Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1945, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE Baanrerixnuini Published Itiumizy Morning by PRISZZEEI ANS RES IAHEIII SIIION llsli Nllillllil ti 1lr 5pxgi ivil IliirIi ij 555 coo ahead on rlidl Lorin thou the rust ltr quote iiirrle was Vioulioil rimmed like pre ty my pm Wm mitt death rroui 300 to 350 dying every 2454 347 out WM mmdiioirrs The descriptions ct these cairrps veie Iiiputr the raisin raised but lcconrparired by liorrrtyirrtz pictures of coridr 00111311 EDI my hm purly mmiiiorrs which thitc 101 been equalled lieu5 mm vllyxlt my frlijitlili oi SillhfiilfiU is Itll Ofgznsmry 01 til Willmr lm My Um deIh Ir3177 11 Hm mm The Germans iruie shown iIltlliStII tohl lrll 5mm lh mm Mrk be absolutely merciless and have committed MMhujppolgtelpj lift in iiitzitit ilerIllw cm 12 mm 31 mm wmk Bmiutrocities that are irrforgivciible irrd uziioriuui uzii rt iv Sillislllli tre tutr the cooperationigetmbl In MN mp mum Ii xiv iiiunrrniii have litrru should again 401mm Him mm mm mmmm mle NU MORE iertrustHarbin UHm my we iseivcs into the goodwill of their conquerorshilfhtfij Iflsgtf11Xm Ap ltIi Hallietut liitiiclr limiiirties should reuse before liiesliould utterly fail ilreir trcutiircirt should gfifllhjj mm iii1ft lii31 mi of the Week us the itritrsli irime Itfluvbe such that they can iiiyer plunge the yvoililfpuow mm to iruvr Hm fililllljtffiiknl says is possibility that is no reason lrc Lilllll effort should slickcrr In the treat War victory cime during loan unpaigu arid utter couple of days of col tot iron the bond selling was continued at stcr pnce than ever Time should lose sight of the fact that ii is bit lob ahead to defeat Japan and oeiter our men it the front are supported all thats needed for carrying on suc cv fully the sooner will complete victory be Aricycd Even after Japan is disposed 0f postwar ltitilllCIllelltS will take every dollar we can put into the 8th Loan And once more let rcmind you that the Loan is prime estment backed by giltedged security invest in the Best 91 do put year AN EDITORIAL BYW CHURCHILL llcre from Winston Churchill is mess aae that is superbly apt for Canadians of all parties Let there be no mistake about it It is no easy cheapjack Utopia of airy phrases that lies before us This is no time for windy plat itudes The Conscrvativeparty he told the party convention had far better go down telling the truth and acting in accordance with the verities of our position than gain span of shabbin bought office by easy and fickle froth and chatter Woebetide those public menwho seek to slide into power down theslippery slope of vain and profligate undertakings This is no time for humbug and blandishment but for grim and stark facts and figuresFinanclal Post HUNS SHOULD HAVE NO CHANCE TO REPEAT Shapiro one of the ablest Canadian war correspondents in an article in Mac lcairs Magazinedaling with the attitude of the Germans on the verge of overwhelming defeat says he found that behind facade inf cringing servility the civilians of occupied Germanystill cherish dreams of greater Reich Most important says this writer we discovered that the attitude of todays German civilian in the face of defeat is exactly the same as that of his father in 1919 For all of Hitlers defiant boaststhat he has changed the characteryes the very soulof the German nation we found that Hairs the farmer and Wolfgang the shopkeeper have rehearsed thorough ly the old game of piety humility and widLeyed in nocence They are all ready to demonstrateif we give them half clrancethat the war was all re grettable error that they are really splendid fellows at heart and that peace will be wonderful when Hit ler and his troublesome Nazis are eliminated To their conquerors they arealready turning tearful face smiling bittersweet smile and reciting their little piece to the accompaniment of violins playing Strauss There canrbe no doubt thirt the tearstricken little drama of 1919 is ready for presentationjn 1935 if an audience can be found There are some sentimentalists who may be fooled by the cringing efforts ofthe Huns to work up sympathy and easier treatment from their conquerors But recent disclos ures have been such as to steel the heart of ering Bowlegs like child is born strongly advised Jawlees bad Clubs o2 Simcoe ty 703101 Vcull crippled or handicap ape IMi You MEMBER OF Sunshine Weekly Newspiptn Assocth SinKIO highly Uigdlrllitl Muirlice the lit pi 1i thousands WV El Tiliii passion but iii Uirniid desire IIVWVHLRIIVIifiibtii its the intimate in human titfltfiitr brirbedvwuc tllvllitillit of six ruinor oti isrtlz to 00000 or women LllltI clllltirclloi dozen different Lill zioirulities who Were being gradually slur vedj fifties was it hell rue BARRIE mnusex