Wmuymmummmremmsmcmonw race you Keeping Fit WAY JANUARY important National Health Week Dates for National Health Week 1959 have been set for the first weekin Feb ruary according to officials of the Health League of Canada sponsors of the event for the past 15 years National Health Weekwhich has en foyed the full cooperation of depart merits of health and education from coast to coast was created to acquaint each Canadian on ways and means of keeping himself and his family healthy and of the vast importance of doing so While health is matter of individual concern it is the sum total of individual health whch makes up the health of the wholecountry commented Dr Gordon yBates general director ofthe league Canadians spend over 900 million dol lars year on medical and dental care and this of purely curative nature If we were to wipe out all illness or even portion of it the financial gains to Canada would be staggering he said He pointed out that this view of the importance of health to nation is not new one Benjamin Disraeli the tish statesman said in the 1800s that healthof the people of really the foun dation uponchh all their happiness and all their powers as state depend Each person than do great deal to wards preventing illness in his own home said Dr Bates it is common place to note the man of the house out side polishing his car inthe driveway and going over the motor to see that the vehicle is kept in perfect running condi tion It is not equally commonplace to see that same man in the doctors office having checkup to see that he himself is in good running condition Surely the health oi man and his family is of at least equal importance to his motor car He concluded by stating that health is important during the whole year and not only during National health Week $IMPKIN$ AD NFINITUM truss even runs iii agar 5E ii of at 2i the each had parliamentary assist ant whose dutlu are to assist it Thus It long last that irregularity was inherited Prime Mlms fer Dlefeubakel amlnisteroftbaCrownandtobe bl flmlflelis to have represent his department in the Home of Cornmonsin such mam correctadybylhe Phrase included in the neraad to such extentas the mmethrunelastwedx 3161 1W9 Need Serviced Lcrnd Tells Effect of New Gas In Germ warfare Conflict The National House Building Associa tion has made the statement that there is shortage of land in Canada The Association explains that the reference is to serviced land Canada has abundance of land But the day has passed when an industrious man expected to build his own little home jon the open space near his place of em ployment and expand it and its con veniences as his family increased The house builders say that only one community Winnipeg reports an adequate supply of serviced land for the next two years Several others may squeeze by for 1959 but in most large Canadian centres the shortage of ser viced land constitutes an emergency NEW rEsrs ron cannon Guelph Mercury Objective tailswill be Introducedinto Grade examinationsnext year In such test the student answers specific questions with Just yes 01 no or Illl9 or false Such tests are useful onlyif conducted ism unctiun with the orthodox essay type of exam tioo They cannot and are nottmaanhusne placeihaordiodox examinationand apparenlly the Ontario educailoudepartrnent does not plan any such replacement It is the objectivity of the tests that mhkes them useful There cannot help but beavariaL tion in the marking of an essay becauseJhe judxment of the examiner is variable factor lie is human being therefore hehss likessnd dislikes opinions and prejudices he is fresh when he starts marking pile of examination papers tired endpossibly irritable when he nears the bottom of the pile Moreover the human element creates difference between ex aminers One essay could be marked vthree dif ferent ways by threedifferent examiners The objectlve test is designed to eliminate the varia tion yes or no is either right or wrong it gets full marks or none The weakness of the objective test is that it cannot properly assess the texture of students knowledge and understanding of psubjectits breadth and depth and the students ability to express what he knows Also it permits lucky guesser to acquire marks he does not deserve The essay form is still the backbone of the examination system and it would be foolish to JANU 22 1939 Six on dollars were spentin training over I000 Air Force pilols in 14 months These were University of Royal Military College graduates Probably 90 per cent were expected to find jobS with the Royal Air Force in GreatBritain and practically all of that sum was to be spent by the Canadian Department of National Defence un less war intervened Elijah Pavis fullblooded Ontario Indian made trip to Cleveland to confer with an at tomey over 51500000claim for his Potowat amic tribe While there bionlle and brun Paragraphically Speaking Thls orldgis anexpensgveï¬nd hazar ous place live in but well worth feetheetrouble anddangerr posed just to observe the funny antics of the socailed human race all istrlr Ermine mu Buodaye and Itotutory anusu amine wuss General lululeg VIADGEll BushesUlnar nevus barium mm soon nnuocans AdvertMos Iranm sub1 tiuséxlgutsaflxgirzï¬g fguzï¬um weekly month bums Canada if ooms Kin st The Association says the municipali ties have lacked foresight in providing serviced land However it can not be viewed as simple as that City officials have no powers to foresee the