Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1959, p. 1

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warn ans Imm PAMI not tabsl gunu Roulette Book In Cuba Halls agrees to make the details pub der which the government pays roads program Seei Dedudion should be allowed to dcductall institute of Chartered Accounh come under accepted accounting mon sense are disallowed for in payments by transportation To Settle Claims 125693000 on construction con So far it hassettled six outfits quests for another 37860300 Transport Minister Hees told the nutmun 95th Yea rNo 42 PADLOCKS orr HAVANA AP lhe click of roulette wheels and the rattle of rolling dice came back to Havana today for foreign tourists and wciivlodo Cubans Fidel Castros revolutionary re gime took the pndloelzs pff the door of the plush gamblmg sinos But poorer Cubans still were barred from the tahles Tbc been popular casinos where small sums were bot will stay closed The multimiliicndollar indus try that enriched fallen dictator hilgencio Batista and many American rocketecrs resume in ll big Havana casinos The rev olutionary regime promised strict government control The revolutionary leaders do spite their much proclnimed aver bef sion to gambling opened the caI sinas for the sake of the tourist trade and to quiet the thousands of casino employees who had been unemployed in seven wcelu Details Declined On Road OTTAWA CP Resources Minister Alvin Hamilton declined Wednede to give the Commons details of the federal Ontario roadstoeresources program Opposition members promptly chargcd there were political rea sons for his silence Mr Hamilton said he is bound by an agreement with Ontario not to disclose plans or figures about the program until Ontario iic His statement was made as the Conunons approved additional expenditureol 8682000 on the forest access roads program un half the cost of such roads Mr Hamilton said he was we pared to give details of federal spending on the forest access which covers projects built between Navy and June 30 as winter work pro gram Many Expenses MTAWA Business legitimate expenses when com puting income tax the Canadian ants and the Canadian Bar As sociation said Wednesday in joint submission to the federal government Many expenses which would be deducted in arriving at in prcclica and as matter of com ccmetax purposes the brief said The brief listed number of cases of expenses which had been disallowed to incometax pur poses They included the cost of spe cial surveys and cruises required by provincial statute to be made on timber limits leased from provincial government company to certain municipalities enable them to improve their iocal roads payment by min ing company to power company in consideration of the latter ex tending power line to mine and other instances ceaway Authority arrows or The SL1 Lay rence Seaway Authority hopes to settle within the pest athreeu months 22 claims for an extra tracts SCHEME to Pay 3760000 extra and rejecting controctors re to take all the credit for the Under Batht lhe culoos paid $15000llocosiogfcc and per centage of their profit to the gov ernment Premier Castro has laid down new set of rules duigned Io rootout the rackctcers endea rich the nations treasury The new division of profits hns not announced but the govern ment bu been considering talc ing70 per cent allocation to per ocntlfor welfare and no per cent to promote tourism The reopening casinos mus ave new operators with finan cial standing and no criminal rco ords This presumably will tend to eliminate the American racket ecrs who dominated the industry are Castro also modified an earlier policy and agreed to give safe passage out of the country to about 90 former associates of no tlsta who had taken refuge in is Latin American embassies Program But he declined to give details on the broader roadstoresources program on the ground that negotiations between the federal and provincial governments are going on and the agreements are constantly subject to change Oslas Godin Nickle Belt said there is no reason why the Conunons should not be given this information lt was good program in which the minister holds the oars and Ontario racks the boat He suggested that the govern ment of Premier Frost is trying roadsto resimrccs program in view of forthcoming provincial election this year Douglas Fisher CCF Port Arthur also said there is con nection between the provincial election and the governments reticenco to give details of the program in Ontario Mr Hamilton said Ontario has 9009000 forest road program too next winter The federal gov ernment would pay half Education Cheaper Than Two Habits OTTAWA CP Canadians spend 50 per cent more on liquor and smokes than theydo on edu cation Expenditures on education in 1957 worked out at $5566 for each Canadian Trade Mini at Churchill reported Wednesday to the Commons Percapita outlayson alcoholic beverages and tobacco totalled main ecuanIJlSinm 52mm BARBIE ONTARIOCANADA Members of the board of Canadian General Electric arv rived in Barrie today for business review of the small appliance department located BULLETIN LONDON DP The prur roundtable conference today signed an agreement to establish an independent republic of Cyprus LONDON AP Archbishop Moharios retreated in his de mands today and indications were that successful conclu sionwould be reached perhaps this afternoon in the Cyprus independenceconference THURSDAY FEBRUARY 911959 cor OFFICIALS mm momma here Seen entering the C68 building are from left Pipe general council secre tary McRae chairman of the board Morrison winepresident Mitchinsoo of Barrie managermanufact tiring Herbert Smith pres jcoumourw me TIRS not CONTROVERSY ident Jennings of Bar ric general manager small applianccdepartmcnt Hipp vicepresident finance scheduled for the afternoon with Prime Ministers Macmillan of Britain Karamanlis of Greece and Menderes of Why attend ing inclusion