In Emir figment MAY BARBIE Sergeant Douglas MacLeah of Barrie above checks directional gyro compass in one of the hangars at No RCAF Fighter Wing Grosten quin France where he has been serving since 1957 Ilais married to the former Muriel Overtones ï¬led to advertise in it for $5 per page but Alderman Newton brought in motion that com oil take ballpage at $15 It explained there were now two AIRMAN SERVES Iii FRANCE Drake whose parents reside at 55Bayfiold Street Barrie RCAF photo Inclement Wedther Slowed City Building in presentingth statement of bullding permits issued by the building inspector for the month of January 1959 Ltreasurer Johnson of the Bar rie Planning Board states that iJanuary is always an unpredict gable month for building and it Its reasonable to assume that the icxtra heavy snowfall and sub iternperatures have done much to lretard construction this year so far Prospects for 1959 are ex Fire Committee open up until March or April Building permits issued by the inspector for January are as follows One permit only under single family dwellings was for beeper of Toronto for Amelia 5L builder Davies Construc tion $29000 Repairs and alterations Stewart 49 Wellington St 31 DE alterations to same $850 permit only Residential sumiimry One sin cellenl but are not expected tn gle family dwelling permit at to Consider Question of Fire survey Father and son were opposed at last nights meeting of Barrie city council Alderman Williams the father seconded motion put by Alderman Les ter Cooke referring hack para graph of cohlmittee reportm troduced by Alderman Earle Williams The paragraph had recom mended that the fire and traffic committee contact the Ontario Fire Marshals office to have survey made within Barrie Al derman Earle Williams explain ed the survey would cost the city nothing and was service avail able for the asking ile granted that this department comes up with some fantastic ideas but assertedtho report was not man datnry But Aldennan Cooke was sceptical about the Fire Mar shal He agreed nthat fantastic ideas could be put forward and feared it would involve the city in considerable expense if the uarshals recommendations had be carried out As an old be didnnt approve of idea Alderman Williams agreed do not think asking the Fire Marshals department to make report is right They will send man here who must make bigreport if he doesnt make big report and some thing happens he wrll be in train ble If he does make big re port and we dont act on it we are responsible Alderman Frank Hersey ask ed Has the Fire Marshals of fice done something to disgrace themselves in our minds Are we judges of the fire protection we should give This will not necessarily cost us anything Alderman Fred Smith asked what happened to the 1957 roe port from the fire mazshall WEATHER Synopsis The storm which brought Ontarios worst wint yeather so far this season is now an oy rapidly northeastward arid will cross the province dur ing the night Thus the moist air which swept up from the gulf using thundershower activth in Missouri and Ohio willnotreach pun district and cold air will re main over OntarioAs the atom approaches and passes the prov lace winds will increase andin its wake still colder air and some more snow are in store for mt sectiona tonight and Wednesday Northern Lake Huron Georgian Bay llaliburton Cloudy with lightzsnow tnday and tonight Wednesday cloudy with snowflur ties and occasional snowaqualls inlet of lakes Colder Winds northeasterly To to so otday belt comingnvrthwesterly no to 30 Wednesday Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor 15 St Thomas London Winflharn Toronto Alderman Earle Williams it was received and filed Mayor Willlard LKin1ie It was so expensive we couldnt do afytbing but receive and file Alderman Newton mem ber of the committee hoped something good would come from such report dont think the committee ever intend ed to carry out the recommenda tions think it is good blsiness tojget advice from people who know more about fighting tires than we do Dance Program Kiwanis Club By Mrs Hobson delightful program of dancv mg and music was presented last night at Community House by Mrs lsabel Robson of Al landaie forthe bnnual liosebud Day of tha Kiwanis Club of Bar rie Kiwanians had their daugh ters as dinner guests and there Were special favorsof St Val Bud Wass was in charge of the committee which had the tables beautifully entine candies