we THE BARBIE EXAMINER Published Itlmula lurlllng by THE BARE ikliliktii LDIHKD I11ZEER Caliall Weekly newspaper Aaccfnlcn Lixs 1lit3 cf tfa hazei of Cl 14 SUESFRIVFZUNS lint li ZYCI qr Ln you Chms it 31 32 year it Flliih M3 ti IANICII EC each fjiil tint in Jlldxlttii iiciti irtl 1litiivil1i 21 iiii7ii til 2i liltllii lii n1 lint till ll lilt till Ali litlitl lvtli itil tivnIc cior lloiid is deposit lzi thi hulls UAJitif lziotc in inr lltliliiail ot illllll vih tldilifl lie iii piiiiitiics that nu other l1ili account pics double the interest And doiVi tornt there no better security in the world lizl ml lc it if it llt il IL tlJ lit iiid lliuz Ll lr iIl iizliicrnl Witl is iti1V lo gt Iltl ill heading of the terrible treatment ol Allied liilli Will l7lil5ll li xi ciixilcli in ilun prison ramps and the nan concern loi in ii ll tllltilllil iild privutlon they have endured the most that any of us can do towards put ting over the Eighth Victory Loan must eeui tiiti by comparison Keepilais lit rims io tin lil2tllt ii purchases lzclp llr liltrl llow ot arms and li iillililill tl itlt iill illlllil tun SPENT =th won FOR wllLlNilHEiui essays rsssmmnjggnm POSSIBLY germs carillon StoyVVWithVThem to the Last Ditch 50 Years Agi OLLAND Confirmed from page one ltl iliulllll was lctzw on no lilllllli when thc loan salesman calls iilt iiiillnillill Willi tltilii ll llilj iitl ililitli tennis mend of my Lion mm it ill Hi illltitili lilifiS liltil liltilli Willi liit has Continued from hallo one llV=VV liVoithlViVlth=ill 11VilVcViVlV lilii 401111 1if7ll7i=lx liillfv ti lil Hill prospects of any country in the world dcHE V5v Sf1ififiitlitiztluii Amp ll 100 Vt1 ill iillilil ill 9311 clared the loveruor ot the Bank of nntldu rmVi1vi 517 tSitiiSWAEQl lw lune ittl iwnwl ilii 110 ill fith kill iiltilv Willtl ill his recent address ill Barrie Theres not iill El le ixil IV VVVV WV 11m Who WW ll sitter investment in the world than the 8th iuv it v34 mudi llls effort morn lit iiv nu tzmzvd 11 mm BUMP we to twin 47 lzctory Loan When you buy this security td lanolin llllillti iiiii mm hm Vwm VV UH llliimlll lb llillilitii itll ilillt lilvt beyond any doubt iou lNVlCHl ll llllu tellitd It HELEN iii lqvililillnltli limit li where he was iliimimi ill lllicxtzizlillttlrilttl in June illlll lie BEST PREVENTION AGAINST DIPHTHERIA VIniastweeks irixllniuerVhe Barrie Brunch App11 16 to May i3 the Dsma rmmg will VON mm llilmlm mm which the Canadian National institute torl clinic for babies and children up to me years mp Blind is endeavormg mm lqu as preventative against diphtheria next years work The cost of services 1V1 Ll Lime was Mom Willi 01l BUIllwand these included medical and surgical us he stressed the value ot this toxoid treat1311an reeducutionV the provision or will and use it till013 Willi WWW Braille library talking machines vocational lill fiOill diphtheria SiliCC Liii liilltl training and eynploynyenf recreation and 50 WNW mammal unknown low lcial care Tile Institute has helped many At the present time according to healthgblind persons to obtain selfsupporting enl authorities there is threat to Canada iniployment The purchase of Blindcraft Pro the fact that Nazi armies carried diphtheria ducts will help the blind to be selfsupport with them everywhere they wont in the con lug quered countries and there is possibility 77 that some Canadian soldiers returning hOllie may 18 lliliOCUllt 11113318 blilig tlici and federal election campaigns should have disease with them Parents who fail to take been brought on when the people of Ontario advantage of the VON Toxoid Clinic undshould be concentrating theirthoughts and have their childrentreated tree of charge efforts on giving the last heave towards are taking risk to the health Of not onlyi finishing the Hulls Those at home can best their own little ones but of thcconlmunity as do it by putting over the8th Victory Loan Weil isuccessfully Gitizens of Canada owe that TOXOid iS the Dilly substance known to scil to the service men and the service women of once that proves efficient