Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1959, p. 6

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Sim mm boner 0111 and In Hatfield Ball son the oeeuie their Vutlauqedding anniversary largo numberof relativeI ends were present few Eggs were spent in playing he followed by the prea ntation of gifts including liver tea service buffet flunch was served at the eloae Guests wire present tron Tor onto Bramptod Kitchener Ban rte Alliston Walpole ialan Newmnket and Beeton Rev and Mn Bunk Mr and Mn Lilly Toron to were in town on Saturday attending the funeral of Miss Wailwln Mrs Cecil Ferrier attended the WMS executivemeetlngin Burton Avenue United church arrie on Mend Lonaway is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllston Mr and Mrs Wright visited friends in Barrie on Monday Saturday Karold Reynolds or Orillla vis iledhis parents Mr andMtla Albert Hayes in pat Stevensoh Memorial Hospita Alliston EillStophenson of George tnwn visited friends in town on MiulE Hammell oi Toronto spenLSaturdny with friends in town and attended the funeral of Ihelate Miss Wallwin lilrltand Mrs Cecil Btethlet ofliitornton visited at the home ofMr and Mrs Brodor ick on Monday and also visited Mrs Brethets brother Bert Broderick who is patient in Stevemon Memorial Hospital of Barrie CHURCHILL John Edwards native nd brother of the lateMis Sloan died sud Silk denly at home in Weyburn it New Years my lie ledves awite and twa married daughters Mr and Mrs RayFairlhéhd ind tamilyspentthe weelrénd in Toronto Monday evening TheIadieriridge Cluhmel the home of ers Sturgeon Mrs Stewart held high score pu ofas Mra Martin andMsrliyn Law son were hostesses to the mem bers of the on Friday or aning Following dinner Eliza bath Beatty presided at the meeting The worship period was inichnrge of Judy Moffat with Jean Spence reading the alevenlng was ch in the Par iihfilieil Phyllis Sproule gave atalk onsthe Study Book Hp Grpee and Gloria Hin dle painted the making it candy container Roll Social serviée in our own community was answered by Ellen Fitzsimmons selections land led in action songs and games BONSPXEL ttEvats On Saturday an 24an ter club mixed bonapiel was held resulting ai toilow 1atp 1e Harvey ODell Jen unstable gt DoniMcNabh and Jet Burke Ind prize Robert Sinclair Spence Russell Stewar Ruth Morris 3rd priz Wright Verna Reid Reid ndGladya lWright the Village We areV pleased my Roit Bonney who is in Hoiplt 11 is feeling much better Congratulation toEMiss Joyce Hodgson who won first prize he piemaking contest at No Collegiate and liedrful pla Vi th test is ape ing some tint Toronto at and Mr FraserCa ends of Elnrvala vilited Mr end Kaylawi Carr at the weekend nines Prince at that spent acouple of days with Ill and Mn Don Prince The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church wnbeld at the home ct Mia Richardson dunnz the net All nonri were satiatpctory The commutator ah party at Guthrie rink on Friday ev ening was well patronizndp Inland Mrs Walter Smith celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently at gath ering of friends and relatives at the home nttheir daughter Mrs Jack Btnung They vnsh to convcydfheir deity gratitude to all who attende The recent Bible Society can vas mounted to $12227 01 this $2111 was the balance of the week of rpecial services held at the Presbyterian church branch thank all who helped in this important Work Rev ll Harper and family spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs wac at St Pauls innis WDMANS AUXILIARY ThnJenuary meeting oi Christ Church Wornans IAuxil lary was held at the home oi Mrs Esten Davis with 12 mem hers present Correspondence included an interesting letter from our prayer partner Miss Edwards who spent her holi days lastaummer in England The World Day of Prayer is to he held in Christ Church on Friday Feb 13 at 230 pm Mrs Wilmer Wilson reported on the new pulpit light that had been installed The new prayer books add to the conveniencn of the congregation The trees urers report showed good halance onhand During the program period Mrs Henry Da vls read another chapter from