future any mo than have house building associa tio councils who went ahead and in stalled costly services in areas speculat ing on the growth of housing would have met quick fate at the polls as the result of heavy expenditures Yet many municipalities have lost con siderable residential taxes as people have gone outside the city limits to build be cause of lack of serviced lots comments the Owen Sound Daily SunTimes There they are able to use septic tanks and pri vate sources of watch abandon it But the obiective lest is useful adjunct sort olfequallzcr TEE MINISTERSMEA3 St Thomas ï¬ftiesJournal Dr Otis Warr of Memphis Tennessee has warned ministers ligainst overeating because they are frequently ipvlledor some of them areto dinner with members of their congrega lions or they have whether they wantto are not tol attend so many drurch suppers Dr Warr claims that two out of three ministers he has to visit professionally are overweight It may be one of the occupational hazards in the career of minister to have to eat out good deal In private homes he and hislong suffering wife may have second helping imposed upon them because they do not like to refuse when theygo to church supper dish after dish is passed along the table and it is difficult to repress temptation In some cases it may be ldndness to extend invitations to clergy who are expected to do their duty raise family and educate them in the way ministers sons and daughters should be educated on salary that would be contemptuornly refused by teamster stout man is sometimes referred to as be ing of aldermanic proportions because as an alderman he has to eat so many public dinners and we would hate if the general apearance of minister caused him to be referred to as of ministerial proportions So far as our observ ation goes the high officers of the church are no more overWeight than men in any other pro fession In any case we prefer the jovial Falstaffian minister to the hungrylooking caius type News oilbrine Years elic tied him up at the polnt of gun and robbedhim of emsthe reward of weeks trapping The Barrie Police did not earn heir keep according to their monthly report for January ï¬nes and co totalled oniyszs for the month armed robbery lhree sentenced urglary nine with eight con victed one dismissed petty thefts five three convicted breach LCA seven three convicted Breach IITA three convicted breach parking bylaw five convicted Petty complaints all at tended to Total 60 How wise person is depends about as much upon what he belie es as what he Tis said that poets are harmnot made And thus the blame in Mayo is laid V1here are four klndspf women ma was of Dolyou know how to avoid getting lost in swam asks writer in portsmans magazine Yes indeedr WASHINGTON AP Testlfy ing before congressional corn mlttee behind locked doors the general told little joke The story was about man who went to visit friend in the hos pits and found him all bandaged up with broken arm and one leg in plaster cast Patient What in the wori You remember the Some Unhappy About Omissions Opinions of cher Newspapers OnyQueens Trip OHAWA CmPrime Minls ter Dlefenbaker defily turned aside Commons complaints Wed nesdsy about places omitted from the itinerary of the Queens visit to Canada this summer And he indicated no major itin erary changes are contemplated am wondering whether there could not have been very seri ousmistake madelonperhnprm oversight said William Houck LNlagara Falls in referring to the fact that Niagara Falls the most important and beauti ful placevin Canada wasnt in cluded The prime minister said the Queens route had been chosen to reach coast to coast and in par ticular those areas which hereto fore have not received visits Mr Dlefenbaker said he could not hold out hope of any mater ial alteration in regard to the itinerary as already published He did not reply when James MForgie LRenfrew North said theyottawa Valley should re ceive consideration because it had had no royal visit for 50 WW Creasv than chief of the us Army Chemical Corps related the iokc For Creasy used the story to illustrate how secret new types of nerve gasor nerve discom bobulators as be called them mlght be used to subdue the enemy in conflict involving germ or chemical warfare The point is said Creasy that it the gas will do these things to you You will be actlng very irrationally and the other people who have also been sub ieclcd to it will not know it either Everybody will be on the bandwagon Asked if such gases have been developed yet th secrecy mioded Pentagon defence head qiinrtcrs replied The chemical corps is con ducting research in this area to determine the feasibility of such compounds as casualtyproducing agents There are various chem icals known to affect the behavior of animals and humans While the pentagon shies away from almost all discussion of germ warfare further collation meat about these fpsychochexnl cal weapons has comefrorn Dr Kropa of the Battella Mem orial institute which engagesrin numerous defence research pro jects In report Dr Kropa de scribed laboratory experiments by scientist named Hoffman in volving chemical that produces temporary madness The chemi cal is known as LSD25 or lysergic acid party Saturday night Well you got up on the dresser and said You could fly to the other side of the room You roaredif End to the reactionwhen We started didntrmake it Why didnt you natal you was you could do iti lhe men gathered