Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1959, p. 3

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aMore Complete Muculd fcrmhg tin in his address to the Kiwanis and Officials Monday at Com munity House statistician of the Foundation had computed the relationship be tween revenui from prop erty taxes and total expenditures for municipal Purposu includhg provincial and other wants an including educational expendi For decade we have been proportion of the municipal tax load Mr Robertson declared our computetions drawn from Dominion Bureau and Bank of Canada indicate that the trend ls contrary In 1945 for all Canadian munici palities taxes based on the own ushlp of real properw reprwb ed 61 per cent of total municipal revenues including provincial education grants By 1956 real property taxes were down to 51 per cent of the total in Ontario the comparative figures are at per cent for 1545 Ind 55 per ceohfor 1956 So there would seem to be some foundation for saying that in relative terms the burden of the real property taxhos been de creasing rather than increasing Mr Robertson said But again who is to say at this time whether the present situation is the correct or desirable relationship POLITICAL LIMIT Municipal oliicials in seeking assistance say the real property tax has reached his limit of use fulnm This statement is usually qualified to the effect that it has reached its political rather than its economic limit It might be said that the present degree of exploitation of the real property tax is one of the underlying issues in inter governmental discussions Sena ior governmentsappear for from convinced that municipalities are using the real property tax base to its full advantage While no one at the higher levels has come right out and said so there appears to be an attitude of dis belief towards municipal repre sentations that the real property tax has been fully exploited The attitude seems to be that many of the cries about the burden of the real property tax are liar ratepayer oonsinnption only and thatmunicipalitiu generally should put their own houses in order before seeking further assistance Mr Robertson discussed only one aspect of municipal financ ingthe future of the real prop arty tax it is clear that the City of Barrie is interested only in the broad aspects for within the framework of the present tax structure this municipality is in an enviable position NONPROFIT GIT Canadian Tax Foundation is nonprofit organization estab llshed in 1945 by joint action of the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Policies and affairs are governed solely by board of governors drawn equally from the two sponsoring professions andfrom all prov inces No financial assistance ls solicited or accepted from governments There is total direct and indirect membership of more than 2600 individuals and companies The Founda tion conducts independent tax research through staff and nub side experts commissioned for special studies DEFENCE SPENDING Current level of defence ex penditures by the federal gov ernment totals about billion dollars Mr Robertson pointed out This figure is roughly cquivalentto estimated annual expenditures current and capi tal of all municipalities in Can ads This comparian illustrates the burden of our defence re quirements which account for some 327 of all federal ex penditures it is fair to say that if mum cipal taxes appear which the DECISIONS WILI min on BREAK Theannual Kiwanis civic nigbt starts council off rich Mayor remarks Monday at Commun fly Housd What of the future of Bar rie The decisions we will have in make this year will affect thefuture of our com munity They could make or break our novelty We are rightly proud of our past But we should not de plore the passing of Barrie as stowlimo clty His Worship congratulated the Kiwanis Cl their with its pment deficit of been changes in favor of the provid oea or municipal governments at this time No PROVINCE HELP Nor are the previous in any position to provide much more help Revcnu of the in pro vinoes will fall short of expul dituru by $174 million this some burdens from municipal shoulderk if there are any tax increases at the higher levels of govern ment they will be to provide funds for the present and grow ing commitments the senior governments and not for any appreciable increase in aid to the municipalities at this time Mr Robertson declared It is pleasant although perhaps point bss to contemplate what re moval of international tensions could mean if all the defence expendl lures became unnecessary even threeway split of the money now spent for defence could in crease the amount available to municipalities by third without additional taxation Just about onethird is about equivalent to twothirds oi all real property bases collected annually in Can FEND FDR SELF The foregoing indicates that for some time to come prob ablyaslongasournec ary defence commitments rema high and at least until some permanent federalprovincial un derstandings are reached mun icipnllties will have to fend largely for themselves Mr Rob ertson believes llie real property tax is one area where in the main muni cipalities can take steps to as sist themselves without waiting for possible readjustments of re sponsihilities and revenue sour one among the three levels at government And if protection of municipal autonomy is really desirable then every avenue should be ex plored which might bolster it NEED 1th CDURAGE Senior government officials and others who are not within breathing distance of ratepay ers are apt to say perhaps un fairly that little courage on the part of elected municipal officials in simply raising the level of real property taxes would