get playdowns St Thomas White River put the commnniw in bella podtion to deal with prospective oommerciai enterprises the Reeve felt lnaugttratim meeting of the Bradford Village unmcil took place in tho council chambers Monday with number of the town dignitaries present Reeve Arthlir Evans and the present Warden of the county withhis counell weregim the oath of office by clerk Marjorie Davis The council consists of Reeve Arthur Evans Colmctllors Mrs Margaret Fall loo Maga mi lred Cook and Brut Stewart Mr Cook returned to council after years since his previous service The Reverend Norman Will iams minister of the Bradford Presbyterian Church officiated as representative oi the church es feelit is real privilege on behalf of the Presbyterian Church to come here and address you ln Romans 13th chapter we have the apostle Paul writing back saying that civil govern ment should be respected Let every soul be subject to their powers he told his countrymen We may feel that our cam paign was our glory but the pow ar is ordered by God You Will answer to God for the things you do and for the things left undone The blessings of God comes spon taneously and cannot be given or wished on yo YEAR AHEAD Reeve Evans outlined some of the projects that were facing the 1959 council The chief of that was the crectlonol new muni cipal building Plans had been looked over and the matterwould come up for discussion early in council We need more accommoda tion all along the line Our town machinery stands outside the year round our fire equipment needs new home Our office staff and the police are crowded into small space and cannot Bantam Stars Oust Midgets Barrie Legion Bantam Adi tars defeated Petalborough dgeta last night at Barrla Arena to win the playoff round 54 Score of lastnlghts game was +2 Wayne Latour Conrad Ma loney Ryan and Lewis scored for the winners Richardson and Saunders scored for Peter borough In the other round of the mid st Catharines won the round 105 with 72 victory over St Mikes lhompson and Brady had two goals apiece for St Catharines Dougherty Thuriow and Shane non scored singletons Lowry and Hines scored for St Mikes are an gion game the ï¬nals Tomato leads the juvenile roundrobin series by virtue its victory over Camp Bor den On Friday the Toronto team wtih record of 11 plays Canadiens Corby Adams scon ed two goals for Toronto Ken Keast and GeorgeBowman had singles Brennan Hamilton and msseau scored for Camp 3w Wishes lialre Erie Lake Huron Niag ara and Lake Ontario regions Windsor London Toronto and Hamilton Mostly cloudy today and Thursday Some light rainor freezing drizzle tonight colder with few scattered snow flurrles Thursday afternoon or evening Winds light been northwesterly 20 by Thursday aft crnoon wilaiiburton NorthernGeorgian Bay and Kirkland Lake regions North Bay and Sudbury Cloudy with occasional light snow today and Thursday likely mixed with freezing drizzle tonight Hulls milder today colder again Thurs day Winds southerly is today northerly 15 to 20 Thursday Forecast Temperatures Lowstonight Highs Thursday 30 Windsor should get under way while the school buildings were not yet In need of expansion as that would probably take all their funds WATER anonum We have to put the braku on expansion of new subdivisions where the promoters have not in stalled allthe facilities We have water problem which is yet un solved althougb we are now drill ing one of several tat wells and this one is five miles awaywhicll will mean considerable expense if it does come in We cannot supply more water to more home than we have al ready until we get more plenti full supply He said the planning and dc Vciopment board would be asked not to approve plansthat did not provide all the facilities We have need of more in dustry and until we get thiswe are out of balance and must get more employment for our in crease in population he added Ha later mentioned that an in dustry was now endeavoring to CITY COUNCIL BIRTHDAY PRESENTATION Evans QC who is so licitor for both the municipalitia had birthday that day he was surprised by big cake being set helm him then Reeve Hero Hughes presented him on behalf of both groups with living room ash tray set Mr Evans stated his pleasure with the gift and hit that his 89thblrthdaywasonatobeweli remembered The dinner was attended by of ficials of both Bradford and West Gwillumhury including some of the past members of both coun ciis West Gwlllumbury council con sists of Reeve Herb Hughes Wil trod Kneeshnw Ted Edwards Stanley Cairns and Bill Scotch the latter marsh land reprc aentative COMMITTEES Finance Committee one Marselius and Wilson Pnbllc wm Committeet Cooke Churchill 012 