nowor Nlwwow Wwanwr govon iv nvmvnWAM Eh an Wiiltlhbi rurqu nunsn nano hkull nubnu nilman mm ImW Id Inkli his Ila mentholmill seminar 95th YearNo 34 vasomommmqsommm BARBIE succsssroi canvass Barrle Kinette president Mrs Marjorie Lunau last night pre sented to Brown cam paign director for the Ontario Quakes Rock Ontcirio March of Dimes rheque for $272596 proceeds of Morch of Dimes canvass in the City of Barrie The amount raised was record figure $500 more than was donatéd by Barrie last year Examiner staff photo House Isleling vApart LONDON Ont CPiA series of severe enrth tlEniois accom panied by explosionlike reports shook sections of landon and Norfolk County Monday The Norfolk quake was the latcst ofa series which have struck intemiiticntly since last summer and have damaged Waisingham Tow farm house to the extent it is falling apart and brought the family of four to the verge of abandon ing their home Professor James Wilson in charge of the seismograph at the University of Michigan Ann Ar bor sold the tremors were prob ably due to local settling which he added usually does not produce tremors over any long distance In London the tremors and companying explosion roc ears and shook the earth near ChargeBrewery Runs combine TORONTO CP An Ontario Supreme Court grand jury Mon day returned true bill against Canadian Breweries Limited on charge under the Combines In vestigation Act of operating combine consisting of merger trust or monopoly it Wilson representing the Crown requested Mr Justice Wilson to set the case over until the next assizes of the Sn preme Court when date for trial will he set The charge set out in the in dictment alleges that the com pany by purchasing or acquiring control of some 29 companies cre ated monopoly and operated or was likely to operate against the interests of the public Granted Leave During Probe PARIS Reuters Andre Le lroquer former Speaker of the French National Assembly today was granted leave of absence from the Socialist partyduring investigations inter Rosa Bal let sex scandal Le Troquer 74 has been charsedwith moral offences in connection with the affair in which teenvaga girlssome from ballet schools are allegedto have been enticed to take part in striptease and surprise par ties in villas near Paris Seven Woodland cemetery in the west ern part of the city Mr and Mrs Gilbertyan Over loop whose farm is about mile west oi Walsingham village said Sundaygthe latest quake here started Sunday night and didnt fully let up until early Monday it cracked plaster on the walls ofvthe home caused the floor to sag about an inch and pulledthe tramcs of the doors away from the walls The tremors Mrs Overloop said caused loud blasts like shotgun being fired similar tremors were reported week ago in Charlottevllle Township near Vittoria where residents said as was cracked and cracks in the ground appeared MrsVan Overloop said large crack has opened in field near their home and appears to be growing in width The Chariottevillc Township tremors opened several cracks in the earth running about 150 feet in length and having depth of twoandahalffeotln some places Withdrawal of 2311193vo Will Throw 600 MONTREAL CP Scott Mi sener Steamship will withdraw 23 lake boats from service this spring tlnowing about mseaI men out of jobs it was reported here today About 90 officers engineers and more than 400 men have been told their services will not be required iolsso due to planned reduction of the com panys fleet afterthe opening of the St Lawrence Seaway There was nothing else we could do said John hil sener the companys acting ma rine superintendent in long distance telephone interview from Port Coiborne Ont tOnco the seaway is open smaller boam will ust notbeable to compete economically with the ocean liners Well keep nine of the bigger lakers going but the other 23 will either have to be scrapped or sold It is obvious that we cannot take on the same number of men as last yeahIn selecting our of ficers and men for this season we have taken into consideration aen iority and ability spokesman for the Canadian Merchant Service Guild said the eornpanysdeclsion will cause great deal of hardship Men who were on tains last season will be out jobs this year other ofï¬cers and men who had been working for the com pany for many years will have nowhere to tunfin 1959 because there will probablybe general depression in the lake steamer trade The spokesman said cannot