Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1959, p. 2

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Lawyer Counsels Farmers 1o Share Farm With Sons DEMO Workman nro demolishlntl the old band shell at St Vln cent Park in Barrie The Farmers should give their Ions in share in the business to retain their interest and tree young people on the land sai Barrie lawyer Gordon McTurk last night He was addressing the lnnisfil Federation of Agri iculture at the Orange Hall Thornton Mr McTurk alsohandcd out some free legal advice in an explanation of expropriation Sprocedures Earlier the feder ation passed resolution cull ing for minimum payment at $200 compensation for each hydro tower erected on farming land Congratulating the farmers on their turnout in litbelow oweather would not have come this far to hear myself speak Mr McTurk noted Farmers sometimes have dif flculty in keeping farms in the family There were advantages in city life and jobs in industry that were ditiicult to match With our transportation the young man cmstlll live on the farm with his mother and father and commute industry offered high degree of secur ity Farming offered lower earnings than industry With the fdther on the farm the son couldnot be his own boss Sometimes the son de layed his marriage and the raising of family on the mere expectation or hope of some future benefit Yet the father would prefer tokeep oneson or moreon the farm He would rathersea the benefit of his work go to his son than sell out to stranger How can this be accomplish ed demanded Mr Mclurk QWEATHER TORONTO CPléofiiclal fore casts issued by the weather office at 11 am Synvps Winter still domin ates Ontarios weather picture weak disturbance ovcr ex treme northwest Ontario this morning is moving southeast ward This and flurriesoifthe lakes will mean little fresh snow for most parts of Ontario during the next 29 hours Tem perautres will moderate little in Southern Dnta tonight and Saturday but this is expected to be only temporary Lake Erie Lake Ontar Niag arasouthernlake Huron Wind SORLnndon Toronto Hamilton Mainly sunny today Saturday cloudy with sunny intervals and milder Occasional periods of light snow ram early morning on Winds ght westerlyJoday tcrly 20 Saturday orthenr Georgian Bay ali urton Kirkland Lake North Sudbury Sunny clouding or this evening Occasional ight snow Saturday Mlldcn Sat ds west to southwest eaoeeeseeae As We cam AllOur Used Carr Dangerfield Motors marMord Sh PAMIBI shell demolition of which will take about two weeks had deteriorated until City Coun How can the interest of the son he maintained MAKE IT ATTRACTIVE The whole business of form ing should he made more at tractive to son That put farming in the position of hav ing to compete with industry and commerce Yet former could not pay his son $125 an hour Hemust compete in some other way it was not reasonable to have son on farm hoping to get it at the time of his fathers death Sometimes will was not made Sometimes circum stances changed the will or there were so many conditions and legacies that the farm turn ed out to be burden There must be something more than promises That must be to my mind an in terest stated the speaker JOINT ENTERPRISE This could be given or sold The business could be joint enterprise in the shape 01 company partnership Mr Mclurk did not think it was good idea to sell farm to son There was the difficulty of price and the father lost control In most cases the son did not have the money gift was not practical The father lost control and the son received windfall Gift tax had to be paid What about incorporating company This is sound and bus inssslike way It was ideal for retaining control The former could give away shares or arrange for the sale of them The value of the farmers estate was grad ually reduced so at death his succession taxes were propor tionately lower NOT APPLICABLE However there were two chief reasonsfor incorporating business as limited liability company neither of which ap plied to farming One was in the case of risky venture The other was to save taxes Commented Mr lldcTurk plf youpwill permit me little levity havenever seen farmer admit to having tax able incometo worry about But the government had greaterdegree of control over companies Returns were re quiredand there were balance sheets It became almost necessity to have competent auditor to do the bookkeeping am sureif all the farms were incorporated we would not have nearly enough accountants in the area Only large farms should bovincorporated PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT partnership agreement however wouldbe suitable for different situations The father retained the assets and the son gave promissory notes in re tum for hlslnterest Some times the father presented an itial 15 per cent Thespeakcr warned that to exceed $4000 in any year Fronts no READ SMALL ans You AREl 118 ST VINCENT PARK BAND SillIll cll no longer considered it safe The board at parks management expect to build meant gift tax could be lm posed The fnther could forgive the promissory notes Such year partnership agreement could provide for drawings from the business The sons draw ings would depend on his age and whether he was married but provision could be made for an increase in drawings The agreement should also provide for purchase of the fathers interest at death This could be done either by more gage or by the sons insuring his fathers life As the