Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1959, p. 2

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Permanent Site Is Needed Urgently The immediate need to drum building site so that Barrie VIIYWCA may be permamtiy established in the community was stressed at last nights well attended semnd annual meeting and banquet of the Association beidintheParlshHaliofTrln lty Anglican Church on Collier St Both Midas Gable oi the organizations board of dis actors and Dodds secrc narydirector the YMYWCA relenedtothoneedfortheY to go forward with the new City of Barrie and to establish event uaiiy building which would be the centre of sctivltiu for the youth and young People The lease on the present quar ters on Owen St expires in four months the gathering of workers their wivu guests ant friends were advised placing some urgency on the obtaining oi building site OPllhflSiiC VIEW In his opening address to the annual meeting and second birtn day of the YMYWCA the lat ter marked by birthday candles on the banquet tables President Gable spoke optimistically oi obtaining building site and eventually constructing mod ern centre with necessary facili ties He believed there were many persons in Barrie who would gladly assist financially the con struction of such centre if srntablo site was obtained the President believed the YM YWCA would be well on its way to its goal lle reterred to the present need for YMYWCA services by various communities within Bar rie and intimated that an en pansion program would be car ried out this year with the activitles being held in school auditoriums Another project he said would be the further develolr meat of the Ys campsite at Go Home Lake He asked mem bers of the Ys Mens Club of Barrie to give as muchof their time asposslbla to this particu lar project more strenuous publicity program would be undertaken in 1359 Mr Gnhle declared G0 AHEAD Referring to the fine work done by the YMYWCA Barrlos Aciing Mayor Morrow told the gathering they should go ahead with their plans for modern centre if it was not for the work that the Barrie YMYWCA was dolng he believed good deal ofmoney might have had to be nt on the young people per ps to mend broken lives He offered encouragement to the Ys Directors in their an nounced intention to obtain building site and eventually build remarking that there was considerable wealth in Barrie and that city should have YMYWCA for its youth FINANCIAL REPORT financial report presented to the meeting by Treasurer Pickles showed balance on hand of $385143 as of December 31 1958 and connecting on this he said it was very slim budget for the YMYWCA to operate upon for the year The organization had $1125 set aside for its building fund This item was not shown on the hal ance sheet the treasurer dis closed Conunenting on the receipt side of the ledger he said that the $158005 shown under the heading of campaign abboter tions was the total received in two drives one held one year tbeotber the following year Expenses for the two cam Daigns shown as disbursements totalled 5120445 which he thought were remarkably low considering the high cost of ad vertising today WEATHER Crisp clear weather with mod eratenortherly winds was indi cated in most regions today moderating trend will spread into the province Friday accompan ied in the north by increasing high cloudiness while Southern Ontario will haven fine winter day Lake Erie Lake Ontario Hall hurton northern Georgian Bay Kirkland Lake regions Windsor Toronto North Bay Sudbury Sunny today and Friday little milder Friday Winds northerly 15 to 25 today becoming light svernlght Westerly winds to Fri HY Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Frld Windsor SiZThomas London ngham Toronto Trenton St Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Kilinioe Earan Sudbuly North Bay Kapuskasing White River moasonu aammmm oncogene its messeesaasneasnen The sound year of the Banta had been an active pm MW and chailmging one with many advac made and many new features added See retaryDirector Allen Dodds told the gathering But he warned W6 cannot envision much more until better facilities equip ment and more staff are made available At the close 011965 as man bels had been registered and the total aggregate attendance during the year for all events was 145w Msterially the if had many building improvements with ad ditional furniture chairs tables kitchen equipment lamps sp paranrs games and numerous other items dousted or contribu ups or suppor campsite on Go Home Lake had been claimed and the now has firm lease on the proPeftlI with the option to buy at Crown land rates when it has fulfilled the building requirements splendid building the first of what will be series has been erected at the camp An access roadto the lake rs now nearly completed and should be open early this Spring ENLARGE PROGRAM The program was enlarg ed with six new clubs or activi ties in 1958 The clubs engaged in adult copper tooling chess art classes tumbling and gym nastic instruction iudo classes and the chartering of the To Menettes in assisting newcomers to be come established in this com munity the Rooms Registry services was helpful in obtain ing accommodation for 115 peo ple Many other people have cometo the