mut Mus gr Ik PAGE IW itll nltttlh 1Al15 unnitIEuisit Lxuxlr HUIHL IIIyII VV VV VV VV in Mu VVVV gV TH ERIE GREAT Woltu Loss lo nuhNHlUIM1M HOW BtlllSh Gl iiilslm hhlll in III rim 311mm mo and in or Saved Attica nom 50 ears Ago Published raunchy Morning by tundra Weekly Ngmm mam Enem IN Tux xoxrnxaw toy or ran BARR EXAMINER mm an cm omma Ion III II 241 uzuu Emulation ilv agillklx Ya PK 1835 ii It In no lkhkl VVVVVV 1VVVVBS 135th Hrr LVVVV NOVrV mm CIHHSLIM ELIRBI union Sumo Coplej Aw Jul li II law in Although lreslticllt Roosevelt has passed VV lt VV VV loll his silirrssor President ll lriilnilti Haul ins tl Iltltur uultit illll lllls pronnsrd thut the Ulltlti of lddlllilil ll lioowyiit wtil bu curried out thut the bound strumtry of War Will lizliuln unihung ANADA FAtES llllllli WITH BEST PROSPECTS IN Willi SAYS NAIIUNAI All FIXNtll AIRMAN rd lilld illlllllpiacd zilld thut thi Ullllttl llli address titullitlli lI lohtla ltWEV mm ii Hm uVHVVVtV VH VWHVVHVV btutis along with lllt Allies illust slloilldrri Vile Vi it VI ll lIiI lllt tldvt ltiitlllllill ill flElilrLlllL StillI II III IIII II tlllillllizill it zil on inll oz VV VVVV no it gt llltt tltlitttl iridiv lll to iltlltLV mm MIMI My WIHIIM mm pr Indy IVV Iv lt nun twin ltllittltlll of llirrtlon ulld risplit shown ill tiltl JUII liltli litllltlillti it lttt tlitlll ln=u U1 plump Ilk dim Wm up tillotlglltldt lllt Llilttd btiltcs lollownig the Tim llit iwl lgtli= male 1x nu is VV it will HVVVM UVV mu Littlle til lltltltlll RUUStVtll lllS billittsstlli Mile innI lllen in ltttllirt 3i ii til 1V It fxlltfllllblw itlltiil Mil limit ill lltlll Vt tl Vltltily lltlilll tllllsilztlfi llltll tillv lti tilltll III lid VN IIh IIIIIw IHIIIIl lllzlirll Vtllilillll tit pundit illtzimillw il VI VVV VV VWVVV TV VVVV VVV in NM hm mth 5H imp VV VVV VV VV VVV VVV AV VlV 11V llt hi nltllitld 3l ilt lildW Uni in 3th ti iitl Vlli llVr Ill VV illilas oi =lii ltle Roostyell tlt curried iVVV your up All innit liltr lllltt lllll Vu Vol HM ribl loll VV iV VVVV IVVVVi 15V lllill iiimltiillx n1 eV11 wurm md hil llllIlxlllll lltsltltlll llilllkllll Roosevelt tlllt of the worlds Big in Africa vm Ill ti help to illlillt Iiil 51 VI VVV IV VV VV VVV VVVV VV VV Vilvl1ll lm iv VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVd Wm lllltt llttl suddenly on lhulsdlly afternoon of it ccrebrul VIV 1VVV iVVIVVV I1ll kt Rn viVVu us It sAHNfis Input Iitllt llltlllollllugt lie was b3 yeursol me One of the outstulldlll iv in in iV hill ltl loin uni tatithlltl lull illll had Hnly mp1 MR jiViydtllull illnli ss pl in tiril llllIlvtl iii2 hum lltl lll nu ni 1051mm MilDb lrudcrs til the plrsclit wlr Pltfildtlll Rooscvvlt was the 3lst rtzlclictl ruinul silt Im iiinv it nwlumulilv Vi in Amp tlflitiii our iii nip vim lzmwripu tllilliulun lllrlllers tlt lolllrolltcd With llisldent oi thi Ullllttl States llcllth ocCilrrid in the littlc till rclni Ltlllt in tilii lan is MM wt it drill It itll ll VVVV VVHVV VVVVVV VV VVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV Wmm an Rh Wm VVHVVV llVllt oppoltulllty to do sollli iffittni pllnl Wlllto llousi inWlll1l SpllilgsV Gun Muir mil goni thite VHVViVViViV iVVViViVi iVVim iVViVVlVV tVLVVVVVVVViVTVVVliViV VVVVVTVTY WIT QVVVHTT ol lllt itlnissI Milli ill llltll own liltercst and ill that of thewrrks ilgU Sttkllli rest and relllxutlon Three hours following Zulu hi lllIIIIfIIl IIIIi III II IIIIlIlIIItIlI lI IiIiIII will II In in VVV VV VV VV VVV zv iuV ti gig rims iii Ilt ii VVVVVEVVVVVV IIVVVVVVVV imp Wm lllilltlli Vt Alhrlght lttllltd