Im IACan f0 Solo MidiOWn Used Cars FPLY WP Amount NO s1 strum smut sos am loin IANCB WAGON mu 611110me SEAN as low non om nun mu nexur nucx Ix Itsi203 stow N0 DOWN PAYMENT as nusmo Innr OPPOSITI MIMI PA 31 mu VIAU MOTORS NEW AND USED aluminum cans Oli MHBLB CAN mini POLITAN WAN ALL GAI VIII UNIV ledlll Iuianalllt hack tip lull windshield wuhers 1551 STANDARD Ill station Wuon HaleOPOLITAN Knit rs IWMKEIH Man AU GOOD CONDITION EDWAN IT PA HUI om ml Pm IAIIIW sod condition Contact Aymsn hour NIW Lowell 23 IAIIII MOI In Ilcssosubls Couflnlis ll rosn Canvcfllhli Ml Id owsr nee sntoms ï¬lms ndln nuns on user IIIs BCurs Wanted WANT Privslï¬lly mm cor Io sons condlllon cub For or tails wrilu Bax Bum or IBllII Businsss Ssrvirss FOR RENT By the day or Wu noon Pomona mos SANDERS sum cannons CREST HARDWARE ovum sod consled to am so humor or new PA 82556 sIucs CAPITAL PAINTING sud DECORATING GO WI dunï¬ Claim to In In bl but rest with all W0 snshlp PHONE PA 87482 7318515 For Ditching Excavating Buck Fill Dozer Work or Loadirlg Phons STEWART 1W Dunlop EL Phunl PA ml lflllfl ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ssr mi Ham no and limits Ses HAROLD HART II OWEN ST PH PA 32206 lsrris lirotrls Motors suu BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN Now Is ths ï¬lms to recover your wwemeld chllrl etc Bosutuul Inglis he estimates Moro thin valIf Experience PHONE PA 84433 BARR Law ovorheso psimm us to sin you butler deal oresr Duikcr hes Duckworih so our I35 Ilnororo st am JDASHS EIeciricMolors loo mum 10 Ross 8L Barrie PHONE PA 315397 suu DENNIS MORA WATER DELIVERY AND SNOW PLOUGHINO cs drlvlways and burnos Ion rA was so Anus St South asrns 1110 COLLECTIONS No collection No darn Orson Bureau asrrls any as ssm RADIO TV TUBES Isstso me no ll Yolmszul ON Tasmanno Wurkhap open uu run pm hepIr an rsdios rysAnpu um nsoonl Blue Ill servicn call am up wIIhIn hum tho cuy mom counsel ama mu JERRYSAADIoTvEsuavIcn Wï¬ifllofl 11w mild louth Alllndlll mm mm ssuuuuiw orifier or nor an will in snow Imus mum mom DESTWCIIM WMIMAM if Business Sï¬rvicos STAN BRYSON mosmï¬on SERVICE Clspperlon St PHONE PA 5662 HTLYMWI NANCE solvice II in Phone PA smI on com lets ssw Serum Iuo suo I533 sud mlEMflO ms Irsntrcd Phons rA um on 5r wm sIzI1 mm Imilonl In on PAINTING AND Psyur llsnglns mWsunlnerenm in srsn Poona IPA Hm Businsss Opportuni ss RESTAURANT FOR SALE Fully stacked and equipped Bell 11 lncluflu booths And II stools room Iplrimenl shove Fullyr uculln Ill Mllunnl Tolteng nun phoas P0 susnil llnvlclJlAfloN or loss uwy IJ north Esme Plnlnchl os tsnos svsllsols or the right my for turmer loiormstlon write on 71 Drum or phone FAï¬ï¬illé Dogs Psi Stock THE FISHBOWL PETROOM 41 soon SET IPA mwolgcu AND oomnsu nus HAua CoflgLulggcm 06s SUPPLIES ay wuoos nIy noqusIo Longlua sna IumIIs arms Pups runsan Scotch Com sIou Phonl luoua 1111 no urn Setters Registered Chump on hrfldlns month old um nssIIh outset Cagliu lien or round one mviha 35ml 531 IEmploymenr 7A Help Wanied Male Male CAREER OPPORTU ITY For ssrmslvs youos moo Ex oeucot sovsnccoscor hucd on shIIIty Position ousrs nsbum sno security us well us All sm ploys beneals neéulrstnsnu 23 Is so yours or no hishuaoai mstnnulstlao making or ouuocss upcrllnol dsslnhls must solo Contact work shd hs shit to drive cor Visit or wrlls mpusmIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION marmo mo GRANT SQUAKE