31 am un EH DONALD nuctt card point count played 81 role to diatrlhution in ï¬lmed South could nntbe ented mm winning mm tricka tth his lide had only 17 into bidding waa hectic an it usually when three player have void auit though South had only AsAK big bid was cleercut cons Grins his distribution West had both the high cards and the distribution to justify an inform atory double North with xood diamond tit and little in the way oi de fence made an dim to jam the works by jumpingto three dia nda mt neiusing to be abut out and with respectable auit oi his own bid four clubs Over Sontha our diamond hid L+ CliTTY CHAT GM Some iolh admit candidly that they iust hnte catsbut that thought or inhibition in probably based upon super atitlon such ol Halioween Ipooka and alteh or inherited from some iorelather or lore other but when you under tand and like them you will ilndJmsey to be more intelli gent and understanding than that epitome of devotion and brains 7the dog For lnatance there is Mn now advanced to the bus of great grandmewlx Originally aheva 1m one of batch at ldtltenaawhieh appear ed euddenlg Ind shyly irom nook in the woodehed but not one Wen tlmved thefaeme plarkinga oi tortoise abell in rich brown and my more wasL however little Persian Manx popped up from some meg wiiWhisk sen BUILDING OIllIICIOIIY corner Slmcoe Fred Grant Square Barrie Ontario WILSON omnrarmc CIJNIC com QC LAW omen deal to the playtherexwasnt but Souths technique in lint cashing two heart tricks before embarking on the crossruii la worthy oi mention lied declarer neglected to cash hie 0w hearta early enema in the hand Eaat would have had an opportunity to discard heart on the fourth round of epadel irom dummy and South would have been deleated Tomorrow The bold plar le the winnlnt play tie lamb and playful but she died before her first bebiu arrived and it seemed like loo in one oi the inrnily Madame would bring home anythinxtbat wouldappealto the taste at any kittens that happened to be current at the time andone evening juatai ter dark she was seenaiming Lmder wild black tinrant hub with what appeared to be light grey fur boa around her neck Following up it was astonisth to find thatshe bad daan flying squirrel held in her mouth and theturiiied mite had wrapJ ped fluffy taili around her neck with the inside white or light grey showinz The Void air gave it up how ever not dead but almost par alyred Willi fright and sitar being held gently tor while andetmked went off up win are mbgbryworr haekremt toltToilendal ere another had been aeeaaevaral yearsm on the Puzaley estate now owned by Joel Westmaa ieet wee Just th teetoutspread andvtail for rudder and rear later control 72Paoe Booklbut For Oni Drivers TORONTO cmm Onlhflo transport deparhnentMondnyls sued npege Drivera Handbook replacing the older Drivere Man for the provinces 2200000 motorista The new handbook allahle at any de arhnent nil ce loin rules the road mm to do in case nlran accident ve icle esquilinielat at maintenance ow no no hence to drive inure algae and the di merit point nature on no mo SMALL ans YOU All EXAMINER mm Wait until pm and it your carrier haa not arrived then can VALLEY Afln DRIYIYOURSELF CARSAND TRUCKS liia iIig4lEgEBSi Ami Copy Will Be Delivered io Your Home mil into cnooqezron nits senwce aquaremt neï¬line or evanlnt Empire iaaket or amert day time coverage So versatile wear it or jumper too To morrowa pattern Teen akirta Printed Plum 4587 Junior Mina Sizes 11 l5 11 Site dress takes yard 35inch fabric Jacket ea yard Printed direction on each pat tern Easier aecurate Sen FIFTY CENTS 50 in coins ohmpe cannot be aooefnt ed or this pattern Please plainly SIZE NAME ADD STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADM care of lheBarria mariner Pattern Dept so mobstreet Toronto Avm teat pilot Pour Cope was stranded in the air twice by the crabtint 35000 fact no then 14 leet up in hla Arrow Jet Cope had to land at the RCAFI 30mm runway here when the plane blocked Maitooa ll Ihlck 14 feet up in the planea cockpit Normally medal ladder la uaedtogetin and out at the trait He finally got out on one wing hung tom the winxtlp by no finger and dropped to the grand BIIDIO AND TELEVISION TELEVISION cm Channel wannaenn no Jun aaovro Womena anew Our ldlaa ama Open flruaa nu Party some no Anon the area NIwIreeI Huckleberry Bound Cumin Event VII coun Junction cm New The Weathlrm Today in 59° Comm Na JO DAY FEB ll TM Pattern SIM Ham lLOOflhO160UNPu ISM NewWrather up one New it we cme 53 xa ilova mouse Ten Pattern sununa Anny Laureland an em Weatherarm Rn nrt Miaam arm Womena Show new auram Proante open Boron nonadanent mag luna Gum We 32 Ci ii hi limï¬m lipoxu 00M IE 1145 Movie no wmooe no Hidden PI minty Manr Cumin lull Weatun Theatr Flm Ilarht loperta Nm anon ienneaania hie CBC TVr ne WIathNargan in spam comment Nova 119 Premiere erlnnnanoa 6333 RADIO Dial 950 wanna no Headline um Man Im Ian or on rman ==r on 332 geeeegagzea New rm nettleanew toioonmuee ItmNawavan 8922I New one an 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