on more can PAGE iExtra Tillie traffic fatalitybrings home point that we areinclined to overlook No Lastferhow much youngchild may be ught and instructedthe actionrjof that child is not necessarily relistbie Inthis particular casea kindergarten gods child was coming home from According to reports the child has normally accompanied by another Zbutpn this particular day her usual cmpcnion was sick Whataotually happened canonly be fetedtogether from the evidence avail able what the child thought she was do ing wilL never be known The factre imains that nematter how often child may have been told the smallest tilith couid distract it from the normal course oflacclon Atumbling snow flake an odd object lying in the snowany small thing might have distracted her for the moment While the school authority has no legal responsibility for the children after they have left the school premises it is certain that the board is acutely aware of certain moral responsibility for the safety of the children to and from school This is evident by the fact that school traffic patrols have been accept ed by the board as measure for the gt general safety of children But kindergarten children have travel between school and home twice day without benefit of thissafety aid The reason for the omission is under OLD CHRISTMAS TREES Owen Sound SunTimes ft is an old saying that there is nothing worth less than Christina tree the day after Christ mas While the spruce pine and balsam bring goodly prices for several weeks prior to Christ mas Day once the day has arrived there is furiher sale York Township has changed all that now ever There they gather up the gonad Christmas trees kicked out of the ho ihey have served their day of gio them up into mulch The to expect to soon pay for the machine whi chews wood and Beale in mam very dose to earth Sim liar machines are used hydro and ekphone milmes Wughan year to take care of branches they trim off trees to protect their Wlles TlMES FOR SOLDIERS Hahilltop Specialor Sllni days lie ahead for fat soldiers in the United States Army in West Germany Army doctors have decided that stout lolly fellows have no place on the frontiers of freedom and however painful the process they musldlscaid their excess pounds it seems traditionalthat soldier whatever his nation scale should have lean and hungry look The Falstafiian figure may be popular with his comradeslnamis but to the public at large he gives the impression of living too easily of being settled too comfortably in gar iison life IANUARY 23 1939 duallane highway from Windsor and Sarnia to Quebec was mentioned by Dept Engineer Robbins to the Engineering institute of Lads in Toronto It was hoped to complete ihe chain with extension south of Niagara and noth through Barrie to SevernBridge The government he said would ban service sta tion tourist cabins and billboards alongthe route now Highway 400 The First Barrie Troop in all received practical education in mun gicipal procedure when they visited the Town Hall for council meeting Scouimaster Colemaa lntroduoedthe boys and thanked Mayor and Council Mayor Robertson welcomed them as future councillors Before ihe visit they Your fellow man is probably about as good as you are and about as bad Hell bear some watching hammer is supposed to be wearproof the man who said he fished in one place Zso many years he wore ha in th during buzzardsare stolcs fools or liars most likely thelattet DAY JNUAIY News oi Former Years ti ns racism hatdnosi of thanks roommmcamnnNemmm swamewrigoaino standable it would mean pulling un ior students out of class 25minutcs before finish of school both in the morning and in the afternoon But the reason is uiiderstcndabla the lack of any supervision of the kin dergarten children on these two occa sions in indefensible Their need for safety supervision is far greater than that of the more senior pupils There seems to be two solutions One is for the parents to organize some form of safety roster among themselves to see these young children across the busy thoroughfares In many ways this would seem the logical solution for children are essentially the parents re sponsibility The alternative solutionand in this age when often both parents are out working it might prove the easiest to implement is for the kindergarten classes to remain in school that extra 25 minutes both morning and afternoon This would mean that they would come and go at the same time as the older studentsand would have the benefit of safety patrols at the more dangerous crossings over the safety of their Opinions of Other Newspyers Such rig are hard to maintain in peace me American Army diet which is of scientific calculation is at present ed to provide 3045caiories day This enerous ration is no doubt augmented by be tweenmeal snacks of chocolate bars milk shakes and soft The doctors however are truly in earnest this time According to the warning announcement the caloricrintakc will be ruthlesslypared to 1200 day if necessary Sugar and 1am at breakfast will be forbidden and soldiers do not meet they will eat in separate dining rooms All this in order to ensure that stout is enough to depress the jolliest soldier Bill army doctors have shown tenderness for which where matters of diet discipline are concerned they are not famous Stout soldiers may enjoy themselves but their days of indulgence are numbered PRAISE continuum Windsor 8081 Windsor and several other Ontario cities fade real problem