Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1959, p. 4

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The RussianWest position appear to be increasingly gloomy British Prime mnlster Macmillans visit to MoscowJp pears to have done nothing to improve relations rather it has considerably worssned them There is every indic ation that Khruschev and Mlkoyah ment it to be so from thefirst Photographs irom the Moscow center enocs show Khrushchev and Mlkuyan smiling broadly To those who seek to read mens laces the smiles are much too smug sarcastic even needling The Owen Sound SunTimes comments Mr Macmillan is to be heartily com mended on making the trip It was con cession to the Kremlin But at such tim es asthese therecan be no harm in going the full way always short oi up peasement Andlt was quite apparent that Mr Macmillan took no umbrella wlth him as did Mr Chamberlain on mission to Munich v5News and WorldReport in telling of recent visit by Eisenhower to the ail ing John Dulles reports the us Presl dent took away with him book on the psychology oi communism The book car ries two warnings Communists negotiate not to establish peace but to manoeuvre themselves into the best position ior continuing war ev an of the cold variety Communism will think it beyond rea 5on to have any real meeting oi minds with the capitalist West although limited agreements may be made These warningsirom What We Must Know About Communism by Harry and Bonsro Overstreet published by Norton and Company Inc uconiorln eloseiylto the writings and warnlngs oi Mr Dulles The Overstreets who are wellknown writers on psychology students of both Communist mentality and oviet history government to know enoug about nego 1tiating with Communists avoid de mending suriaee agreements in which all the good iaith will be on one side At thecomerence table say the Over streets thepommunists do not expect finance or even signiiicantvioweringol gtensionsgIt is simply onemors place where war is carried on Soviet delegates come to ii conference ailsu the conierence ideas is definitelyvout andnbt by Wes tern choice gt table than meeting oimlnds would meanbelng influenced bycapit authors point outThumat fany flexible give andteke ol The Wests delegates have no choice abouttheconstant Soviet stalling oi pro cedures thetoverstxeets warnTor can the Western negotiators be asked to guarantee that the Communists will live up to the treaties they sign The authors put it this way During its 40 years oi existence the 8811 has set worlds record ior breaking pacts This has not been mat ter of whimiui leadership Here again the basis oi action has been ideology No ahaper oi communist theory irom Marx to the present has ever held that prom ise made across class lines was to be kept any longer than expediency might dict ate The Soviet empire rests on broken promises In 1932 lol example the 154 sit signed nonaggression pacts with Es tonia Latvia and Lithuania and in 1934 these were extended ior 10 years Six years later in l9ioali three countries were invaded and incorporated into the Soviet union The satellite empire is vast monument to the Soviets disregard of the Yalta agreement At least negotiations may postpone overt wariare says the Overstreots The authors also think it possible as Secre tary Dulles own policy has implied that limited agreements can be made This is not negotiation but kind of practical bargaining Too the authors point out bargaining sessions make the tree world more con scious or the values it is defending earn for the iree world further margin or time It takes time the Overstreets say for the internal weaknesses of dictator ship to make themselves lelt Jsay the American people it to their Within the vastness oi the Com munist empire there are the millions or human beings who do not want to be there who have never wanted to he there The tree world has not establish edoutpost parties behind the Iron Cur tain Yet it has psychological outposts there nonetheless conquered peoples minds that resist totalitarianism minds thathave been educated to point where they begin to want stretching space Time is not kind to lnonolithio unity opium of Other NeWspapersj SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS FAIL 14gt Guelph Mercury report from the industrial Foundation on Ell ucatloa in Toronto states that somewhere be tween five to ten per cent may not seem large One in ten of industrial scholarship students fall to complete their university courses This is an astoundlng llgule Ten per cent may not seem large One in ten But it is large when ws stop to think at of all students at any university those wl the greatest chance of succeeding are those who have scholarships These students are the oneswho should have absolutely no difficulty with their studies They are first class students chosen as scholars for precisely this la addition these students are among those who have the greatest incentive to finish their studies They are already marked citizens They MARCH 1939 The