Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1959, p. 2

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77 fiOntario BARBIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY omcras Officers of the Barrie Agri cultural Society photographed last night at the Strand Corn muulty Hall alter their instal lation at adlrectors meeting are left to right Malai Hersey secretary Allan Brown first vice president cram SIMCOE cos Chairman Says Owen president Jer nr Coughlin zua vice pieis ent Maiooinson mau Iger Branch Future Is Uncertain With nostalgia in his voice Dr Delaney chairmen of the Centre Simcoe Branch of the Children Aid SaciEly of the County Simcoe told the an nual meeting at St Giles Church last night that this would be the third and last annual meeting at which he would be in the chair He wasrelerring to recent changes inthé Childrens Aid So ciety setup in which branch oiiicfi oi the Society are being closed audaadmitted that we dont know where we are going However he said that ttie new CAS director here Jack son hasideas how we in the communityr can assist the Child rens Aid Society The old orderchangeth Dr Delaney declared indicating with optimism that there had been mg radical changes in the CAS in the past The chainnan referred spec lcaliy to the loss of CAS So cial Worker Bub Congdan who went to higher post with the Sooiety in Fort William He spoke warmly of Bob Congdons work here and said Congdon did not leave because he wanted to but because he had opportunii for advancement Later Dr Delan presented personal annual report prepared by Bob Congdon before he left Congdon in his report support ed the reorganizatioupt the So ciety undindicated he behaved it was theonly ww the CA could solve its problems N0 THREAT Jackson new society directortold his listeners that rthey may have grave doubts about the direction the Society is going but added that he did not think the reorganization should be threat He believed the new plan would result in increas ed enthusiasm rams corms Judge Mrs Marjorie Hamil ton of the Juvenile and Family Court of theCounty of Simcoe in outlining the work of her courts observed that during her term oi otiice as ja fudge Jewish orchinese child had nev er appeared before her in con nectionwith juvenile delinquen uy or any other misdemeanors Judge Hamilton wondered who ther the strong religiuos training of these children particularly during the iirst seven years of their life in the Jewish and Chinese iaith was responsibletor their livmg up so well to the laws of the land She wondercd too whether some of us are careless in the early training in the home xyvoamwmne SERVICE She told of the Family Coun selling Service which has been set up to mend broken homes and indicated thiswast proving well worthwhile When juvenile delinquents were 313ynopliqt generally ucloudy weather prevails across otiupw which stretches Ontario should pe sist bothrto day and Friday storm now centre in Kansas is intensifying and is northeast INVarincmoist ing into this atom is expected to cause rain in Southern Ontario Friday with temperatur ing tothehighflts Regional forecasts valid until midnight radio Northern Lake Huron southern Georgian lowlytoday and Friday Occasional light snow or wheezing drizzle this evening be coming more continuous wet snow or rain by morning Mild becoming colder Wind5 Willh 15 in Imh west on to 25 by Friday evening rNorthern Georgian and Lake Northway Handy with occasional fieeziug drizzle cloudy with snow Turning late Friday Winds southerly 15 shitting in northwest 25 to no late Leany name much of Northern brought before her she said she did not ask them whether they were guilty or not guilty She didnt think this was proper way to word question to child She asked them rather alter reading the charge to them Did you commit this delinquency Children are very direct in their replies and do not make the sinuses adults do when coulront de with such question she found Before making decision in such case she said she re served judgment ior week gen erally and had probation ome er visit the home the childs school teacher and minister The speaker read paper pre pared by Toronto doctor deal with the adoption of child ren and outlining the laws gov erning this procedure She said it was her opinion that it the Childrens Aid Society entered into an adoption the adoption was done legally and correctly She cited one case in which woman revealed that girl she had adopted 40 years previous had not been adopted legally This was found when the matter ties on an estate in closingthe speaker said she could not speak too hi oi the work done by the Chll rens AirliSociety of Simcoe Coun try do not want to see the Barrie Childrens Aid Society flop she declared adding that it had been indicated to her there may be no more Child rens Aid Society here She said she thought the City other North Simcoe Iuni0r banners rle should set up its own Child rens Aid Society Judge Hamilton was introduced by Rev ilRlddel and thank ed for her splendid address by Rev Father Manley The branch served iamllles in protection work during im working to keep that number 01 families together the report in dicated revealing that 23 child ren were involved in these7a case es The societyghsd in 1958 91 children in foster hum other than adoptions and no children on adoption However the report explained that since some oi the adoptions had not been complet ed and some oi the children in foster