warm Cit Wefti Cats 591 Buzmu cf Crrcuiaiiu MalaXIILI UBSCEIIETI 43 um Canada or rst Britain $200 you WALLS ULLxd State $230 year Copies each into war again EDITORIAL NOTES Miss Elizabeth York spins ys equipment installations including grinders 3150 milking machines 7400 water pumps and 2300 nrilk coolers mean fine lot of business for the riranufac ture of such equipment and for the electri cians who do the installing sent to the Soviet other Allies Achclis Hon Mr Ciialliesestiirratesthat the five extension HydroElectric Power Commission will entail the installation of large numbers of appli ances including 18800 ranges 58500 WilSIIg ers 6950 flat rate waterheatcrs 90000 irons as many toasters 24000 refrigerators and 95500 radios in rural homes and farml 5450 grain announced by plan This The people of Great Britain have subscrib ed 7000000 approximately $30800000 to Mrs Churchills Aidtto Russia Fund since 1941 The fund which is based solely on vol untary contributions provides medical sup plies for the Russian Army Fourteen hun dred tons of equipment have already been Canadas Aid to Russia Fund also has made splendid contribution to the needs of our Russian Allies intent andnsupplieistorr the value of many mil lions have been sentto Russia by Canada and In view of thegenerosity thus shown one would think that Russia might Show more conciliatory attitude in the vex ed Polish question E0 OPINIONS OF OTHERS HANK CLERK WELL REWARDED some ercoEcouNrTcmpmo CHILDRENS SURVEY these may be the result of Rickets Occasionally with bpwdggs Np mdtter what the cause misfits be early treatment is The picture at right was taken after the hem straightened The par cuts brought their little boy tomclinic such as the oneito be held this Spring by the Service Coum of not Wcmmm Mr COIN Mutiwtmgm The Ottawa Journal three months rrrllliiiirzilre New JVis reported to have spent since 1929 half rrilllllori dollars of her own money trying to have the worldziccept perpetual calendar in which each quarter would have It seems little short of it crime to throw away so much money when there are thousand better uses to which it might bel Theioront VT iEm liiii tuisrp var iiif the will until 157 fiol tlltlllt Itefilli lilo which lilo cos film country several billion dollars and which dcspitel the fuel that it puys no Income Tax still returns but very SillllII uri uiiul payment on 11 cost even dur ing the wur boom Or we might take the ruse of the Toronto Stockyards the history of which is very well known or the case of the beef sugar plant it St Ililuiic in Quebec run by the Quebec Government costing Sill million running loss of over $400000 year and bundling 160 000forrs of beets while pivzite plant in Manitoba with twice the capacity of the Quebec plant cost only $1900000 We might iakethe case of the Ontario llydro which would have no profit it any time if it had had to puy tuxcs like the private corporations In short we know by experience that many publicly owned plants do not have profits and that is why want no more socialism here than we now have WM SMART Holland Road lieuside Out April 27 uip Toronto bank clerk Douglas King recent ly was given by the Police Commission 0ft that city rewardof $200 for his brave part in resisting three robbers who held up hisbranclr year ago King in his letter of thanks told what had been done for him by the Bank of Toronto his employer have been excellently dealt with said Mr King and he explains Mr After the holdup in which was injured my hos pital was paid by the bank was given an extended leave andmy expenses paid on holiday trip cov On my return the bank compensated me to the extent of $2000 in cash Fol lowing this was promoted and my salary has been increased Some time ago there was criticism ofthe banks be causgthe Bankers Association had resisted in the courts an attempt by formerclerk to collect from fund out of which sums can be paid to members of thegeneral public who may come to battle with bank robbers That fundit will be recalled is not available to employees of the banks caseand there is no reason to suppose Mr King had exceptional treatmentindicates that the banks in their own way are fair and indeed generous in the cwmzed world against them one writer these matters and should go far to remove misun describes their prison camps as the most derstanding intthis connection THE EGG MARKET To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir In The Globe and Mail of April 26 there was 21 display of baby chicks Why bother to hatch so many when one cannot market eggs That is the situation us if stands in the Village of Elmvule this day of April 26 1045 We have an egg grudingsfation in this Village belonging to The First CirOperative Packers of On tario Limited have been in formed tliat