lasting and posiV the Dominion There must be no letdown in tively harmless in the protection against the support they are receiving Canada has It is unfortunate that Ontario provincial diphtheria gone over the top before and can do it again With united effort Simcoe County will play TWO JOBS 0F IOCKITC1EANING its full part in achieving this much desired If Germany does not surrender uncondi result Part III of the voters list for the Town of VBarrie consisting of the names of those who are entitled to vote only in elections to the Legislative Assembly not having beenconi pleted for 1944 due to the illness of the Assessor the Clebrk of the Peace has inserted an advertisement in this issue of The Examiner advising that the various lists prepared for the court of revision be ex amined by each person whose name should appear Altogether there are only 94 names on the Part III listnone at all in Wards tionally there will be no VVDay proclaimedl in Europe until all of Germany has been oc cupied For this we have the word of Gen eral Eisenhower The CommanderinChief of the Allied Forces in Western Europe also declared that several weeks of hard fighting lie in store for his troops in cleaning out the several pockets of enemy resistance Our troops have already shown keen pro ficiency in the jOb of cleaning out such pock ets And with final victory all but achieved they will be ready again to close in on the Germans fully realizing that they may die lk jclvtcr i1liiio lured to carry on the vorit in this iiid uni li1 unlle 01 595 go 11 D1 blllld in Ontario last year totalled 32001278 Hm generally Cases of til blinded sol dict fill of these are now receiving their were added to the oimnitteef Mrs Neil Laurie Arthur Pugh Mrs Carter Miss Miicinchlzin and Miss Ruth Russell till uiiilelli illcnllr mun tilltll itid lititltlli ltinis lud tliiillil to their interest and oogiilatoh Vinidtct of Sllll re tiliptl licli fzv other to be raind through local at days Liliti private subscriptions ii ricnry District Field Sec etziry of the institute for the Blind poke on the work of the institute ti H21 in oil ill sailors and airmen of this vnr had been reported to date and IV lt izisic training it the headquarters if the institute in lorotlto Many ltllcrs will ilil their training will Alraliizeuielits have been ed nude with the Dominion Govern it At the close of the meeting dei lectable refreshments were lerVed Mrs Ruwson IN Years Ago THE BARBIE EXAMINER APRIL 22 1920 Barrie Local Notes Board of Works employees put on ii ninehour day at the some pay as before Council dc ciined to and assessing to duties of Town Engineer and also tlidercd that no poll tax for 1920 be col lected from returned soldiers Thomas has turned out number of rowboats and expected to build quite number iii the year Work COIlilllellCDCi on tha new Dreamland 1lrcatre on Bay field just below Bank of Nova Scotia in hit lust 31 HW VI an is lliillliilllil ti zimp riiiTIltll for one year and in Aug 3H hill revmted to tho rook2 it UVQlHLlS want ilnloptl ipr Wallace overwus ii llobct ltlll and was in lIililiullfllshiriu months lie went ovcil to the itinent in March lini with tw cr lizirrie boys Ipr Bill lily l5 and lpr Bob Parsons After chilig the Continent the trio was broken up fpr Parsons go to carrier regimen and the er two being sent to another letter home lpr tiince told of spending shot ill Ghent This was few before he was reported kill Zvlrrr Wallace has had no Vivotd ncni for the Vocational lliiilillillllltvlll her husband indicating hint and rehabilitation of veterans he knew of the death of their soil blinded in this war who was probably only it few The following new members miles away However she has ilt him direct cubic it Jack Wallace who spent five PROVINCE 01 ONTKRIO GENERAL gumHON llit lirai 11 llli ll lit in it hoop lli5lt Hr iiilil tilli Li Il hint rtiuui tiw iiiril iiirilvicucl lrivivv ilt ill ll ll illl icllil ht vlltililllfl i4 il ll lzi Vtti it billilllliltllld tc iilc lll Vti itllw nil Twirl 1y lliuch hlvmt ciuel lV lille pl ipertr