the bands snvicon srwron nosmsos Mr and Mn Ben Steers sr rived home last week after trip in Vancouver and visiting friends in Sashtoon and Wire nicer Mr and lira Walter Andrews visited Mr and Mrs George Molt in Thornton Monday even lnl Mrs Paul West is home after spending few weeks in To recto Mr and Mrs Lorne Clement of Toronto were Sunday fleets of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn Mrs Walter Andrews visited Mrs Council at Innlswood Lodge Stroud Int Thursday number of our WMS ladies joined the Pinkerton ladies in Pinkerton Church on Friday tor the World Day of Prayer service CANADIAN MINISTER HONORED Ritchie Canadian ister to Washington is ned with the American Boy Scout emblem as one of number of foreign diplomats selected to wear the emblem to mark the 49th anniversary of the scouting movement Pinning the emblem on Mr Ritchie in the Washington cer emony is John Potts8 oi Silver Springs Md as special constable Hunt looks on Top us otlicials including State Secretary John Foster Dulles wearthe pin Burton Ave Organist Moves To New Church Raymond Daniels played his final services as organist and cholrmaster at BurtonAvenue United Church on Sunday and his week assumes these duties Andrews Presbyterian Church At last weeks choir rehearsals ho was the recipient of gifts from both the Burton Avenue choirs the childrens Carol Choir presenting him with fit tad travelling case and the sen ior choir atravelling bag htmatl ching brown leather The latter group made the ev ening the occasion of their annual meeting and choir social the gathering taking place at the borne of Mr and Mrs Gordon Roach Castle Drive Tho presentation was made by Mrs Downing the retiring president Following is the text of the pesentation address which was read by the presidentclecl Peter Mills This brings to close your fouryear tenure of the position of organist and choir director oi Burton Avenue United Church and we the choir members wish you to know that we approach the occasion with sincere regret Your work among us has been marked by contagious enthus iasm and by High degree oi on ganization and foresight You have continually pointed us to ward the best in church music and have enriched its direction with interesting background in formation and anecdote so that our rehearsals have been effec tive and meaningful unwell as enjoyable As consequence we St Thomas Audience Enjoy Barrie Collegiate Band St Thomas TimesJournal program that contained some of the wellknown classics as well as pieces in the more modern idiom was presented on Saturday evening by the BarrieCollegiate hand which as brought to St Thomas by Evening Music Club The rent drew large crowd to the Central Elgln Junior Collegiate Institute lntbe balcony were members of youth bands from Aylmer and London who had come to see the red and white unifornied students perform The Barrie Band is thereuvy of every city it is bandconn posed entirely of students and inthe 20 years of its existence has gathered more than 40 first awards in competitions both inside and outside Canada It was with understandable disappointment that we heard director Allan Fisher tell us in his opening remarks that the band which packed the stage in front of us was not the goup which won acclaim for Canada in Europe last year The band said Mr uFisher had suffered gradua We also heard that entertain ment of audiences was sec ondary consideration the para mmmt objective being education in music and the provision of what Mr Fisher termed rich musical experience for youthful band members It was amost pleasanteven urg of musical entertainment in the program which followed The program itself wasde signed to show the range of the accomplishment of the band Suggests Wigwag Signal VCOLIJNGWOOD CPlA cor oners jury Monday recom mended immediate installation of wigwag signal at tile CNR level crossing over Highway in tho western outskirts of Col linKWood erlclr ll Cornell of Barrie was killed Feb when slow movingtraln struck his truck at the crosiing The jury returned verdict of accidental death the It began with two pieces from the Baroque period Bachs Fu gue nla Gigue nd the Chorale from Cantata 147 then moved to Beethovens Allegretto from Symphony No selections which the band played quite excellently We heard the third movement from Symphony No by Mendelssohn before the wellknown strains of the over ture to