annual cougrega cal and may meet ing of St Georgeshnglicen Church Burton Avenue was held in the Memorial Hall Rev Fierbeller presided inrllls election oi of ilcrs asfolloWs PeoplesWarden Frank Collins Reciors Warden Leslie liougbeed Vestry Clark William Wardle Auditor Charles riifln Organ lsi Miss McAulcy and ChoirLeader AE Page Much to the regret of all the healer announced his intention of retiring irom aciive duty some time in June gt swim to fuse smug Star aorthbadbeen exceptional in 1939 This winter the north is beginning somewherejdown south of have been chosen ior intellecth leadership The first choice jobs and polls will be their upon graduation Unfortunatelylire industrial Foundation does not go into detail why do these students drop out it simply states the factsylth an air of wounded respectability leen that these students are valuable future members of our society we should be concerned that they fail to continue their studies And we should want tolnlow why they fall is it because they have received too much encouragement Have they received too much too easliyl or is there serious flaw in the attraction of our universities in otllercounirlea it is considered the highest privilege to attend university it seems that in Canada this is not entirely so The above repori adds some weight to this suspicion News olForillerYears the weather Toronto The bhzrard of the previous wEeklin Ontario missed Sudbury entirely although south they were digging out of one of the worst ilizzards in years No roads were closed in Sudbury dis trict ln thelast 19 days of January the snow fall in Toronto was um inchesand in Sudbury only half that for the whole month Four inches was the heaviest therm ammo ron ll suownowu MonteDominion Bank Such conierenoe might be attended by representqu of labor business agriculture government connin era and others its inlllal plenary session could be devoted touploriag the problem and agreeing on pro gram in be carried out by smaller working parties which would re port to later session or up lions explained Mr Ashforlh As president oi the Canadian Chamber of Commerce ior this year as wall as being president dabuhbemustknowibeneed African National Congress Kev Factor In Rhodesia By CLAUDE COOK SAHSBURY Southern Rllo desla Reuters One of ills biggest political question marks confronting the Rhodesian Fed oration is the role that will be played by the African National Congress during the next lew ears while the constitutionwl the iederallon is under review by the British government The Congress in political or ganisation promoting the rights oi colored people in South Airlca and the colonial territories of the African continent is more voci lerous today in its demands for the dissolution oi the federation and sell government for North amRhodesia and Nyasaland than at any time since the federation was maid in 1953 At the same time it seldom has been more divided internally The congress movement prob ably is strongest in Nyasaland where for the last six months leadership has been in the bands of Dr Hastings Bands who has returned to his own colmtry alter an absence in Britain and Ghana 01 about so years Bands returned to Nyassland at the invitation oi the congress preaching modera tion and non violence hr the struggle for independence for the protectorate RECENT CHANGE He lrequentiy stressed that he had spent most of his lite among Europeans had many European friends and that there would be place for some Europeans in the independent Nyesaland But in recent months re markable change has come about Addressing meeting in Salis buryonhiswaybackiromtha lreedom conned in Accra neatly Honda urged Alrlcsns to go to prisonin theirthousands sndiobepreparedtodisinlbe cause of independence His ora tory greatly impressed the youn ger members of the Southern Rhodesia congress branch but dismayed the more conservative African politicians Bandsalnce has been declared pen prohibited lmnligrant by the Southern Rhodesiangovernment But there has been no lack of evidence oi the congress activi ties in the Nyssaland protector ate wbcre mobs have stoned ve hicles school children bavsbeul lncitcdjo such degree oi in subordlnadon that schools have bad to be closed and African building trainees have gone on strike ELECTION BOYCUII The congress boycotted the re cent federal elections and all four native members of the Fed eral Assembly to represent Nyaseisnd were rehlrned unop posed All are members of Sir Roy Welenskyr United Federal minister of Southern partythe one in powerend at once were dubbed willie mens stooges by the congress in Northern Rhodesia the con gress movement recently split wide open when SecretaryGen eral Kenneth Kalmda broke wiih the congress presidentflarry Nkurnbuls Kaunde fanatic who infuses religious element into his pol itics termed splinter organiza tion known as the Zambia Com gress He has urged his iollowera to boycott the new voters reg lster supported by Nkumhuin which permits greatly increased numbers oi natives to take