for meetings special sessions schools enter tainments or special events In his report Mr Dodds said further emphasis must be placed on the urgent need to secure trained girls and lad fcs worker for the staff of Bar rie in completing his report the secretary director spoke words of appreciation to many individual persons and organiza tinns who had helped the so well making the accomplish ments of 1958 possible PLACE FOR NEW FRIENDS The speaker of the evening Mrs Vushnich of Tor onto first vicepresident of the National Council YWCA in Can ada was introduced by Mrs Clemmens Each annual meet ing Mrs Clemmens said meant the was coming to cross roads Tba reason the start ed andtook hold in Earricwas thatitpsvvidedaflacswbese newfriendseouldbemadeand whereltwaspodhletofind recreation It was place wherepeople eouid sumoo niecbshasald ShahadservedontheNatron alCouncilleralxyearlMri Clemmcns saldineiosing GOLDBN OPPORTUNITY Although this was her first visit to Barrie YMYWCA Mrs Vushnich said she had followed the fortunes of the Barrie oo gnnlsation from national head She had heard the Barrie president remark that one the dutiu of the organisation was to meet the needs oi the communion She thwart re to Barries new status as city that there was the need for and there was golden opportunity for one Scientists said humanity had four basic needs the speaker said enumerating them as food clothing shelter belle in someone her than them selves to and finally rc cognition The helped humanity in all if these essentials referring first to the Ys record serving oi food providing shelter and clothing The was Chris tian organization providing place where people can come and mingle in Christian spirit The supplied jobs whether the worker was on paid or voluntary basis RESPECTIVE notes During her address Mrs Vushnich referred to the roll of men and women in everyday life and noted that while it was common thing to believe man should handle the finances in organizations it was known that advertirars slanted their advertisements toward wo man buyers and statistics indi cated about 30 per cent of the money spent in the country was spent by women Yet in organ izations men were generally considered more suitable to handle the money as tredsur ers While women just naturally assumed the cooking duties in home the finest chefs in the world were men The speaker referresto to mtuic pointing out that in home it was gen erally decided thegirl must he the musician while the boy eat his time on the hockey and engaged in other sports Yet most of the worlds foremost musicians were men DIRECTORS ELECTED Ten directors who will serve threeycar term were elected They are Mrs Bessie Clem mens Clark Fan uharson Judge Marjorie Ham ion Miss Ruby McCarthy Pickles Mrs Marlon Wallace Ward Mrs Bar bara Wheeler and Wrsy LOCAL AND GENERAL VETERANS CLUB Rowe QC was elected president st recent meeting of the Veterans Club of Barrie Vicepresident is Art McLean Barrie and the new secretary appointed is George Longstaffe of Aleda Street Barrie Direc tors are Dr Johnston Fred Morren Fred Sarieant Will Ridiey Thomas Kerr STILL ON SALE Barrie Winter Carnival toque are still on sale Groups can purchase the colorful headgear at special prices Anyone wishing one of the fancy headgear can purchase one from the Chamber of Com mercelhomas Electric and Sevenlip CUSTOMS RETURNS Returns from the Barrie Cus toms office Ihow that in January import duties amounted to $14 58717 sales tax on import duties $413521 and miscellaneous revs nue 316639 The respective fig ures for thecorresponding month last year were trans $8367 and $102 Noreference isvmade in the returns to the domestic EX cise tax which is collected at the port of Toronto nanr noose oacnasrm Thriamedflart llousa Orch estra from Toronto underrthe baton of DrBoydNeel Dean of the Royal Conservatory of Music will be playing this even ing at Barrie Central collegiate in the first of three concerts of the Canadian Artists Series For those who have neglected to get ticket from any of the Band Mothers of Barrie Collegiate Band tickets will be availaqu at the door The featured solo lst tonight is Perry Bauman ohoist pihe series of Sunday evening concerts at Hart House by this hastegldup of stringsv is anoutstandihgieature of To rentos musical season CHIEF OF AIR STAFFS VISIT Air Marshal Hugh Camp hellCBE CD will be presen at the Chartormight of No 441 Wing Kempenielt ECAF As sociation in Barrie on Friday Feb 17 He will present the of theevaninggwili be 35511 441 indicating the Nth birth day of RCAF 50th anniversary of Canadian aviation and the number of the Barrie wing the first in the association to be chartered in the GoldenJubllet year HCOUTS AT CAMP HORDEN Eighteen Scouts from the Bar rie Presbyterian troop visited Military intelligence at Camp Borden recently Here they were briefed on how MI worked and were shown enemy weapons GROWING COMMUNITY coating in to the City of Bar rie on Highway 11 back at the corner of Prices Side Road is sign which was recently Barrie the Beautiful Papilla tion 20600 Some onewith progressive spirit of humor plac ed the new sign over the previ ous one but slightly to the right making it Population 120600 How we have grown display of Have you or has someone you know