of providing themselves with an adequate sewage system The high cost has been delaying factor Perhaps they should have some of the courage of llie villagers in Dundalk up in Grey County There are fewer than 850 people in the village Yet they have just voted to spend $150000 on sewage and water program Tbeper capita cost of this would approximate the $25000000 sewage program for Windsor yet the per cale incomeof the people in this villagewould be much less dish in Windsor had visited the fire hall where Fire Chief Wol feuden instructed them re the fire truck open ing fire boxes and how to mount fire truck in action On falsealann the boys showed how long it took to get out of bed slide down pole and into the truck They also mounted the bell tower An accident occurred on train No 3north bound through the breakdown of the reariruck on the first baggagecar behind the locomotive of Boy Scouts about An Auxiliary from Allandale replaced the truck Traffic was held up about four hours It lisp pened in the morning in front of the Ofillla hospital gone car consisted of 89 prisoners be ing taken to Burwasb They were evidently not aware of the accident other trains southbound were rerouted via Lake Sirncoe IV ParagraphicallySpeairing3 You evidently think that allpollt icians are crooks some one post cards us Oh no we dont We believe few of them are comparatively honest Broken is too mild sword to expresé the condition of most New Year resolu arc is If you getmadat person tell him or and get it out of your system It is better to risk having black eye than ulcer Even yet now and thensomdbodysays something flattering about itelevisio programs The otherday critic said Awoman tellsus she didnt elï¬ve in Darwin unfold Kindergarten Could Help Avoid Tragedy The recent tragedythe Citys first got togetherd and joocuoiliciiiiimso oflhequuuoner és To Error vOVniBerlihn sound In Experts Writings By WARREN ROGERS Jr Soviet zone was just simply Eisenhower llie lVesi armies WASHINGTON mp Beu political decision He indicated should launch pow hasbeen recurrent hot spot in displeasure at having to order the cold war because as in gens freireat of his forces to allow the ahead of the Russians lasicod raphy because it is an island in Sovietheld East Germany and nowhere attached to the Allied lDflQ How did this happen Why did ibeWesicmallies agree to it The answers are not clear But there are good clues in the pub lished memoirs and statements of PresidentEisenhower Sir Win slon Churchill former president Harry Truman Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery and others RUSSIAN DOUBLEEEOSS perusal of these documents points to these conclusions The United States Britain and France muted Russia and were doublecrossed They underestimated the ability of the Wests armies to capture Berlin ahead of the Bus sians who weraeloser but fac ing stronger Gennan resistance Theygenerally discaunied 01 political side of war milieu meal to win quick military Vic tory Char however cau tioned frelzu lly mistoulddnd to trouble Nobody ever suggested ple sliaped zones of occupation wiih tips atBeilin so that each oc cupying power would control its own access routu to Berlin The Soviets gave early notice that they regarded occupation agreements as far less dialssac red vows Two months after the Yalta agreement in February 1945 Russia set up its own Com munist government in and refused admission to Western representatives Moscow did this despite agreement at Yalta on joint occupation of Austria But the war was still going on then and from east and west the Allied armies were closing in on the big prize Berlin POLITICAL MOVE Eisenhower told his press co ference last Dec 10 that the de cision to have Berlin withinlbe QUEENS panic Closed Purse Red Army to take over acap flued chunk of Germany 400 miles long and in miles at its greatest depth In his 1948 book Crusade in Europe Eisenhower wrote always fclitbai the Western allies couidprobablybavo sc cured an agreement to occupy more of Germany than we ae tually did believe that if our political heads had been as con vlneed as we were at SHAEF supreme headquarters of the certainty of early victory in the west they would have insisted at Yaila upon the line of the Elbe River as the natural geogra phic line dividing the easiernsnd western occupation areas Eisenhower added however have never discussed llie matter with any of the individ uals directly responsible for the decision in his sixvolume history of the warChurehill indicated that Ei senhower running the Allied mill ltary offensive gave little thought to postwar poplillcal problems in Europe BEAT RUSSIA THERE Churchill said he argued for capture of Austria and as much as possible of Eastern Europe to prevent Russia from getting there first and setflngup puppet re gimes Instead of moving into Austria Churchill wrote Eisen hower drove for Berlin Truman said in Washington speech last year that as new president feeling his way he made solemn agreements with the Russians at Volta lesniog heavily on his advisers And inside of year the damn Russians had broken of ibelrpromises Truman said Montgomery in his memoirs published last year said he was aware of the political dangers Be said he soIIShV to convince Was No Surprise By noNoniAnN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner roaomo There were in dications Premier Frost wasinol too shocked when he heard 0i town would not be handing out any more moneythis year Justwhen