Ann Mrs Elwood Jonnett gave paper on Kind of Glory Next meetingis to be held at the home of Mrs ClaudeBant ing Lunch Wnsserved by the hostem tvv tnjtnnnNos On Jan 17 the seventh meet ing of the1vy TBvonea was held at the home of Mrs Carmthers with seven present Brenda Banting Lynda Lyons and Marjorie McQuay demonst rated on making meat loaf Mrs HGihsonthe leader gave talk on Ground Meat in Many Forms We also discussed menu planning The meat loaf provid edthe luncheon afterwards On Jan 23 the eighth meet in of thc4Ivy TBones was held at the home or Mrs Carruthcrs with seven present After the business discussion MarieHoggaith and Jacqueline Banting demonstrated on mak ing Shepherds Pie Mrs 11 Gibsongave talk on Uses of Leftover Meat also on frozen meats All enjoyed the Shep herda Pie for lunch at the end of the meeting Mrs Ric rd Chlp Jfli and Jimmi of Scar boro were Sunday visitors with Mrs Coles parents Mr and Mrs Earl Lemon Dont forget the Wtcuche iii the hall Wednesday night Fe 4in aid of the Retarded Chi dren The executive of the Mr and Mrs Douglas Milne and daughter of Toronto visit ed durlngthe weekend with the unit rs parcntxMr an M15 Milne ZION WMS Mrs Mel Sagewas hostess fonthe ZionWMS at her home on Wednesday afternoon Jan ZEIA large number of membeis and visitors answered the roll call with versezfrom St Me it Rev arsons officially stalled theotfcers for 1959 report at th heldxeaenilv obiEssa fload Presbyterian hureh in and My Rowe and fun NathansMb endH Clarinet Il New Low amday atuMervin Over 51 Brownies and nun her at adults from Readale and Throttle came up bibua to Richdaia golf coin1e on Saint day did spent ihotitne alellh Th riding and tobog hind Mr Otto Olson rettnned trout Sunnybrook hospital Toronto on Friday and in much improved LEFBOY The WMS oi the United Church met in the 55 room on Tuesday afternoon with the president Mia Noble in the chair Roll call was answered by payment of fees Mrs Wright reported as secretary of stews ardship Mrs Stephens as roe hi and friendship secretary and the treasurer Mrs Stew art reported thatthe society had reached their allocation An invitation from Giltord WMS tounita with them fer theWorid Day of PrayerMn February was accepted if wea thera it road conditions are favorable The WA of the United Church held their meeting fol lowingthe WMS Mra Isabel ed It was erraged to turn in Sawyer vice president presid cd it was arranged toturn in sum otmoney to the church board and clothing left from tha rummage sale is to he pack ed and rent ItoFred Victor Mission motion was made to buy two collect on plates fer the SSMsa am Reid read the lesson thoughts and Mrs Elliott the scripture Forming oi captains and their group was left over until the February meetingA pot luck supperpru vided by the ladies follow ed by the annual meetinzbf the congregation Rev Gng less presided and all the see retaries delivered encouraging reports wrnvcm There were eight tables in play on Wedncadayf evening at the home or Mr and Mrs Oscar Hickling High prizes went to re Maurice Partridge and 0s car lliclsiing Mrs tough and GarnetPea cock Next euchte Feb atthe homo oi Mr andMrs Maurice Partridge Feb will be an allday meet ing for the WA ot the United Church Quilting is the activity and there istn be potluck dinner at 80 Roll call sug gestions for the loss program Mr and Mrs Jermey Mr and Mrs Clarenoe Smith Mr and Mrauwiiliam Rinehart and Mr and Mrs Miles lilckling attended the annual convention of the HolsteinWalsh Associa tion in Torontoon Wedneidnv annual meeting was given byMts Parsons The eenveners Mrs Mcln tyre and Mrs Parsons con ducted the program The scrip turesvas read by Mrs Parsons The Glad Tidings glvéen by Mrs ClarenceAtitln son Rev arsong presented the topic hechanging Face of Foreign Missions The Gin Tidings remarks were given by Rev Mr Parsons eting with the An eujoyablé ade ial half hour was enjoyed with the hostesses Mrs consolation lb lojund tho Inna mun laaryear In Hutchinson Ave tba no Thereia no machinery thatcan substitute forgesgood glam followed by npoem atoll all What part of the farm work should majorsewing