALLANDALE DRUGS LTD ESSA ROAD TELEPHONE FA Mm Ioa7alli44 NOWA mron chronic resplmory onem IN POULTRY USE VlOBlN NF 1in AERODUST Powder spray nrlnleeri Emc Ive Cnn he Ins will lily type of ounlno run onnnuonue JUST $795 T0 TREAT 1000 BIRDS ALLANDAIE mums LTD IIESSA ROAD BARRIE TELEPHONE PA 84811 106115 OALivestock fOr Sale In mus ms on Phone mar humus on ma nonrm mumrun bull Phone lsbo Qro unun roumusl Goose Aiur omonenold nu no ma non Phonemllrl flu fun Supplies l0ALivesiOckfér Sale II OBLivesiock Wanted Em of Must be one null or SLIM pflru In In loou ICCImplements FARM SUPPLIES GSERVICE lW ANDNIW HOLLAND PA AMY own MEMBER SPRING FOLKS Check your needs an menu Bum Deni PA 3217 lootn mun so lnetor mooown Al Good are loon Gordon Hickman sons Toou IODSeed and Feed HAY FOR SALE oooo Allm smo arm flm Illtd Fly Also lhl l0 boiu Dell minis llama in odd condition we uniu lnlwlm ooiieu my MICHAEL YURKOW PHONE STROUD 13113 lobllll BI am mu $3351 morong Agply 13 Anna gm gt loo4m all my Ill Al end Tinlobby Phon ore WW OEPoultry Chicks buy DEKALBCHJX THE PROFIT PULLET lnilymh Weill minor liri ul nu um nullity En dlicionw Eduction and NIH ERR elemn Ended serviced by UNTERS POU LTRY FARM PHONE STROUD sinned chick Ind punch lull lble Write or prices ll2i CANADIAN APPROVED CHI detour orlcu on any old chloh no rimo pulletl CUMMING FEED MILL ANNE St BARRIE 4423 ml WNW sIImYJoun slum order only any cell Ive immedius uno moot dhyol sod lame mums Dullpurpos pullll no cocko ell some Amen uum Dsyoid helvy bland coc erels order MenthpIilMly onller chicks now Mum price lint AlenbL Copeland RR Etelon Phone Tomi nquo Iona gt Financial FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE $3615 sol per Innum Reps nhle as In print II om ennu on house in Bee on Inter ply obie malaria1w Volu or pm my sum Apply Io BOX 24 BARRIE EXAMINER 114146 13 Fruits and Vegetables THE APPLE BARN mloz Ind Cochin Apple or Ills Nonnoro soy Snow APplls now Hermann Connor App Crushr ry Flor BRING mun own commons HERMAN PETCH uwy Nur Innlmood ConvIercsni Home gt PHONEIPA some 134 new or APPLBS Macs Delicious Guan lan 00 bulbl up Ottlwny Fruit Fum comer Peel Ind more Phone PA N133 lwfilBLQI 20 Tenders mom son rumour PA concan mesammo mum11 Wmhmhsmfi mm Steer Trade Bother Sluggish 1000 More Head of Cattle in in Amish In wfhiodunn am most noon Plny clch In or Tender leiIns and ammo blah mum In nullsbie nun Lh Dil Lriei Forest Dcputmnnl o1 Ind Ind IM ll ll Dahlia has or soy or not uncut new IN ulnism or nus III tom hmnifl OnealIo Februny mi Ha 21 Auction Sole AUCIIONEER ARCHERS AUCTION HALE SERVICE may molly I533 II typos Esmanly kindlinth mu VABCEER coxme VIclORIA HARBOUR prom mm 111m lmrdu sures ArmIon an or Bnorlnorncoiuo Pin nines um mooning ll no some hmele an or Eul Solomon no at con Bil miiu loon coomown Telnu cub ro Ilrvlulsnnlleold Ill use llL sh co sun Ancuolaeer murals II on Arm sin mo ismhm ml idr on manly mm mule roum on em lsJold hm mo Isle hmliir slawsalad Wani Ads SELL MOSI ArIyihing The capabilities oi olsssi lods Ire almost limitless You on buy or sell his thins like houses or tenion trucks ii you wish And just as sully youll lind buyers or more modsan ed items like jewellery or roller skates 0r baby bug gies Ono thin that isnt big is the cost classifieds Only cools word per day 2v neon per weir Call PA szm it you how some duos to rul Rerd iheclnss ililed for snylhinl in buy Fishmonlor Wllllsm Devies drove his van full speed ior nosrly mile with the drlvml seal on lire He used In the lire station then carried on with his render round If you wish on In Memoriam hope published till In rorm below and return to The Barrie monomer Bey field Street Barrie MI143 nninl Much 12in anon UniI IN MEMORIAM Surname In loving memory orytName who passed owny be an Verse mum invintly womb TORONTO CF Sleu do wu rather sluzzish this week due to heavier receipts including nu morons steers which looked lop qusiiw the Ontario public stockyIds Sinung floors were ionorslly sowoenis Igor IhsuerinsI