IfttllLly lll thc picsldcnts delitll Vicepicsldent Hurry Itulnlln took 334 wpmw WV mVVH VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVW HM1m Wm ijVVV hm hm Albrltli tillitllin ldllll Vlllttllllt Wllltll lhi olltll ot tlllltt ls lalld Ircsldhnt ol the Ullllttl btutcs lie iillltlhl up lny riniipiy 1in dolphin no or ii= in with liil Vii MW in V1 mi 11m pm or millied It loon Sl8ltl00000 lil 1932 has rls was buried on Sunday in the portion of the tinnily ftSidtlHt WV VVWVVVVMVI VVVV VVVVV WVVV mm VVVVHVVVVV and VVMVVV en to 54220001th in 1959 and to $1748000 ovcrlookini the Hudson River VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV fVVjVVVfVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV WMM th ttSlllllilltd toss income ill 1944 Whilc ppm mmimix zit illtlnlc ptfth lLXLlu illitl EVV VV Him in mm WNW Alth Mr 1M it out ttil ol le tllll is 10 lescn ct lot11 wth an lilllft littil lll llltlpt llltnt VVVhV VVVV VVV VNV VVVVVle VV VVV VVl VV VV IVVVVVVX VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ttl iiiitl lolittl otlt Ath lllitV bt cxpcctid to continue ill tllolit Illt quinmw mu ll slllllc levcls Loss bullet lilld bombs will no rrquircd but hulldrcds of millions will hilvc VV VV VV VV VV to be paid out for lclliibllillltion of returning m0 mil 101 Ill splti of lllfl illoltllgc ViloliV VthuiVVlVinun lint lllitli Th1 WVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVV oldicrs lllcludillU Vll surviic orltuitics llltl 11 llwmgp 0w mchmIry BM IIlIIKvIl IIUIiIIIIIII IIIIIIIIiIHIIIIIIIIIOIII my WWI HI it Cr ii IKI II lt hos wur won or notions ftl wls UN lnll Il llitl ll li nx IVlsmbhsmmnl Illm WW 115 mg ml llmmnt nl lit rndi ilttly Mobility lll llt IlllIItlllgllIlllilVllllIIllItIItillitIllllliIft VVVD mad VVV VVVIVVVVVVVVVV Um mV JVVWV Vim clllcved the thrill plxtnt has had it tendcncy VCOVVVVVVVVVVVd fVVVVVVVDVVze one very iinportuni until3 mm mm Sums Wm be INNm to food mo Dvmmd to lllll down at hch and that cannot go on mum mid numbing in luldinun to thc spflltlliigj by mm Vim IVVVVVVV mm VVVVVVV production has lJttll substuntililly met or mm Um WVHMVV by mm llllpUltilllt wurtilile llll upon Jillludiull form lllillll Itmr will Illi Indium IIUIIIIIIIII JIIIIIIIIIIWIIII IIIIII IIIILI flow rm 13 II HI VV llc this opellitiliit worn lielioywl NWVMVWAW forcvcr It is good time to ircfully con hwr WW tvllnlrlts Ilivri must llt VV ISL do HVV Mman llt lIl sim tllt llllltllts gtlliinl tltrtlllllllt lllt lisrrlilv WWI WEIIIIIII IIIlX ltltlll tiInlect this Sitter ll dcfinite plan for the future looking ltvilelit inbnli to tho lute llvsi flttlltlllllf WWW WW lin Vi ltillill honian on lIniiln Canada l00 DUSV toward podod innnvanlpnt lnd pug tltlll lltltiltttll of lilt United IIIlmImv 5mm lllItliilIillll Jp WWW r0 IlIll Illh lllI lllIlI IVan While lxmndmlrm Hm mm mum VV SVVVVVVVVV HVVV VVIVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV up in 11V5 MP Iqu VVVVWHNDVVVVQ msly since im war started the lnoncy spent Mblllty V0 settlllgusldcsomething fol lltst mm mm in playing inhiy IS lliost ilnporlzint factor 139 MM Mum 1m picking llltl timconsunling task of lilllilnluii in PEI am 991 ll it as it rcservc against ml illeilir Slllinlcd Blllllfl The third field tltI these cxmndltuics has bttll llculzltid units is iul ilotlntl the ininol llltli to mum in SHIVmg deposits with tlllgtllCltS Victory Bonds llf tilt ltlelll means thVVm TVVWVVVVV llt consumption for licccssitics 1llthl forc ttlllplt of tiiiuly initial Silltll Klfllti Vllllllllt controls llIt illutlly 10 all and cash