Humperdincks Hansel and Gretel opera elled out into the auditorium In selection of ethnic dance forms the audience kept time to the LatinAmerican beat of La Cumparsltato Jamaican ithnmba composed by Arthur Benjamin to Robert Ben netts Schottsache and Cake Walk There was touch of Broadway in the prtam when the band played the march from Cinderella by Richard Rodgers Most interesting was an inter pretive piece entitled the 1mm graut Train from the Death Valley suite The concert ended the high level on which it had begun with composition by Dr Les lie Bell who is wellvknownjn St Thomas for his part in the Rotary Music Festivals Named Atlantic Guardian Dr Bells composition repress col lection of Newfoundland folk songs an appropriate enough conclusion Generally speaking the cou cert was most enityable not only from the aspect of the quahty of the music but also because it is always most pleas ing to see young people do something and do it well Fire Llie Liability higher property Automobile Accident company has have been greatly benefited both as group and as individuals and the inrlts of you labours will long remain with us As you leave us to pursue your career in larger sphere our kindest thoughts and best wishes will accompany you it is nureamest hope that your car eer will be crowned with the bril liant success of which it now giv es promise To support these sentiments in atangible way we ask you to accept this travelling bag and hope that it may help to brlng about that trip overseas which was so cruelly matched from you and your father last spring Insurance Co Has Name Changed UliAWA CHThe Commons has approved change in the name that an Ontario insurance carried for 120 Years The House nresday gava sec ond readingapproval in princ ipleto bill which would turn the Gore District Mutual Fire insurance Company into the Gare Mutual Insurance Com PW William Anderson PCWater loo South the bills sponsor said the company was incorporated in 1339 to serve district then known as the Gorelncluding Hamilton Dundas Eranï¬ord and Gait Now it was no longer district company it had branches in the four western provinces And 60 per cent of its business was other than fire insurance Student Pilots To Use Caution KITCHENER CPiA coron ers jury Monday recommended that airport managers and flying instructors use caution in allow ing student pilots to fly solo in bad weather The huy was inquiring into the death of 25yesrold Alexander Kennedy of Guelph killed Jan in near Elmira when his light plane Vcrasbed during bad weathen The jury found that Kennedys For full protection in case of fire your insurance coverage is in line with todays jorrle inexperience and weather condi tionswere responsible loathe crash Anairport official said the weather was good when the stu dent took off for half hour flight but that fog set in sud denlfl How does your fire neurones values gtLetus review your policy No obllcation Moleomsons Insurance Agency i1 Dunlop St PA 84735 Gwllilmhury The school board of West entertained the Pupils of the schools of West Gwilllrnbury at skating party the Bradford Arena last Fri in the absence through ill ness of Rev Mr Cox Mr Beers and Mr Frid of Barrie took the church service on Sundry Mr and Mrs Allan Bough ton and Kenneth spent the weekend with Huntsville friends ELMVALE HOLD SUCCESSFUL successful St Valentine party was held in the PresbyA tartan Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon Refresh mentr were served and each plate was attractively decorated with dailies and red hearts The WA sponsored the bake sale and tea Mr and Mrs Robert Barbour are happy to Innouhce the gift of daughter born February at Penetang General Hosp til WORLD DAY PRAYER The World Day of Prayer service was had in Wycliffe Anglican Church on Friday February 13 at 230 with the president Mrs McGuire of St Andrews in the chair Mrs French gave inter esting talk on belief and wor ship Mrs Cooper rend ered solo with Mrs Show at the organ The offer ing was taken by Mrs Spring and Miss Bamsdnm Short prayers were given by different members from the three churches Mesdsmes Eon mucus may Stubbs and ankcom Arnold Crease of Wyevule charge was the speaker at St Johns United Church on Sun day morning in the absence of Rev Mr Chapman Mraud Mrs William Mc Fadden were Sunday guests of COUNTY NEWS ILMIrLCluIKnlaCIM MmGreenbankofltlehmond her of ladies in as