Opening leadace of spades Dumrrw play is an art worth cultivating Behind the technique good dummy play lies little more than the ability to reason well The decisrer who permits logic not general rules to guide him to the correct method at play in given hand is well on his way to obtaining the best pos sible result Here is band played excep tionaliy well by declarer West cashed the ace oi ades and continued with spa Souths cause seems hopeless at this point since there appear to be two unavoided club losers But South proceeded to make the band He ruiied the spade with the king cashed the ace of hearts and led another heart trom the dummy When East ololwed with the eisz declares Unions Grapple New South led his last nump discarding club trons durum Easts discarda low duheras nomad He wuld not spam dia moa Taking advantage at the ion ed discard declarer led dia mond to the king and low chi back 1mm dummyEaat made his ace of duhabut no more South lost in all spade and club it will be noticed that through out the hand South played on the ll giltl CHEFS DELIGHT basis that East had the see at Plenty of protectivecovar ior nluhs This assumption was kitchen chem make this is necessary one for South to mail vorite apron For bathing baby since placing West with the ace M4 mm would be equivalent to conced doul W4 pm To den The Wh morrowfa pattern Hailsiren hastobehastobe Printed Pattern 4759 Misses mm sum Small no 12 Medium 14 chth in Huge Drive For Sears Bargaining Rights WASHINGTON APlNn sep arate organizing drives are un derwaytotrytowinunionbar gaining rights over the 200000 pioyoes of Sears Roebuck and Companythe continents largest general merchandising concern The giant Teamsters Union al ready claiming more than moo 000 members is using ï¬reside approach in Sears employees homes This is aimed at an es timated 100000 mail order ware house and truckdriver employees In the Unitedï¬tatsa and Canada its the biggest organizing drive labor has kid in 20 years said Harold Gibbons teams tera executive vieepresident Urge MentalWorld Like the Outside OTTAWA CP The world within the mental hospital should he as moch as possible like the outside world sociologist Alex Sim at Ottawa told the Ontario Psychological Association annual meeting Mr Sim liaison division chief of the immigration departments citizenship branch told panel on rehabilitation and mental health that Canadas mental hosI pitals tend to support traditional methods oi treatment and appear punitive restraining and contin ing to the patient Occupational therapist Shirley cempbell of the Ontario Hospital in St Thomas urgedvgreater em phasis on patient ability rather than disability Miss Campbell said there is diced to create an atmosphere of work instead or rest in mental hospitals by providing beneï¬cial hospital industries and some re alistic inventivessueh as pay tor inhospital work EXAE PHOTOS Pietorea appearing in The Examiner above the catch uno exams more can be purchased in loony what tom room aaavrcs mu ms PHONEA 82414 The Barrie Examiner look at umpteen miierot brand any rateere more inclined to sin during the past myearahas re Large us 20 Medium else takes yards much Printed directiona on each pat tarn part Euler accurate Send FOETY CENTS toe in coins stamps cannot be accept Era in as was as ii iii nett Mrs Jennett Mrs Claude Banting auditors Kan neth Smith Henry Davis Sup erintendent Mn Elwood Jan natt organista Mrs Eaten Dav in Mrs Jennett The meeting closed withpray and aodalbm over eup Say Decision Soon In Driving Ruling TORONTO CP 4M Generai Roberts stated do oislon may be made this weak whether the province has the ad or this pattern Please print 111 12km llllnlt relate plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS James Haifa hamsters 5m NUMBER boss said we wont hesitate to strike it necessary CLERKB CAMPAIGN Send order ANNE ADAMS care of 113 Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St The RetailClerks International Tomato Ont Association 350000 member afï¬liate oi the AFLCIO is work ing to organize Sean retail store employees fully understand their coastto coast Sears isnt being am When the tearnatara kicked at their drive last week and began dishthaw pamphlets to Sean workers comm spokesman said its employees have nothing to gain from membership in the Teamsters MOROCCAN PEAKS The Atlas mountains at Mon ooeo in ilva neat ranges reach heights of 12000 teat Espresso Scars management intends to mmym make certain be sad that all employees fully understand thei use legal rights and tbat they also tally familiar with the fleets and ma issues involved3 Soars sales during its 1058 fir cal year reached record at nearly 34000000000 The earth parry says only about 185004 its employees or about seven per whom are covered bmunion agreements 00 ORGANIZEDi Hoiia has thrown over 200 or ganizers into the current Sears drive The teamaters and RCIA dont seem to be ï¬ghting each othera aiiortJor cooperating too much either They may clth over or ganizing certain employees Sears employees long have had proï¬tabarlng plan Workers and the company each coatslink to savings pool largely invert ed in Sears atoek The teamstera any they intend to expooe the plan as not so good as the com pany claims Architects Shudder ï¬t Milesoi Homes ronomo cmMany People new homes and call it progress Architectssame oi theni at shudder Dr Thomas Hayward director at the University or Toronto school at architecture told the OntarioAesooistionot Architects Saturday nightthnt Imeontrollad houarng developmentin the United States Canada and Britl created visual chaos The city tatiiersvare unaware the potential in the architects office Dr Howarth said The mushroom growth at maior cities is disgrace andthe architects HAMMER iiiTE Wait until pan and it yo carrier has not VALLEY 1m PA82433 vVAnd Ctrpi Will Be Delivered Your home are partly responsible arrivedgthen ca aaunusmumaupFr 230 l00 no 00 Hand Giant Science Va waistl Town KIDS ContBR Eylntl Western Theatr hm Harkfl Reports NI Weathtt 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