around the table didnt laugha few of them shiveredas Malian William REPORT mom 11s Cypriot3inEngland Fora New Life By Mom noon London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON Travelling on train between Scotland and Lon got into conversation witha Greek Cypriot who had come to the United Kingdom to live in order to getaway from the terrorism and bloodshedof his nativeisland Hedid not belong to the type of zealots who are behind the militant Cypriot movement He had been pep fectly happy in Cyprus under British rule and was not par ticularly lnterestedjn having changed But hexbsd come to Englandto seek new life of peace and quietness andvha waskflndlng known facts werardaveloped re garding the movement of Cypr on to Britain iiirecent years since the reign of violence start ed To say the least the grow ing trend of migration from Cyp rus to the United Kingdom is surprising In the past year particularly therehas been marked increase in thenumbers coming here from the island This has been responsiblefor warnings being issued by the Cyprus government that it is When the town gossip read Com becoming increasingly amrcun too common hisan at the rate for Curio toemure employ sh turned green Wm N0 in CYP rloblsaflowed rolesve for the anomsly that while bitter years the normal rats was he tweeo 4000 and 5000 year This was quitafunderslandable to our Greek fellowtraveller since it reflected general and Imderstandable desire of theun committed Cypriois to escape from the unsavoury atmospherc of searches andcurfewsu ad ditionto the 6000 who migrated to Britain over 800went to Australia to flnd new homes there But it is matter ol record that apart from British soldiers and Ihelr families there is absolutely no movement of immigranlsinto Cyprus 05000 IN Barren DEETROYB was Rropa said isms destroys the individuals will to think and com rninlster mavdelsrmlne words were spoken by our Minister cum Klng when be formally launched that new post is years ago In April 1m Mr King created lorsuch posts each to carry an additional salaryaf 000 year Mr King took the unorthodox step of creating those posts by ordarincouncll namely by cab inet action instead of the more usual method of allowing parlia ment to pass bill establishing the posts At um time Mr Klugay pointed seven MPs to be the flrstoccupanu of those posts and announced his act sub sequenin in Parliament Among those first appointees were Mr Kings Three Young Men all of whom sub aqucntly mimic he i9 achieved cabinet rank under their be severed from the bodyy and there is feelingof floating in space And be added To give you little insight or to how active this material is it has been estimated that less than pound would causaall the in habitants inNew York City to take on schizoid react fan emotional disturbance mark by such things as delusions and hallucinations QUEENS PliliK benefactor Paul Martin Brooke Claxton and Doug Abbott WAR EMERGENCY Mr King explained to the House of Commons thatha had created those pom by orderin oouncll and had had their sal aries provided on yearly basis through the estimates rather than in perpetuityby statute because he wishes to ressrd them as morelor less temporary posts To Fly Not ToFly Canadian Ensi BynON OBEARN Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner masmim rowing Red Ensign go He is not against as 11x but dominantly he is Canadian And he agrees we should have ourrown floss liut also be is well aware the Union Jack figured prom For somerof us it is hard to he in me nunde and 59 died Wm 33 qm growliii of Canada and therefore lion has proper place in any Cana There are questions that seem dim flag more vital than lire symbols we show to the world important and it certainly is or cltlng to goodsectlon of the flying the ensign on the flagpole here USED BEFORE He also is great beling the British Commonweal However it is matter that is has is proper our member ship in it should be recognized As the RedEnsign indudes recogmhon of both as well as gt The mph pro that the Maple Leaf foi Canada he feels it is m6 Mia flex summerma England or we have at present mm will be asked to approve statute to authorize the nppointmentl parllamentary secretaries to min isters of the Crown Thus the deferred hopellé been brought to palpitstlnglffa Alain In the hearts of at least thrice the is Conservadva MP who will he owed by pointmeni to wash posts as sum as the hill basbeeupossed Parliament and received roy assent it is interesting to note that the salary as already submitted in the estimates is still $4000 as it wu when introduced by Mr King years ago surely the only salary anywhere in Canada not to be raised during these id locustyears of Inflation REASON FOR POST The urgent desire of so many ambitious MPs to attain the rank of parliamentary assistant or it is henceforth to be cailedpar llamentary secrelary is that it is the first step on the ladder of political advancement The IP pointmeat gives the rising if chance to learn about depart mental administration and min isterlal work as training for tho timevwhen he himself maybe promoted to cabinet rank At the same time it focuses the lime light on him and on many of his rivals and enables the prime minister and other cabinet mcmu hers to assess their relative merlis Political historians might be lb terested in the long trail leading to the present proposed bill Mr King himself actually appointed Ottawas fir st parliamentary private