Illil itiziii zili 5975 Copies IJIE SHOWS4350 and RM IliisMtltlll Ii TIME iiiitl HAIDING IllE RAIDERS of iisrrcsitrtnt MONDAYMTUESDAY LAST SHOWING TONIGHT GREER GARSON and ROBIX TAYLOR iiarria ttttiSOil tint unremitting SUN gt The UNWRITTEN conga ircar No If iROXY HOUSE or HITSW THURSDAYnFRIDAYSATURDAY ttiNtiNiOIS SHOW SAIIIIDAY 230 Il HIS NEWEST and FUNNIEST HIT IltliAIS TOIIOK AIIIOON FOX NEWS Roosevelt Dead Pictorial Highlights in treat arccr WEDNESDAY MAT WED $330 Iil iiiiiiriii iprurtr prising ENTERTAINMENT in WHEN Lngpmger and TARZANS SECRET TREASURE BIG tins mm and Sunni CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230PM BtElil tr 3T0 iiaiiet tlittn iritiiriir Itittitttiltli t1 ltniliiiittlitton EXTRAUNIVERSAL NEWS itigt tla lit llitlllir it our ggiublm lttlet inc in tiiiittli =i iot Intui liit lIiiit Limit triiilillltfti llt liiii1ti Irv world out around Iiit it tii it llil Atrial tlrt it nitr ci ac lili lti trisiiirisnr Al ARENA APRIL 30 in TUIWIJ Ivzi iisiitt prt iii of il lrtcit it ifiiiltit Iltlfufllu raiitii lrr lliit tIt all Hi Hinttitiii iii thr tr 1i ilt Ilirz mimic tiat pr 15 Hub etc Ic41LJlnttgtttt tiili iiiailliti Uith haziitci floats plant employrs decorated parade to the Arena and help ii piit over another biz Victory ntn llally Capture of New Britain Film at Lions Meeting The Lions liib liititilittt tt thcir meeting last Friday cvciinr tiiirr films portraying the attack against the Japancstpamd tirc evcntnztl can hire of New Britain lacifrc Ifllltiltl stronghold The film was litiWii by George Rairisdalc and Ed Norman It was announced that thc illttlllilt April 20 Would be cancelled in fav or of the Victory Loan parade and the speaker for the foilowinii meet ing would be provided by the Vic tory Loan committee tla ivr lhcrc tl lic is hnrti tati etlliiigattttti Kittie Irli lint titl tIrc Linton Kinthan Woriicn Army tilts pipe liairtl writ iw Ic hope to lltt iltlllt ilini It II llllll wriiti up at Bariic rcna tor artgi onlstaiitliii biotnin by llii lltitiltilllrllhli Tit Htttlt lthttttltt ilantl lgtlItl by triit iiim Iiitl kittt II irli too curly for thc Toronto itllllllttlgt of tin itrntti iIIH it Ill Hltlittl lrii Ilai rcvuc llll from tour lliii tlc ovcrscq lutitlclioiit iii ttriltll littlflt ilrc irttlcr will iic lIcv Norman litmzttir thc chaa man ltcv itcarnald liowtitn tnrl the TWAC pipe band trill ilo pi out before ihc conceit tirt tt itll lIiti abort Iill ritc tlil town or Ar zanizrilions tttc fillttl thornl tl with the Council and iiorntl of lIdiicaIion ctc lo gict into thrw LARGE STEEL PLANT VictOriu Cross Winner RICHARD MAY BE BUILT HERE GIBBONS Inr iillt Heck negotiations hair been under way between the IfofittlU1tItI of forn rnvrrc and large steel indiu rn which is considering the ltftlluli of plant in Barrlt Leading wines of the in dustry were in Barrie again lumtay of this neck and met with If it Ncltlctun President of Ilil Number of Commerce it Dudley Manager and iayur Sinclair Negotiations are now print ing for decision on the mat Itr vati trig parach in Hf Ecruiit iittirr ttlic uni IN BARRIE APRIL 30 vtiiiznrticc tit igtltlitlii ti tri itt lt tiliitlilt titiiiril for April 31 in ilitlltlt male ll the inttt iiitillfil ililtl tti lirattfxvitt icoigw Johnton MIA titrlitlliiitd that li trtilfl liLlltili lct lit or land the tslinilllttII SiltltlJ at lc iicLlinL last i5tip 913 WNW alliiiiright ititltKlttl lion in Vivian lion i2tl li but the final FEW HOMES WITHOUT Il Ncuu lllli in Barrie rcll on tan avcrairc liti1 ropch of The lab ric Exarrrrncr ticry week Add irhcriptiori to tlii itivcs total of irtitl coprcs in the town HOW ILAIIIH HAS SIIIIIINK done iii hours by air ff577 COMING EVENTS lhc lzitlliutil lioir Midland will hold ctmccrt in Essa iinadr Presbyterian Church Wednesday April 23 it pm TUPCOATS $215iiwiiiiiiiiilliii6so rmincoarsaiurmniinc $1195 to $1595 Oleas $725 SUIISlNSTOCK Sizes to fit all $2150 to $3750 WE canny FULL RANGE or worm CLOTHES WILF TODD iiIHNS anti BOYS rWEAR 55 Dunlop SL Barrie 41 DUNLOP Sl If It Insurance You Need Our Office is LARGE ENOUGH to Serve you SMALL ENOUGH to Know you STRONG ENOUGH to Protect you OLD ENOUGH to Guide you MALCOMSONS Insrirance Agency DIAL 3735 MEMBER OF BAltRlE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BARRiE ourinroconA THURSDAY actor it IItil lic ttrt inrm hi iittix iiiiii it Ver DAY HRH Vltl old IIJILIL Muirx imam pug ii tili oclr lttlttil Iztlltif tnrric nil ir olln 11 tittii rtf IAIW Swt1r=ti tr3 ttitiii tiit Vii ri ttron tlll ti lti LForm Site Inspected ii ltt xtlllt Artth lttituf his ttrirti ttilit illiiit iiii hc no tittrltt that Im livitlti tf nilttttti WE Morita tffttitiitlit nil in tittltil At rum Iitti of lift ttic on iht iioitlitct iwit irr ll can tirI bc atirlttii Ittttlt if lIalllt that ticrrtc tlti HHlttltltf for an airficltl Aitoiiiptir3 who Mr itlclntjnc Wt Mayor Sui ftluli tlitl HHtI ilitiiilifi of tla alum mi pumpipt mama yto Iiitlt out llo ouao and other lttrtiic Attic ta lftilillltit Ill aljrl it rlliititu of tlic Ar 31 ftrlt liti ril rgarrmi tltc irtiitj tltt ttl In Mr titficcit ml bustierhip ltIlltI icrivvir aluttui ill lrr iii Iiu ittlrtiiiJl saicty ll iltrtccr iti piialioii to hi itiiimtril tin ittlittiln liraicij tiill cxiiciitt ivotron to duty Mr Mtrcltant itic atlvtiitic oftnp Camilla may in lhc ilxamincr in circulation 70 Ultiflr tl pm lr Mclntyrc reported to the part gty rgtII Iilt feasibility of lhi itc aittl And its paidnirtlaircc circulation too Itl ttlrli 1HIllit Vicinity MIDLAND liliillll ilNllliltthIJS OPERATION 3lltililrit you all lznozc lit in How tlrc earth lit shrunk is irtitt ltccve lfoiil will not with illtltitltl liy iiit fth that lit ltilOllt tritiiltiit the Mayfioiiti limit it days ItlfizS the Atlantic in iiiiitl the first steamship took 15 days Ill ltlllii the Queen Mary nccdcti our days for cd sliowrn of official US Army In msmm ma may can be de rlWmy IUIIAI aid Mayor limb iiion at the IJIIiliiiiliiLi of Monday Alitlltititi onncii nrcctziri ti iti gtllt underwent an operation at thc It WI him imam III hospital today We ill with him Ifil Hayfield St Iiarric tiliilYftl ENLlSIED FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING Flillk Iidvilnldiijm Klevc lie was ilIlt operator clcs St Barrie jtillil the infantry lump 009IH1H whims Spurn Smith married an English Before cn tiripltiycd February and stationed at ilranlforrl list int he Yorps ms their little daughter last Fall lhcyi ducal mam THEIR Sim lived in liruersoil for few nrontlis NOTICE RE Garbage Collection We are asking our cus tumors to set their con tainers out EARLIER as the collection at am GRIFFIN starts HEWITT Sony SHOCKING DRAMA TL in THEZND BIGHIT EveLShows and 845 pm LAST SHOWING STARMAKER 845 p111 nmmrrnr nor and Russell VON Proiiressive Conservative Meeting olrOro9Progressiveonseriicriive Association will beheld in the TOWN HALL ORO SAT APRILZI For Election of Officers and any General Business SPECIALJNVITATION TO THE LADIES REFRESHMENTS V45thAnnuiali BCICADET INSPECTION ANDPARADE BARRIE ARENA FRIDAY APRIL 21th are PM PctrcidefiOm Post Office cit 215 pm HE BARRIE EXAMINER FORMER GILFORD tithttz rt tiii iw ztirotnl nirt tr fathci tll inc irraiiy littrritw llt tiil tiitl Iittl Iicriv viii ifitli iiiituil it Toronto ltl tartt its lzrtrvtv 1w Allied llt ltil trtti in min fltlt tilioii tirtiirt iirrl xtctl Incl lft ii of lc lltttttti tttiiiiii it lit ti titi git liiiitlitg fiitil 24 lltvi liitltl titli ii Iiithi tarn tr llt ullci and rlil iii liilil glIiJi wit of tho IIiiirtttt ltHiii tti2lltl of the ANN flying lriri HliIitli iitctl it othcr iilftn iit liw litillti os Ilitii it tlii loixn ouirtil ction Monday cv iiiitl airtl fitiIltlt Iilltilltili illtli