of the prime min isters wastaken as an indication that agreement was near an the plan to end four years of blood shed on the strategic east Mcdi terranean island Mnkariospleader oitha islands Greek Cypriot majority mire ammo Weapon OTTAWA CmHigh costs of complex weapons needed to fight an atomic war may forceCan ads to abandon postwar policy of designing and developing new weapons of her own But negotiations with the United States to get an agreed share of joint Canada US military production for Canadian defence plants is fraught with difficulties Gen eral Charles Foulkes chairman of the chiefs of staff committee mes$3235 for tobacco and $4684 for drinks told Canadav5 business con ference Wednesday Presidents Comments In UniOn Leader Waiter Beulher SAN JUAN Puerto Rico tAP President Eisenhowers comment about union leaders on the sunny beaches of Puerto Rico provoked Walter Reuther Wednesday night to cite the presidents Acapulco visit and his golfing and hunting Eisenhower at his press con ference Wednesday brushed off Reuthers call for march of unemployed on Washington He expressed doubt that the AFirClO leadersin San Juan for their annual winter meeting would desert the sunny beaches to March from there over to this foggy Washington Reutber head of the United Auto Workers retoried that he goes where he is obligated to at tend rmeetingsr just as Eliseo bower was going to the sunny Mexican resort today to meet Commons Wednesday Torrential RciinsD with PresidentAdclfoLopez Mateos Mr Presidentf be said in statement have spent no time on the sunny beaches of Puerto Rico nor have been with you and your many big business friends on the golf courses the duck blinds or the quail hunts HITS LEADERSHIP Reuther charged the president with failing to provide the al firmative leadership essential to getting America back to work Reuther has been urging the jobless march on Washington to dramatize the plight of Amer icas unemployed officially re ported at 4724000 in January AFL C10 Presith George Meany predictedto press con ference here Wednesday that the 75 would have permanent army of 5000000 to 6000000 un employed unless the worliweek is sbortenedwagcsarc boosted substantially and government spending is increased lie said the US economy is not creating enough johs for the fastgrowing population emcee Spirits After 50 Killed snowman Moo Congo RectoryTorrential rain today dampened the spirit of rival ltlca factions who cailedlitll days oistrcet fighting in whichbfl natives were killed and beariydooinjured iLPollce patrols were strongh ened however to put down fresh clashes between the follow firsof Premier room Yojllou opposition leader ues Opangault The African suburbs of the cap wmaglowwllbt hurtling bah tbatch ot mudhut homes Wednes day night before the arrival of the rain Since rioting broke out Monday the followers of the government party the Balalls have reverted to that old tribal headdress of white cloth fled around the bead LEAVES Bandsof Opangaulta support ers the Mblchi identified them selves with their owntribal war dress at loaves woven into the The lighting started when gov oroment membersin the assem bly passed the 1959 budget in the absence of the oppositionqu whichhas boycotted proceedings in campaign for nowgeneral elections ihil government also through bill suspending parlia mentary immunity for two weeks Three officials of the opposition party later were arrested Youlouiiwoo the premiership from opangault Ilast November with urinajorlty of one PortedEto Coriada May The cost of conventional arms was high because of Canadas small needs But now the costs were mounting still higher De fence agfinst hydrogen bombs and intercontinental missiles re quired complex new equipment Canada probably could no longer go it alone That didnt mean Canada no lohgcrfwould produce military goods It meant she had to reach agreement with theUS to produce some of the goods for both countriu in Canada and for an agreement this aflrooon Greek Cypriot lnforrnant said that if the bases were to be at icILsively British and not under NATO control Makerlos wants assurancw the British willcon obIaultsthérepobliosfiriekwypriot president before launching any largescale operation Vfrom Cyp The archbishoptold reporters There arevery goodchances being reached The bearded 45 year old politicochurchman modified his earlier objections to the Zurich plan Accepfthejilueprint drafted by mayorgiving the British erovim colony independ vw re hadthree main objections to th EStobliSh Republic or Cyprus Mk CtBkD Aconlcrencé session was jection to Britains retention of sovereignty over her military ascs on Cyprus Ha now was reoprtcd chiefly interested in guarantees that the British would not use the new republic as base forsuch operatoins as the 1956 invasion of the Suez once or accept the responsibility for the negotiations ending in fail ure Greek Foreign Minister Evan gehelos Averoff emerged Wed nesday night from an emergency session of conferees inclurfing Makarios and told reporters There is better than 5050 chance of success Turkish Foreign Minister Fatin Zorlu commente ve ms plan That it gave the three protect ing powersBritainfGreece and Turke the right to intervene in affair of the new state in time crisis That it gavethe British sover eignly over the military bases they hove on the island instead oftooly 99yearlease anthem That he felt it gavetbehirlrish Cypriots more representation in the proposed CYprus government than their numbers warranted $2 Millions Claimed Siphoned From One company to Another NEW YORKfAPlThe Secur some in the us ities and Exchange Commission Geo Foulkes spoke at one says Bbou$2000000 appears to day gathering of some 200 bus inessmenmost cf them Cana dianssponscred by the Cana dian and 118 chambers of com mercr toseek ways of strength ening cooperation between the two countries Another speaker Crump president of the Canadian Pa cific