very llithlc urns ltjlilflttl llll illl itll Xittl to hc Kile iiiiillilli lUl lllli Vcvtic liii lll5i liilll illii lt iiiiltlicli oi ilicj lllll AilK lllI llll lil yeah iii the Aron liuliuitz iil l0itiltl ild trend oi lll ilV attended lllilltlll llittl clvice in Si Iiu lhlitii coin ducted llv llcftli 1oi Moody ulwrtullu MAHH Altllfl Your Victory lioiid can be your magic carpet which will help curry you to pmiwzo ocurilv iThtee of Family Die ln Crossing Crash Wow NW vwmw Si Miclmclr wlitngc ililll rt Wilcl the youngest boy of tilt lilnilj ittiii hill tudiui rlhc livo llots itvic ii iii lill ithcn Iliotiicr tit lmrrw over ilici THTRSUAT MRii fftrlEiA lFO Hy Parker Lisle Missing on Flight in ms millions ADVAM North Olillio Over Andaman Sea lisilic lkAi Zw It ix Yltrlnclal nil liil 31w ZJJliiii rt wt Tlll richm park fit lfic ili gt is lift mum in SinMr lu Vim 131 lrt loil il hell Si imt till it lV 71 ii Nit lie tortured in itllillil3ll lt last irri Linnll 13y firlili Aphl ltlrli and their iiw to of thu ioted to the Bgtliania Front ltlt 7V LintT irni tii it illllll zllil inti it l=l ll llil iliilv erlill to lltil lli irol cullvlctrlt ii lliiV 12 ilpeliioti Minicc toililli Hitch VV all llll lt iziinnlt li TPR TED WALLACEoi KILLED IN ACTION thineconsuming Are you laced with the per pitsingI and lilltlliililllili task oiadministering 1i small cstiitcl Wurtimc controls have grcutiy itllilll the work of an cxccutoi lllis trust otlipguly can rclicvc you ll this responsibility lili business is the administration of estates 11ml vc are ill lily to lily contact with cvrry phase ill csttttt iriiuiugcnicut ur charges are thosc ihich trc awarded by the Iourts to all executors private persons as well in trust colilpziuics For information about our services and how they can hclp you we invitc you to consult our liiccts villi llllllllllilt JUNE 4th 1945 Vi it just few days before all will be preparing to and 6while the list possibly should have come back to home and to all the precious 1500 to 2000 No person whose name is not Simm County Briers associations of home on the list when it is finally revised will be Meeting held at Stroud to con Comcident With this Situation on the Eur ableto vote and the responsibility for getting sider VCOHSOUMO Sliold ppean batgefront Citizens of Canada also on this list restswith the individual man and Liogldshe dR fveligy ace QC et 13 SC ap amng 1013 10 pay the fm woman chairman There was good at TwoTr to tendance including ratepayers from to IS 00 other ectons Knoc Nantyr Cimichisii ivaiilgiihnnd BigBay or as gmpted lt Point Siroud school was treport All rippled Children Wilmer gt with an average of out ie fFor atttempted theft Von April 19 the emolment rot thevlhree sec all owned by F0 201 lions wgsabout 120 With aVEF Retufnin Cars for all Electoral Distri in if umoffC two Ijlialijnp 1lacrden troop age of from 60 to 10 1Miter zgz 01 who are authonzedhbi 81s 0na and lengthy discussion mosty avorr am 21 Ctive erv1ce otm uations 45 to ac survey to locate as far as pas dice clubs will meet and Classify Shaugarue were each given three ableio consolidation it ws de ceVPt Slbie all crippled or handicapped llhe names received The count months in $101 by Magisuate Cldeimal the trusmes 0f Big Bay Inomlnauon Papers 0f Candidates lithe Pendlng Omar General Bleak children in stmcoe count Jeffs Sat rd 13 Leo yv starts wrll be divided into districts each aY Qrsilp amswm an yr next leek Seven Wice 11le service club to be responsible for congraumlw Mrs Jenkmi Twemh Lmev KnQCkv 511mm and at any me text ey recelvgt W1 0f E1th are taking the responsibility for the district The homes where there for her promm no in the case Fifth Line meet and consul the survey in cooperation with the are drippled or handicapped chm VShe had been sitting in the of matter andrreport to another meet Ontario Society for Crippled Chii dren will be visited each case me at 4813553 Road aboutulgo mg Boner folmer Stay dCient at meeting held in the ed and slimghistotytaken Pm Vthat kit when she heard ner bank manager given