Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1959, p. 7

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spinalram no Employment 7BHelp Wanted Female SYOUNG WOMAN general office work Should In good twist with bookkeeping upumm ApPlyz éMANSFIELD RUBBE CANADA LIMITED BARRIE 754144 POSITION AVAILABLE FOR YOUNG GIRL with least yeara also school education Apply ROYAL BANK or CANADA Barrie PA 66421 135141 sin or mus um or art order cook 134241 ant wartsand Phona on 2510 nodamrm wanted for two fun No Itllll chfifldmnilem micron on one um BIKEBPBR wanlcd cldar gfid or mom to mu all enuzmn and son Phann 311 dstaynsr 1542 7DEmployment Wanted EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Wild months mifihflm pulllull HSI aquarium TYPIST CLERK anemomsr on accruest FAdsgres in Secratarial Salem lyplnl shorthand dimphona bookkeeping industrial busing and medical experience Write Box s1 Burris hammer nziu mocwasa requires bodtto énilatderr ltenognpher dais Exp nc 70044 one eratur 196 Iguana PA comman with in un ex mine would an p0 tion will II am Can bsndla mu of books Refercncal can ha ru plied Please contact Box 18 Ba gumr 1031 For Sale UPHOLSTERY AT IT FINEST Hundrcda of iabrics to choose from crisper workmanship asree pick up and delivery Prompt solvice Call PA 6W7 Today Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Hayfield St c1152 ffHAND MADE GIFTS cl Ill kinda Reasonably priced on display MONDAY TUESDAY muss DAY FRIDAY AND saws KDAY ammooss 25 pm Evaryons welcome at the HANDICRAIr SHOP YMYWCA 26 OWEN STREEI Aulpl¢e udlu Auxiliary YM Hum For Sale EATONS Weekend Special On Turnedin Merchandise Bendix automatic clothes washer 60 bloom Wu menu dampn tutor mill is far ruler or mail apartment saw Kelvlnator fiddlertar Croucy Shelvador Fluidin dimeror mi automatic do 35 Ann an araloctricr swith clnk inhumane mindsr was Bush burn cinchll nun cum1 burner electric nun table top 005 Hot plot burner electric nnle uhl to 19 Olav Chum nus loud Used Pills N3 stmmburs Carlson Combination radio and mold player Motorola TV bar warran pictur tubo all Addison rv conmla modal winonto on pichln tuba as Aurora 1v consuls model mos EATONS EASY BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED NEWSPAPER MATS gin mmldeal for minn1 ban as Ir Ex recl insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tha smi Examiner Barrie Ontario omu TYPEWRITERS finding Machinfl Dim Itch SOLD RENTED REPAIRED Special Student Rental Mk STAB TYPEWRITER C0 no maul Drive Barrie PHONE PA 66595 DAY OKNIGHT Fultonmas Moms shallow well pllm Item or me Phona PA cuss psalIz sPlEcl Walnut Dlnln Suits and Splccs suite Phone PA H695 LADYB DIAMOND Rina too or best omr Panna Room Humid iu colt 125 FA ATTENTION AMEMIDBUW electronics parts and uipmant Xwnahiium it fit 33 siru mvmuon cubic foot entorgopd condition no What offer Phone PA 59061 Hi4 usan LUMBER plmblgs truai fixtures from wreck bulld inn at Cam Bordon Apply Mr Barfly No Barrir H14 PDBIABLI Undsrwbod Typewriter 3th °°rr€m Hta club WARDROBE Hm door with mill ror we finish as yam PA Mics arrpply 19 Toronto Street sans new and rebuilt stock sues conned MES si phone use llll smi om Owen sauna 529 Engagement Announcement Place theiNVews of Your Engagement Now Fill in this tom and return to THE HARRIS EXAMINER Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario oi smugunmanmhynu For Sale Emir CEm AudioSolo AUCIIONEER Am auction SAL Am DOLWIU VleA MENUS lllnnlflrm lll ruraleats train had errcu mlh much coneanon luaual iflmwthveal Amshmmmmmo mu an minus 00 Balldmn oofiag an mrhu con la mars pin Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS Aachen mt Pm tool WRITE 1L WMIGRRN Jr Box in Durham Ontario PHONE ALLAN PARK 1m Blhblflfflis roan PA === lo Farm Supplies lOALivestock for Sale FIG ma OLD Phon mm hmvale lnAtus bdltltPhOne mo Oro 1014045 LAMB muons Gun for aale Also impairing pupal llflfisxldl pod on loAdfi YOUNG aouou mu start to lamb Mama also home yam old Apply Nelson 15m umfi ornll all11 an loAaz41 Bro north my lOBLivestock Wanted MATURE mall ol horns want ad Any Must be quilt or is dill iéhitl agea ox mil45 duh lOClmplements FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE CASE AND NEW HOLLAND FARM MACHINERY bum VA Cau Tractor with Larla hitch Model Cue Tractor with hydrau non 11 Burton Av Bands PA 5117 100517 lxlmAu Tractor machalum Good no Phons Gordon chhllug PA 423 soc444 lODSeed and Feed caorc Allalia and Timothy