Railway said Canada faces the threat not only of declining defence production but also of disquieting man ifestations of have been siphoned out of one company controlled by Alexander Guterma into another firm controlled by Guterma and an associate Affidavits to that effect were lied in federal court Wednesday by SEC Regional Administrator Paul Windels with 21 SEC motion made against Gutermn Feb sought to restrain Guterma and the Jacobs Company from in connection The protectionism in us import selling unregistered Jacobs stock curbs onlead zinc and oil David In Grove of SanFran cisco vice president of the Ennis of America agreed that US oil import curbs were advise aged LeapSaved By Police Officer TORONTO GP motor cycle pollceman today rescued blind 33yearold woman from her homewhen fire swept two houses on Gladstone Avenue in westend Toronto save Mrs Wade trolln1956 dominated by Guterma and an associate Constable Ron Cummlns car ried Mrs Florence Wade from the downstairs bedroom of her slitroom brick home Mrs Janet Macienzie 7iandMr Mar jorief Cunningham 59 fled un aided after asking the oiiicoc to in violation of the antifraud pro visions of federal securities laws Guterma who built up an in dustriol empire is accuse the SEC of falling to file an cial reports on some of his oper ations He is free in $500nhnil by The affidavits filed Wednesday said more than $2200000 might have been lentor siphoned by the Jacobs Company to Comficcr firm The Jacobs firms auditors the affidavits stated navenot yet located considerable amour securities belongingtotbe com pany Their valuewas indebted to be 51300000 or more Tbe accountants the citr davits continued have been un able to complete the audit be cause they have been bioderc delayed and obstructed Shy responsible officers of Jacobs Porssrmr motion Eveleigh planations for substantial trans actions in which they or com panics controlled them were involved Last Saturday Gutermn sur rendered ona warrant obtained by Windcls The warrant Idiarged Guterma had failed to file re ports to the SEC and planned to leave the 115 Copy44 Page TAP System of Police States Civic Heads Retort to Chief TORONTO cmCivic leaders today strongly opposed suggcs tion by Police Chief James Mac key that controlled wiretap ping would help police io break ing up gambling operations Chief Mackcy made the sugges tion at panel discussion Wed day night He said gamblers are operating fullscale gambling houses in the city disguised asbona fide char tered clubs and the police are vir tually powerless to stop them mist Mackey said he felt wire tappinglif controlled by proper authority the attorneygeneral perhapswould be more effective in gaining evidence Mayor Nathan Phillips de scribed wiretappbig as foul means of obtaining evidence and said it was characteristic of police slates VERY DANGEROUS Frederick Gardiner chairman of the Metropolitan Tomato coins cll said wiretapping is very very dangerous practice to start and can get out of hand for the limited purposes for which it is justified The chief taking part in University of To to panel whosenremhers included Attorv nayGeneral Roberts later said mflcwuw wheremmczomhe clubsarf andbavrr bunch about others However be added they cant not because they have no evidence These clubs are full of gum blers racketeers thieves and re ceivors Chief Mackey told the panel The only reason they are in here is for easy money from bigtime gambling TRY FILTRATION He said the only way police can gather evidence is to infil trate the club and if possible work man onto the board of directors in his comments afterward he said this procedure takes lot of time Police he said are concerned only about the clubs where there is rakcoff by the house Many start out legally and then wind up in the hands of gamblers Chief Mackey said he didnt favor uncontrolled wiretapping But if the attorneygenerals dalt partrnent would agree to super vising thc practice it could be helpful in obtaining evidence on shadowy operators FEARS EFFECT AttorneyGeneral Roberts said wiretapping might help solve crime but he feared it might be come more dangerous than any results might justify He added that the deputy pm vitriol secretary has the author ity to check up on the offlciais of chartered organizations to deter mine whether their charters should bc renewed noon Pri minute Bans Area Sports MIDLAND or corpora manlike conduct has resulted in MidlandPenetanguisheoe district high school students being barred from area athletic competition Principal Lorna Johnston said that was why he has forbidden students to take part in the Georgian Bay district athletic program Only team affected is the junior baskebtall team It is in the six team leagues playoffs One of the teams members said Midland squads are getting three times as many fouls as other teams in the circuit Principals of other schools have complained of Midland students smoking in balls and leaving in furnlslung ex ressing rooms in messy condi tion Barrie Collingwood Drilllc Ai liston Camp Borden are other schools in the Georgian Bay Lea gue Said the principal The ban will continue until students con duct themselves in manner that will be an asset to this smog Doug Kettle trainer of tha Bnrrie North basketball teams said today he did not think the Midland students were unsports manlike but they had an aggres sive style Theyre not getting anything but what they deserve he commented They should learn to play basketball He did hot know of any com plaints made against the Mid land teams Genetal Marshall Condition Serious FORT ERAGG NC AP Genl George Marshall re mainedin serious condition to day He suffered mild stroke Wednesday and slight cascrof pneumonia A7 am report from Wcmaclr General Hospital reported that the 78yearold retired generals condition remained the sameA doctor was at GenMarshalls bedside during the night

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