andWednudayafternoonsto ouilL WOMENSACTIVITIB Mrs Watson washostess for the WA and W5 meeting for February In the absence Markham spent the with friends in the village Idr and Mrs Henry Bauldry oi Barrie were Sunday guests of Mrs Terry Mr and Mrs Baker and family Peterborongh spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs lilker ATTENDED CONVENTION ws Campbell Mc Kay and Campbell re turned from attending thehe tail Hardware Merchants Assoc iation in Toronto last week harry Manning non of Mrs Arne Manning left on Sunday for Tomato where he has accepted position Olason oi Scarboro has purchased the store operat ed Ior over to years by Mrs Robitallle Hrs Rab itslllo will be neatly mined in the community omsron Mr and Mrs Handy hosted euchro party on Friday evening with proceeds for retarded children Prizes were won by Lorne Lory and Mrs Hart Consolation prizes were given to Orr and Mrs Watson The Robert Balk diploma were awarded to Diane Sutton Bruce Baldwick and Wayne Forbes number of pupils received seals for attendance for the year 1958 Lorne Bandy the retiring superin tendent presented these on Sunday Mrs Slade spent week end with her daughterMrs Pruess of Barrie recently Mrs Brown had nun Contractors Pile For Extra Payment OTTAWA CP Twentytwo contacting iirnu that worked on the St Lawrence Seaway have submitted claims for extra pay ment beyond the terms of their contracts Transport Minister flees reported Monday He told the Commms the claims involved such rfnctors as rising wages alleged undisclosed grwnd and water conditions floodingot contract sites alleged interferences with scheduling of work additional costsof placing concrete in winter and other situations Roberts president of the St Lawrence Seaway Authority has said it is normal after every large construction job for daims to be made for additional pay manta beyond contract terms of Mrs Ball the president Mrs Handy vicepruident took charge of the meeting Mrs Allan Brown read from the study book Mrs Brown and Mrs Slade were the tea hostessu The Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Gor don Jory Roll call exchange of Valentine cards Promam Mrs LE Handy Robert Ball of Toronto uni verlislty was home for the week en Mrs Wallwin of Allan dall Visited on Sunday It Mandys Kitchener Police Lose Increase Bid KITCHENER CPiTho police Commission Monday rejected po lice nssoclation dcmands for $500 semanticboard increases in this years working agreement The cornrnision asked the asso ciation representatives to come back with more reallstlc and reasonable ï¬gure Probationary constabim now earn $3400 annually thirdclass constables $3600 second class $3800ï¬rst class $4790 corporals $4400 sergeants $4700 and staff sergeants $5000 HYdro Workers Okay Contract TORONTO CF majority of 10500 employees of the hydro electric power commission of On tario have accepted contract settlement readied last month The Ontario Hydro Employees Union Tuesday announced that mailed vote among in members resulted in 5666 accepting the agreement and 2534 rejecting it There were 11 spoiled ballots Thavseftlement reached after prolonged negotiations during which the union was nuthorizcd by its membership to call strike has been ratiï¬ed by the government owned commission Union officials recommended its acceptance by the membership it provides 5500 hourlyrated workers with mperccnt in crease retroactive to April 1958 equal to 32 cents an hour on the $218 average age with an additional two per cent from Jan of this year onehalfperccnt increase will be effective Allg1 Hydros 5000 salaried employ ees get the flippercent and the twoper cenLincreases plus threepercent increase in April and onehalf per cent Aug be ing held in fund by hydro while it implements new job evalua tion scheme ART KING smnbs ALBERTA REUNION former Barrie man Art King shown above at left in Edmonton Journal photo reer duction was among more than 400 former residents of the Okotoks Turner Valley and Black Diamond areas of south ern Alberta all now living in Edmonton who attended re union recently in the Masonic Temple Mr King was chair man of the reunion and was instrumental in organizingtbe group With him are centre ArLang secretary of the Research Council of Alberta and principal speaker for the reunion and right William MacGiliivray of the organiz ing committee Born hero in 1591 BKing was bank junior in Barrie in 1909 