General Motors dealers in ac district me yesterday at unity House Barrie to Iss subjects to be pre the G1 Motors GM omens maria Bunnie Canadian Dealers Council The councll provides an opportun ity for dealers to meet with factor representatives and discuss utunl problems LOCAL liND GENERAL SLIGHT MISCALCULATION An error in an article on un employment appearing in Tues days edition of The Examiner gave frightening ï¬gures for unemployment in Barrio544 364 men and no women The actual figures for unemploy in Barrie today are 364 men and lsotwomen gt NEW MEMBERS Eight new members were in itiated at meeting of Barrie branch ot the Canadian Legion Monday night special meet ing of the branch has been call ed for Monday next by the new president Jim Boss LANDMARK GOES The little church nestling beside the modern Federal Building is to go Above the door are the words Congrega tional Church and the date 1882 To the left Trinity An glican Church stands on knoll and westwards stood the once In 1927 it became Collier Street Baptist Church and Emanuel Baptist Salvation Army Citadel call the barracks Church in 1953 The Rev under his leadership their new Nulimeyer took charge and church was built on St Vincent Street Now contractor Jack leigh has the demolition in hand The land will be part of the Federal property CORRECTION The Barrie Unit Cancer Soci ety at its recent meeting re lmprest In yesterdays Barrie jectcd system Examiner the system was in advertentiy spelled ed in report appearing in wo mens section the proposed But Nobody Wanted to Try Poison Pill for Nettleton personnel manager of Mansfield Rubber at an accident prevention din per in Collier United Church Tuesday showedn bottle con tnining 330 pills one of which was deadly poison and would kill of which would cause bodily discomiort for couple of days and the remainder harmless He laid out $2 bill and in vited anyone to take pill ott cring the money as reward No one took up the offer al though the chances were only one in 330 that the poisonous pill would be selected The speaker noted no one would take the chance of get ting the lethal pilL Yet he said every time person rush es through trailie signal he takes the same chance asif he had swallowed one at these pills The chances are largo ly in favor of nothing serious happening but the one time you Two Dollars NETTLETON ing reasons for whichare that the man is not convincedthat impress Ed by unsafe acts the underlyA George Daagerficld arrow host forrthe meeting and rep resentativoilor the dealers oi this area will present their recommendations to the coun SOil Association Will Hold Dinner North Slmcoe Soil and Crop Improvement Association orig inaliy the North Simcoe Crap improvement Association cele bratcs its 20th anniversary this year All original directors past presidents and secretarytreas urers ol the organization are invited as special guests to dinner at 12I5 Tuesday at the Community House Barrie President Hunter Russell and SecretaryTreasurer Mor Darby will call the roll and give brief history of the NSSCIA Earlier the annual meeting otrthe directors of the associa tion is to be held at Commun ity House The morning pro gram will include the introduc tion of new directors election of officers and review of pro iects carried through in 1958 The alternoon will be given over to the planning of the pro gram and projects for 1959 and distribution 01 tickets for the 1959 membership canvass The 1959 seed grain and pots to committees are also to be appointed to make arrange ments for the seed fair and crop meeting at Elmvale Fril day March It is proposed these committees meet at the agricultural ofï¬ce at pm Tuesday January 13 Motorists Collide lit Intersection Two motorists making right and left turnaat the same intcr section yesterday collided cous ing total damage of $115 tnthe vehicles William Coward 42 Barrie RR was westbound on Don aid and making turn into Anne Street Delbert Urry 42 Little Lake was northbound on Anne and turning into Donalz when the collision occurred Car Overturns Driver Unhurt New Citizens Given Status BylGJ Thirtyde chinhip incanada were rantethme luuSimmoConntananon ï¬lmsreuniting Thirbthree applicant for dtiunahipwillnltnyenrbo