secretary iii1921 when Lucien Pscaud of Megaotic was made assistant to the secretary of state for external atfairs who was Prime Minister King himselh in dual role In the throne speech in 1936 and again in 1943 phrases similar to that in this ryeoris throne speechwere read but not acted upon It was not until Mr King took his arblirdry step by cabinet action in 1843 that0ttawas second appointed to follow thé Pecsud experiment whlcbjdr in King described as very real and assistance to me while deplorlng that my ministers will not fol low my example and appoint PPSs to themselVesi PUBLlC rosrmo Names of 140 municipal house If someone comes up with tenants who have persistently better one he will gladly accept refused to pay their rents are Premier Frost pointed out that But for the present the ensign to be posted outside the council this wasnt the first time the ensign had been used In fact he said ltbad been used as long ago as 1313 Elli of course the Union Jack has always hear the main flag And when the ensign appeared onthe flagpole there was an im mediate tempest inorsqrmvrrv Mr Frost readily admitted that the flag was being flown at bls personal order Andthough he didnt say so directly it would seem his main national unily willdo office in this Berkshire villageif Immature THE NEWS New FrancoW German Friendship DeveIOps By ALAN HARVEY Ciaodian Pren sun Writer An unexpected between twu commanding er onalltles be Pme Pmth 35 PM may accelerate Franco German reconcil and strengthen The NativeSoM Canada European unity have been doing considerable howling in the Toronto area ro cently and presumably in other parts of thecouniry As the premier well knows when an organization tbstmlght therwise be on the fringe otthe crackpot gets an issue like the flag it can get inside lot of people In countering the Sons demands by flying the ensign he probably had in mind giving lead to other partsof the country in keeplng this clamor under con hliiL CANADIAN rmsr about gt 65000 This means that phantom of every nine Greek Cypriots lives hi this country of thesesoma 55000 livein the London area There are also in jEritaio some 9000 Turkish Cypriots Most of the Cypriots are in the restaurant and catering businesrfin which they have very largely displaced Italians Many however are intbe hairdressingAbusinessp and the female section of the colony is almost exclusively employed in dressmaking There is no question however that the premiesz serious about the propriety of the ensign as Canadian flag ssLLYs sums Amid the stilted official isos uago of diplomatic dispatch the impression emerges of veloping friendliness West Gennanys Konrad Aden auer and PresidentCburles de Gaulle of France Few friendships would have seemed more unlikely Do Gaullo is military man Adanauar conï¬rmed civilian their coun tries have fought three ferocious wars in less than century and both are aloof men with few if families GET roonrnnn cw if Yet the liking is real The ice was broken last Sept 14 When tbetwo met at Colombeys les Duex Egllses de Gaulles coun any closcfriends outside their try born ha initial favorable impression was strengthened New in further meetingat Bad Kreuznacha German ra sort town Reports of sympathyand un derstanding between the two statesmeu taken seriously by Canadian students ole Europe constituteianolher hopeful factor So here we have the struggle is going on in Cyprus in secure independence and freedom fromBritish rule thero asteodyandgrowingvstream Cypriotsflocking to Britain that they concoctions to en eibenell of the personal piece for what youve been rx who are in the postwarcourse ofiFrsnco German relations Ottawa observers said thefed nagging problems as the seal question and has sided with France in discusslons on Euro an unity Oddly it might almost be barrassing for Canada if Dr enauer and deGaulle become too Since the Second World War Western Germany has espoused liberal trading policies roughly inline with Canadian principles There ismst the barest possin itytbat Germany following an indulgent llne toward France might depart from ik Aliberalpol lcles to appease its moreprotec tionist neighbor This would be distrubing to Canadian officials Sentimentallty about Europe is marked German emotlo Canadian who attended film in Germany depicting the pre war struggle for Europeansunlty Gustav Streseman of Germany and ArlstidajBriand of France oted when the lights went on at more than half the suds op was in tears PATIENT GERMANY Once on recent visit to Ger many this reporter asked high official how long the federal 1e public would be patient with France then threatening to rock the European boat The official pausedand replied earnestly Weihave learned to be pa iii by our mistakes in the past In such an atmosphere the Ad rapprochement with itsold rl truly encouraging features of presentday Germau politics Msmconcnssrous Dr Adonauer it is behaved feels that it is hlscountrys rolt sponslbllity to lean over back words healing the old feud lIe do concessions on such val France has been one of the breuipiaiollnlah righteous character keeps away from tic erous and quot durable places and men enauer dc Goalie ententemay oral republlcs effort toachieve LONI student erage bad for thority defled tions to So it sensers suburbs several tied 01 Port tb tlon ti wanted With To in exporie But the form wr after sufferin decided For lion stal irant 12 the line their of on ii The fire mo Olivier money