later going out west He lived in several Alberta towns until he retired as managerof the Royal Bank ofCunada several years ago Two years ago he paid visit to Harris after at tenihng Rotary International convention in Chicago In his younger days before going into banking ho was on the staff of by virtue of the resolution passed by Counciiflot of Barriegt1 hereby proclaim the week rnnnuanvls so runaway as unornnnnoob WEEK and call uponlail citizen of our city to enter into nu splrit ofhrotherhood inch is thafallCanadlans gard lessof race or creed should have the privil es rights The Barrie Examiner work ing for the latepublisher Alex Macbaren The King Block now the Wilson Build ing was owned for many years by his family MAYFAlR CLUB rllARRlES FINEST nchn soon 19 pounce on Desicing Every vvenrur5A to robsvs Iron uncommon CONNIE Two Independent Realtors Announce New Two former independent real tors in Barrie Council and Charles Rogers have entered into partnership and have taken over the former Sterling Trials building at Dunlap Street East with olflcm on the ground floor There they will be carrying on real atate brokerage in all The policeman of today is no danger broad shouldered rough voiced individual but rather an intelligent and alert person bent on doing his job in this modern age The comparison between old and new members of the force was made by Sgt Don Johnston of the identification bureau oi the OFF Toronto Monday IllEht speaker at dinner meeting of the Barrie Ys Mens club held under the presidency of John Henderson at the YMYWCA 0w en street Introduced by Presldent Jack Gable Sgt Johnston sold at present the OPP had so trained identification ofï¬cers At the id entification bureau the staff dealt with in the neighborhood of 3700 uiminul finger prints per month Since its inaugurablon it had ra ceivcd approximately mow tin ger prints The officers belonging to the identiï¬cation bureau the speak Cannot Answer Babies Problem TORONTO CPA battery of experts appeared before the On tario legislatures agricuitine committee Tuesday but could provide no answer to tha rabies problem facing the provinces cattlemen it was mourned up by Dr Ken Wells head veterinarian for the federal agriculture department We have not been able to pin our efforts on any one thing which would bring worthwhile re suits Agriculture Minist erGood fellow outlined the provincial governments new vaccination program but warned it might be ineffective He said the provinces vaccina tion program will work this way Farmers will submit veterinar ians receiptsto their local muu icipalities which in turn will apply to the provincial govern ment for 75percent payment Municipalitiu will pay the re maiulng iiper cent but the grantswtllbsforamaximumoi $1 headwthing more will have to be paid by the farmer inns uiu FRIDAYMusic By The ansnssron no son resin Peiniiï¬Ã©s Partnership its branches combined with general insurance Imder til style of Rogersand Conrail Mr Rogers has been in the real estate field in Barrie for the past so years Mr Council has been continuously engaged in the business for the last three years Both are well known in the city New Police Ofï¬cer Cultivates Intelligence and Alertness er said had no special degrees They were merely men who had Joined up as members of the gen eral highway patrol and had be come so vitally interested in the work that they found tbmuelvu in the identification bureau Although the establishment the bureau had previously been regarded as hambrained scheme Sgt Johnston said it was necessary for the betterment at crime detection in the province At the close the thanked by Ted Wray Among as guests was Judge Ban Man Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter TORONTO CP Bernard Gwizd Zi one of his men diarged with murder in conned tlou with the death last Septem ber o1 89yearold Valarie Riley pleaded guilty to manslaughter Monday and was remanded until Feb so for sentence The second manchargedu yearold Samuel Bereznitslry was acquitted of murder but con victed of mansiallshter by an as sizecourtiurflastweekandwlll also be sentenced Feb 29 The death of the woman re sulted from fourday drinking party in which the two accrued were participants DANCING EVERY Fill and SAT $13 couun st pm Bhythmaires Modern SATURDAYMusic By Tom Pattenden Orchestra old time and modern AUSPICES £001 Everiy livlhursdoy gt Night is BingoNight