decorated for the occasion John Rooke took the prize for having the most liosebuds pres eatfour intheahsence of Ross Steph ens who arranged the program Fred Kelly was chairman Bert Alien led the singing of suitable songs with Ken Walls at the piano Al mun film in between the twopar dance program gt EMCEE AND PIANIST Mrs Robson actedzas emcee and pianist as well as dance instructrass She presented two older girls age 11 her daugh ter Rosemary and Nancy Mills todemonstrate several styles while two smaller pupils age Roxy Smith and Diana six Earth weretbe other pair Among the numbers wer Tambourine Tap by Nancy Rosemary Im Flirt byynoxy and Diane Soft Shoe Tap and Jazz Top by Nancy and Rose mary Bump Road of Love by Diane and Roxy Baton Tap by Nancy and Rosemary irlsh Jig by Diane and Roxy Top Tap solo by Rosemary Jazz Mod eme by Diane and Roxy Tap Duet by Nancy and Boremary ACCORDION solos in addition there werti two piano accordion solos by Rose mary Robson including the one she will be playing at the Ki Wants Music Festival in Toronto next week extended battalions Gordon norm thanks of the club to Mrs Hob son and her dancers with presented as short nb tinsel $20000 one repair and alter permit$850 Total value $20 350 Repairs and alterations Walklt we Shoe Stores 58 Dunlop SL alterations to same builder Barber Glass Limited value $3500 Waggs Laundry Mid land altorations to Laundrarnat EssaRoad Barrie builder self $1000 Allandala Mens Booming House 259 Bradford St alter ations to same builder Trib ble $900 Three permits value $5400 Commercial summary Three repair and alterations permits $5400 miscellaneous one demoli tion and one barricade permit 51400 Totals Two residential per mits $20850 three commercial permits $5 two miscellan 2mm Tdtiilu mew Making in all nine permits issu ed in January 1958 at $191650 seven permits issued in January 1959 for $21650 tnease of $199300 City May Have Loco Souvenir Barrie may have steam ioco motive as monument The Canadian National Railways are to be asked their conditions for donating one to the town and the loco will likely go at the park at John and Anne streets The move follow correspond Ulce between San Coutts and Vaughan of the CNR Mr Vaughan has explainedthe rail road has donated steam loco motives to several Canadian cities particularly where there is strong connection with rail roads The donation is subject to assurances edch of theold engines will be well looked after in suitable spot The donation thousand dollars representing scrap value of the metal The city council last night agreed to take steps towards selt curing locomotive after clerk Ben Straughen told aldernien about callhe had received from Mr Coutts Mr Couitshad pointed out the engines were be ing movedlrom the Allandale yards and there was some ur gency in the matter Council accordingly debated the matter last night instead of referring it tova committee as bradiord Plan New Ofï¬ces Bradford village council Mon Jiay discussed plans fora new municipal buildingto take the ï¬lace of the existing one which as been in use since about 1870 Thefnew premises if and when they come into being will be at the rear of the present of fices The project has been an Irconsideratiqnsince the ginning of the year but no definitesteps have been taken so far lrvirig Boigon is men Ziwarca om DAILY an FOODMARKET Tomorrows Special Slillilliill liilMS REG socLa arscian 39° Lo mun not to limit Sale showing de costs CNR several would normally havebeen done tionedas architect for the pro Collegiate and the advertising should be divided between them other alderman objected an amount had already been appro priated for Barrie North But nobody could remember how much Finally new motion came in that council advertise in Cen tral Collegiates book at the same rates as in Barrie Norths So everybody was finally satis fied ii 2355 REE rig 253 is ii if Egg sari iiii imals will hold one am 1111 But not without aousak ot daysdowohavez meeverylimeigodowntown on Saturday morning some body whacks me with tag N0 CHANGE YET Barrie will not be renumber ed for at least three years the council has decided firm of consultants offered to do rnnumbcring plan for the ly but this has been Ivde down in view of the great pres sure it would mean on the as sessment department which is Six Inches Added Barrie Snow Load Snow storms coming in from the east dumped about six inch ea on the Barrie district during the night