This little lady is going back to school alter the holidays in brand new dress that is just right for the midwlnter terni Mada oi acetate woven fabric the troclr is sure to keep its crisp appearance and clear Fine Food Will Establish An International Language By IDA BAILEY ALLEN An extraordinary dinner was given in New York City recently to show how residents of the United States can break bread with our neighborsround the world This theme was developed by the American Spice nade Asso ciation in cooperation with the United States Committee for the United Nations it is their hope to encourage an interest in other countries through the interna tional language oilioodsb HORS DDEUVRES The menu was internationa in eluding foods wines andliqueurs llrgm many lands At the reception these hors doeuvres were served with bev erages Curry Puffs from Cey ion Kebabs irorn Morocco Cur ry Cheese Biscuit irnm Austra lia Caraway Cheese Delp irorn Hungary Chopped Chicken Liv ers fro misraei and Marinated Tuna Fish and Vegetables from Italy RETURN To SCHOOL Dinner proper included corn soup as served in Costa Rica waters from Amnesia fish pud ding Malaya Chinese roast duck peas and rice Pakistan Spanish snap beans with tomatoes Cana dian spiced gooseberries whip sweet potatoes USA Nether ds poppy seed rolls endiva salad is in Belgium French Bombs la Menthe roiled wai srs Norway Mexican sesame and noise seed cookies and Bra zilian coffee nonlinear soucn The Chet and were enchanted with the international decor the outstanding tood and remark able exposition oi the ways out assassin SPEcllil 2s WALLACE fSTERLINGi his Point gt Grand Colonial Griindeiiiuioque Janna 6w anunaar memeavsmsann wines JEWELLERY Sons Interests Causes Parental Worriés owlsquantum sing rials as pursuant my myself does be con sent snidzlncly to lian high school stunt worry GAMBuzti MONEY However the urgent problem at the moment is his almost com plete absorption with gambling We have tried every possible way but to no avail lie works alter school and earns his own money might seem good traitbut its ObVloui he 095 it only to call it is nonproï¬t humane get the necessary funds with which to gamble Having had history at gambl hygienists with the pioneering not his is aim of helping its clients to be to color through numberiess wearings It has lull skirt rounded collar and cap sleeves and is topped by velvet weskit with braid trim and gold buttons lnginrnylarnily reason with THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY ll at et in training to he He never has been in any seri in 11 euro helpedlpls on trouble but there is some suit tintrate psychoio evidence that he doesnt move in psychitrir social worker goodcompllxy Indthisislcw nearest FamibServiu 33 BE 96 57 Efl Thus the but ya gsg Eagï¬ 33 Or as you write trons Hsnhs tan you might check in with tho American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry Inc at West 29th Street New York ior specialist dance in learning how to treat your sons cane constructively which roman MATURIIY The AFR it sizebwe may service agency Minded in 1987 by team of clergy and mental if ii 5i ii hail Elissa is in him Problems are discussed in com wnfldenu anyone on of rsce religion or ability to EEKE MAGIC But back to your sons needs in general the compulsive gsrn bler is seeking magicmvie wry over inastration discontent lnieriority feelings etc lie has dimmty adiusting to other peov pieu borne inachool on the Job has chronic tallnresnn this score Memotieally he hopes to get rich quick and achieve money power and prestige over nightoond turn the tables on his critiu sndbecome lavorlte and an upperdog Thus his un conscious tantasies run Tn your sons case perhaps he is tumbling or escape from nonconstructive brand of rear ing Maybe ynuvebeen too anx ions toodriving too restrictive parents And too inadequate on the score of providing helpful ex ample emotional support and Nursery Rhymes Helpiul You lintgrade child has not loreign neighbors lead that gour really started to read or barer met touch to simple foods by the can read at all you teach him correct use of spices and herbs his ABCs at home few at in this weeks columns we are time beginning with the conso glvlng you galaxy of recipes note you do so be will easily for still other international iavor get the sound oi these letters as lies or your home dinner tables he says or hears them Dinner from France Hora dOeuvres sardines quartered hardcooked eggs boiled beans use RHYMES It you hava never read nursery in herb French dressing pickled rhymes rhyming Verse beets broiled liver beariiais do so now He might also like to potatoes msde men mu hear you say some words that sad lettuce French bread rhymecat at ratand to add more words which rhyme with ged fruit macedoine coffee tea were You gm name one in measurements are level 193 recipes for to which rhyme with it Broiled Liver Beaniaise 01 Lnter he will want to see pic der lbs call or lamb liver slice Ind word Ether Whitll he ld in thick remove any mem Bill With the