Ray ll lug Cflflhépp wn lopm UAR LBS Ill mfimmmlh is luDIifl apnea nummmy gr 15 rim ans ion424 lOEPoultry Chicks BUY DEKALBCEIX TEE PROFIT PULLET Research ensures the but to im ll itdmtymitla sass when on an anti asss on men leimed pby HUNTERS POULTRY FARM PHONE STROUD Tl Started chick and ullets avaib Ibis Write or prices Ion1m ll aneial NEW PLAN 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES $1 Monthly FOR EVERY $100 BORROWED Guanine aur Chllla To Inwart Esta obtainable COSMOPOLITAN DISCOUNT Ml YONGE ST WA 30935 TORONTO to no 52 2531 el and lhun all nmJasu 20 Tender TENDERS to tzimd Cl 611 mien 23 ms or the following fllppllu 10 Simona Manor 369 out 01 1359 Groceries bread and meat deliv ered whan required Best by Illa uarter Rina Brand Bread all °i itirimmhi on rd dcllvvred 5500 or Au tandlrl to be period from April at ms to March sl 60 except maat um fish which shall be for ariod or six months April 1959 to 591m in Grocery and meat tender forms and all nthr lnlormatlan can he obtained tron Dr McKelvey Supt Simcoe Manor Beeton Ont ATll Its Wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 II mm Auctioneer donuts an farm harm Dd You Have Any Rooms To Rent Tryy Examiner Wéml Ads Dial PA 2414 HILLSDliLlZ YOUNG PEOPLES GROUP The Young Peoples group held joint servioeat the end of Youth for Christ Week in the United Church The service was conducted by Miss Barbara Hill The scripture lessons were read by Lois Lockhart and Margaret Thompson the address was given by the president Douglas Troughton and deid Pottsge explained the work of Young Peoples Organisations in other countries Prayer was given by Nancy Grange and Carolyn Mar tin and Gary Ronald played clarinet solo accompanied on the piano by his aunt Mlss Eva Rumble The offering taken by Helen Rumble and Bob Scott is to be used to further work in the European countries The Young people also held skating party in Elmvalc Lunch was served afterwards in the United Church with other groups attending TheWoniens Missionary so ciety meeting was held at the home of Mrs William Thomp son with poor attendance ow ing to the weather Mrs Wm Richardson presided Roli call was answered by verse on Praise Miss BessieRowat gave the mlssionatudy DAY OF PRAYER The World Day of Prayer was held on Friday afternoon in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Taking the part of leaders were Mrs Robert Martin for Presby terian Church Mrs Wesley Johnston for United Church Miss Luck for Free Methodist and Mrs Joe Lea from Craighurst Anglican Church The Scripture readings were taken by Mrs Herbert White and Mrs Wm Thompson Prayers were offered by Mrs Lea Mrs Dingwall Miss LuckMrs Johnston and Mrs Thompson Til address was given by Mr Paul McKin non Mrs Clifford Porter and Mrs James Taylor sang duct accompanied on the piano by Mrs Herbert Goddard The of fering was taken by Mrs Ding wali aners Rowst Mrs Alvin Brennan is teach inginthsiuniorloomofths Hillsdale school this weak George Shortreed ol Barrie has sold his home help to Thompson of Barrie who movrd in Friday Mrs Joseph has attended up Leaders 4H Club trainingschool held in Barrie on February Shewillsoonbaatartipg oi Costume representing song Sammy Rattle Mary Jane Hut lnga Junior comic strip Susan lurwn Russell Bane senior comic strip Gerald Battle Paul Jordon comic act Paul Jon don Basis Crawford and Joey Thompson nursery rhyme Car ol Anaettu Kent Melton Queen of Hearts Sylvia Rattle Katherine Mellon advertising Merle Mason Gloria Rattle lua Ior fancy dress Wallace Gll christ Garry McArthur senior fancy drug Gerald Rattle Jam Rattle best comma on lce Sylvia Rattle Paul Jordan oldest man in usna Nell cur rie oldut lady in areas Mrs Norman Campbell oldest cou ple skaters Mr and Mrs Gerald Rattle There were various race for both girls and boys Following are the names 01 the first and second winners in age groups from under years to 15 and over Marie Campbell Susan Pearson Doug Mchalg Terry Gougb Carol Annettes Ruth Jane Gilchrist Russell Besse Don Campbell Bath Lowe Betty Cameron lvan Csmeron Len Martin Edna Bests June McArthur Roy Campbell Don McKay Edna Bane Sharon Lyons Allah Picnic Jaa An derson Dona Sinclair Erma Scott Jim Shearde and Ken Husband Rawkastona and Guthrie illn lor hockey teams played an exhibition game to start the evening off After all events had taken plans there was gen aral skating Prizes were donated by Mas ons Garage Whalens Garage Hawkins