and more wasexpect ed before the temperature rises to bring rains which may wash game of it away later in the ay report from the provincial highways department stated that the overall picture in its area was pretty good lloads had been plowed and sanded and were in fair condition The OPP had no accidents to report although it is probable there was only limited amount of traffic on the roads Barrie city police were investigating one traflic accident that occur red early this morning Barrie public works depart ment bad all available equip ment out on snow clearing in cluding two snow plows grad er and three sanders Some 15 men were being employed on the job gt FLOOD DANGER in common with other low lying areas in the calmly Hob landMarsh and the rivers in thatnelgbborhood factrthe pros pects of considerable flooding in the event ofa quick thaw with heavy rains later on The possi bility is foreseen by officials of the department of lands and for ests inthat area William irwin from the Angus office told The Examiner that if the snow went away gradually everything would probably be all right if there was heavy rain at the same time things could be very difficult he said Without any rains to speak of last fall he said the ground at present was quite dry Mr Ir NEW oilIn Jack Gable former chair man of the Public School Board and member of the Buï¬e District Collegiate Board will be engaged as deputy treasurer to the City of Barrie effective March Barrie City Council agreed on this last night after short dehata in nunittec Mr Gabie was selected from sev eral applicants llois also president of the Barrie YM ywcs Front no 91 win lives near Pine River which comes from Camp Borden to join the NottaWasaga and last spring he recalls was the only time he could remember that there was no flooding When there was anyllooding it usually lasted week or 10 days Halpeany superintend ent of the lands and forests de partment at Mldland said There is all the means for flooding when you get this much mm Mrs Barb Smith Rink Wins Gilbey Womens Final Mrs Barbara Smiths rink to day won the Gilbey Trophy at Barrie Curling Club defeating Mrs Lottie Thompsons four some 97 in the ï¬nal They werexgroup winners in the second womens schedule of the season it was sudden death final and turned out to be tensehclgas game all the way Mri Thonipson liedMrs Ollie Hersey as vice Mrs Mnrg Wil son as second and Mrs Clara Butler as lead Mrs Smith had Mrs Audrey Webb as vice Mrs Vera Thomp son aa second and Mrs Dorothy Armstrong as lead Mrs Smith was one up com log home but Mrs Thompson had last rock The former was lying one touching the back with guard out front of the house Mrs Thompsons only shot was raise from the side but she wasa bit light Collingwood Wants New AssesSment Coilingwood council meeting on Monday night agreed to ask its finance committee to con sider the advisability of revis ing the assessment in accord ance with theprovineial manual Purposeof this is to secure an equalization of assessment of the differentauthori Council gave permission to the sealer auxiliary to hold tag days on Friday June 12 and Saturday June 13 for the Navy League It was stated that the Dan forthSongsters of the Salvation Army from Toronto would be giving concert at the CDCI on Saturday Feb Council is to hold reception fontbe visitors special meeting of the coun cil in committee isto be called in February to consider the pus vsibie extension of the CD01 or vtheprovidon of new school Application is tnbe made to tlie department of bigth at ayrne ntof the halhhce of 5mm roamme 25 Eggs Committee per car installing floods ice vo decided to have per up now They will be available not only for the Winter Carnival this week but for summer events adored lights are to be Committee hopes the ensemble will form an additional attrac tiontoboatscomingiafodock when boating tints comes round again COURT OF REVISION Grifï¬n was last night vision by Barrie City Council He will be the only member of the recently reformed three man court with previous ex perience AT KIWANLB FEB 16 On the occasion of Brother hood Week the speaker at Bar ria Kiwanis Club on Monday Feb 19 will be Marvin Gelber of Toronto prominent execu tivememberlof the Canadian Council ofChristiane and Jews Senior Maior George Crews made the annotmcernent at last nights dinner meeting BREAK INTO PREMISES Thieves broke window and forced their way into premises occupied by the