part in the territorial elections nod in light constitutionally for indev deuce In Southern Rhodesia national ism is comparatively reeentde velopment Ever since this colony won sell government in 1973 Negroes have been entitled to the voteoaibesameicrlnsaaEuro pesos The governments policy was one of benevolent paternal ism and few natives availed themselves of thevrigbt to vote although many were qualified to do so No Negro ever has been elected to the Southern Rhoda slan Parliament The congress movement which bad been dormant for several years was revived in 1951 by group of young intellectuals and trade unionists ihevrevolt of European opinion against Garfield Todd as prilm Rhodesia undoubtedly hasbeenone of the major factors in hastening the whereof he speaks IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE Mr Ashforth is apparently ma aware that conlerence to com bat inflation such as he suggests has in lactbcea examining that problem andexplorlng means to meet it for many months it in big coniereacc widely represent ative and it splits up into smaller working parties just as be rug gesls But it has this important difference unlike his proposed talkshop this conference has wide powers to implement its recommdetlans That continuing conierenoe can tell all ignorant bank prin ilEEliS PARK rt 15 time iopreserve the value oi that money Gould itbe that our gen eration no tradition oi public service uid it be that our emtry which has van and wonderful opporinnl so to so masyboyainiheputlsnstdsu serving ol the part time service ioraiewyearlolsiewoitbou boys when they have grown to vmanbood achieved auoceaa and acquired experience which could help so generous at boys to alloy some or even better opportunlilul Our cabinet work hours twice as long as any labor union would tolerate and there is no over time pay on Parllament Hill Much of our mlnlsiera time is taken up by klbitura who pour into Ottawa throughout the year they come to present briefs on the cabinet which consist free advice tendered by outsiders look ing in without the insiders bowi edge of the problems under res view How many oi thou kibllara how many bank president union leaders and corporation chain mea altered themselves as can didstes for our House of Gena mona on March 31 last Ontario Budget 0nCauiiousliiies no oeran lpeelal Correspondent ior ibo Barrie Examiner TORONTO This budget isnt exactly an election budget as politics traditionally knows them it has few giveaways but it isnt any big bonanza bag In fact so far as spreading the wealth is concerned it is probably the mlldest effort in recent years HANDOUTS DOWN There are some increased bene fits in education particularly the concession which will quality land costs cafeterias and other rooms for granls And there are other more minor adjustments lint essentially it is boldltthc mmmma rillz news development of the budget wcrcpulled out Hallway Point slieachel Eastwest Berlin Deadlock By GEORQEKITCEEN Oariadian Prue Stall Writer The halfway point now has been reached in Nikita Kbnlshlt chevs fateful six month dead line on the future of West Berlin it finds East and West more deeply deadlocked than ever OnNov mVKhrushchsv pro posed tbat the wartime partners Britain France tllellnited States and the USSR end their occupation on the old Ger msn capitaland turn it into free unarmed city with only United Nations observers to keep watch on thecliy alter that before ib Paranaliiollrispeakinq Khrushchev put his proposi will agree at the last moment adiine to some sort of acceptable meeting with the West illnegotiate on Berlin and Germany This ident Eisenhower had in mind when he recalled to his press conference in Washington this week that Moscow alter years of stalling agreed to an Austrian peace treaty There is speculation that the Russians now are so confident thatihey are prepared to push their luck to the limit that no less ih West gives in on the BerV lin issue at least tithe point of dealing With East Germany therexwlllbe no Soviet concer mlly have been what movement in this sellgoverning colony While Todd was prime minhter the Negroes felt they had friend lnthe highest oilice and tbattbalr political as well as economic development would progress fast enough to meet the demands of the majority But his deieat in the general electionthat allowed the revolt against his leadership and the substantial gainslmade by the more conservntive Dondnion party in Parliament created widespresdsiarm in Negro cir cleafiile congress has exploited this situation and although race relations in the colony are still exuemelygood there is no doubt that the congress movement in Southern Rhodesia hasa ing number oi supporter it even does not include the usual amount at yearend hand outs The special bonus pay ments which have made hospitals and Imiversltles so happy in the past The paymenlq ate there ior hospitals but they are lower than in the past MONEY TIGHT What does this mean For one thing probably that money really is tight andtllat