do wonders to strengthen municipal financial positions And there is no doubt some truth in this assertion Thisisnotinanywaytoaug gest that tasconscious councils should give up the annual fight to stretch the tax dollar by more judicious spending It is clear that with so many fixed expeu ditures over which councils have little or no control there is lit tle room to manoeuvre In fact small tax cuts occasionally are often theonly real indication taxpayer has oftbe efforts and abilities ofhis mayor and coun But minor taxicab at the ex pense of services orthe failure coinssense taxes adequately to permit the extension of essential services can be fraudon the taxpayer whether he realizes ll or not Ono example isin the provision of proper tactic art cries The taxpayer may pay the price of poorly maintaineo or inadequatemoads many times over in the price of gasolins and lost time alone BEST AND SUREST TAX Despite its many drawbacks the real property tax remains perhaps the best and surest to base for municipal revenues cularly from an adminis stsndpoint One of its major drawbarks which has been accentuated by urban growth and expansion is the ar fificiallty of municipal boundar ies This upsets vthe relation shipbetweenthe location of as sessable property and services But surely this drawback can be overcome by the realization on the part of taxpayers and municipal officials allke that there is nothing sacred about municipal boundaries and thal they should be changed as often as is required to keep reason able balance Theltother ap proach isby metro systems in this area municipalities can take stepsrnow to adjust bound aries asBarrle has done with out waiting for Ottawa and tilt provincial capitals to reach agreement Such changes of boundaries do not infringorcal municipal autonomy and metro systems are somewhat of an adaptation of the county councll system with which weare all familiar do not intend to suggesl thattliereal property tax is the only proper munlclpal tax but sincezthere isfevery Vindica tion that it will be the main Utilize lion Real Property Tcix Needed 3mm His onscrrmmnn Just WI old as fullfiddled Ellfinalisin Whoamaths So laid Ronald Robertson of the Canadian Tex Parod atlon in his address to the Kiwanis Club on Monday Your population has al most doubled in 10 years whlle Wt has more than tripled True the civic debt has risen but it still no irisins at very comfortable figure $14972 capita Of the no Ontario cities Barrie ranks about 10th in per rapitn debt The rate ofBarrlea in dustrial expansion is certain ly the envy of other municip alitics understand that of your 22 major industries have moved here isle in addition to your ma terial advantages you al ready have the most iodern form of municipal govern meat in the Manager Sys mu lt Barrie appears to be well armed to meet future prob lems of growth it speaker concluded for long time can be done to adjust it to present day needs Mr Robertson asked SOME SUGGESTIONS One of the chief factors which make the real property tax so unpalatable is that it is payablo in three or four large instal ments You can picture the storm of opposition there would be to the income tax or even the gasoline tax if the payroll dev ductions or pay as you drive features were not present and as large amounts of cash bad to be paid at one time or even ntthroegrfourtimesintho year Would it be administratively possible to have monthly instal ments for real property Itaxesl Could more be done to sell tho ratepayer on valuereceived ben fifit from the municipal faxdol Take educetion costsusually the largest singleitem it is doubtful if our average weekly tax bill for education would pay for baby sitter for one day for one child let alone the ser vices of qualified school too cher Garbage collection rates street lighting snow removal sewer charges if expressed in monthly amount would prob ably open our eyes to the bar gain we get in municipal servi cos No other level of government has so much to show the tax payer for the taxes he pays INCREASE TERMS it has also been suggested recently that one of the best ways to get city fathers to take firm and aggressive approach to the revenue problem would be to increase their terms say to about five years With such atermiherelwould be time for bold planstobe completed and for ratepayers to see the bene fits of necessary tax increases What then can be done to modernize the real property tax Can anything be done to over come another drawback its fail are to reflect price changes quickly enough This perhaps could be achieved if we were to attach the assessment base to general index which would automafically reflect changes in value of property Increasing assessment while holding the mill rate is sometimes termed devious device to increase taxes Hut need it be devious If done and properly explained this would not arise Assess Vacrues venue The assessment act of Oct tario for example provides that land shall be assessed at its actual value While the courts have been asked to interpret this term on numerous occas ions the decisions taken as whole indicate that nmucbclo her relationship between market value and assessed value could be achieved without any change in law in Ontario Of course the main thing is that all prop erties in municipality be as sessed evenly in relationship to one another so apartfrom the psychological effect on the tax Every drunken GENEBOUS RESPONSE For every dollar we spend on SHOULD RETURN SCHOOL The Area Two Board are bold ing back on their decision as to how many room they intend to place in their proposal until it has been ascertained if there will be satisfactory bid for the present school Whether the Community Hall Board has made