homes discharged from care figures as of Dec slat 1958 showed 33 children onadoption and as children in ioster homes During 1958 there were cas es of unmarried mothers served who had children born out of Wedlock The Society investlgetd ed 24 cases where parents were seeking divorce tosee that 35 children would be cared for prop erly Six cases where micuse oi Family Allowance funds was re ported were investigatedby the Society workers involving 10 The society vestlgated 17 boarding home applications an adoption applications Briet eon met cases where short term vice is given serviced totalle 69 vTotaloirall oi these three ca egerles scrved tremendous job was done by the Clothing Committee un er Mrs Kalghin the report stat ed and gave praise to Volunteer Driver Mrs Helen Forster who has now joinedthe statfoi CAS Hold conferenceat Midhursi Over 60 membersci the North Simcoe Junior Farmefsivmet at the Midhurst Hail recently for their annual coulerence and ham quet The theme or the afternoon session was Keep in Time with 59 xlhe aiteruoon started with registration of allthe guests tub ing place at 200 Mel Mawds lay the winner of the two on tions tour to New York gave report onthe trip and showed numberoi very excellent slides of theplaces of interest which some 42 other Junior Farmerh throughout theProvince of Ou tario had seen Remarkswere then given by the retiring president Bill Black about the anti es carried on throughout the oimty during the past year This was followed im mediately by detailed Secre taryTreasurers report by Ben hararBlark end the first read ing of the Constitution ior the North Simcoe Junior Farmers which was first introduced this year each county cacti year This trip explains and shows the ditlerent types and operations of arias inOntario Reporta wereithen presented on the activities of each ottha localclubs throughout the County by Neil McNiven president of the RilOPen Club Ron Jones President at Vasey Club Ed Robertson president of Centre Flos Club and Charles Driny Secretary otGlenoro Club Don Woodrow presented his report on the trip thathewon to the Junior Farm is camp providedfor the lead ership training otone boy and one girl from each County held atiGenevu Park on Lake Cou chiching eannually during the first week of September cussion headed by 1divided glven asheet of questions er Camp which armi into eight sections and concerning the organization of discussed among the jindlvidual groups and compared with the answers of the rest 01 the groups RECREATION AND DINNER recreation period was then directed by Don Bell and Charles Drnryduring the election otof cars The entire group along with others still arriving then retired down stairs to bouuteous tur key dinner which weaserved by themth The toastmastcr orthe evenr ing was BulBlackand Ron Coutts introduced tharhead table guests with Neil Mchven pro posihg thefioast to the guests Greetings from the Federation of Agriculture werer ented by John Hughes and new prai dent BertgMaw lhegronp then reassembled upstairs and Bruce Cheppell proceeded to introduce the speak er Dr Pa Rynard East Simcoe Dr Rynard gave very interesting talk about his recent tri aroun the world taking into nnderatloo theagrlcu1 turalgtview oi the trip Thenew officerswera installed as president Don Mc Rslph Hayes the immediate past president presented retiring residentBillB ck Cardvtables then presented to the three fled in 1950 Bill BlachyDon McGreth an Gray Thompson mo wasuotpresent to receive The incoming president Ron Couttathaizgaveanum new executivewhich is as lol Midhurstz vlcor president Ed Robertson Elmvale secretary treasurer Barbara Srath Elm val oxenutivsdiractors Nell McNivcu Myrna Be Glen Bell Represen ti County Federationot Agricul across the dominion iiiié gist iii LE Ea Last nights lieu was at tended by lessthan 50 people Abootsseiectedudimiorsto Magistrate lines lallier oi Six Im making it line because he has children MilliWale Gor don Foster told Crown Attorney William Thompson in Barrie Po lice Court yesterday reierring to Clementilamelin Penetang father of six who pleaded gull ty to tailing Ioremaiu at the scene o1 an accident at Maple and Ross Streets in Barrie few weeks ago No one was in jured in the collision You didnt have the decency to stop your car the other man did not know who had hit him the Magistrate told Hamcllu as be levied linorot $75 and costs of $350 which he said must be paid by February 20 The alternative was 10 days in jail The hitandrun car turned on to Ross St trorn Maple and struck panel truck driven by Percy Berry ot Barrie and continued east on Ross St and north on Beytleld Citizens who got portion at license plate number enabled police to locate Hamelin and his car within 21 hours in Peueteng Barrie Constable Frank Light gave evidence for the Crown Commission DisCusseav Poor Crowds Barrie Arena Commission met last night to discuss the sagging attendance It Barrie Flyer hockey games While ways and means oliu creaslng the turnout were dis cussed they werenot released to the public However said the charge of adopting LEAVING am Atthe annual congregational meeting of Collier Street Un lied Church last night Rev Lewis announced ho will be leaving the church at the end oi June this year Mr Lewis has served this emigre gation orthe past 19 years Theaunouucement came as complete surprise to the con gregation Mr Lewis will be going to another church LONG SERVICE WINDSOR Out Mtg Graham Laclmer has retired