for formally receiving their outtfioalu all when it meets at the Plaza Hotel Toronto Jan la 13 RAID BARBIE POST OFFICE This is stickup Put the money in this envelope My friend has bomb read tho nnte pushed across the counter at Barrie post otflce hush fell over group of people at the counter Then the two bondits nerves broke They fled That was not all however As lady leit the post ofï¬ce the two desperados told her Lady this is stickup hand over your purse Age of the bandits About nlnel JANUARY 12 1024 ONLY of the persons mentioned in the inllnwing list most at them have families Those under 21 yearlof age heeorno citle when their parents are given certiï¬cates of citizenship Anna Atarnancbuk Bradford Jnrptat Capelle Stroud Jean netto Capella Shroud Aleksan der Elimopi Angus Denise Gaudet Camp Borden Zygnhint Gradoo Angus SofiaGradon Angus licorice Greacer Brad ford Willem Grott Colllngwood Jaooba Groot Colilngw Cornell Hornet Colliogwood Hans ell Atherley Augusta Keller Athcrle Guenter Lutp mann Angelika Lutz mnnn Barrie Heinrich Mats ehuck orfllin Lleuwe Nelnerna Cookstown Matthias Naunheirn er Bradford Catherine Noun helmer Bradford Togo Henry oxo Goldwater Elly Nold Goldwater Marla Nowosad Bradlord Dmytro Olyniuk Orillia Norbert Paprocki Bar rie Marla Paprockl Barrio Vliu SarossY Barrie Hana Ser atln Midland Emilia Sulke vicious Camp Barrie Jozef Tarnowskl Alliston Steiania Tarnowskl Alliston Ereato Tur rln Barrie Jacob Wagner Al llston Peter Van den Hoogen Stayner Johannes Van Niokerk Tottenham Marla Van Nleker ck Tottonham Pctrus Wee inner Anna Nelnems Cooks APPLICATIONS MADE 05hr Dulker Barrio Geeske Duiker Barrio Willi Germann Orlllla Ludwig Gerrnann Gril lla Antonio Hartmann Barrie Karl Heidi Collingwood Guen ter little Midland Katharina sauuany 12 to ONLY Ellie Midland Bruno Midland 1453 Brad tud Antoni tilrock Galliu wood Johanna 3m Johanna Rnedts Barrie Vikitr Roth Angus Elfin Roth Air gas Wernher Robmann Orlllia Aleksander ilowlnski Orlliia Theodor Skyba Orlllla Mull Sky Drillin Idli Statics Como Ernst savings Ban riet Clasina Statinn Bnrrle Ago limo larnman along Gerrlt Van do Byl Jolllngwood Wilhelmina Van der By Col linngOd Dirk Van Daim Stroud Cornelia Van Dalen Shoud Cornelia Van Vliet Bradlnrd Annechlen Van Witt Bradford Woldedz Albert Wasliewski Callingde Freerk Fred Weaning Bradford Ant ie chnlng Bradford WElililEli Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay Haliburlon Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy with few sunny intervals and few brlet light anowflurrlcs today and Friday Little change to temper ature winds northerly to to to Western Kirkland Lake Tim minsKBPuskaslng North Bay Sudhury Sunny today lncreay mg cloudiness tonight Mainly cloudy with few snowflurrles Friday Little cilange in temper ature Winds northwest 15 Eastern Kirkland Lake Cloudy with occasional snowflurrfu to day and Friday Little change in temperature Winds northwest 15 Format Tempertore Lawtonlnt nigh ï¬ddly Windsor to St Thomas In London Wlngham Toronto in Trenton St Catharine Io Hamilton 10 Muskoka 583882883 summonommmnnI Board Decide Addition Kuhnn was again named chairman o1 Barrie pub lic ndtonl board It ill hluxnral meeting at Elliott school has day evening Young ll yloednirrnan He also was redacted Cornmlttm appointed were finance Snclgrovo and Mr Young management Dr Seymour Art Hanls and Stephenson property Mum Young Stephenson and Dr Sey mour First named is tn be chairman oi the committee Mr Madmen chairman of the board is an oxolficio member Canon Read read the pray er of dedication Members spent some time Naval Oilicer Is Fined $100 For$muggling HALIFAX CF RCMP said Wednesday that naval Lieutenant Stuart of Victoria has been fined $100 after appearing betora civilian lodge on smuggling charge involving disappearance at liquor from the frigate Outre mnnt here The case is one of several re eentiy investigated by naval nuv tborlties seeking to stop the die appearance of money and stores from ships and shore bases Stuart LI supply officer in Outremont seaman from the some ship is being held in cus tody naval spokesman said Two other investigations were in progress Earlier two petty olficers and leading