an offer or will do has not been divulged However why the taxpayers of the Strand section who are the same as those who have to re pay any debenture which may be added to their taxes to buy or build new Communiw hall should notbe handed back the Etroud school which the area Board got paid for in full The balance of the debenture which was then outstanding was paid of by the section ratepayers so that it went over to the urea fully paid for an that it is to be abandoned we for one can not soe any reason why it should not come back to these same ratepayers They could by placing the old hail beside the school for Me of dancingeasily adapt the building and property for the use of community activities They might be in position to rent some portion of the build ing so that they would have sufficient revenue to take care of the heating and caretaking expenses Another WIN in which themed of an assembly ball darge en ough to seat an audience like full area school program or public speaking contest would be to have this embodied into the plans for the new school Speaking of school plans let us hope that there will not be another type of hdildingwished on the school children and their followers like the recent build ing at TollondabMinets payer it wouldnt seem to mat ter whether assessed values are 10 or 80 of the market val us since the difference can be made up by varying the mill rate The achievement of closer relationship between actu al and assessed values is the first step towards reformed real property tax An important argument for keeping assesanients asvclose as reasonablyvpossiblorto the high percentage of market value is that the impact and inequities of unavoidable errors in assess ments are Municipalities may even liud themselves not having to take the distasteful step of raising the miilrete just tokeap up if assessments were adjusted nub omatically on some reasonable predictable basis known to the electorate Council members still would nl be in the same position as their federal brothers Because of progressivejncnmaios rates federal authorities can watch revenues increase fnstu thnn increases in personal incomes without havingto increase and sometimes evenwhile decreas ing terntes But they would be closer to that position More complete utilization of the real property tax would place municipalities in much better bargaining position with senior governments when future discussions of the realignment of tax sources and responsibilh ties take place Thursrloy Nighf is Kiimnen Bingo Night °DDFIII°WS IIAII slices Janis8 20 canons SHARE WEALTH $20000 JAOKPOI GAME Doors open at elves so errantgroup It the new so Pauls school Jen Mr and Mn We Stunden Cathy and Mrlnd Mn Wench The steel work which supports the roof is all exposed below the room ceiling and is altogeth er unslghtly for children to have to sit under and look at day oft cr day The public should be given an portiinity to see some of the 001 plans before they are ad opted has been matter we have log chains that might be more always felt would help hi mak sure to meet with general ap proval With hundreds of new schools under construction one woui think the Department would have many plans which would have cost record with them so that alitbe danger of mistakes would be eliminated snow Pnowmcjeunen Some of the roadsin the west part of the township are get ting difficult to keep open Most of this drifting which stays on the roads comes at places where obstructions are left which hold the snow on the roads Year after year himdreds of dollars are spent in additional snow plowing which could be routine if it were not for the heng rows rail fences and other obstructims that cause the snow to dropby the wind on the roadway drive down the 8th line the pavedlroad will show that someon along the north side ofthe road would remove most of the obstrucuons that are caushig the drifting Much of the pavement is here but where these trees and fences hold the snow the need for clearing or snow fence is quite apparent The latter is not full guarantee as the fence soon becomes cov ered over with snow However as well as criticism we should shower little praise on the roads department for the splendid job they have done aron the churcliesnnd public buildings These have all had good cleanngback and until they blow in again are certainly much easier vfor those attend ing meetings Parking of cars on the driv ing portions of the road is an offence against township by law This is not only at night butany time The big plows are seriously hampered wh they come along to vehicle that has been left on the plowed portion It leaves place unplowed that could cause dangerous hazard to the next night driv er who comea over the bump In West Gwilluhbury the township equipment will open lanes at minimum cost of $500 which is the cost of an hours work we have always maintained that when plow piles drift across laneway the same outfit should at least nose into it and open back the drift they placed there When living on the highway we spent many hours throwing out salt frozen Canow that the highway plorw had deposited for at least ten feet back into our drive way Had we died in the effort we doubt if the Min isterfiof Highways would have sent flowers COUNCIL INAUGURAHON We have received belated invitation to be praent at the inaugural meeting of the Innis fii township council on Monday The meeting was changedfrom wefirst Monday of the month which is the date set by byiaw for the meetings of council We North Bay mend Kirk field toth Mr and Mn Wil liam Alexander and family clowns Mr and Mn Dicker have returned home from visiting with Mr and Mrs Dymond and girls in Buffalo Mr and Mrs Lee are spending some firm in