just moved to new home Your Welcome Wagon Boom will call with gifts and friendly greeting horn uncom rmmity Onooocoeeoaaeaooealn charter to the wing The theme GEORGE MEDAL Ltth John Beenran Royal Canadian Navy oi Fort William Opt and Halifax has been awarded the George Medal for his part inlthe November 1955 rescue by naval helicop ter of 11 seamen irorn the Li berian freighter Kismet II on the rocky coast of northern Cape Breton island National Defence Photo Polk Singing Now at Churchill Churchill is the latest com munity in the county to take up folk singing reports Louise Col lay Simeoes Director of Rec restlon Marysloan and Mrs Lock hart on sevenmeeting folk song course slated to start Feb so at the if Sloan residencc Course is aimed at improving background knowledge of Can adian history it inciuda such items as Eskimo and Indian music recorded by Marius liar beau of the National Museum besides LP records of Canadian artists Allan Mills Joyce Sulli van Diane Oxner and others There are films and film strips and singing from the Edith FowkeElchard Johnstone folk song book Miss Coliey says participants will be encouraged to bring their own instruments for inion msl fun if on Barrie Examiner Innmarmnrus RewverCar Family Is Key Welfare Problem In Short Time Barriepolloereooveredasto iascartoday 14mhrutesaiter ltsownureporteditrnlssing CmstahlaKenMcKenriafound thewantedcarparkadonAnno SLbetweenfifflnandannSu Therearletttirowasilat and tbatbiafbadlhandonedit The owner Girard Dumond 60 DunlopSLWatrepomdtne Bigeiow Harris plus the teach coach Squadron Lead or George Rodgers Two Minor Barrie Collisions cartruck collision on Vic torla near Sanford St yesterday caused $110 damage to both ve hicles The truck came off best with damage estimated at $10 Nicholas Van icequ of RR Harrie was driver of the Simcoo Petroleum Co truck The car was driven by Good win of Boys St Constable Ken McKenzie lnves gated ths mishap in another accident at Blake and St Vincent Sts cars driven by Osmond Roweyoi Owen St and Dennis King of Melroso St collided with damage estimated at $10 to the Rowe car The King car had its rear door fender and left side damaged Constable Frank Light investigated MANY TELEPHONES Only the United States and Sweden have more telephones per capita than Canada car stolen at one am Constable McKensla located it at Ma am CllS Appoints New Directors The following directors were appointed at the annual general meeting of Shawn County Child rens Aid Society this week James Wright James Faw cett Mel Wflsht Collingwood Murray Mills Neville Barnett Hersey Barrier Bay At kinson Emcst Burl Midland Rev Father McKenns Hugh Johnston Robert Douglas Orli lia Harold Halbert Hugtr son Mervyn Denny Aliiston John Small Arthur Evans Car man Downey Simone County Council Hon Drury was again elected Honorary President of the society Ernest Cumber land Aliiston immediate past president retired from the board having served the full limit of six years as laid down in the bylaws of the society Among the guests at the dia nor were Warden and Mrs Patton of Sirncoe County Judge Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Hon Drury Rev and Mrs John Kidd Mr and Mrs Bury director of Child Welfare oi the Ontario Department of Welfare We still have Han Duny speaking at the annual dinner and meeting of Slmme County Cirildxens Aid SocieU on mesday at Guthrie ammuniu Hall complimented the society on the fine work they were doing but pointed out that it is patching wor He said he believed the lgcy lo the whole situation was the home Fortunately belong to one section of the community wherethe home is still intact the farming community The great more is that there is so much need for CAS work We must try to mum to the family value Bury Director Child Welfare Ontario Department of Welfare speaking briefly said the CAS was marriage between the government and voluntary etfort There was need for support base but there was also need for support from the com manity Warden James Patton bring ing greetings fom Simcoo Coun ty raid that one of the major concerns ofcounty council had been to keep the cost of the society down so that it should not become burden on the taxpayer lie felt that the cost Don Jackson managing dir ectorolthosocrctanhisui dress commuted We are we bably 75 years behind in wd fare knowhow He felt that unlcs soda Me ers produced real results in the next decade the western dvib tuition will have had The removal of child from its own home was to the manag ing director sign of failure The price is loo high and the risk is too great No agency can operate with outagoodboard Noboardcan operate without an exceptional stall think in this society on he thelunbestable combine lion he said PAIIIII SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Homes Specialty WE CAN ARRANGE ¢MEC LOANS Compare our prices and dililly before hm CALL HAYNER ONTABIP mmnt noon ivnunntr FOR ausnvcss narrates WEDDINGS BUSINESS LUNCHES BANQUETI ascsrrrons FAMILY humans QUEENS HOTEL 94 DUNLOPST PHONE PA 82424 BEDROOM SUITES ronrou so choose mom AT HALF PRICE NeverBefOre Bedroom Vuites of thisHigh quality Craftsmanshipand Design atSuChTerriiioSavingsl noon sAMrnrs non CANADIAN FURNIIUR

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