blame the company be pause We realize that therein no choice The mu lies with the condi others are charged in theme tions underwhich the seaway will be operated be added Out oi Work To us the people directly in volved the St Lawrence Seaway mean nursed companieswflipibsper it our cri pense Weknow of no other country that allows foreignshipa the right to carry domesticcargo within her boundaries and legally drive ant fleet to the wall Expectations were other inland steamship companies would also be affected by the opening of the seaway it McLagart president of Canada Steamship Lines Limited said few of his companys smaller grainrboats would have Car Hits liruck on Highway 400 car struckn truck sanding Highway 400 so hard yesterday that the impact moved the big rear dual wheels of the loaded vehicle forward and out of posi tion under the Buck body passenger in the car Mai Campbdl of RR Collingwood suffered fractured vertiéhrao and was removed from the scene alittle more than mile south of the Bradford Cloverleaf to York County hospital at New market gt The truck was southbound when the car driven by Mrs Doreen Campbell ran to stop because of the slippery road The truck owned by private Tomato contractor was driven by John Bolton of North brook Ont Constable Gaynor McLean of the Bradford OPP detachment investigated Canada Farmprodï¬cé Exported Below Cos OllAWA KCl The govern ment in accumulating stockpiles of farm products under its sup port prcgram is exporting some of these productsat below cost with the federal treasury absorb ipg the loss But this is not dumpin said Agriculture Min tor Harknesa an Interview We are selling agricultural products in competli tion withthe United Statesnnd other countries Naturally we have to meet general world prices Under support schemes the ad ministration has accumulated wide assortrnent of products in cluding cheese butterpork skim milk powder and eggsBccAusa oiva world glut it has found milk powder difficult to sellor even toglvaaway Most ofthe surplus cheesehas been Ioldrto Bntein at slightly below cost and surplus eggs moving steadily into export mar kets mainly Venezuela again at below cost nosanunsmcn Just howdéep the governm is running in thelred in its egg operations has not been made publicbnt Mr Harkness estim ated that on th administrations overall price support operations for the cdrient fiscalyear the federal lossmay run to $13100 000 one of the heaviestinrecent years Officials estimate that the ma jor portion of this lossmay be in ass on egg to some $100000 Smalls lossesmaylbe us milk poWder ibe operations may borne in dealing with up March 3i Sorne consideration now is be ing given to the question of bother fcderal support prices ould not redunod rwo Narrow counters the remnanlsof her dwn march to disappear into it The driver was uoable mentshave exceeded 370000000 so far in thefiscalyear which BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA TUESDAY FEB RUARY 91959 has SoaCopyIlPagu Déath Hunt Onaof MontzmherysJamed Desert Ba who faced and escaped death many tlmec with the 8th Armyin North Africa met death yesterday on snowy Canadian level crossing on the western outskirts of Calling wood Barrie man Frederick Camel 41 of 182 Napier St was killed when small panel truck was struck bya CNR diesel passenger train bound from Meaford to Barrie at crossing unguarded by wigewag signals The train dragged man and vehicle Itofeet along the rightofway before it could stop The truckwas reduccd to tangled mass and its driver was dead when Coilingde Police Chief Beckett and Constable William Oldfield located Ihe wreckage Mrs Comellwas told of her husbands death at home last evening She was out shopping with her daughter Pamela 11 When word of the accident reach ed his Barrie employers the ConsumersGas Company for whoai Frederick Cornell work ed as plpefltter Fred Page Consumers Gas Company representative his wife and Rev Walter Dyer of St Georges Anglican Church Allandale went to the corncll OTTAWA $1500000 questi mark today hung over negotiations between the CBC and 74 striking Montreal prodno ers An earlysettlaxnent of the dis pute in its sixth week was dubiv The question What happens to nonvstrikers who have respected producer picket lines iii Mont real dining the 43 days of the walkout After six consecutive days of tangled negotiations crossvnegoti ethics and proposals andcounter proposals the situation todsw was that