Tomato Mr Lees is patient in Toronto spared BospitaL Hope for recovery Keith and Allan lees visited on Saturday in Toronto Mr and Mrd Kahlil nag family spent New cars with Mr and Mn Delbert chkling in Barrie Christina visitors with Mr and Mrs Partridge were Mr and Mrs Handy Jr and family of Dalston Mr and Mn Partridge and Wendy of Bar rie and Mr and Mrs Part ridge Christmas Visitor with All Hutchinson were Mr and Mri Len Hutchinson of StuCathnrv isles Mr and Mrs Bartholo mew and family of Guthrie Mr and Mrs Ed Hutchinson and family Mr and Mrs Charles Simpson andfamlly spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Kidding at Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Vio May spent New Years with Mrand Mrs Della May at Scarboro Mr and Mrs in Cairns spent New Yeeidswlth Mr and Mrs Seminars and family at Crown HiiL Mrs Home of Crown Hill at holiday at the home of and Mrs May Pllger Coopers Falls visited recently with her dough tor Mrs Ed Hutchinson Mr and Mrs William Poole of Pbelpston visited recently with Mr and Mrs Hutchin son Mr andMls Bruce Storey of got the official information of this change when we read an advertisement in our paper in the maritime we hadac cepted invitations to attend sim llernieeting in Bradford which following the inauguration will be joint dinner meeting of Bradford and West Gwllhnnbury members and their guests However we have arranged to have substitute attend the in uisfiimeetlngnnd get us notes on the affair which will include dinner served by theLadles SLPauls Church Dmisfil We hope to bring you the story of the affair later Woiwill bein on the afternoon business ses sion SPEAKING 0F DRESS Wehndavlsitfromanedit or from amiss country He came to Barrie with one ex Press dressed citizens just what well dressed man should wear He sure had himself well dressed when We walked down the main street beside him we did feel that the alleged state mentabout the drath dressed lpeople of the small places like Barrie had point we could not dispute Of coursetho well dressed person we allude to was none other than the much quoted urpose to show the drab quNawYurIlfi rdmhm MrsEthellleyno1dsVlllfi Bobby spent few days with relatives at Toronto Fifi uh will eye or Alllslon Mr and Mn James Gleadall and son Billie of Goldwater vis lted with Mr and Mrs Player Dr Ind Mrs Hnrylo have left for holiday on Carrlbean crulge MINESING Both Revs Vinet and Doundy returned home to resume their services last Sunday Rev Mr Vinet was visiting in Montreal and Rev Mr and Mrs Bonndy in Ottawa Miss Lynda Thaw and her bro 35 it 333 ron Wi gran ntl after mum and spent the holidays with them Richard Chappel of Melton vis lted withbis cousin Brian Foy ston during the holidays Mr and Mrs Nell Kennuw entertained their parents bro theis and sisters on New Years Day Wayne Brian and Murray Johnston remained to spend few days with their cousins the Kennedy boys Mr and Mrs Roger Gillan have returned home after spend lhngna week with friends in De Miss Mary Johnston ofvan couver daashter of the late Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston spent few days with Miss Bernice Young and her uncle and aunt Mus andMrs George John Word wpa received by Staan Mfikoll Christos evening of the sudden death ofhis aunt Mrs William Jelly of New Llak card She was known to her friends here as Lucy Littlejohns Mrs lelly had joined with her family at Christmas dinner but passed away suddenly in the afternoon She was buried at New Liskeardon Saturday De cember Mr and Mrs Douglas Wilson and baby Wayne spent last week visiting the formerfs parents Mr and Mrs Wilson at Sunlt dridge Graham Downerd of Drillia spent last week with his fiend fir PA54427SQ5 OWEHp editor of the Durham Chron icle George Cadogan LIKES EXAMINER DAILY Christmas letter we had gt from an Inniafll resident now living in Miami says that he Examiner cinily Innisfil every an Notes which he realizesYnnist mean more work for tbowriter COUNTY NEWS paints Mr and MAR firMm on or is as It Henry Neufelds stomp M5 inas Eve The lucky winner of the ilolbasket of groceries was Mn Clilford Etna of Lonsdalu Ave sudbury and the basket was won by Mrs Edna Mar shall in Victoria St Orillil The draw realised over $56 Miss Agnes McMahon Mist luyoe Jsmorey and Miss Esm Johns Toronto were visitor withMranerslrwinMv Mahon over Christmas The Womens institute hold December meeting at the hall Timed 30th with good at tendance Mrs McArthur and Mn Gm were the bonuses Motto Christmas is the thul for open house and the open heart Roll call favmltr hobpy together with an on change of gifts program was provided by the 4H girls Mfl lermey Mrs Lornp John ston Mrs Pugsley and Mn McEvoy were food conveners There were six tables of cards allied at the hall Friday even Miss Jones Shanty Boy and Hart were high scores Mrs Dove and Kendall lmr will will be rty ere car pa Friday Jan and benefit cord party for retarded children Good prises are being donated for this good cause Color Advertisinng Used More Widely MONTREAL CmRoy Print director of technical manreb far the American Newspaper Publish err Association said Monday night newspaper vertising in color will in the ntura he the rule rather than the exception Speaking at the Montreal Club of Printing House Craftsmen at in opening of Montreals annud Printing Week he said the riot in use of color has been too ular InRkilnoftliarprcss colorhadvertin dailynewspapcrs as in than doubled since 1951 he snim Ooe of our lawcost poll oies protects you against financial losses due of theft Find cubism anufi it now Come in orphons We handle ALL types of insurance coverage cumulus Insurance Agency plum er in 3mm resms

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