Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1959, p. 2

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IPIHJ our arm 35mm cherishesansinscrapesismsrsswearssouthpawanus run you mar saunas Parks And Open Spaces Policy Future Presentation Will there be enough puke and open spaces for recreation 50 or even 25 years hence for our rapidly expanding population7 People of Barrie are as interested in this subject as anyone as events of the past year have shown The Federation of Ontario Kamila has grave doubts unless provision is made now to acquire and set aside suit able areas for the future To guarantee that the people of On tario will always be able to enjoy to the full the great recreational opporv tunities of this province the Federation has presented to Premier Leslie Frost brief containing number sugges tions and ideas as basis form written parks pulley No written policy on park development and management exists This brief by the 3500 member Federation could be an historic document Among the recommendations contain ed in the brief was suggestion that legal provision should be made for the setting aside of nature reserves for purely scientific purposes This would mean areas set aside similar to the tract of land near Ausbweli Texas for the nesting or thenearextlnct Whooping crane No such areas exist in Ontario although there is danger that few animals and some of our rare and beaut lful wildflowers notably some kinds of orchid may soon disappear entirely un less given protection The Naturalists also say that from cultural standpoint it is hit import ant topmervesamples ofoacbtypeof primitive natural environment as it is to preserve the works aimn lnartxal lerles and museum Alumnus widely recognised in Britain Europe and the United States for most Canadians this is an entirely new concept Borne of the other points in the brief were Recreations which interfere with the preservation of natural conditions in parks should be rmtrioted to definite areas Recreational minutes which demand the use of mechanical power should be strongly discouraged Access by plane and helicopter should be iiniited to as few as possible design ated landing places preferably on the perimeter Educational programs using natural features of the parks should be devel oped cutting of trees or control of animal numbers when desirable should he car ried out by park authorities June THE Muscamns gun BuDAvesr new it In formulating policies for the man agement of nature reserves study should be given to the National Parks and Ac cess to the Countryside Act 1949 Great Britain The Prime Minister has promised to give it consideration and no doubt somn concrete action will result as to the fume of Other llewspapers JOB TURNOVEI LEle Guelph Mercury is probabilthst the emphatic assertion quit will continue to be heard among those who dislike their work their bosses or their responsibilities Some people of come are never content with any form of employment and hold to the belle that the public ewes th cted by lb But according to survey con Bureau of Labor Statistics in tbolilnited States there is svdecline in the number who quit their jobs in manufacturing ln that country The decline has been noticeablesince 1951 and is air in every thousand Vluuslyihsdrumeihing to do er workers were mitian Mwpot inclined to surrender how where he can get his now is even postwar period of his Job has been inmasing seniority that pram tip to point he also has The dealrabili of reducing labor turnover to long been tenpt rn the pen sonnel mans creed And there obviously are good reasons for that movers can be expen ewe But theée are olhrefijdegl in the Izhrbgstloni Mobility many so oci geugrsp an occupsdonalhas become one of the distinguish ing characteriinu of this nation There has been waste involved to be sure but there have =been enormous bandits too Perhaps the time will soon arrive when it will be necessary to devise ways of relaxing the hold job has an worker Too inflexible society may not be an altogether free one 3nor one in which progress feels at home This may seem an absiractisnd long range qlleefionJmtillswortbihlnkingloobL TIME TO STOP BOWL St Catharines Standard The latest announced intention of James Hoffa president of the gangsterridden lesmsters union in the United States is that he will organ ise every policeman in the nation it would take little imagination to see the not and ruin which would result from the police be ing tied to any union What would happen in csse of trouble in which union involved strike in which gangsterlsm reare its ugly head Would the police battle against other union members for law and orderi Could law and order be maintained if such an unholy alli ance is permitted The public are becoming alarmed at the type of dictatorship represented by Hoffa and his followers in the United Slates he has been ordered bya court not to with his plan ned March election in reelected president of the tesmsters and to rid the union of combappointed monitors He has also beenordered to act in accordance with the recommendation made by the monitors in hmedeaulng activity His reply was the an nouncernent of investment of union pension funds in hotels and motels and of his intention to add flee forces of the land to his