the premier knew the purse was closed is hardJo say it certainly wasnt last spring hen he said he gtoxpected7pfed a1 provincial conference by July Late last summer when be repeated his demand that 0ndicailon he was beginning to like iario needed anothermmomo and said he expected enoe by the an of the ear Sometime between then andthe peilln Parliamen haweyer Mr Frost and ate baker sin John Eor it was with that tone of inner delight of man who has lust trounced his wife atfiusslan bank TUNE CHANGES 1n Iouicklymccepting the ot wa move Mr Frost switched ack to hlsposifion of some yearsago Which was that if the lack of increase and delay in con ference meant thorough study of financial arrangements he was satisfied was relatively changed time for the premierthough dur ing the fall he did give one in itagain In his tdays in office he came out vigorously for com let financial reassessment lailoln this was theonly solid solution In the finalyearslof thellib erals at Ottawa however he almost completely droppedtbis schematic almost eu iiioly standpointDam was not getting fequ deal dad murdmoney oday orig inalupwind And there are few ul single thrust at Berlin to capture it he wrote Eisenhower decided to make general advance toward Berlin on all fronts Churchill wrote that the pre the more territory ihe Weslern allies captured the stronger they would be in poslwarbargainlng with the Russians He said he argued thk wltlr Truman bui Truman decided instead to hold the Wests advances pretty close to occupation llues already agreed upon at Big Four confer ences in 1044 As things turned out Russia had border time moving 35 miles against almost fanatical German resistance on Berlins eastern defences than did the Western armies coming from far ther away in the wash The West ern advancelwas boiled to allow the Russians to take Berlin Barman nr YALTA The Allied powers agreed upon USBritish Russian occupation of Germany This was ratified at the 1046 Yolkconference Russia objected to including is among occupying powers Even tually the 113 and British zones were reshuffled giving part of them to France Churchill wrote that tb pre vailing impression at the Quebec werence in September 1044was uWe all felt it was too early as yet to provide for French zone in Germany and no one so much umenfloaed Russia At earlier meeilngs Churchill said this was the attitude in fhose days common opin ionabout Russia was thatsbe would not condnue the war once she had regained her frontiers and that when the time came the Western allies might well have to try to persuade her not to relax her efforts The question on the alumina zone of occupation in Germany therefore did not bulk in our thoughts or AngloAm erlcan discussion lame the Allies saw the er ror of their ways Russia blocked Allied access to Berlin it took spectacular coolly airlift to supply Berlin so that the West ern forces could remain there Now the heat is on again with Russia calling for an end to the occupation of Berlin and fluent using to turn over her responsi bliiiies in the clty to the puppet East German regime Gives Picture To list Gallery FREDERICTON CPLWilliam Brymnars watercolorlhe Bridge of Sighs will hang in the Lord Beaverbrook Art Gallery ereas ngift of Mrs Paul Slse of Mmfreal and St Andrews up for bear or dcnri according to the political stripe Among meanestloos which will probably be askedby MP who have done tighubomsz we may expect Since the cudd than WWWrt wlih which most Canadians agree art ï¬lled did that unusual preferu more of his No op fall in some defeated Conservative provincial ministers but we maybear Will the no retary of state as the minister 23 is big Commission reportsio the House say how many officials now hold will the Minister responds were appointed newly to the civil for the CBC assure the Bousz that his already expensive charge will not at this time be permitted to increase its cosillasss by build ing the proposed elaborate head office on the extrnvagani river side site at Ottawa recenily pur chased by the CBCI lilgbooihs llitilluretoboz Can the minister finance loll lhe Rouse what was the wet in Canadian taxpayers for transpor tation accommodation meals efc in respect of Mr Elmer Dlefenbaker when the Prime Minister invited his brother to ac company him on his official tour around the world And for purposes of comparison there may be Can the minister of finance give the some infor mation in respect of Mn Hugh ODonnell and Mr JeanPaul St Laurent when iho ihen Prlmsthe Minister in 1054 iovlied his son and his daughter to accompany him on his official tour around the world JOBS FDRTHE BOY gt As patronage is getting good airing we may expect this Will the secretary of slate lay wheth er after the defeat of the Liberal government of Nova Seeds at the service by orderincense of Lib eral governments and how many were similarly appointed by 0on servlilve governmental We may expect Mr Murphy Conservative MP for Lambloa West to ask question along these lines Has the sec NW of state for external af fairs received satisfactory ex planation from the auditorgen eral in respect of the apparent disappearance of $30500 of the taxpayers money in connection with the puich of our amber ssdors residence in Brazil This information was sought in vain by Mrs Murphy several times last session Some MP conscious of the an economical operations of the CBC may ask the minister of national revenue What was the cost of recent CBC television pro Blam