can not market my eggs here unless become mem ber of the organization at the cost of $300 for membership fee and will have to Sign One Loan unit or as understand promissory note to the amount of $15000 to be paid out of dividends received from the produce ship there At pre sent dividends amount to 2V2 am duty bound to pay this note at anytime after sign it was not notified in time to On April 20 we took in our last shipment of six 30dozen crates and were told that they could not re ceive any more nonmembers eggs received letter asking me to join this company Monday April and there are great many more like me in this district What am to do with them Another thing when or how are the farmers getting the 3c subsidy on Grade eggs have written to Ottawa concerning this matter and as yetlrave received noreply It is clearly stated on our cream statement that we are receiving an We are paid accordingly Now why arent the eggs handled in like manner There are great many farmers who dont know that they should be receiving this egg subsidy Ow ing to the heavy production eggs at the present time egg grading stations in Stayner Midland and are unable to take their eggs 1ncome ig MYDRA JDRAPER Elmvalgnpril 26 1945 rnn OVER screen or EGGS The Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont able paper mm regarding IE BARBIE EXAMINER HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA find another place toship our eggs 23 am heavy producer of eggs the benefit of the cream subsidy other points have this problem of their own to solve Thus if all the farmers in this district were to ship with either or bothbf these com panies look at the extra gas it would consume and the taking waycf trade from our local Village of Elmvale There Are many small prbducers around the Village who to theseidistant grading stationsand this is their only means of cash Dear Sir We would appreciate the opportunity primaking statei merit to the primary producers through the mediumot your valu There seems to be great deal of apprehension among certain pro rgczrwul buyiu rculilid for Iillli ilrui IIH Urlperntrve though in the fund llltwIllliCt oiu Med and IIIIIII for by several lorri dretls of producers who we the need Io frre Cirperutivc realml that over the yours the CliUlislu live hurl been rendering servici to all producers urrdvbecuuse nuu members were taking ilIlilllhe of flris service provided by flu Operative over the years up oppoi il furrrty should be given to these mu rrierubers to become full lilllllilll and enjoy all the rights urul privil egcsuif iIlf JoOperative It was therefore decided that whereas the original urcurberlizid puirl $15300 in cash new members would be ud ruitted upon the payment of $300 only turd Contract to lake up member loan unit for $150f0wluclr they would be permitted to pay either in cash or by instalments or by allowing their dividends to ie cumirlutc until the subscription for the irieiiiber loiin unit but been paid off in firll In the meantime however provided they puirl their $300 airrd mode contract to pur cliuse member loan unit the would become members in fulll standing enjoying all the rights andprrvileges of the CoLJperufive The Company has no power in order payment of any ilrrpzrld bril once of the loan iiuit subscription at any time is long as the Corn pany remains in business There were great many mem bers who fell tlrzit any new merri bcrsshould only lgggillowed in up on thc payment of $15300 in cuslr or on the some basis as the original members However the majority of Ille been built up through service members tigrecd that if nonirrcui No premiums of any kind is bei limits of our collides The First Coperacivc Packer by farmerproducers Thefardrers ii position taken by the CoOpera tive with regard to receiving eggs and we would like to assure all producers that everything possible done to accommodate and rende bservice to them within the was cremated and is overrated 100 Si iii il 11 liI our Ifluwulc office with ll ilI Iiulilt iniHH Hm Wu hlltc ln file IItt Illiii diI U1 Millmyv 5h MM Wm mm 1115 of IAI only their Hi MN 10m j1 11 fotlItI accepted of file mflw iy our ioiusooikuu dinligt Hi 1m Wm uu sIlis lit otiiiir WW my up wywm muggy scheme merit it the some effect Allurnst not um um 1i Pi ll lzirlioitl rrf IMO and lam Ililitio lit il huppici 924 Ls ii fit lt in wl iIi PIII vil 3ivt cu rlr il tm IHl is irltti mi 1lt IIIIIIIIIIIII11I on leii IIIJ ind dif ilt Wimper Hill tigivzutcil lty pri in jiiie pio iLiu Illllf iitLxIr llr litilti =l Ii IilIllI of Iilllli LI ti liililll in llIl Would the live lIl Ie it ptrbcul tit lullIiI hott ii oeupply of for il IIL mire wry out 41 Eiiii tli 3w ciy lllrllliwt lni Lil be title in lllUiillliI rillil probably Inst for znotmz til ilIlIlI the bench liciile