lllIICllllIdl will reach lltw the ends bun lellSl b9 romtlllbtlttl that in the hill Victory loill of $1 IImm mVHlt Illitll ttLtLSSllils tnindcrs should bc lllltllllli li IIII In of tho IOlIl said 3100 will not do the work of $200 Ellchlnust billion 35o millions illilf of the lIiIIiI Oinlinyunmnsulcs Imo VmI itlmW IIWIl hp WmIlI IXIIIIlI Hm IM high3 by the 0139mm mm VS VVHVVuM IV VVVVHVVVIVVVVIS in Ut III lt pin to lnlllltnn lll lloilsc or filit tllc lricvs Ilolird TOWNS It ix 1pm mm why pv consider whnthc netds most VV plum mm VK In mmwm In MW Vim IVVHVHVHVV not ill thsnless lrlns lilt Pry Canadian is bfng asked again to buy Theft hllOllld not JP 00 llllltll OlVfl lltllVly Hm largo WVNVVHV MFV Towers MiV IUVxy lg pmmimi the landlords to rcqtnrc tho pllynivnt bonds both with the money on hand and by to spend WllPll ltSlll goods arc again Willl Stand estimated mm Canadas ittcrit volume of savings iitctlmti if ttwitlds or lionllecs llld lilldel ttl lltlsllltsx lllt Elfllllllllsllnlltltl tsldlts llllil of mm income able Some of the dollars may buy more if budget reqllircinciits for the coln le mm the VW he VI pmwm lIIImImmm lmnmls IIIO go It Mr they are held two or three years after the lug fisclll you would be equal to WWW Postwar Jobs my are ill luv to lay 0011151 With very plillsl report Of me address TIM war By buying bonds now and tllillkinr out the highest of uny previous war spendl 9er by Wm Towers appears elsewhere in this issue Mi you ltlr lowers wits government spclld tilit gt0 litany ilcuiilv illt refillmm of sum mmmmimmiV inmw Vm Hm Towerg concluded mg watch as follows careful pm or 3mg the proceedi later 011 The CWPVWVI of the BVVVVk VVV ing Dominion provincial and UNIV Wttstns lo sct up hoilsc we may not only hel to will tllc war butlch llluniciplll would ilot tillder keelnni and not butk intn civilizm In addluon to mum advunvmges to Will Lht i91t lspwcll CIIIIIIII IIiIIIrIIIIttlI llIlIlII IIIIIIvI IIIIP JII cstiinlltc plans bill would sug lei they will bc wcll lidviscd to WImII dWIIIdd by IIIII IIIIIIIS II IIII XI IIIIIH or supporting the new Vlcmly Loani lets II II VVIVIVVVQbVVVVVVV 11m VV1VVVYVLVVVIVV lies that ill the Canadian society risk Ville landlord to show his WPlll its now organized it cant by any certificate indicating tho zippiovcd pm 0115 IS In UmlMW mcmbcr our solemn obligation to the cour mg Canada will hm mnvide ageous Canadian boys who are still fighting munitions and supplies for other OVVTVOVVS EVIVRIVVZVVVJVOILVVmeVVVVV ion iniIorilizition about our services lllld liow fluy Jtll countries ma dying for US on land at 393v and the lillczld of us declared Mr Towers VVVVVV To them we owe 0m freedom today Bingo has developed into big business in VA further reason for the nechs Right mmugh the peace remind help you we invite you to consult our lilliils To them we owe our chance for secure and T0r0nt0 Where three milliO 101121 year SIYVV VSUlVPHllryVi CandaVVS fig yoitIthc preservation of stability is Years it II happier worm mmme is said to be spent in this paSLlllltV One third VVVVgjo VVJCVVJLVVVVVWZVVVyri5VV mooring in THE BARRIE EXAMINER VV gt allftt van cs YES canda Elghlh Vlctory L03 gwes gf mmovm 15 mponed to go OI war mm cmrldas lulget Indicating CllldIS lilvnntagcs II by Elle will include the costs of this coull Vin going in me postwar worldV APRIL 15 1970 In II tllcunexpectcd young winter has prevented farmers from getting ill the fields as soon as expected Bert McCullough son of Wallace McCullough Belle Ewart slipped off the ice into the lake and