Williams and Hmbly Fire and Traffic Committee Williams Srnlth Newton and Hersey city status Cooke Williams Kinzia and Special Building Byhw Marselius Gencnl Government Committee Mayor MorrowAid Williams The name of Smith Monow0D Wilson Zoning and Planning NWlw Churchill NEWtonrJ Williams Hersey and Klnzle Aid Ald Lester Cooke Joliitte on the Court oiRevision was sub lect to his acceptance substituted for that of Griffin alter Ald Newton had called attention to the in had been nominated for several other bodies that Mr Grif do believe we have great deal of talent in this city and dont think so many appointments shouldgo to one man the alderman declared APPOINTMENTS T0 BOARDS Appohrtments were made to the various boards Commissions attended and other governing bodies as follows BDCCJ Harris ayrs appointed at December meeting Griffin yr Dr Johnston yrs Robert Sar jeant yrs Pratt yr Barrie Public Cameron yrs Barrie City Phnning Board Soon yrs MacDonald LyrsPeterMills3yrs FWChurchili1yr Market Committee Aid Williams yr Ruddiclr Bibby yr Barrie Board of Park Management Griffin yr BinassyrsJMMills1yr Barrie Arena Commission Mayor Kinzie yr1Ald Williams yr Ald Newton lyr TaxPayer It Golds yr TaxPayer Mclurk yr lnrrle Community Associationr Ald AS Morrow Mrs LEMLeedslyrWJCraig1yr Banla Chamber of commerce Smith yr Aid Wicclyr Barrie Recre lion Committee Aid Williams Lyn Aid Wica mi yr Petrirnoulx yr Lapp yrs Helen Spanis 3yrs BessieClemnlens yr Barrie Citizens Band Ald Hamb Aldro Waliwin yr 1y Civil Defence Aid Churchill lvyr Ald ER Mars sfllus gt1 yr Barrie Electrical Connactors Association Beckettv yr Murphy in Butler yrJ Lil Partridge yrs Joliiffe yr AidE Hersey Brennanlynx Paddlson 31 Mills E535 it the jurors including two women thrown Attorney William lhmnp son requested several of the others be to stand aside ection 0f the pay was made after twodoun pert on had been presented for swearing First witness for the crown Mrs Margaret Cadcaux told the court presided over by Mr Jus tice Barinwnshe was married in am but was not now living with her husband She had six children in the evening of the 16th she went to nearby hotel for drink and there met Laws She said it was Lawa who made motto like her inviting her for drink to which she agreed Later she returned to theBrad lorfl Street address and Laws walled for her in the house alter which they drove to hotel Some time later alter closing time Laws Mrs Cadeaux and other persons left the hotel They went to the hotels parking lot where witness was sick Shc entered car After pause to change drivers the car went for distance and she said stopped outside town The two men with whom she was occupy ing the car one of whom was Laws took her into the bushes and the oliencu occurred there 60 T0 SHACK Later sha was driven to rall way level crossing and walked Alliston Police Chief Robert Hall was dismissed from his dul Council held yesterday after noon The meeting was held in camera and was closed to the press with having made no arrange ments to police the Town of Al liston from pm on the night of Deceinbel 19 until am on morning of December so second charge stated he was id ling on duty on December 20 and had taken no action to dir ect trafï¬c at Allistons main in tersection when the traffic lights failed twice on the day of Dec ember 20 third charge resulted from the first two the Colmcil chargg ing that the chief had failed to perform his duties as police officer in not seeing that the Town was properly policed and initaldngno action when the traf fic control system broke down The Chiefwasacqualnted w1th the councilsdeckion by John Bowermall solicitor for the Town The Chief of Police was pres ent atail of yesterdays hearing 11 whmmselmgeswerainidbo Barrie PostjcllCler1ltI Barrie postal clerk Chester Marleanhas come up With suggestion which has been approved by the post of fice and will probably save hun dreds oi man houraof work in post offices throughout Canada annually While airnple the Barrie pos tal clerks suggestion for faster means of cancelling re directed and undeliverable let ters won for him certiï¬cate Receives Idea ming of award from the Suggestion Award Board of the Public Ser vice of Canada and cash award of$34 The framed certificate of award snda cheque was tend cred Mr Nineteen at pleasing ceremony in Barrie post office on Monday with Barrie post aster Tom Kerr and Di Email area superintendent for the post office presiding and dozen of Mac Leons colleagues on the staff It was the first such award won tilt 115 in Toronto Trenton St Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Kiliaioe Earlton Sudhury North Bay Kapusltasing seesecesasss icosaheescnasaa