Batstone Tire Service on Bayfield St during the night obtaining Matias chocolate bars and tobaccon TENTATIVE APPROVAL The Ontario Government has finally given tentative approval to Barries plans for an inter betallod4nnwrmMunlupal Board giving authority for planning to start also advised Barrie that construction could commence providing the ten der accepted was not more than 10 per cent above the mono apprnvod An agreement has been made with the Ontario Water Resources Commission concerning the operation of the sewage aystan BROTHERHOOD WEEK The Junior Chamber of Corn merca is sponsoring Brother hood Week Thiswillbe next week February1521 procla mation recognizing the week will be issued by the acting Mayor Alderman Arthur Morrow COUNCIL INVITED The Christian Businessmens Association has invited the City Council to be its guests for dinner March in at the Burton Avenue hall LITTLE ALTERATION Little alteration in the unem ployment situation is noted by Cooper manager of the Barrie National Employment Service ofï¬ce There are few additions to the number of In employed he states but the fact remains that there are 109 fewer men registeredat the of fice than atthis timelast year The number of women is slightly men Work the stated is proceede on the various prov iects aimed at relieving winter unemployment but invery cold weather this has had to be sus pended for day or twoA meeting of the winter work com mittee Mr Cooper said would probably be held atthe end of th month or the beginnint of Mar to hear areport on the progress of the campaign TE EXPERTCON FIDENTiAL IMWCQ 3967sz gs riaiiii manna set and these are going strungrup between them and the appointedtotbeCourtolBe ceptor sewer and lenders may AIMS llT BEAUTY TITLE Pretty DonnaitBanting l9 Barrie will be one of the many girls who will becompetlng in special beauty contest or ganized by the Georgian Bay Chapter of Credit Union at St Josephs auditorium Barrie on Thursday February 12 The winner of the contest will go on to Toronto to compete In the title of Miss Credit Union on Feb 29 Th spcaker at mu special meeting ot the Georgian bay Chapter will be Bishop Marrocco leading cooperator Examiner Stall Photo Council is Not Impressed With Old Home Week Scheme We have Brotherhood Weeks Health Weeks Fire Preven tion Weeks Weeks for almost everything Now gentleman in Southern Ontario has an idea for another Week This time it is old Home Week WlItJl the absent sons and daughters of the community are Former Barrie Man Died Curling lit High PatkCiub Murrayvih Smye 53 Toronto northeast manager of the Bell Telephone 00 died Saturday guilt curling at the High Park Born and educated in Hamil ton he began his telephone career in that city in 1924 Pb years later he was trans ferr to Peterboro and in 1992 returned to Hamilton The fol lowing year he went to Barrie as chief clerk then to the com panys general office In To ronto in 1934 In 1936 he was appointed of fice manager in Toronto divis tion In 1937 he became manager of group of Tomato exchanges but returned to the general of fioerstaff int mo In 1946 he was appointed wee division commercial supervis in London returningto simi larypost in Toronto in 1954 on January 1955 he named Toromo north manager then became north east district manager when the Eell reorganized Mr Smye was active ton Rotary Club and was ore urged to return to their homo town during the week visit their friends and see their relatives Tom Ringier wrote to Burr City Council and urged they consider such program this summer And he assured the aldermen they would not lose ontbe pro ject People would come info the town spending money with local businesses He anticipa small profit to the city on program Mr Ringler would be delighted to handle the arrangements for such week and be enclosed references from nearby town showing what he had done for them But Barries alderman were unimpressed They resolved his letter be filed The Old Folks wont be At Home this year tary in 195758 He was ameni her of the Masonic Order and charter member of Peterboro Kinsmen Club He was former cepresident of Balmy Beach Bowling Club Surviving are his wife the former Dorothy White of Barb rie and two sons Paul shidant at the University of Water 0n tarlo and John 24 COLLIER ST 715 nan How Communion 800 antHoly Communion 909 rumService for Children and Young People 1030 amtFlow Communion 73a panLenten Devotions and Bible StudY Vial rs are Welcome