the government feels it must be Efremer cautiouslabout spend Ami secondly that Premier Frost feels reasonan confident about his trip to the polls this year Aller bis demands of recent years for more money from 0t laws Mr Frost course could not with good grace largsssa And from the general tool of Provincial Treasurer Alisha speech it would seem he feels he does not have to While there is the customary recital of govern ment achievement there llnot the great emphasis of other years THE FUTURE In looking forward to the out in months the governmt quite optimistic it anticipates an increase in revenues and bases its forecasts on an improvement in general economic condidolls In this it Is undoubtedly bit of gamble In the unsettled state if the conomy at the momenirlauion dltlon which has been accented by the Avro mommyit takes gambler to beoptlmlsllc about the iulure But also it has the advantage or its economists and their ad vice so one can assume it is not too extreme gamble One would say that probably the government looksallead to reasonably turbulent year eco nomically But that it essentially believes that the menvtum which has carried the province ahead to great growth is still slim and that the end oiithe iii months will see us further ed vanccd once again LETrrlis T0 EDITOR New lorker whodiedthe other day as undoubtedly an ardent doityour seller Through themedlum or tape re corder he preachedzhls funeral Ulla Barrio Exclaim echoesarse not illfly sund and diatutmy son an excpt KWALH cuml In Another peculiar thing about the Ruse We 94th him slans is that they think theyre dancing ghfthey sit on their haunchesahd nemightvsay these are trying times in cubaiifiophum is hoped the prediction that mall will soon be transported by rockets prov es untrue Even airmail oitenjretums outputtown checks beiorewecan beat them tothe bank with deposit to cover has never outstayed its= wel er Welcomed it ill the with He set adcadlins of May 27 for negotiation and said that regard less of whattlle Western Allies did he intended to pull his hoops out on that dale and turnilus sias dullds and responsibilities over to his East German regime which the West does bot recog nirle Since then Khrushchev has not budged an inch Nor has the West ii anything his attitu as stilleneduAud again so has Western attitude Khrushchev says he will regard asan not of aggression any Western at tempt to force eniry into Berlin after his deadline The West maintains it has rlghisnd duty t0 Milli $200 its garrisoos and the West Berliners llving sion even on conference WORRY ONESIDED But there are some Western diplomats whofeel that the worry overths Berlin situation is not onesided There must they sug gest be growingconcern in the re in as the deadline np proaches They believe that Khrushchev despite his bombast must be be coming increasinglyworried over the possibility of fullscale war fsr develo over linvTh pm at widow and children at mans Soviet position in East Germany is far from secure as evidenced by the huiiibers olEast Germans wholee daily to the West and it could bec mountcnable ll Rus slachemg in oiyed in fullseals lighting Also up lngsmlght easily do iiungaryandtbe other if anolllsr vwaride EXTENDS THANKS FOR BARRIE aromasav Parkway Greave Rochdale Lanes England To theEditor The Barrie Examiner vSlr Recently my brother Fred Council waslilled in an accident at Barrie Now am writing to you wlillthe hope that youcan conveya message to the people oLBalrle who showed sucb klndnessio his time ourimother ho is still too grieved toVwrite exthnds her slam mouse EMERGENCY showing Aha system says vnot to open the thanks in all these people for her that although her son died far from homcbe was among friends not strangers 0n behali my brothers and sisters we all send our thanks to you all Yours sincerely Vic CONNELL OPENING CAR D003 0N TRAFFIC SIDE Barrie Feb 101959 Totho Editor gt The Barrie Eternan er Sir There are lot of drlv etc who are conlused over this posing the drivers door on traillc side The point doornoa the traffic side pr sumetlds would mean park your car and open doors on curb side only The way some people open car doors on the traillc side is rough deal oniblcycles problem in one srd toyour glad Aklgthoi inasmuch aflicbldeor mUWe preachan lies nilll ED NOTE bicycle is ea titled only in the portion of thd road required ior fherldsrs pauper locomotion He must over well tothc right motor vehicle wishes asst Section ii 193 sub the Traffic Act readz No person shall open the door of avmotor vehicle upon hlghwaywltll out lirsl taking due prseeuiioni lolnsure that his actwill not interfere with the movement of or endanger any other person or vehicle or leave door of molar vehicle upon high way open on the side attire veblcie available to moving leialoe tol sermon time longer than is necessary to load or unload passengers BIBLE THOUGHT ngabfhmhli of the geniiie ii Tim Ill KY even though wefa deeds or failures umea 45 our

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