Garage McRona Store McLeods Store Mores Store Kerrs Service George Campball Jack McCuaig Nor man Campbell Bob Andrews Mel Jamiason Howard Camp bell Gerald Rattle Duncan Cameron Mrs Cecil Cameron and the Womens institute The arena board would like to thank all who went in ms tume and the donorsoi prises ST PAULS Brian Jackson is in Royal Victoria Hospital following an operation ViolV diciiis His school chums quick recovery St Pauls AYPA invited the young people from Celiaa Church Barrie for tuboggan party Later they returned to the church basement for supper of beans and wieners GIRLS AUXILIARY The Girls Auxiliary of St Pauls Church met in the church basement Feb 10 Af ter supper the assistant leader Amy Kali led in the Epiphany service followed by the GA prayer Plans were discussed for holding bazaar after Eas ter Next meeting Feb 24 in the church basement Congratulations to Mr and Mrsth Irvln and Mr and Mrs Emms an the births of baby boys PAULETTE MEETING The Paulefies held their Feb ruary meeting in the rectory with 15 members pr at Mrs Arthur iiffen president was in the chair Mrs Brill read the scripture and Mrs Frailck gave prwer for the World Day of Prayer Plans were made for spring has after Easter with the GA girls providing the bazaar items Mrs Rowe read from the study book He Cares Tea was served liy Mrs Fra lick and Mrs Brill March meeting at Mrs George Weatheriils borne ud Lolyd Booth attended the fun eral of his cousin Wilfred Booth in Mlmico this week here Girls who are 12 by March 1st up to 16 years of age are welcome to join Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johnston and lamily of Boston Mass visited with Mr andMrs James Taylor Mrsdlerbert Goddard and Miss warm mm BETWEEN cum sun CHICAGO inauguration of instant Tel service between Canadian cities and Chicago was marked by exchange of massages frtnn representatives of diplomatic corps and business world in Tomato ceremony Jean Ward of SimmonsSears Ltd larg Mrs George Mayes has gone to Halifax where she will spend several weeks with her son and daughteridiom Capt and Mrs Kcn Maycs Mrs Walter Wright of Aurora returned home after spending week with her sister Mrs Wil liam Riley and Mr Riley Miss Violet Graham of Toron to was holidaying with her mother Mrs Thomas Graham during the past week Sunday visitors with Mrs James Miller wars Mr and Mrs Til Miller and children of Bar rie Mr and Mrs Bert Harman Eric and Mark of Grayonhurst Mrs Emma James of Toronto returned home after spending several days with her sister Mrs Russell Draper and Mr Draper ART CLUB The CBA Art club met at the town hall in Cookstown Thursday night with good attendance Mrs James Murphy of Alliston the president conducted short man ofCookstown gave talk on business meeting Mrs Monk art specifying flowers and also painted bouquet of petunias social hour followed with re treshments served by the Cooks town club The ladies of St Johns Angli can Church held successful hnzhar and bake sale at the Ma sonic linll on Saturday Febril my 14 PRAYER MEETINGS gt Prayer meetings are being held every Wednesday during Lent by members of the United Church Last week the ladies met at the home of Mrs Graham and this week at the home of Mrs Broiey EUCHRE WINNERS Eight tabos were in play at the euchre party sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion on Monday evening at the Veterans Hall Prize winners were Mrs Murphy Henry Davis and lucky door prize to Jack McKeown The next euchre will be on Monday evening Feb ruary 23 Everyone welcome VETERANS VALENTINE PARTY Veterans of the Canadian Lo gion in Cookstown held Valen tine party at the town hall on Friday February 13 The hall was decorated with hearts and other Valentine decorations Mu sic was supplied by the Beatly orchestra and prizes were given for spotlight dances Atthe and of the evening the ladies serv ed refreshments Con situations to Mr rind Mrs Donald Monkmai on the birth of daughter Lorie Lee at the Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alliston aoleNG LEGUR Cookstovin Bowling League games were played on Friday February 76 with the following results Victims E7 Pinheads at lroquols v76 Rustlets 70 Jim Bessie Rowat are spending this week in Toronto Jams 64 Whistlers 60 High singles Geoffv Downey is Notice To Supplionjot older it surer No 331 Separate sealedslos marked BEDS FOR moan roam aamvcomtrr 853 will be received byohe District Engln er Highways Building