sons interest increased the suc cession duties to be paid on the remainder of the business decreased But the business would pay taxes of one sort or another If you get away from income tax itis as sure as Hell thcy will catch you when you die joked Mr McTurk DIFFICULT PROBLEM Onc expropriation Mr Mo Turk told the federation If farmers find it complicated assure you lawyers find it more mu Each case had to be consid ered on its own merits Land could only be expropriated by statutebut the speaker read out long list of statutes which provided for expropriation of land Each act set out its own methods its own reasons its own authorities In the Munic According to Caesar in formation division of the Ontario Hydro Connnission speaking to the BarrieRotary Club yester day 1930 will he the golden year of electricity With an estimated population of 27 million people then with twothde more money to spend hydro consumption is expected to increase fourfold to 20 million kilowatts per year One third of this will be produced by nilc lear energy For the householder anowre moval will be matter of throw ing the switch because driveways will be heated electrically The housewiie will cook in an elect ronic oven using ultra short will be common place Fly men ace will be counteracted by electronic fly hap Rotariana were told that the present day per capita consump tion of electricity in Canada was OlL BURNER SERVlCE on admins FURNACES annvrcnn arm CLEANED SPACE HEATERS CLEANED FILTER MOTOR SERVICE FAN PUMPCONTBOL CABBURATOBS ADJUSTED mm serum BOWENS Oil BURNER SERVICE Prophesies 1980 As Hydros Year to run television set hit waves forthe cooking process and house heating by electricity washrooms and another band shell in the park later this year Examiner staff photo lpal Act alone were three rep antic procedures The chic procedure under the Municipal Act was by pass ing bylaw in council The municipality could then go onto the land immediately and the county sheriff was authorized to employ as many officers as necessaryto enforce this No notice was required and pays moot could be made through the County Court to the senior county judge However farmer could du pute the expropriation and the municipality may then repeal the bylaw it was sometimes advantageous to farmer to do lay expropriation as this could affect theland values Mr Mclurk cited case where land was cxpropriated in 1911 but only taken over in 1929 Compensation however was on 1911 values SEEK ADVICE The suggcstlon had been made that one Expropriation Act he passodvin the province This would make things easier for farmers and lawyers Mr McTurk urged farmers to seek advice as soon as an ex propriation took place com Petent assessor should see the land and buildina concerned as soon as this happened other wise evidence as to their con dition would be lost Farmers often discovered later they would not get as generous com pensation as they thought equal to the combined per cap ita consumption in the United States and the United Kingdom The per capita consumption in Canadais 5500 KWH per year The province oi Ontario has grown on the abundance of low cost hydro For onecent person could buy 13 minuteer parking One cent will buy enough electricty hoursor aradio set for 10 hours The cost of cooking meal for family of four by electriciyaveraged llhcents mileage onregulcr gasl val Coil Ri ingventilating 69 car Take todayl PA 33224 5W wenanurrmsm 112 Earricixaminrr doso was to Club Fran umble beonnlng tba as now ofconis Britain ilary the Kinetic Club have conhlbulcdmatetlally to the welfare of countless numbers of underpriviledged families in this district The two main aer vlcc projects at present are the school safety patrols and the reatoradon of Dymento pond in conlunctlon with the Conser vation Club During the meeting seven new members were initialed ln to the Barrie club Ron Ab rams Ted Heels in Hope Ed Laws Harry Myers Bill Priest and Gordon Teslrev Three Collisions In City lirea Two cars were damagedbut their drivers escaped unhurt in an accident on Burton Avenue last night car travelling east on Burton Avenue driven by Ivan Kell 27 of RR soon and car driven by Joseph Goulah Burton Avenue collided in front of service station Constable Frank Light reported that Goulah had started to pull out on toan Ave from the service station when the accident occurred charge against Kell is pending twocar collision on Gowan Avenue yesterday resulted in $85 damagato car driven by Gordon Roberu 26 Henry Str andJoe Thompson in of God grington St Two Phelpston district men were involved in the same as cident last night when their cars collided at Francis and For ry Sis The men were unhurt Damage to thEir cars was light $5 to each vehicle according to Constable Ken McKenzie Local and General OFF TO TEMISKAMING curling team from Barrie composed of Leighton Clark Gordon Ncedhom Hazen Edge and Art Powell are off to Tom iskaming Quebec today to play in the annual bonspiel TORONTO CONFERENCE Miss Mary Agnes Moore and Mrs Walls are attending the Education and Publicity Clin ference of the Canadian Cancer Society being held today at the Lord Sirncoc Hotel Toronto WATCH OW DAILY Al nvcws soon MARKET Tomorrowl Special HINT QUARTER BEEF lb 53 EBAY Theory Exams The following is lilt of sub msiul candidates in examina tion held may by lbnfloyal Conservatory of Music at To ronto in Barrie The names are arranged lnorder of merit Grade TheoryForm bon ors Mrs Frances Wilson Grade