lirioiiioiuir of tlic piojctl ii pro ittillliL StiAIN SMITH IIUMIZ iriiii icorizt Smith whine hoinc last Friday after fi year tiitiir 511nm Sllilllliltill of Ficd Smith liltLOlSdl nt enlisted early Ill tilt and icitt overseas fcw tcocks lJiIii lie was Ill Britain un til iioinu into France with the iii vasion forces last summer With Siprral oips he went across iiantc Belgium and Holland andI crosscd into Germany where hot advanced With his unit as far asj uirl who came out to Canada with and came to Barrie in February Sunni Smith is on till days rotation furlough and will report back for duty at the conclusion of his leave ki HAS RAISED NEARLY $800 FOR CANADIAN IKE CROSS Since Ntivernbcr lfliitl the villagcl lof Coldwrter has raised for ted TCiiosiiiip to April illi the sum of $771521 an average of over Sini Jill year ill village of less than SINCE 1939 IOLDWATER II able strictly iir advance Your ad dress label shows due date PEARSON Pres Canada will hold Toxoid Clinic fur the pcevention of Diphtheria for Babies over monthsond Childrento years of age in theLibrary Hallcommencing April 25 and succeeding closes on May 16th and June 6th at 15111 under the direction QfDr Babies willinbt be weighed onthese lawsme Sectdn Pages to it BOY iS KILLED Impenal TIIIIIr PIL Sat Heres the Funniest Picture Ever Made The bi MIRACLE MAN who mind ch to tit 31 of Koclcenlocker loved only one Army at time MIAAGVII PKISIII For Barrie Airport till OIIHIISI MEIER BAILIMMLWMTK 9m main 9nd mm item sum DH In it It SHOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAM Riders of The Northland CHARLES ilAIIItIJIT SHIRLEY PATTERSON RUSSELL HAYDEN STARTS SUNDAY AFTER MIDNITE 1205 Out of Yesterdays Most Romantic Era Coms Todays Most Romantic Musical Hit also THE COMEDY FEATURE HAY FOOT WM IILACEY JOE SAWYER JAS GLEASON $00 people 7fW on ALVIN Ittiiillitl subscriptions are pay CCUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY The Simeoe County ciety rrrei iii the Lions Club Room 11 with 241 elected president Airtc was the Spicrs secretary main speaker of the day Chief sub Modern Crown and Bridge Prosthesis and these were rental illustrated by colored slides Perkins and Dr irriz were Alvin Barrie wa present Dr on Wednesday April jects discussed afternoon and even Read and use Examiner Classifieds 00 omm Inputs mooaouolt TROCADERO CLOSED FRIDAYSATURDAYAPRIL 20211 for extensive alterations and redecorating by Fred Lawrencmputstanding artist CRAWFORD CO INVESTMENTS TonoNTo MEMBEBHITHE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE FthNN Bannerrmafraonn BARRIE BRANCIif89BUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2443 Special Bino timid1y April 19 at 315 11111 Ausp of Smith Mon GRAND opium Cookstown Pavilion FRIDAY APRIL 27 MUSIC BY GIRLS MARCHING DANCES BOYS GYMNASTICS 425 Students Participating ARENA ADMISSIONff25c CKNX Ambassadorsf Dancing every Friday Night throughout May to this PopularfOrChesticrg Down Stairs iii iise decorative schemel rnizns cutennas HAMS BASKETS or Form and BASKETS or onocnmus 12 oarins zeroGoonooon PRIZE 7C1 Grand Reopening FRIDAY APRIL 27 SPOT PRIZES DOOR CONTESTmNEWNAME FOR moo Your chance to win prize for srrggestingtiie best new name for the Irocaieroafte1 you see it in its new our Dont miss visiting the new Troo after it reopens mamaaorwmmmm Drauguea ya vr the auspicesof the Womens Auxiliarytothe Canadian Armoured Corps Fund arne Armounes Vl woo mar 900 PM DOOR PRIZE ENTERT DRAW MUSIC BY Sgt Barnes Orchestra REFRESHMENT nINMENT TI ress Optional Tickets 75 per person For state at United Cigar Store at byhaayCAc Auxiliary Mmber raccoons WILL Br seENrnsroLLowsz sent each month to our to $5000 is given to Red Cross eachjmonthgfor panels tor our prisonersofwar c$10000 is Spent each month the CAC in financial difficultjemw tat $20600 in lcigarettes is mops oifrseas assisting