sm PHONE PA 85945 gt vAm CAREER OPPORTLJNITY Interunions srxsuunuoo IIss opso In representative In the suns Arei Is puhlio Contact work Involvlor ennui about the local dmrlct ApPlIcsnts murt or air show orsauszu Au ms mrs sud hm lisnulnontion ll hosed my sxpsom inchon In mssisrsplv so amines EXPERIENCED LATHE HAND OR MOLDMAKER wsuIo stun upcrisocu and hoinIy runs nlrpnted Apply For 70 Barrie Examine 7AIIIs youu no moot ntoyisrIlIrlyy clasnln Neilbill sill sue Apply nor cum ï¬r Employment 7AHelp Wanted WANTIDI Id im did portunlly or yssbroun inc flung Dre dotIll VIII lisu idolug Aaausslv Mr and huuolo Ill but sno shin Inset Apply to nos 77 Burris Exsmlnsl 1AuI norms BOY hctwssn is and 20 lull In Irllntl lor II Ion work one PA our sAuIt TBHelp Wanted Female ACCOUNTANT Au STENOGRAPHER wlrIlM immhdlstely or Antonia NI dlllonhlp in asssis hilly lpl Dd sutmnabll luounta lnl Imismd Exalllsnt rdmuarn IIoo to rim spvuesut Apply has 11 ssrrIc Inmlnsr laIIII YOUNG LADY 101 OOGHS Iir caption 1n snull modsm food WIDE shillly duties In VII ca Apply to no sums lx lulur 73JIII TELEPHONE IOIICHOH Wefllfla work Representing ll Glob In Ml Genexnusly slog Wllh gunan ee n7 usIrs mssyp onusiI pm mIsu JUNIOR CLEIIK steoomphsr re oulrcd uh lnsunncs branch omes ow dusts rots fin If net Iryel guts Bola In nigh 13min For SaII RepOSSessed TVS Bill to Illl Willi qusssiul IIII as repossessed TV sets Toronto Flnsnos compmy his rclrusrd Io sImllsr son to ho din pond at stsrtins SATURDAY JAN i7 SALE ENDS TUESDAY JAN III sums will be open until 10 pm each evening at as Mary SI II OI II II 11 Aoduon tsols nodal will mstchlnl hsssl blonds tshIs models wroulht on Is ssl 17 ouon din and TV combin on 21 gm hlsuoe tshls modsi I1 s1 IIsllicr mm min floor me out In Cos Col mhll lllu how sou sIIIou slim AND in bllutfllll unal uoo so sibnlulys In r1 nnhosuny In ii iii IMiiu3£Ii we or sailing gmsmTCuAnANrsm All NEW ssrs cAsn on mus ALL arrrs HAVE BEEN CLEANED av nAImr DEALERSWELCOME gt Asllll SCIAARY STREET or Inn l5 UPHOLSTERY AT IT FINEST gained at lsbrios IS no input woikodsmhio ctrrumour sosscuva on nrvies Crush moi Todsy Barrio rent is Awning in 34 Bnyneid SL slmt JONES USED FURNITUREu IsIlsaAIon hem Muonm ANnOUl runmsnmos Au psscsnmons Lsrgs tour lvsllljsldsl Ill moss muml rA Moss lt 4th Dflve rum FREE Filler Queen Health Unit FOR ONE DAY Now nu nor may FILTER QUEEN SALES X191 AVG PA sun tQll NEWSPAPER MATS Ides In mun In ImoIng 25c PER norm Apply sum Sumner In Cults km FUR COATS hm ouoahu or costs to and IsaI su Io sooo coo oiï¬oo Your causes or as minor son Iaapunlop wm PA om IIfltll TYPEWRITERS Alain Issohlou Dimdnt uses hon PC In its SOLD RENTED REPAIRED still Student Rental Rsta AR 11 CO hasrt PHON PA was DAY on Nle kmlunrrrls REPAIRS WASHERS AND DRYEIls REPAIRlt SERVICE Guaranteed service CRESI HARDWARE so nurzwr 81 EAST PA H156 31544 noon cum SAW good set or pipe linings tools shot gun nun suo Iovoly sump couccuo sruelu st Auos nsvldmns Mon murs south Luis Phone mo Non Lowu suIs no now snd rehuut Isns stock Sue opened repaired mhlnstion clunlzd Sm IAII mun illusory Owen amid phone use nunsoN Sell Cast so loom ma perfect cooomoo Phone PA will sIolo meme swvs automatic In In nonIsle Phons PA ohm sIIIs luvssue MDEEIIS 11 sule Thuo srsroslos as sown so no lurllllr llr mm ilk now 00 ILP 3mm 15 500 ML Also On Ben Automstle wssher In Al com Inn 000 Apply 11 8le ll won PA