lemurs organ on in Ontario police like firmnen are forbidden to join such unions and they find their present system of operation througbjbe Ontario Pollen Association most efficient Hoffa however has his eym on Canada in another sphere the at tempt lo link this nation in his giant transporta tinn union for continent wide control of all methods of trauspcrtation Across the border legal restraints are at last on the way to being imposed on unions to pro tect the welfare and safety of the public Ac tion on the part of Canada at the present time couldstopilofia or any other union dictators be fore they become entrenched IllewsolllonnerYears IANAnr we Doiu the Lambeth Walk proved almost too hot for Fred Stevenson Manager of the Bank of Toronto in Allandsie at the Kiwanis NewYear Spiny Part of the dance calls for each dancer to slap the front if his legs above lha knees Fred did the required but the result was that he also slapped few matches in trauma pocket with resulting odor of burning cloth spreading daroughnut the halL He managed to extinguish the fire with no to the pocket Mr and Mrs Grant Mayor were honored when several hundred neighbors overflowed the Orange Hall at Newton Robinson in farewell before they left to reside in Barrie Represent damage other than whats in name asked Shakes peare Well theres great deal in theme if it is advertised often and long Lemma PdIthflc sudm ald Jaetel When abignhot responds to news 151441va Headline thosevaggressivs govgctters who hadnt sliver of the many activities in which they had participated United Chinon Board and cherr the WMS Dramatic Club and Orange Lodge with Ron Earl Rowespealdng for the commun ity Dr Harvey reada presentafisnsddress for gifts including flowrus in silvsr vase and grandia ers dock Grant became Mayor of Barrie la Mayor Mayor nuw proprietor of Mayor Motel here Former resident Wright who made his firststrike at Kirkland Lake made donation iii the mimimpality of $100000 toward new hosp He was at first time prominent share holder and vicepresident of two msior mines Lake Shore and erilhirllargreaves and was also owner of the Globe sndMsll pPsrakgraphically Speaking Oops mammalian chaser He was probably one of been dead long enough to come to sun stop Monkeys can reason but they can do as for only short andlnfrequent inter vais says soologist This is another stem at evidence that people and mom sihave mudhin common paper importers questions withNo comunen its usually because is mmfhemmhfisar aid sway be mdmmtm llambfin in Canadian ushers Association 1110 Implurafib chhehflpedioba From farming hewent Tlill OF TWO onus Scotsman Heads Broadcast Gayernors OHAWA CmAll his life it seems Andrew Stewart has been doing the unexpected So it was not unusual for him to leave the presidency of the University of Alberta few weeks ago to become the flrstcbair man of Canadas new Board of Broadcast Governors He had had no direct experience in broadcast ing erupt for the fact the unl varsity operates its own radio sta tion CFUA at Edmonton lie sees the task of the new board as that of national body reconciling regional diversities into national whole BENT 0N FARMING Since his birth in munsh Scotland there have been number of instances of his doing the unusual Altbe 48° of wooiim at des sided10 inkflpm 11552 though be had never lived farm After studying at the East Scotland College of Agriculture be leftanhisownatsgealtoseek his fortune abrosd He looked around Canada Australia and South Africa before returning to this country to settle on farm north of Winnipeg back to his studies first at the University of Manitoba and later at the Uni versity of Edinburgh taking agri cultural science and economics MrSiewart regards himself as an agricultural economist He came backto Canada in 1985 before completing work on his minimum and took up teach ing at the Universin of Alberta rising to president there in men at age 46 Now as chairman the 836 Russians MOSCOW ReuterslThe first feeling of jubilation at the suc cess of Russias cosmic rocket has given way here to more sober political nasessrnurt of ex actly what this means lnterms told readers of ibeMnseow aper Komsamol of intemationalpresdgesnd su tborily The central committee of the Soviet Communist party in message of congratulations to all those who haveworked to pro duce the rocket has alreadyst the achievement demonstrates to and its problemsiscems to me to all humanity the creative genius of the Soviet people Premier Nikita Khrushchev said he ell like hugging the man who bsdproduced this the first cosmic rocket new vie fbry of the Soviet Union Moscow newspapers SM contained full and glowing re parts from such centres as New York London Paris and New Delhi 113th tributeto the lag probe Papers reproduced gusto Western comments that the United States has until PBOMINENT DISPLAY Prasldent Eisenhowers mes sage of congratulation was prlpted iprnmiueutlrat the top jot be abhor or he Iwkirow not one other ow that wbsess was blind Hahnan there is noflilng about him that would stamp him as any sort of our of Canadian broadcasting lie doesnt regard himself as such or even as the bossman oftheboardwhlchhsstwooiber fulltime members like himself and 12 psrttime members The chairmans job is not to make decisions