after 89 years as president of the Mary Grant Society which works in the maternity wing at the gen eral hospital here One to the groups founders she notwdsrhnn orary lilo president Mayor Willard dilute the con mission wants the Fiyers to stay It will do everything in aspgwertokeep the clubin Mentlbers of the commission agreed that the hockey club had of liarrie They agreed too that the name was always held in respect Many ideas were discussed This morning Mr Klnzie Gord Mcmr new chatrmaufoi the commission and er Hap Euuns ownercoach of Barrio Flyers met to plan turther sitting out of thonext meeting it hoped that another gathering can be calledwith hockey tans being in attendance to discuss ideas towards bringing the people to the games gt it is also hoped said Mr itinrleythat an areawide boostr er club will beestahllshed OPP ligures December Traffic 01 on inotorvehicles checked by Ontario Provincial Police of District No in December 1052 drivers received warnings and 356 charges were laid 81 these for detective equipment report released today indicated There were 153 reportable sc oidents investigated in December and there were two fatal accl dents with two persons killed in spread the name gcidents persons werelnjur Speedingcharges totalling 179 were laid One charge of crlrnlnlt al negligence was preferred ag ainst motorist TFour persons were charged wuthdriving while intoxicated Three were charged with drivqu while their abilily was impaired peat presidenlswho wine mar you mi Junioran which manning Brnochem Barns on Muir so look or the red tags colour display th save money on every 49o redtagleatnre ii at ii ti ii In iii iii it at E355 is comonnen ECONOM1 In the trade er Mr Lynch said the Busslans had artistic mealV Fl is is ii Commentater Urges est gen war as we were thatshe suchawar no nition theadvautage ol controlled economy in picking their spots dumping their surpluses and se ting their prices Should we he turned to tighten up our own restrictions to meet the Russian challenge we would be open to the Bus sians own collective methods So thespceker said we must tight in free enterprise way which was dllfleult to do as the fnm and Weis Siayne Clash Last summer in battle the ballots the Drysoi Stay ner out oted the of town endgthe esta nines liquor store and brewers warehouse went down to detest Defeat dldvnot rest lightLYoo illegboulders oi the Wets and on esday Feb 8theycfish with the Bryn regain Ballots will pot be used um night The weapons will be hoc key sticks and puck The cause will be worthy one The Wets and Drys will meet in hockey game on theloe oi Smyuer Arenatn raise money or an artiiclal ice plant ior the com unity arena The WetDry game is the central attraction of promam thatbegins at 5530 pm with Bean Supper and ends with public skating The cost at the ice plant is $80000 Already the businessman ct Stsyner members of the Li Club and the Ladies Auxiliary the Canadian raised $10000 anarnuri wnone annual vacuum rises ilaaYsjtomi BEST BUY EEINZ Tomato sour 3110 ms 49 10 oz ms near our CHICKENNODDLE consumptionmenu llllilli Sillll msrdfl BEST BUY WHITE 03 COLOUIIBD DEREK TOILET ensue new 49 mass auvx oauauv on new newsman radium stun she looked toward the day when her voice will be heeded more thanithasbeenlnthepastche eels she speaks for larger segment oi the world population than does the United Stein and thatitwlllonlybeamattcrot time untiltbht fact is reflected in the United Nations yotiug Ho though that Russias inlluv once as seen at them was increasing 0an the Russians them selves know the answer to our worstsuspicions which are that they may well he plotting to ward the day when they can conquer the World by forced arms Perhaps that was true once prefer to believe that it is not true now submit that an explanation Buckets oiSand For the Horse That the horseissllpltinz as means of transportation has been obvious for years The 0th er day one slipped literally and needed human help On Saturday horse that Char lie Nash of Cundles driva woole ly to the larmers market in Barrie required police assistance audseveral buckets of sand to get traction out of the market parking lot Barrie city police officers seeing that the horse was mak llttlo headway on the icy voweo got out the sand ap plied it to the drive Then all hands helped to get horse and Wall have driver out tumor had no intention of starting such war to achieve world mastery andthatshe knew thatiaoflnaa emerge as master tomorrow T0 PEACE Ac real ooutributhm to place Mr hunch said he would like Canada to declare that it necessary the whole of the Cam adlau Army and Nelly and part at the Canadian Air Force would be available to the linked Nalt tions Such declaration the speaker thought would electsfly world public opinion flieolicr could not be adopted bytha United Nations at least not yet but that should not prevent its being laid on the table asra ges turn by Canada of the world oomnunilty if we did it the speaker we would be saying added that our army and navy are peace and not or forces of szrc sacs CHNA lay sovnumciv POWERS soreness Regular to $38ilil 1999 casn sunom Woolen Credit Jewelers Dunlap at ifs Hm PRICES ammvn masonmmarsarunnay JANUARY $4031 at identity the feature 49 values ottered this weekend Youll can primes Marchseedlesl Gllfllfilllllll mmvovnrm PiiliSlllPS coon size can 115 na cement 19 mari mm whom MARSH retirees Lessons and 27¢

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