sssu auIs Non nnAou nuns usohloc roll Inn chesteflleld sois sur mnwmhxs°ii iï¬oï¬ or ivFm 84111 lav coflgdmlAflONm with spec In sysr maul In urchins uIIloo slaw Tvvs deollssm lsln Ii bureau Inge on wo sn Writ not 0on nim Iglécrcin CooIIstowo LIIla In warms mquE Room sun chairs Phone ISISï¬g aIms PM owes msshinu pomhm socio machines mo tension Ales sod urvlcs Gomoy rxsners st norrte huoc PA c4115 Box sac Smith rrons rcoresooutwe Mum ascx AGADI remindinl you um Eh II sh uwhocum Yum m5 oo no win no LURE ws dsrs uni su Is rllo phone or ash or 311 Amino floor non stou cw In no llsfmlulsIttmIsenl In excencnccmloluon on our PA 3760 you run us Phari Hm ID ILICTHOLUX Vacuum for or od condition Filter Quorn sslss sun olllu nAnYl COAT ehsreosl size IIIII grudlmanth agor1 muffle rc no or 51 I1Ill 8AFor Sale 0T Exchange MAPLE moms let uhlssnd Chairs vlsmry gosan auraIlsa Ilsa lmsle one Hug WANTED Set Firm Still with Elmo rain one Log pounds so mic sLIso Wanted normAI on in nod candl lion Phons was 491015 POPLAR and Elm Bolts orJundI IIwrbr sown cu no Phone aim us 91115 PIANO Wanted Will El essh Send lull details rcgsrdin hum manna price to Box 01 aurrls mmluox 94446 10 Form Supplss iOAlecStock Ior Sale xsolsrsnln LANnnAcs loAka Bunisnnln Lmdrscs months oldlt reuon Apply Hows at on Phant ID YORK 35m III In Rimluullivrlnn BAY MAns ruins vein Ind qulot Apply hell Iohnmo phone volsnus gowns loAIms Yonuumis BOAR ss onths old chains Homily morning grin Arms nil urc ooo ro lflIZlp IDCalmplqrnenis PA smzs no IOCmplemésis FARM SUPPLIS SERVICE awnmmw In AVE In PA lafl W41 IUDSeed and Feed IAIsII mas muons IOEePouihy Chicks BUY DEKALBCHIX THE PROFIT PULLET mmmmnniiow nu oususy tech wro€uction issuing Williamn united HUNIEllrS POULTRY FARM moon aismd pulleu animals Phansl 11 or wru or prim lotmu Rh MII 51 mg ts until no In surth romp momII Also hssvy cooluh so use AnniL Cc sumo rhoss rum IEll livs 13 Fruits and Vegetables APPLE BARN sIArmd mo cooxmn Am In Northern show Inc quoIoshfpioIrnsn s£uu CooktnslAvnIIJ walls River Cm berry ppm Am sum APPLE cmn HERMAN FETCH arias ovtn coolsinsrs VI II nut wood Inlnl EonIa mom 9A In on Arrqu Mars nsiiiiolu unsu lnll Snows Bells Fleur Ollllly or sr is1353 Home Improvements INIULATIDN Tho blowing Io lhdd WI Inc No noekwoolsu intuit0d Lot us lvs you Muir Airtlls In lulltlon nvnnntluvm Phons Ill unsung IOIHH 15 Losi qnd Found snarl Buck Lshnnor Rm 1qu punbred Inllll l0 Binnie months old It tron vmonr sh Wsdns sy lunoh mmPilots PA Mm 11134 16 Personal MARVIN an MI No Thorn ton will no moooslhls Ior ï¬yhogfhgylnclhï¬rdv In my nsmr on esossn on Wig2011mm Isss VIE415d mus I6A Womans Corner DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL In COLLIER or Try one at our Pemsnsnu cosm and Ellis or Inn utrrspeclsl Commas GUARANTEED IO Pumas en an 631m ondsv to PHONE PA res IdA Hum MILLINERY BII II All test nducsd he Jill rick sum as Mspls Avon He 84 nAmnnssslnLsoIs at reinlfgelaayggrnr ill rlciIrII as svulluhlc Pliers usos971n IsAIsds I9 Legals puouc Nasser and llLLsv roll mania or WIsandman 7h TOWNSHIP OF ESSA PART OF ESSA STREET VILLAGE OF ANGUS Nona ls bar by men last the Council at tho orponiion or the Township or an ropoxcs Alter the senond dry at shru so onus Ins dues or the counc meet log or the month or Februnry 1957 mu hep Ih onto or am publlosuon sort up at this notice In past swiostop and close hs on or Auhurn Street