on Which Blair Fraser of allows interviewed the Jailed New York columnist Marie Torre How much travelling wn necessary by each of the par iieipants and does not the CBC retain representative in New York City who could have car ried out that interview without irsvel and hence at much lower cost in the taxpayer REPORT mom 11x No Cheese Faring For Socialists ll McINlYnE noon London England Correspondent For The Barrio Examiner LONDON The Socialist part does not propose to run its com paign in the coming general election on ï¬nancial shoe siting Whenth election is called it willbe backed by fighting fund which is llkeb to reach £750000 That is thede claraiion made by Morgan Phil lips secretary of thepariy at press conference in London Thls is big change from the 1955 general election in that campaign the Socialists bad campaign fund of £105000 but spent only 70000 of it The re suit was defeat Now they are going to see what the lavlshex pendlture of money will do to bring in voice for Labor UNIONS CONTRIBUTE Ernest Bevan the part treas urer started all with £225000 in theldtty An peel in the trade unions for amst sup port in the electloo has already brought in another £150000 and this total is expected to reach £200000 by the end of this month An appeal to individ uals of allranh in society will then be made and that in Socialists hope will produce the or more re quired Much of this money will be spent in 200consiitiienclesitbat are considered marginal and in which the Socialistshopa have enough gains to tum the tide in their favor Another large item of expense will be an intensive television compo80 Anadvisorycommitfee on telev vision will undertake to coach some 50 Socialist candidates for appearances on tbili medium In respectJlie Conservatives are way ahead They already have some 200 speakers fully trained lontotl ready for Jim tclevfsioa iberal jibe at of quotlng It comes from Edwin Malindin chairman 010w Lib Hesays elm spendaboutmmo They may become known tb party urather Although not major example party of great art the painting is pleasing small composition William Brymner was born in Greeoock Scotland in 1855 son of Dr Douglas Bryrnner who later became Dominion Archivist William came with the familyto the Eastern Townships of Quebec in iasv He studied architecture in tawa ihen went to thaAcademie Julien in Paris He became an associate of th Royal Canadian Academy ill 633 was Admitted full member tripod and was president from 1900 to 1918 or was teacher of art in Montreal and was director of art classes for the Art Associa ifon Montrealfrom 1003 to 1921 lie is represeniedvin the ho wildflower is the best National Gallery ofCaunda the one roviding MnFrostlilm sell us so thorough labia Montreal Museum TorontoIArtGflleyï¬an the FineArts Ho ed in lolly is favorite English slang expressionjor fmone somewhat equivalent word though in Canadian slang The Canadian olonv in=Lo don is giving warm welcome to George Ignatieff ho has just taken over as deputy to His Excellency George Drew High Commissioner for Canada Mr lguatieff takes the lace of Sid ney Pierce recon appointed anihassad to Belgium oarsmnn He began his diplom atic career in landon and be comesecretary to lion Vincent Massey when he was high com missloner He married niece of Mr Massey Mr lgnatleffs last postrwas that of ambaasa dor to Yugoslavia He is being warmly welcomed as talented addition to Londons Canadian colony CATTLE ernuerNr new experiment to increase beel production in the United Kingdom and one which is wor lby of the attention of Canadian beef cattle ralsers is being startedundet the auspicesof the ministry of agriculture The idea is toiincrease the number of calveszfor beef by the ortll fieial production of twin calves Experiments have shown that certain serum will cause most coWltogivebirlhfotwnlsin stead of single calves These extra calves would increase domestic beef supplies and fill tho beef gap caused by reduced imports This experiment was developed hy Dr John Hammond livestock scientist at Cambridge It is now being extended to East Anglis where it is planned to treat some 2000 cows to de termine tbepercentage in which twin calves will heproducedby use of the serumr 0n ithe re sultswlll be decided whether the experimentls worth introducing on oonmierclslscale prim sromcar Bernard Braden and his wife Barbari Kellytwo Canadian who are iwthe forefront of the entertainment world of Britain have been signed to take lead logpartsiuanewiilniwhicbis to be roduced by Stanley 13 er film to be titled Jet Stream London ioNew York and tho roscllons of the passengers to the threat of disaster Julickers CaveatGarden Canadian tenor has scored notahle success in Vienna Aus whero bevmadehis debut ss iegmunddn the Valkyrie report from Vienna says that fiisreeelvsd ovadonspot only from stalls andboxes ut important all in at gallery is hare that music students have their regular places Critics havsprolsednot onlylh lyric beauty of his voice but alsohls personality and good The new lily lilgiicommls liiifm °i°r°3l°if asspen inu inEpgland he was born in now Peta03nd son of Bus an countrand countess lie esca from Russia with his when five years oldand settled first in then in Conn to England=aa and gained fame uA unlvcrllw the help of civiliudvsocletyznnw tha iresures ofielviliretlon built by others and Gods rain and deals with the sign of sirlcken letairliner from Labor campaign fund is worth uoshios and soil and minerals gt