group of unions wanted nonstrikers respecting picket lines to be included in strike ending agreement The nonstrikers who did nut cross the picket lines of the pro ducers in Montreal have sug gestedthat they should be paid for the time they did not work CANNOT accezpr RonFraser CBC public rela tions director said Monday night the BBC cannot accept this CBC is dealing in public funds he said And we have to be careful of them If you consider the back pay of the employees there is 81500 000 involved Fernand Quirion president of the Association dcs Realisateurs one of theticklu points ex porting under subsidyis the com plaints that may arise in ca petitive canonlesbian New land anddhc UnitedStates have agricultural policies Undorthe General Agreement on TariffsandTrade boiintry cancur imports itpla produg under price on ith the pork canned tomatou andotherr of the 23 products under ado port Federal outlays to purchase stocks or provide def enov products striations tokeep outloompetltlve raiscdcnmplalnts about Canadas lCaiiadfanproducta placed under llstens glumly Pauline 21 EastcoteMiddlesex Eng rnsnsnxcx CORNELL home to break the news of the mansd6eth to his wife They found Mr Cornells 17 yearold son Victor and told him of the accident lhey waited for an hour for mother and daughter to return to tell them Later Rev Nullmeyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church Join ed the gathering Although griefstricken Mrs Doris Rose Cornell maintained quietealm demeanor and told of her husbands service with Monty He returned from the war to East London and worked as coppersmlth In January 1957 he came to Canadafrom England and his family followed him in Juneof that year He obtained work as toppersmith de MontrealfCCCL which called the strikesnidhis group has as suredthe other unions it will not sign an agreement until ithas completednegotiatlons with the CBC on the nonstrikers terms for returning to work Mr Quirions statement or peare to tossone more road block into the talks which be shnietoday STRIKE BALLOT In another development Mon day night OSullivan Cana dian network director tortthe Na tionalAssociatlon of Broadcast Emp oyees and Technicians CLOone of the unions respect ing the producers picket lines said he has orderedthe printing of strike ballot for NABET 1400 members in the CBC though the actualtaking of bal lot has not been ordered Mr DSullivan said the CBC has violated its contract with NABET ouprageousiy and in wholesale manner by having people operating technical equip ment which by contract only NABET membersare permitted tooperate Revenue Minister Nowlan said in the CommonsMonday that the discussions suggest the possibil ity ifnot the probability of settlement Barrie MdnKilled In Crash ith in Toronto and they lived there until few montitsago Then Mr Cornell obtained job as plpefitter with the Consumers Gas Company in Harris and his cams here alone to prepare for the arrival of his family They had been with him only about three weeks when he met his death The Barrie man met his death at approximately two minutes before oclock yesterday after noon as he drove north on Highway as out of Coliingwood towards the Meaford area in thi Consumers Gas panel truck train was due at Colllngwood station at pm The same train passes the crossing twice daily on its trip to Meaford at pm and on its return at 258 pm Police had no explanation for the accident It is behaved that thetruckdriver didnot sea the train and since there were no warning developer una ware of it until the last few seconds Police said there were some snowbanks along the high way near the crossing estimata ing their height at from three to four feet There are also buildings nearby which cut down visibility police intima ma on 11 Engineer Latimer oi Bar tie and ConductorP Bong of Hamilton Tho funera service for Cornell will be beldhero on CharoeaParentsg In Childe Death PEMBROKE CPICrown At iorneyGrahamWalsh said today Mrand Mrs Donald Bamhart will be charged under the Crime inal Code in connection with the Jnn 27 death of their six month old daughter Shirley Ann Acoroners Jury Monday night saidjhe child died of malnutri iiOn and pneumonia and at tributed the death to negligence by the parents TheBarnharts lived in rented cabin in an autocourt on the out skirts of Pembroke PduliheHintsKidnapping But Suitor Insists QfNo LANSlNGMich an An English lass whoins tasks will return to England next week