three our ouse Barrie with re re If sufficient numbiif garage at timbre Tearsehffeheieretee gt sentatives present from IMidliind or handicapped chilgieii 032131101 lzlel fig and found that the gambling said toibe responsible in ordertebesureehavmgslrapnamemdablemmmeimra7 mm Penetang 0mm and game KL catedV clinic will be Vth Voumo car had been driven from for his predicament Will of lanis Clubs Collingwood Progress cduntyV when promientmchils plates1 33d had struck against lohn Pl Secord of Oriilia enjoin candidates should le them nomination papers with the Returning Ocet rub Anismn and Bradford Lions Vs ecial w11 son oor jamming there an his brotber legatee perpet iV Clubs plans were completed to aid misuse lwhg ggsdeagg 521133 LOORVmg outsheisaw two soldiers uate the DOIitiCal conviction 0174 for the EleCtoml District not later than MONDAYSTMAY 7th 1945 hold the suweyV starting on MWVVX ffhere are hm few caSESVVthat walkngE rapldg 10 theucomr the dmeased thusly He shaman tV er ssa 0a fo in mg2133 11 J5SleewrigingVirnone2ridmedical science cilmrg shamt0 the comer of Barton 481 ifs Every effort Will be made to make available to Act1veSerVICevVoters the Web many can comp ate and asked th mam 10 wk r1 r5940 the 500191 for Crippled cured It most films ac to plalfm zr nam of candidates who file their rs afte Guam attended the meeting ever that ireatmeniblxgtiiilgii $353ng Tbhel mad r951denrandsh9ut mm the 67 P6 FMWh butiwlng the aVndOfLered eonStrutive sug get bestresults The email Qhem RJ 0319 Flsv HErrahfr V1143 pressure of the war servrceyinthe use ofcablc and telegraph wiresino ass trons and assured the full cooperVSociety for Crippled Children is truck The irsreejrmlmb Rectmmiydmtlce Free tat if It smmhesdm She Pregame mainly interested in those afic and were idked Haelro in gostEdOffe layrhmiimiii my oncecalibre gwentharsuch names will be availablefor Active Semce Voters Mull Momma Barrie is theitions which may be classed 21 ed sbuth p7H 27 Gee 05 me r0 er ow genwgdwamm and CTR Fasten orthopaedicV th principal one me therierlg ghingngngg Siigcllisggigmggztgf gig onP0111g days secre TIFF support of mem being poiiomyeims infantile par hr bers of the County Medical Aslaiysis con enitaltbirth def rim7 Ont bumpmg Car and 95 Airplanes engmedfmd accessoms the is FILE YOUR NOMINATION RAPERS WITH THE APPROPRIATL imp esat teachem the Cleft palateV webVh em or We womlgn Instant branches the dislocated hips or 3115 demmm ingglspicloug sacrpped at his home the Militia Air Force which vrll RETURNING OFFICER BEFORE MAY7th NEXTand make sunegyoug ChdrensV Sadat the Vicgarisin in earl 11 11 an Vp oned the VJenkiVns have its training grounds there for 11 be th le garaga Gettlng the demed an Canada nam W1 out is isto can ates supplied or case oflAcuve Service jscmd The smeyiollemadeinSimg fortnadenhe stgyegnin the house gt IM rinses 35mm coe County wiliembraoe the aliave until the arrival of fhicAfiau MrsTJgkinsg rm 77777 Y9 NWWllhlquemnnalre Wilias well as any other handicap chael who had been notified by John Reid for the defence 7777 777 311 abwe and other iv Child may have The servrce clubs claimed tht there 11mm crippled Want to hi svno p100 chnildren whose ram child wrll beexammed or treated of the attempted theft But the 10 ecV thi EMTh to limitlllPihI ha Wghoiytitheappmval of the family garwitess eightyearold Jimmy ex elm 3V rn es cas swan ose aiiiextimlft Wm cOnduct thecliiiiac isnot rec pWhen the survey and clinic are they iii liigzigliargeginthiaziyiiiferrigx CHEF 10 11 calving fee for examination or overthe service clubs involved hadronowed the group up Essa ONYARIO amount the name pzigquent 153213 ken have ailcompieit recor and road saw the men get outofathe 117 coor Vtaryuo cripp or andi car when it dammedand positive gimmlimityysevtgelwnormem algaedcchiidreg int thiizliarea ithe tyggeatied both inwcourt Hist an 18 Vlnsfnyl Wuan awi en ev ncegatne His onshipi thell lhml exceptthaw to imireaicewice clubsezvicebe necessaopcormboratinmfonsaecon My ilelp unfotunale tunnels1 it MW Eigtionk gt 113 Jiti