In IllIre oi Anzu Iyluz south or the southerly no or Iar°lia rn on rec ordins tmrgirtend Plan In Illd sumo ooovsIIsncs us Iiito strut owosrs Ihs Bylsw sno ducrI usn ow winds to ho sgi ectednny seen st my olfico Lu myholne In Thornton DomIo In tho Township of Em The Council qu bur Iopmon ur his or her oouosrl Trent or so lcltur any error who um that hum Joel suds In pro udlclhlly affected by tho ssIa By and who league to ho hum Dated this It day in mumI her Am use NOIMAN oxwosm Clerk oi the rows In olfsslï¬ one month tram A0 Tenders cm In RCMP division lncoillwli nT Hill mm on In to as Km all ml It 21 Austion Sols AumoN sguuruuli sues If In so no 11 miles north oi ha os kidney 53 Hatcth son Home Quarrels NANCY CLEAVEI growing up together dron need to learn not the blalcaunltunmdllldls sly to be harmsd or is in danger of being of nouns home where there is cautious bickering is most un lssssnt plscs and not IExaminer Wéni Ads DiaI PA 42414 OTTAWA CPI llls broad scope oi royal tour sscurity has been assigned to Auislsnt Com missioner Douglas Forrest curing the Queenssaieiy during hsr sixweek summer tour of Ca nada The job In hogan Jon is listed as royal visit pisnning and isl duties it rsngss from acting traiiic to hoping re porirrs in lios Security Inssns morsthao os suring the solely of tho Queen the assistant commission said in on inmvisflfllt nIssns seelt ing that her trip is both conI iortsbls snd mo of smbsrrsss mu VANIEIY DUIINI Ha will be concsmod with timing of ma and multitude rolsisddo tails working in operailon with local and provincial cs Scotland Yard security cars the armed servch andduring the St Lawrence Seaway opening Lhellnited states Secrrl Sam mm cammluxoou rot rs whohrs bun in chargs oi movslnsnis gave this pictureoi hIa orgsnln Lion Direcï¬vst irolmhim to safety and other aspects oi ths tour willrbeicarnw tlu Al the loosi=lsval flow con on local pison mus sod they willxdo most at III ialled winIii Itsounas simple mind It thatw llesald adrï¬ng mly too uniplojpsrhapslh Assistant Commissioner Fol rest born gloronlé so years agois man with silvering hair ru pcongplexion andn iIsblt off out over his pi guesilons the QIIeonsYoihsr beheaded 0118 RC Albertas Jasper wherethe partyspen Ignllht VIn1o5iwhen tho toured CIIIIEdIIIBuI sauna wr csalatanbcbmnussion vigil youngbs chil dun should not always cloth RCMP oliiasr charged with en this crowd control ihs split sscond Wm table lithosphere for chlldren Sons and daughters Issra mm iroIn usmpls than by direct inching mother and isthor ls slung ably with iew tliis tho chi In likely to iollow their land Psb oats cannot be too careful to hsvs united iron and not tska sidss in childrens quarrsls alslnst Ch oihsl Mother sod Visthsr will likely realize that thsro are certain sit ustions which seem to movers ii is bstwsen ihslr chllarsn marsh oi toys ths pos ssssloo oi cothos allowing schedule ths relationship with otharpeopls srs Ill hot spots Psrsnts osa avoid many minor wsrs bstween thsir children it csrtslarules srs rosaniuflspd ioliowsd all oi ths msmbsrs oi lhsi Each child should have his own plsythings sud an other child has no right to touch thsm without the owners per mission nsspeci or oynershlp oi articles of clothing is also important Tho ed in handmedowns Rs nssds new shoes now cost or dress or suit occasionally to en courage prlde In his own up pearanos In tho ismlly routine