BUSINESS permsrs Hm camera The face of the bushes section of Barrie has changed considerably in recent years making strong contrast with thepicture of the mill shown above gt During the past year number of busi nescs an the main street have renovated their premi ses and no doubt in the years ahead the city wilt see mm more changes Plans are already being considered forpinstance for new build ing to replace the Ross ing on Dunlap Street East InVQStors fly it The financial editor of Sun day paper in England writes following special trip to Tor onto and north as far as Great Slave Lake that British in vestors can make millions Edward Westropp states This goahead Dominion has more underdeveloped natural resources than any other coun try to offer the British inves tor From Toronto he writes write this column from one oi thevmost get up and go the most exciting money seeking city in the WorldToronto This is the financial centre of boundless land of opportunity Canada is bent on expan sion it is bursting at the seams with energy and an aggressive desire to develop start my recommendations for shares with the biggest railway in the world Canadian Pacific it owns this the biggest hotel in the world it operates air lines it has vast oil well properties it owns millions oi acres oi land it Canada does so well with its railways Canadas banks are splendid institutlom They have grown up with the country They contend furldu5 1y with each other and there is no question whatever that they are Imsurpassed Writing later from Great Slave Lake Hay River Mr Westropp says This is where Canada keeps her transm From where am writing they are mining zinc and cop per so rich that it is believed to be unsurpassed so rich in deed that the Canadian Govern ment is proposing railway to cost 575000000v£rom the nearest railway 500 miles south There is not an oil boom but gas boom Oil in Western Canada is drug on tbemar het it cannot compete with the oils from the Middle East and is too far away from the big commercial centres Qas is different It is the cheapest and mostconvenient form of power on earth As it pours out of the dark soil it can be plpel at low mt to homes and factories at any distance it wanna the homes in this cold north and feeds the fee tory furnaces across the na tion The ï¬gures are fabulous it is reckoned that there are trillions of cubic feet avail able There are hundreds oi mlla of pipe lines which will carry millions of cubic feet of £85 The shares of these pipe lines are real speculation and the sharepaying stage is thought lobe only three years away This is only begin ning for in addition there are reserves of oil estimated at millions barrels These shares are available at less than up per share 50 say venture out into Canadas West no matter where you live Your countrymen who came out her long years ago made their for tunes This story which came out in an English national paper is Wpicai o1 what is beingsaid and written about our country while we here are fearful to iventure into our own prosper ty As thenew yeanstarts we canhope thatwe will continue to build aland of substance and prosperity country that will have the respect men such as the editor of English paper who says If were youngster would be over here for keeps fasterthan it takes Vanguard rocket to get off the launching pads at Cape Canav eral We must improve our youth with education and engineming ability so that they can shape these wonders being developed in our land and take our own leadership in our wonderful country Our Prime Minister alterhis trip across the Commonwealth told that there was in his opin ion little danger of war espec iially ileie British Common wealth continued to prosper by each others assistance if we prohibit triggerhappy AL has war mongerl the carrying at nuclear missil over our man try so that we cannot be blam ed for atoning anything wc would heeven more secure with our in millions popula tion we are part shareholder in the vast wealth of this land It would not take much provo cation for some country to pick quarrel so that they could eat our pie Let us start the New Year re solved that we will do our ut most to make Canada the first country both in example of iivf ing and in prosperity to all Pay Sales Tax In iiova Sooiiar HALEAX CPLNova Scotlans started paying an per cent re tailaaiértax Plhursday In ex change they get insured hospital care New Years Day brings the province the national hospital plan thgtaxto finance it and two other major laws passed at the of the legislature in Nova Scotia employees of at least weeks vacation with pay The other turns over to private enterprise the job of protecting motorists fi nancially from the uninsured driver The tax to begoallected by ru tailors on wide variety of con surnerzitema willbe felt most directly An intensive publicity campaign to soften the blow has been relatively successful But retailers are stillshaking their heads about collection problems Twentysix classes of articles can be bought taxfree They in clude cars childrens clothing fuels and gasoline farm equip ment and other necessities fish ing boats groceriesrand newspap era The Wellhprice for 29 cigar males than malu further widening the an differaice longevity passed first year of lifer its life expec long mm appreciably At one year of are they may the average expect to ll additiranl so years and uyears Thlslvpreaents is due mainly to the substantial reduction in recent years oi mortality from inlectlons dis eases on the other hand diseases associated with middle and old age are much less amenable to control it is imlikely there fore that improvement in life expectancy in the future will be comparable to that of the last quarter century Suchimprovc mcnt will have income from all in death rates from oondi lions associated with childbirth and early infancy Preventiodof accidents and advances in com batting heart and airculato eases and cancer HOLLOWS Christians day ch itltanti baggage An Mr Mrs and lipwltednq Mr and Mrs Donal Whiteslda Mr and Mrs ram visited with and Mrs Baker at Thornhill on Girlatrnasday to even our III we soinnuer urou IIII mm or narrow ououanon 10 cm srarus Yearafter yearVBarrie has continued to prosuer Knowina the spirit of civic pride of the citizens of Barrie we are confident that this pros erity will continue DEVIlBISS NADA Miran Moandwsmnplm and Keith spent with in and tine renanerJnerIQWWum gt eta willhe boosted to 35 cents fivepereent tax willbe put on other tobacco products and liquor human Dominion Rubber Although we have been city lfl¢fl9wefl ruenv cities or marine euroid roommairomhr than two years we radiist in locotin our ind we at it forward to even greater develw gt