Huntsville oclock Noon EB russoAY ARCH on rv Specificationsflnfomia tilde est commercial subscribers in Canada shawl Telex dialling system to Adams seat ed vicecbalrman of Canadian Chamber at Commerce execu tiva calmed watched by Sleds Canadian National ilalaaaphs general ruperim NEWS OF COOKSTOWN Leona Nicholson 230 High triples Eric Wright no Loom Nicholson 649 High averages Jim Smith 198 Leona Nicholson 179 Team scores Mill singles Jim Jams 1203 High triples Victim 335fl OLD BOYS REUNION FridayMarchowillbeahlg night for the old boys and girls and the younger ones at the an nual reunion dinner and dance to be held in the Oak Room of the Union Station As usual Beat tys orchestra will be there and bus for transportation will be at the four corners All are wel come ROSS GROUP MEETINB Ten members and five visitors attended the Ross Social Group meeting at the home of Mra Brandon on ThurstY February Mrs Wheeter first vicsprasi dent in the absence or Mrs Batters opened the meetidg with prayer During the humans por tion arrangements were made for supplying the Red Cross sewing knitting had quilts Dur ing the afternoon one quilt was completed this for Mrs George Little The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs Wares on Thursday February 19 Re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Keith Dermott and her committee Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Fiidey werc Mr and Mrs James lildey and farml of Lindsay VllSEY Miss Faye Tinney and Miss Joyce Ashton of Toronto and Miss Doreen of Midland visited their parents Mr and Mrs Wil liam Tinney Mr and MrsFrank Smitham and Owen visited Mr and Mrs Ed Potter and family of Ard tres on Saturday and remained until Sunday afternoon visiting their son Keith who is pa tlent in Midland Hospital All bone Keith will soon be better successful miscellaneous shower was held at the tendent Grcctlngs were cbanged with participants in ceremony at SearsRoequ Ltd first Chicago subscribers Telex is serviced in Canada by Canadian NationalCanadian Pacific Communications Orange Hall Saturday ev ening for Norma Cowden and Bruce Edwards who plan to be married Saturday in Vasey Un lied Church Among those pres ent were friends from Barrie Orillla Wyavale Eimvale and Varsy The couple were the re clpicuts of many useful gifts Mr and Mrs Morley Clement of Orilila called on Mr and Morgan Edward and attended the shower for Norma and Bruce Miss Nanw Hammon Delsis Edward and Lawrence of To ronto visited their homer for the weekend Mr and Mrs Sheldon Cullham of Milton visited her parents Mr and Mrs John Jones and also Sheldons parents Lynn Edwards daughter of Mr and Mrs Morley Edwards has been underthe doctors care as has also Edwards Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith and childrenMla Joseph Green law Mm Mary Brand oi Mid land aod Mrs ivan Vasey of Pcnetang called on Mr and Mn Harold Cowden also Miss Dawns Jones Glad to report Mrs Clair Mc Keown is home from the hospl tal and is rapidly improving Missrsandra Robinson purse lntraiuing at the RoyalViCBorlu Hospital Spent Saturday with her parents and has 1m to train in hospitalin NewToronto Mr and Mrs Joseph iinnay had two little Buehram girls granddaughters Visit them on Sunday RUGBY Mr and Mrs Allister McKar rnl and fairlin of Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs Jim Lang man We are sorry to hear George Anderson and Mr Allan John son Sr are on the sick list 4H GIRLS CLUB The Rugby 4H Girls Club held their first meeting on Thurs day February 12 at Mrs Albert Andersons The club leaders are Mrs Albert Anderson and Mrs John Langman There are ll members who will be known as Safety Sues The club project of the unit is The Club Girls Stand on Guard cmaslo ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Franchises Act Chapter 749 RSO 1950 Section as amended and IN THE MATTER as Applications by Consumers Gas Company for approvalof roposed Bylaws and Franchise Agreements of the undermention municipalities between the said municipalities and tbavAppllcant granting to theApllllcant the right to extend its worksand plpcs into the said Corporation of the Corporation of thelowns Corporation municipall of Nuriiood oTownship Hes of Admaston of Essa Corporation ofth Townshipof Bathurst Corporation of the Township of Verpra Corporation of oo lilmegttbemhoggromflgesm atoll 9r new the Township of Branfley

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