pleasure to participate in such by Barrie postaipesnployee but several suggestions have mm mm Pmen been ttlrned lnby theatalf The postmaster said it was were in avnosition Zose to the ceremony and that he was meat where they could conga gratifiedthat Mr Madean had up with suggestions to improve succeeded in presenting sug th gestioa found to be of value to the post offiw In his presentation address after which he turned certiii eate and che winner front as hadheendone prev Fluell pointed out to the ar lonely saved tbcpostolfi00 Anna surnamrsunnm detailed work of the depart lar Award tation to posts Clerk Cheater MacLenn left This new procedure enabled ge volumes of these letters to be put through the cancelling machine insteadof being handv stamped Postmaster Toni Kerr yand Mr Fizzell explained after the presentation ceremony mit use of return was placed on the front of the envelope since it would destroy the previous Mellon lea effective February 15 by ing special meeting ofAliiston Town He was charged presslonwwith th years ments by Laws and Val Boom were read Laws statement da scribed hiving out of the town and subsequent events Ver Boom who was amted at Whitby laid in his statement he had nitth andawoman in hotel laughed and fooled arolnld and driven them out of town He lclt thunnt raillt road crossing Dr Sharp Medical Director for the Attorney Generals lab oratory for Ontario testified he had recdved the clothing earlier said by Mrs Cadcaux to have been worn by herself on the night of the alleged offence and gave evidence of nominations made Mrs Joan Seiiberg told how she saw Mrs Cadeaux on the morning of October 17 liter cost was torn shawas soaking wet she was all muddy and there ware no shoes on her feet she declared She could nt speak She was shaking all over Alter short recession by the judge to consider legal argu ment from oppodng counsel MrsSellberg continued her evid ence describing how she had been told by Mrs Sadeanx she had been attacked and thrown into gully Evidence of arrest was given by various police officers Pro vincial Corporal Jones de scribed his investigations Var Bloom and Laws entered the wimess box at this morn ings hearing Alliston Council1 Sack Police Chief fore council by two of its mem bers Deputy Reeve John Darl and Councillor John Taylor charges being the resuitol complaints investigatedby the Councils poli committee head gijyfloun nrDr Pit er If the Chief of Police feels that he has been treated unjust ly aninformant told the Barrie Examiner that he was at liberty to pursue the mstterftnther but no provision is made under the Ontario Police Act for an ap peai it was learned carer Hall told TheBarrie Ex aminer he had been acquainted with Councils decision last night ate pm some two hoursan ethic special Council meeting end The Chief saidhe had not yel madaup his mind as to whether he would take any action in op peeling the councils decision He said he had not been represented gyéant yesterdays hear quite few qncs tions directed to him were from Mr Bowerman the Towns soiie liar The charges that were laid against the Chieiwerednid by the 1958 Police Committee of Council result of inlorniation they had receivedLaspokesmao sal Mayo Storey Reeve Ross Williams Deputy Reeve John Darling and Councillors JackMilcholl Dr Pitcher Police Committee chairman Ai lan Latimer John Taylor Stan Nosworthy andRonald Beattie were present at the hearing Referring to astory that had prominence in Toronto news paper recently conceromg the Alliston police investigation an Aliiston Counoii member said il was tmfair and left wrong im public The article indicated Alliston had had four police chi in that many The uncli member pointed out thatrthc first chief in the four years mentioned Rob bins had resigned of hisvown free will and was still in town engag edin another business and police chief had celient man and had been lured by another eastern icipality to better he had sixmanforcc To keep him Allislon had been willing to pay him the salary of feredin the new job hutthe man decided the larger force gave him greater opportunity The third man never became Police Chief of The Council was very interested his qualifications but before any decision was madethe came central flgurein dam estic quarrel that ended in court LOOK orLoxuaY RANGES SAVE $1245 MODEL MC 60W REGULAR Completely automatic Mrange with tim ed appliance outlet nonltlog oven win dow and the famous Moffat elements that are guaranteed for years 21750 save $1000 MODEL 24 70W REGULAR $31495 Completely automatic Same as above range with addition of oven light With the famous Mollat Look 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