KilllllllI tlrcn llu Its round for ill the vicinity of IIluiiule lIIiI liuirie would fur exA ceeii llic production the iLtllli IIillll the mumy iffiltftI from life iiiv iiicrrilicr in nieuiberslirps could Ii used lo lire ciiluiiuureHI of the pret liI buildings uud iiicili iiis IIIIII if another scusorr ud drtroiml splice would be available to IlfIIU illl of all of the new merri birs mgr lltl many of our ruezubezs feel that the present lhtli and facilities are adequate to lilILf cure of lllut own production and iriy ciilzirggeti facilities should couii about by iiorruieuibers being tiIIlllii to contribute it fair share towardr enluiuiui the plant We should point out however tliut in order it become uierrrbcr of tire oflperutive the applicant must be borru fide producer illliI uccepitible to the Board of Direiu tors Yours very truly The First Cirperutivc Packers of lilflllil Limited lIXIRIIMISI Thats our new efficiency rnziu flow do you know flint liy deduction lluverft you no ticcd llrut he always waits to make up it four before passing through if revolving door iigul cell eigsjs the Riding in which Tho name 3f the Rldlni IE Thmmwmcndldds llrc Examiners 7000 circulation lip tlu out and send it airmail oversaw today An Urgent Messgee GEORGEDRE NE 4th is Election Day for the members of our armed forces oversee from Ontario as it is here at home The arrangements Which have been made provide ample time for the overseasggote to be taken Special Returning Officers are already overseas Something more however must be done if our voters overseas are to know why an Ontario election was forced upon us at this time appeal to each one of you who read this message to write NOW by airmil Give our men and women overseas all the infgrmatiodygL and be suie to tell them the correct name of the Provincial Riding in which they are auce because so many of them have never voted before and the dierence between the names and boundaries of Provincial and Dominionidings make it doubly necessary that you be sureto givethem the exact nameTf hey are entitled to cast theirballot on Juneith If you are in doubt as toany details please withe Oice in youslocality and get thenecessary infatuation without delay Boiiiri are Illicit nicil wait Tho election data June 4th in um EXAMINUI yum iiuilruip dispute liud been in you dress lubcl shows due lute IHUHSUFSY MAY i043 Enough Agriculturist 25 Years Ago On National Network Iliii iiftli LU ism Barrie Loni Notes Unix3 Al or Iiirc Inlstitrrs tin1 iLt li 11lri writ thiimdoy itcfllg hioy Haich IlIl ilunge Liulur Lirizi Ii mm from in Inkloci Eastern Eliadiet Iifl in iwh 2e iu IZIiI uiilI 11 mi =Ii Vit iriril iIir iii gt fiiil 31 rt Itll wilful It fl t3fIili Aixlii I3 iI 34 li ll Klingon ILIIItI their Vtiiui uniiii of St Andrews tlinitn it Nillltl in uwiixbui by Litth Vonrckle of iuic Morton 3001 in iii if in Ho El in lIc two iliiifif in HwItI hi tumult tllnhi 15 Mitchell AIIhii Iltiril tll Mutiny mil pnzly of site it Iiirilips of Iurtuiilllif 540 Il1l iii the stepped ou Hug quin II Ifit v0 of irlvv lyjin Albert Vfltg Izodii inciting till it finial of IUIHI Eh Ijl1 iuu nltf nuii lved cub xii In gtlirliii lrilt lventvscxen Ifltn lumping to pet ovum lumini inui enrolled ii tinfizi IlitiIlllr burl and hen him from very the Iiuiltl Army of llnircti Vii liliilt tgiuuarl lIlr izicl if lip not Lyrirr Muritiuurrery up ilvil Eul iiurr Alliu iii pontiff unfinith director lAIlV 57 Mi 31 Mill Mi WIH 11 Aileu lI IiilifIillllflIlZ an ltii formerly of the Arlington flute to ipule mtivi lie Aliundqile faintly lupinii when Wn lipu muspfeted lfitli mi lidlocked down by mi in it lilrirl Itl if LIlijiligrliu11l ItiIiItl iiiiicli Sirncoe ouniy Briefs Judge Wismer pave judgment iI the ippeal of DIIIILiell McNubb IIdenvulc and others from ur award mode by uvunnu of diiclr applied for by Vespru lowuship lIi September l91l llils Iiri Fifty Years Ago See Page lii IIxuiulricr subscriptions are put uble slrlctly in udvurrce Your rui yeSterdays plan Docs the Will in your safety deposit box contain yesterdays plan for Ilf protec hub of your Ihrrrily Births deaths or marriages in your family changes in taxation in security values in your income rlI tcndrto make your Will inadequate or rursutisbrctory The safest course is to review it regularly As pzrrt if such review we invitc you to avail yourself of the experience of this trust rcompany in the practical adrrilnisirutiou of estates reconsideration of your plans in relation to your assets and current taxation will cost you nothing but may mean great deal to your family in tlic HAVIUIIIH Write or telephone for an appoirruucut in RPORAII 53 NY ST EAD OFFICETOR0N10 ProgtossiveConscmtivc Yei VPUBLIHEDBYTTHEPROGRESSIV mmWWma vm mama ou

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