seamnn were convicted of theft by naval court martial and given Jail terms One petty officer was acquitted The other cases all involved theft of money The navy said the cases were unrelated ANNUAL stacx BALANCINGSALE WEEKS ONLY once value oppoiuumrv oENumE BARGAINS MANYARTIctEs solo AT AWAY BELOW cost PRCES com IN AND LOOK AROUND Reruns nwmms 76 DUN LOP 51 EAST Ans your rumours saneAns rug claws won oowr Guise anon IIIESE most IMPORTANT limos Costly undying plans of the new and lnrinm or King Elde Idlod details at which was endInd by Millet Salter representing the architocu Main and madam The estimated to cast moon will accornmodlts betwwo an and 350 people it was plated Some members of inboard throunnt the cost of the building too high and the architectl are to be Asked to explore means of reducing it The school it was pointed out is 50 years old Messrs Young chalrmanh Stephenson and Harris wet ap pointed committed to meet with Vespra authorities to make arrangements concerning the as sets and liabilities of the two oneroamed schools in Candle in the annexed area DIAL PA 66474 FOB ANNUALCAA LEASE RATES AT Barrie Drivenliar COMPANY MD to DUNLOP BARBIE JANUARY 12 To 24 ONLY A1NO or Auvmm TAKE ADVANTAGE or OUR FREE RINGCHECK Bracebridge motorist es caped unhurt on Highway 400 mile soutbiof the Canadian Na tional Railways crossing near Thornton cutoff this morning when his car struck tractor trailer veeredvofl and overton edion the boulevard between the north and south highway lanes Damage to the car was estimated at $100 by provincial constable Charles Gotham The tractor trailer driven by you be fa such action is really unsafe or Eightyeight per cent of all because the man was not prop preventable are caus erly supervised Real Estate Board Elects its Officers At the regular meeting of Barrie Real Estate Board Wed nuNonros or nannlruolrs no swear you 2wa£Ks ONLY participating and over forty salesmen all of whom are pledged to abide by the Board rules and prescribed business ethics The past year also saw several lady salesmen added to the roster JANUARY 12 1024 ONLY KING It ANVIINVI nesday Harry Michie handed over to new president Sandy Couttsi Jack Slessor was elec ted vicepresident new innovation for 1959 was the installation of permanent woman board secretary Helen Rowe who is taking over the incredsingbusiness and routine paper work handled hut year by Dan Council There are now eleven offices Al Farquharson was appoint ed head of the publicity commit tee with Jerry Quinn and Pad dy Miles assisting Dan Cone nell is the new Coop Listings Committee Chairman with Per cy Ford and Bob Bibby as members Membership educa tion and entertainments com mittee chairmanis Charles gers with Bruce Kellough fond Jack Corby assisting FinediIniPig Neglect case Joseph Ward Vesprn farmer who had given up fann ing to go into the trucking busi ness was finedsso after being ioundguilty on charge laid by the Inspector of the Socier tor thePreveIition of the Cruelty to Animals Gordon Besswethericli Magistrate aster vlng judgement in thecas which had been heard lastmnnth saidin his opinion therewas neglect of the animals someof which had been found dead and othersin thin condition He asked the owner it the pigs were still on his farm andif so worn being looked after and was assured they were You could have goneta neighbors and got feed if you did not have any he toldWard who according to his solicitor was in poor iroumstances The solicitortold Magistrate FosterMr Wardhad not ne gleeted his children of which he had seven all under 13 Ho just did not have the money to get agreed Making fine 356 plus $1052 Melvin William Girling To ronto was northbound when the car driven by John Joseph Law ler struck the left rehr dual wheels went off the road and overturned gt lililllllll FREE JANUARY 16 24 ONLY spun Dacron AND MEDICINE am MY AILMENTSARE was acre TRANS CANADA CREDIT costs Mr Foster said he wanted to impress on the admixed the responsibility at ownersot stool to see they wereproperly cared for mo THE CURE FOR YOUR TROUBLE PtAiNLY CAN SE is AlitiP Toms OFFICE no em Iv FINANCES no so PLEASANT AND not mm Ann inspection mutiny in to so on genome PM Jon Aqu are wa YOU NEED cm