wpehek on year re menLl hogs sheep and limbs were steady Light cow receipts resulted in on active trade at sirens prim Bull prioos were steady with the supply ample or the denInna Vssl calves opened strong but closed lower Cattle receipts were 1000 had more Ihnn Lu week and lhoui 400 hood loss than the same we lost year Receipts from Wolinm Censds totalled 100 head and there were no shipments Io Em g1 Sounds nor to the United PRICES singular cattle Choice sheen M50 wilh odd lots higher to top ol good 2528 medium nuso commons 192150 flood honors 226028 with choice in mediums 1132 Begimeni Seeks Lawyer ior Bell TORONTO CP The Irish Retimoni of Clouds uld it Is Its lemming to obtain inpflighi counsel for John Bell iii chsrrsd with murder in the strangulation death surly lusr day of Siephnnie Lysyk Bell joined the reserve Irmy unit list October Commanding Officer Lt Col Heard sold the youth had been popuiar wIIJI other members of the reglxneni Hes cleancut Ind quiet and nuns sumlngHe curried out his In structions in the letter He Was known as teeioloiier and was sober when he leli the srmories Monday night The colonel said he found it dillicult to believe this boy would be capable of such thing Bell surrendered police sis in about 10 hours alter the partlyclad body of Miss Lysyk whose mother lives in Winnipeg was found In her roominghouse bedroom NEW YEARS DAY The ancient Egyptians and Pet sians celebrated New Years Day at the start ol the sutumnnl equinox around Sept mm 1821 choice led yearling rm with odd fancies to 2850 good 2521 good cows 18 1950 with tops to is mediums 1750 ll commons 16501150 connm and cuiiero 1650 good heavy bologna bulls 1122 common sod mediums in Replacemenis Good slackers 206047 common and mediums 2024 Coinx Good calves 35h with dialog to lop of 4035 modi ums 2934 commons 23128 boo ers 1924 Eon Ondo 25 heavy sows is lilhtsows 90 on lo hun drodwsizbi on dressed weight basis Sheep and hubs Good handy weighls new medium and lien is ill20 commons down to sheep occordlnz to quality SatoYan Leaves For Yugoslavia NEW YORK AP William Serena son ho is iesvlnz Sol urdey for Moshvls to do movie and my my abroad for the rest of his lilo 111250 year aid author and Puiiiiur Prise winning piny wrlghi says he owes $8000 In in come mos not including ro turns for 1968 Sarnylln said he might be able to get enough money while shroud to sy his heck taxes Ind return Unlud Skis dont hovo snyihlnz except old clothes said ills divorced Calllornis born euihor of such classics Is The Time ol Your Life and The Human Comedy He sold he needs about mo 000 to straighten out his accounts itind iser and set bani on his eel An official of the internal rov enue service said 115 citizens are not necessarilybarred from leaving the country if they owe taxes Even if they Iriiend to slay abrosd he id liens are opplicsbio and extradition moves can he made WSAyE We wnonnssu All Our Used Cars Aot Now Dangerfield Morton Bradford sI on ONTARIO ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATFER OF The Municipal Franchises Act Chapter 149 11501950 Section as amended and 1N THE MATIER 01 Applications by Consumers Gas Company or approval proposedEylews and Franchise Agreements olrthe undermentioned municipalities between the sold municipalities end the pliesni granting to tho Appllcont right to extend its works on pi Mollie sold municipallhe corporation of showings nfNorwood Corporation of the Township of Admoslon Corporationnt the Township of Essn Corporsiion of Lhe Township Bothust Corporsiioooi the Township of Vespra Corpdreiion pl ihe Ilawnsbip oi Bromiey oiFebiuory eby no lo Friday the 21m day doehdn the afternoon Eastern Standard nithelionrd offices Room 311 Richmond Street East Tim moronic for ills hearing led IE Paige the Applichnl Ihe Solicitor above Applicationsnod all persons we and Frdhchise Agreemsnix culars obtained at tho offices Mormon Hsywood sndlurvillo 111 oerlbw arkwmbIubm nLrvia vast

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