lV TheoryHarmony honors Margaret OConnor Mrs Cumming counter honors Mrs Frances 233 meowEmmy first class hon unmitig gtna Mmlln honors Monica Murdock HistoryHonors Jean Pix pass Jean McFadyen Grade II TheoryFirst class honors Katen Embemo Janet Ongb Gloria mam Barbara Dollls and Suzanne Marshall gall Frances Maw Paul Co Edith Robertson Elizabeth Carr Mary larkln honors Patricia Bate Lynda Fanning pass Janet Kidnie Judith Campbell Judith Dalil more Grada LThooryFlrat class honors Margaret McLean Step hanie Merrick Elaine Drury Brenda McMahon and Penelope Tompkins equal Margaret Drurynnd Eleanor Shepherd equal Madeline Hargreavm Frank Meher and Winston Part ridge iequal Joanna Bibby and Joana Whitfield equal Donna Luck honors Joan Ritchie County Firemen Meet at Stroud Eleven firs Chiefs an acting Chief 52 firemen and four visit on were in attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Simeon County Mutual Aid Firs Aasoclatlon which was addressed by Harold Hunter oi the Ontario Fire Marshals Office The meet ing was held in Stroud Commun ity Hall on Wednesday night Mr Hunter spoke on hydraulics as they app to firefighting technical lee ure which was fol lowed with great interest by the viiiomen Barric Fire Chic H1rWin represented this citys fire de partment at the gathering ln nlsfil Township firemen were hosts at the meeting and pro vldcd fine buffet lunch for their visitors The next meeting will be held at Creemore on March 18 Each month the meetings are held in one of the participating centres ANDERSOIIS TmsunANce manor conscmrmoua mnnwnrrmo Complete Illa uranium 0B llflllll You phone no you at your home PA 66085 mmmwmmo Manufacturers Lilo Aurornsou amnionx KiE School May Aldermen Arthur Morrow and Charles Wilsonjotmd an agreeable way of doing mimlcls pal minus They anivcd at the monthly meeting of Barrie Public School Board to find it had completed regular business and the members were awaiting the city alderman Md notice table in the home coon ornics room of Illllcrut School The alderman jolnedthe party and discussed the proposed auditorium at King Edward School Last years towncouncil sent motion to the board suggest ing moldpurpose room at the school The board has replied at it is willing to build one if Eh city councilia willing to pay or The ttogether found both porter in agreeable frame of mind So the altLmen invited the board to go out Mon days city council reguit meet ing and firm decision Wu made there MUSIC FESTIVAL Earlier the board had been persuaded to ages schools mule festival May 17 The re pm at the principals conunit tee uploinedthat the festival was not the only way that de sirable results could be obtain cd but it does offer the most practical approach to thefnl fillrnont of our goal Chairman Laren re marked have already been told by my daughter in grade in no uncertain fer that the festival Is going ahead rm REASON The principals report listed five reasons for music festivals whlnhnre planned on blan nual basis Festivals provlde pupils with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills the department of education favors them all city systems incorporate some type of festival into their music pro gram they provide motive for learning theory in nonfesti val yeara they help stimulate an interest in vocal music throughout schools CAR LICENCES Have Auditorium The board also decided that the stable one would be main talned at Cundles La pm oilfhlndlcs school children were mponed reluctant to me their children to larger school Consequently no chang es will be made until th end of the school year Principals are to be given aeo rctarlal asistanoo The board decided togfve each princl one days secretarial once each week The city traffic committee the police chic and member not yet named of the polch commission will meet with the board at the next gular meet nlg slated for March 11 to dig cuss the Problem of children who leave school during peak truffle houra Kerr Lodge holds PM Night available PMs atteddal Oldest in point of service was Bro Stewart who carnetxom Toronto to attend the iunctionK Worshlpful Brother lfAlll son was WM and other posts were filled byWBs Rodg were filled by was Chant ler 1PM Dobson SW Rodgers Elrick treasurer Knight secre tary Spiers chaplain Sarloant organls Mc Cullough of Robert MacDonald JD 16 Camer on SS McGowan JSx Smith Kain tyler Assisting the WM were Wnl shipiul Brothers Grail Norman McConlrey Shepherd Clarke Edwin Wilson Smith Beaver Dongle Treiry Cook and RW Bro Stewart our Save $5 penaltyby havingyour car insurance in force when you huylioences If your insurance protection has lapsed yourotnlnngnblg risk And when you buy your 19591ioeucea thalaw require an extra $5 chargeifyourenot insured Why take chAnool Contact your nearest State Farm agent Ask about im medintocoveragothatwillaave you the $5 penalty And youll get State Farms famous fliometown Service wherever you drive Contact mar Clllllltlli llEYWflllTll Phone Barrla ya 33992 STATE FARM MUTUAL Automnhlls lnluranco Comp Canadian Hood WooToronto Oflfarlo Hereis Lohy moreCahddjans are swiichingptoRambler every day Rambler mmblnumbm laud luxury with top economy and skybig rennin vnllaal New carburetion given more Extra comfort with Seme Adjustable Reclining Sea Air Weathar Eye eat Fqu but room leg room alwul der room for six 6footera The Rambler Six outparlns out maneuvers nuisance every other Romhlorrido

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