on his own or to lay down policy be said in an interview That is done by the board as whole His main function is to act as sort of catalyst bringing together the dilferencel of opi nion on the board and evolving policy from them Bis ion is to assist the man here to express the boards poli cies much like the motions of erebis mess of the on econo mic conunlssiousndsschslrmsn ofthe royal commissiononprlce spresds now propsring its re port will come in useful tnvx neurons Hls travels across Canada on the two royal commissions thud him one thins Tbere is great diversity of regional interests thinking and attitudes in Canada and be flunal body luch as the BEG has the problem of reconciling all of them into national whole Since becoming BBC chairman slob be finds bewetcbes television ind listens to radio with new more observant attitude 80 far he has formd its wide variation intha yd Plozlsmming between stations but is not committing himself on what should be done to raise the smug over Rocket Win column in Pravda the Soviet Communist park newspaper Praf Biagonravov head of the technical science Iaectlou of the Soviet Academy newsp skaya Pruvds that it Would be incorrect to minimise and be de rogatory about the work of Amer icon scientists and engineers But their approach to the problem of interplanetary night he erroneous In the Soviet Union cos mic experiment is first and fore most scientific experiment In the United Stateskit seems to me there is Icbssesfter the sense tional and the foreground is oe copied by aims having nothing in common with science so UNBAVEI SECRETS Bisgonrsvav said he believes general ltandsrdl of Canadian broadcasting One thing be stressed though 52 Eds and dampness and we are slow ly but surely winning through the traditional English reserve la the months since we came over here we have watched lbs splendid bafth waged by Britain inwin its struggle The com omie efiermsib of the iiifsled Suez venous was still apparent intbeesrlypsrtoflssd The strict controls on investment and on spending were still in effect In the last six months if 1958 practically all 11 these have been moved and this has brwght about splendid econ omic recovery in rather relt markshle way Britain has mam aZed lo sieve if the effects the recession which hailed pro areas in the United Statesmd that it would be mu rui ml Cm In We em board to get into daytoday oper ations of broadcasting stations whether privately or publicly owned Tbe boards job will be to make regulations and see that they are observed No SUDDEN CHANGE For the present the regulations of the old CBC board of gover nors which formerly regulated broadcasting are being continued Imder the new regulatory body Dlnlng his years at the University of Alberta Mr Stew urt carried out number of ma ior assignments for both provin clal and federal governments mostly as so adviser in economic matters Besides his service on the two federal Mal commissions he was on the national council on nutrition established by the fed eral health department in 1938 member of provincial royal commission on rural electrifica tion in Alberta in it an advi ser to In Alberta ruysl commis sion on provincialmimiclpsi re isliansin 194745 and member of the JDinnlug royal com mission on Albertas neutral gas resources in 1W9 tber than backward during that trying period There isgsome anneal in the coimtry ye over rmempoymeni But the latest figured show that Ellis El and the support of Cmservb ativa government at Elli lt5 is 55 timisiie of another vid cry The year has brought the var lous countries within the Com monwsslih and Empire dua together largely through the luv lilstive of Canadas Prime Him later John Diefenbsker and the holding of the Montreal confer ence In this wintry there is much greater awareness of the importance of Commanweallhp trade and cooperation than ever before and this is one of the but auxinlee there is for hr future of relaiims between Can ads and the rest of the Com manwesitb Astbe year closes and new1 KIWMEM arises as for serving the readers of this newspaper frum London Andts all of them warmly and shin oerely extimd my mint wishes for happysnd perk nus New Your Have Champagne Launching For Bubbling Blonde Actress HOLLYWOOD APM Cindy Robbins blonds destroyer is the first young actress ever to be launched with champagne And how that came about can best be told by backstage look at the publldly buildup elven Poteniill etIr Cindy ll has bubbling per sonality Tbs alone should give good publicliyrmsn enough of peg But her first plcbrre This Earthllenelslaldintheviuc yards of great California wine makingiamllthewasauatmsi for champagne buildup Ordinarily she might have been labelled blonde but now she is known as the champagne blonds Bud Weshnore Universalinter national makeup chief might have shampooed her hair with any of the standard preparations But the publidty department do creed it should be champagne Actually says Wesimnre it does wonders for her hair and can recommend it to anyone who can sifordi Is she orders cocktail It cafe it must be champagne Cindy even without cham pagne has all the attributes for stardom including hit end years emerience Allhuugb this is her first pic turnsud her part is key em with Jean Simmons and Rock Hudsonshe