was Mr edtarilh variety addendum Sheievleii wenthe draw in nayminus mint Ifr who wuIin about of the ogrem gave reading on Chapman was speliln match Lunch was served at in close Mr Bidwell convener of Historical Research is Imus ing to have the Hon EEC Drury as guest rpeaker at the February meeting JIM COCKBUBN Funeral services were held on Ndly Jan re at the Jet nett Funeral Homs lnBurte for the late Mrs Sarah Cocks burn who passed away in Tor onto on Tuesday following stavke The deceased had lived the greater part of her life in Edgar coming here asa bride in 1695 She hadbeemactive in church and community work and was life member of the WI Her husband the late Jns eph Cockburn died idiyears ago Surviving members df the family are Grace Wilfred Johnston Harvey Kathlcen Helen and Louise Interment was in Edgar United Cemetery crown Much sympathy Igoan to Black and family in the loss of loving wife and mother who passed away in the Royal Vic toria HoapitalIon Jan 24 Mrs Black hadlived in this coin munity number of years Mr and Mrs Ken Dicker vin ited at Gravenhurst over the weekend gt Mt Vic May spent few dlyain Toronto with her dau ghter Della who underwent an operation gt Mr and Mrs Arthur Ben and Mr and Mrs glutk it til at Gravenhurat withMr nson tnsutnte women will meet at thohorne of Mrs Partridge oniFeba Roll call difficultword vell motto Mrs Wright current events an articleby each mem berlProgram spelling match Lunch Mrs JPartrldge and Mrs Everett nasnv Munooon wnnaz ALIGNMENT and AXLE STRAIGETENING WHEEL BALANCING COMP TE FRONT WEEE SUSPENSION aenvtca gt 3492 r1 roaomojsr on ed most ettie Bnnheur 52 Mc rio has le Mention liNTEN MILLS WA MEETING The January WA meeting was held at Mrs Del Priests with good attendance Roll call was answered by your New Years resolution Several line papers were read The Febru ary meeting will be held at Mrs Ed McGradys alton Ma owned CagueAlilato Hon Fontm Broadcast Heard at Guthrie culture met it Morris McAr lhurs on January 26 it was decided that the hostess would provide the refreshments in the future Thiaheing the annual meet ing the officers were asked to continue for another year with the exception of two on the social committee who wished to be replaced The officers for 1959 are an By Fedllgriculture Guthrie eration of AmiU fellowa Praident Morris Mt vicepresident Norman or endows Wendi 2i oqniép s1 Wort Robérh Manager sarcoma norms ijo nadian twoyearold Maud wu prize dry twoyearold Slincoe County ck Stoddart aecretary asuru Marion Jamleton assistant Duncan Camernn social co mitten Mrs Cilti Hesse Mrs Norman Stoddart Mrs M61115 McArthur welfare committee Mrs GerdonCaidwell Mrs fiorman Camphellf reporterV arion Jamleson After the busian thegroup listened in to the Farm Forum discussions taking plaeefiin San lratoun with questions being asked from Barrie Ottawa and Winnipeg Games of croklnole and panels sons GENERAL5 CONTRACTORS Monies Specialty WE CAN ANGIE cMac onus Compare our priceyad duality CALM AWE 01mm When hielpflhrgc or email with confidence utHEC No bookable security ephonl eausfis Weekend visitors to th homes in Guthrie in Miss Div lune Mason in training Mothercnft HospitalPit feson of Ryerson Intimate Miss Dorothy Ann Campbell Tcaohen College of orn Holstein 3mm Anode tin of cums edslire folltwed by rcireah men roughlthe meeting to W7 close ThhFederationl wm meet again hn Monday Febru ary at and Mn 3633933 now utilisation Xx PW COMPANYOF ITSKt Backed by over 8Qyeurs experience Housman FlNliNilE 3 lanes inbdio at and Marie Fleming ofrlhcdunaid institute were withd theform parents Mr an Gilchrist aw has returned frdm months holidays in Florida The 4H Achievement Day will be held in Guthfll Hall Saturday Jan 31 Meadhuartcra rai sinuous Biaupiitik minmaps RADIOS All makeaof colour and black and whit Jilinfor all nukes of cantor find you can harm any TlfiROUeHAJ buy summons commons 59 or row19 Par iofl Rheum premiums consolidatedebtstome medical expenses wilibeiife farew min at iiiiiVJATiSCOTlli inaurédetnoextra ornament my Séoflai orwonh gunmanpm SSSle

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