and marry boy friend thereth been granted visa extension to spend more time with her Amer ican suitor Wake no wrawncvsmnns hr cnossmG 18 Reported Dead Rescuers Fumble OverVCnunpled Ruins SlLOUIStAPAtornado struck deadly blow at the heart of otstloulsinthepredawnlo day without warning Seventeen were known dead Another 265 were injured 55 rerilt ously Numerous person were trapped in homes and apart ments The storm took the same path of this citys worst tornado which killed more than too in 1927 Searchers worked throughout the night turning over rubble in frantic rescue efforts HUNT FOR DEAD At dawn they renewed their methodical hunt for the dead and the living caught in falling bricks concrete and lumber St Louis was lashed by torren tial rains for hours before the tornado struck God knows how many people are trapped in those buildings said deputy fire chief James Sauerwin BrigGan Francis Hard way head of the civil defence here said his agency was trying to coordinate thegrescuo work Part of the hardest hit sector was an area of tenement homa occupied chiefly by Negroes NEAR DOWNTOWN AREA Debris was piled tvIo feet deep in the section hardest hit The area was only mile west of downtown St Louis itself rocked by heavy wind and rain The storm struck at 229 am it had ï¬rst bounced down in west on St Louis County hitting Ills burban Kirkwood and Brentwood Then it swung in an easterly di rectioosaeross Forest Parktn St Innis dipping intone residen tial area William McAlhs terjwas leav ing gasoline station in the area when the storm struck There was terrific glow of flightasifacloudwaarlhmrb ated and there ms the salmdltka the roar of atremendous anio mobiie racing its mm McAlr listenaald Within two minutes the sound the storm had passed and there was ternf ic silence The area wasutler confusion One policeman reported six bod ies had beencarried from lev elled founfamily apartment at 2755 Bacon Street two blocks from Busch Stadium where Louis Cardinals play The park itseli was not damaged Police said persons were trapped in at least three mashed homes or apartments some 14 persons were reported trapptd in three storey brick and ironic building at Delmar and Whittier in the direct path of the storm No hours later rescue work ers began reaching the bodies Fires broke out by the score Zeb Williams was asleen in the old house at Delmar and Whittier was brown against the wall and out of the window and landed safely on mattress in the street below he said He could hear the groans of other occupan trapped in the rubble Two hours later rescuers began reaching the vi Four perv sons were brought ut alive Two were dead when rescuers reached them Another died on the way to hospital ino towers fall under the storml impact Thais fool tower of radio station KXLW toppled over striking corner of the building The zoofoot tower of television station KlVl tum bled falltug across two buildings Noone was reported hurt Bob Hetherlnston re manager of KXLW was at his flood caused by an earlier deluge We were ludty to set mt allvelletherinston said The tower crashed within feet when he and lie others were sitting Before ItetomadostrucltJdt restful rain lashed the area re than two inches of rum in less than sixhoure PRESSTIME Seeks Goodwill with Aussies usaxknramm lndonesinsForeign Subanzflio left by air for Sydney today with Australia seeking good neighbor poliq Britain Decides on Rocket LONDON tReuters Britain announced plans today to go ahead with development of a2500mile rocket as the weapon best suited to her defence needs The Bluestreak guided missile capable of delivering fired from underground empla Darkhaired wye dlaul ine Giles was given the ex nsion Monday by the American consul at Windsor Ont It was not learned how long it would last She arrived in Montreal Sunday and then came here with her Amepicanbeau myearold Chi cago Tribune advertising sales manboran Sheffler They visited his parents in Lansing Monday and plantn go onto Chicago to hydrogen warhead can be cements Loran One ofthe letters dome plainedthat Louie was mistreat ingher Loran took his savings and went after her But he found her affections had cooled He beggedher to comehomar lth rhima Her parents backed him up iteporters dared her She came But she has sincegtalked by transatlantic telephone hasvpersuaded her to rolt Paulin says she simply has to go becaus Iveonly got tho clothes lm wearing station with four othcfl Ihecldng