lame 19 851d branees and tough skin Brush soundbox ball but or ran inn liver with vegetable oilf Dust Pen He may notice Hit the with seasoned salt last three begin and end alike Place in shallow pan broil and dilier only on the middle 10 min under modalate heat letter Still later he can learn the turn once for even browning sounds of blends such as at as Transfer to hot platter Maine in star stick stills hr in in and spoon beamaise sauce over broom hliCk branch Pl in liver Dust with minced paisley slant plum plane Bearriaise Sauce from the Chef It you have time draw pictures Combine tbsp each cider and above each word or have him tarragon vinegar Add tbsp cut out pictures from old maga minced onion simmer min Zines Pasting each above the strain Reserve liquid Beat egg yolks creamy Pour START SIMPLY in hot Vinegar Cookstir over not Even if Your thud is in quite boiling wateruntii thick as word it names cream Gradually beat in 18 Ma Wider 11 may butter tsp at time Season with tsp cayenne pepper and tsp salt Serve at once MALE RETREAT Although they have entered many businesses and professions women in Britain are still ex cluded from the London Stock Exchange us so not be able to get the simplest DP 10 YEA qROUP Mlcxssl usunv PO BOX 191 on we 0m DWlGlIL Banana menses wnmnnors omens moion sni io 11de is reasonable titans can ilbDGSQN asrn WINNER OF Md IIECE TOY BUILDER WINNEB or AN In First Graders Hcimework By CLEVELAND MYERS Yesterday we suggested that it sounds of letters in words he isnt how can he attack word new to him as he ends or get along in spelling ills earliest practice on sounds of letters in words should be only on words of one syllable Later he can see that word may have two parts of syllables Good prac tice for this is use words made up of two familiar words All the better ifeseh part can be ple turedcatfish rosehush dishpan doorbell handsaw mousetrap Then you might say words of Eva willng and have him name any es orparts him on three syllablewords By and by you could say words of two one tbrea four ayiLIbles mixed up and have him tap as you soimd each syllsble VOWEL SOUDS Oi course child needs to be iamiliar with the short and long sounds oi each vowel aeion also These he can get rather easily But before you go 1er on sounds with the child whether he is in the first second or third grade be sure he can identity all the letters oi the alphabet PARENTS QUESTIONS Lately my 7yearold son on leaving for the school bus tries to escape kissing me goodbye He is growing up Why dont you saw DONKEY Miners AT names sewnvn sarv faith that makes sense that man can live by it to nourish ment oi this sort that lad re quires it he is to keep his loot on the ground and walk saler through dangers In getting his growth Mil Simple Keynote In59 Stylings Fashion fabrics for spring are downright pretty de signers having reiected much of the bizarre sensational and exaggerated textures of recent seasons preferring fabrics that make flattering unclut tered clothes Welldefined textures and airy weaves with surface interest in lovely col ors are the trend Suitings have lecy pornus spongy weaves yet are firm and dry to touch our complete Fit Winter Stock Must Be Cleared To Maire Room For Our Beautiful Spring Shoe Styles moo PAIR WfliVlEliS TEENAGEBS mental or emotional dim is eligible to IPPIY regard SiMIANNUAL SHOECLEARANCEK SEerANNllAl SHOECLEARANGE brown calf black calf and blue call Sixes iii to lo Widths AAA to Regular 595 to 1295 CLEARING guess so rains tearues 3661 THE 8H0 WITH THI MAGIC SOLI Dontmisa this big opportunity to get famous Air Stop Shoes at exceptional savings Choose from our collection of dressyvcasual tailored or walking shou All size but notevery style in every sine and colorso come early VALUES $1495 now sale priced at $99 an 3999 PEARSONS sum5 DUNLOP ST AT TliE POINTS PHONE PA 35672 1400Piiiiezinusr in SOLD WOMENS TEENHEEHS WomensHigh cuban and walking heels black suede bivwnrcali tan calf and black patent Teenagersa ciiiiiiiiiiiils Miss Au denim 400 pines Childrens MISSES cannon vi Little Davids tutti Asocinb Team held one at the Barrie IIEE BARRII sPc TY By STEVI Sport amen nsvs End most eolinnn concernln The caller mayor our pr the Ministerial and the City Co nothing less than eolnmnis game Homt ii ion was changed in the am we Wow It should PM ministers Anyhow in hi and centre iee si the sports colnrni the other way way they oi have another tho Kindcs gather theys wo mayor hut this to play by the Considering didnt say much men oops hoesthlsmea In nutshell the pact herded Cbildre other on Davids It is is enough to be Sincere sympa Hie popular aim and baseball stai annuity teaching baseball club to Bills Wit By cam The leaguelea inesTeePees ke ageme goal night but as us eat Guelph Bii home aloe VTeePees have Guelph ice this night the clubs Junior action more fans seem club is looking 11 in 80 games The Barrie Fii were edged Petes Altersley Cut Cons BELLEVILLE Aï¬ersley of ti Whitby Dimlops pair Dreams week and son Smith narrow the 0119 Senior in