tho younger child must accept tho Ne hss been attending plsnolng matings under Lhasa Graham roysl tour conInsis sloner snd mostly listening st stsgs lie ssidhs dossnit know how much prrtour invol ling he will do himself but think you can assume thatmoat oi the route will probsblybe gone over baiorrhsod SPECIAL ESCORT Ii put practice is followed As slstant CommisslooesFansst and uclsl personal escort of six or severioeloctsd RCMP person nel will travel with ills Queen and Primes Philip In ml as gesture of unicornIsmael tho RCMP group canalt her sil the my back to London 0n tho ssisty upeol Alsisiant Commissioner Forrest we th mink WIWIIIM II ws ave co do Plslnclothss dotsils wilrbc 7er Ion Keith Lees visited with his Iatlserat the Toronto General Hospital on Friday Glsd its report Leesls improving sitar hisrecenl stroke mls WAV will most st the home Mrs McLeané Wed nesday January pan call mmeJ eras wit nisht and Edgar resulted in tls of Fans ssw pienty at so all in Orllll birth Hm of Dslstnn visc issgg gariigrig Liner squabbla ilu hidden underlying reason may childrens qusmls child Certain at porch 85 ie St in the Holly circle on the shoulder tho sown Is to by hubby mm or isction to attention from moths and dsd have is the has mod Iumlor tils isvsr cl SUNNIDIIIE Reg Mchbb sticndsd tho Milk Producers convention in the Royll York Hotel Toronto lsst wsslr Mrs Mchhb wss essot at the banuet with or hushsnd also McFarlsne WTS autosud Hurry lsm Im in were Sunday visitors with their gnndpsrents Hr sod Mrs Fred Mornions Hugh Fishsr Mr sod Mrs Bob Craig sod boys St nor Sundry evening wi Mr go Mn Ivan Ilsrvsy sud ism Owlng to wuthsr condition Jsfksmuke Wont will hqd non moo on Monday January II at tho homo of Mrs lug mum Following the business and dis cussion period Mrs TE lor ulssder sud Mrs hsln asst who had attendd the Local Leadsrflhinlng gram lhs Ihlrd Mosl in St or gsvo dam lion what happened on tho ï¬rst duy when Miss Msry Wright Home Foo slid Nils Isobel Wiohrrt of 10 onio mice were In charge RCMPWOIIIcerfHas charge Of QueensSdfety OI Tour of tho precautionarym Isss but there are others For example the RCMP may suggest to local planning group ihst the tentative routing through the community should avoid certain nsrrow straet heavilypopulated sector wider thoroughiars nearby Is avoidcrowd congestion TIMING IMPORTANT Pisclse timing of movmil hrs to beisciiitsud so that or rlvsl points can be roped oi no menu boiorshsnd doors opoosd on who olevators ready sad so an Th head security oiiicor said hc knows of no attempt ovs madHr contemplatedoh tho life of rayRy in Canada Hahn unipolar none this am But there have been humorous cases when ovsruslqus onlook ers corried1be and the urn Eons lbopugddsm Iiiilyll protocol Ive our guards In thrust oossfgsynm or other giiis on royal visitors What can you do about 4mm acts oi enthusiasm would ducal rest Inhls view preCsutloos that could prevent such lm rom acts at enthusisrns woul est the purpose of the ï¬vislt itseil NEW LOWELL Miss Msrgsrst Bliss Ill Moose Factory Indian hospllII is spending some thus with her psisols SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING The Unitsd Churchlundsy school held their Annual Insets In Fsilowshipdlsillsn 10 ports wore given solo lows moan Mrs lilode tPstto missioner Mrs Iomgrsnce missills one prs Ind Meson to help tho scher sod pupils gloom were installed