has been Prelim for it since she was eight Behind Castros Victory Is Story Of Determination by wrusau Irsz HAVANA AP Fidel chairs forged Cuba popular revolutlul laibehotflameofhalredfnra dictator years inprlsui llo adiotstor who had taken over at gunpoinlths Veerbeforeltbsdbeennnmvre painful than mosquito bite suscsscnures out regard for civilians Eloy were killed Castro became glamorous fig use to many an idealist will fought the tyrant and helped the ed After five years of bitter re lhen Batista Ends WM me 1953 brought verses and frustrations therebel chieftaln succeeded even when the outside world mayhavs been bans who dreamed of respectav culation Realizing the bitterness he had created among thoee Cu justified in believing that yet his form of constitutional democ snotber disastrous failure was staring him in the face What brought about this swift change in the fortunes of the bearded young mutant who racy he proclaimed an amnesty for political prisoners Castro among those set free wenttn Mexico to plot with fel low Cuban esiles against Batiste try pact of Caracas crucial tinn ing point Representativesol about is antiBatista organise tions in Cuba met to signsn agreement supporting Castros movement to overthrow Batista Castro became strong enough impose taxes on the sugar induslt darted from the mountains 0f Batista failed to legallnhlm inHavana rebels patleutw built W111 40 PM NEWOf sell ifs remained an Imconstltu fifth column 5000 strong with Frail meld Flam 111 Llonsi rider Not all the showy hidden arms casiros force be the climactic debacle of New public worn he planned notall other provinces numbered Years Day the handsome roads he built not to 10000 it was enough for hard Baslcolb it was matter of all the foreign investment be at hitting guerrilla warfare two strong personalities locked in truckii in Cubs could overshadow Cum barges mus into in stubborn struggle Castro two facts final blg mistake The 25th of July braved the stronger and on Cubans were ruled by dlc forces drove deep into 5mm 51me the V0 but 67 tutor who gave no freedoms and Clara province The rebels mud not have done it if Batista had not helped defeat himself Craft and corruption have marked Cuban regimes for years Perhaps it was national habit Batisiss followers and family amassed fortunu at public es iwme On Dec 195a Castro landed on the northeast coast of Orienta it appear they intended to camp its willed ME Flight his every 9W0 offensive in Les villus billet which Cubs might have lived 9mm Menu Wm 31 battle raged through Christmas with but repressive and of foroeswlpedmltsilbutflsshu that one day one of his readers produced glowing resentment new will walk along ihe edge at which Castro fanned into brilliant crater of the moon unravel the fire of revolution Batista considered the threat his Cubsrrulle followers Batista Wflh GnVHllum WWW wsnlonb cruel dictatorial regime meats made it appear that rebels at last were on the nanrownv over But Cum with NthM stsim could afford to losesnd ageold secret of the canals an onion accomplished bis coal in dragged refugees his out in me but Batista had to win Mars and see Venus unhampered by persistently us hylrercloskofclmrd Two main Pmpaaanda points long series Martyrsunk won their confidence that who West decides was in technololy the sgvln Unionwill urn inly try to better and that in this use themlilltyoftbeamsraceis expos ed and it would be better heim mt hm therugged Msestrs Mountainsde or sauifice support llh In and baiting Batiste into male friends with peasants lullside his own military establish downfall puripluus flight to arms the Domlnlcsn Csstrns lung ill and seem Pb 1y impossible needs bells dictator lie It llttl hlckle of arms and fellowiirunlhon soepedinbysea WV WWW 157 CW0 while he mlgbtthcld on for some had about 1000 armed men around him Batista scoffed hirn as Communlstbrigsn ment Casualties sustained in whlcbemerge from the Moscow These led inevitably mamas imam followers mm by gum battle could be cute SuddeniyLBaiistsLdecldedrdrat tune the rebels would never give up with each mistake he made enemies ills life was unsafe out io roach international munch July 20 letssud his movement In the United States rich exiled dag Mg huvuy mm mm on the conqth ofouter Inlet be from then pawnnamed for that Cuban fore it is loo isle As for thescientlstl they be pollildsns all enemies of On New Years Day he gave up date 11 assyounglewyer of Batista took noiiceCsstro was Thsiiighiufthe dietstorendhun 17 he led an attackon tbeBstists their only hope of going homeduds who supported him demnrg um thee11W Elli mml armys Mnncads barracksln San They began the financing and alized the army and police Cosf affairs has been demolished and Lingo ds Cubs capital of Drienie smuggling of arms to Oriente point out that the sire dud weight province in eastern Cubs where Batista nowmade another fillIr column out in Havana and send of the rocket is sufficient to fit out1 specs ublnfor twotsJbree Thlt attack failed Castroku and tanks to better rebel poei provinces ssptimd and sentenced udonsindiediymeflnhwlb The lavish had the rebel leader was born take The dictator sent planes ho had only to order his mu columns on the marebin

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