nar Mahy Vin rowlIy escaped drowning He was eluded arcVVtoo careless and unap prdlativc ofiwi1al trees imeen to their streets Trees are cut down when they could be spared by no risk ask yourself one simple question Why is this personmaking you gift why is he offering you the opportunity for it prot instead of grasping the opportunity him self Distortions were set up which were burden Those upsets and dis tortions did in the end produce All economic situation which permit ted Hitler to get his foot in the door uine sorrow by millions of freedom loving people throughout the world who had learned to admire and VVrespect this great humani tarian and friend of the people regardless of their race creed or color And nowhere out side his own country was his death felt as keenly as it was in Canada To us it was almost as personal loss Mr Roosevelt had shown his regard for Canada in many ways Hewasindeed an understandingfencf an agood neighbor and herwas rinrlarge measure responsible for the spirit of friendliness and goodWillthatfnarked the relationships be tween our two countries His death from cerebral hemorrhage must cd Mr Towers for his Interesting informing and inspiring address T00 CARELESS IIWITH II SVHAVDE TREES IN MANY 110sz The speaker stated tllat Canada to healtVtiie onemyset upVa great war machin zilid locmlquer rin fiction stern policy was laid down The savings program has hole show That program was designed rIscucdbyV FortseV Btheman bylaw Ito guaranteeI$60000of bonds to assist in the cost of the Soldiers Memorial Hospital Oriliia was de feated cachiof us chance to Invcst ill the Best IILS Olll OpDOItUva and our dmy to back TV Lb lresresCuclVstIIlIyVVsleiyrezg lilo snooker emphasized that this Barrie Local Notes ill lt has not suffered devasim Fd 1x 0m fl hung men men who rank with 1e lary 011 cner IS avlng Count cart ucli ion UltC ls RPORAH 253 MY ST the best ign courage skill and devotion to lot of trouble over delayed return of books Iebt H0 1de nances wouldnt Permit rntzaging co NH TAO In fact me laxity in this respect haS grown Mr Towers emphasized that the equipments and new skills have at music teacher Miss Burns rc their taSkto back ll COllnthyv our 311 VVh people have the illolley to buy been developed lllld lot of the signs from BCI staff Frank ada which faces the future With the best 50 great at 19 Canef llbmnan hVaS been bonds Over the war years per foreign debt has been paid off Hameline of Tilly drowned ill Bor prospects of any country ill the worldt0 vemPOWBIEd to $66k police help If police have sontll incomes and savings have we dont have to go with out hill fie bayV Ed 5an drivel 0f fVVVC ve ractlcal support to the best form of to be called in it is time the negligent reader been steadily expanding and in WI hand 10 other countries teams resigns owing to differences 11 wag out Off the list upward trend is continuing SHV and finally he added We have with me meme JV GV Keenan DOSliwal plannmg meh Va can 40m ings deposits in the banks and cash stabilization placed an order for million Sheets and to buy personal peacetime security in ill the hands of the public will In conclusion the chairman of of foolscap before the recent lld the best possible way To those Who are DeSVteYEd by high pressure reach nethighs by the opening of the Nationle War Finance Com vance in price Business on 1331 salesmen to buy mining stocks and stock the Loan he said anlttVtVch sgesVsed thed slVoglVln CVlanest Division of CNR Slowed up mm issues Ronald McEachern of the Financial 11 Bitl 95 an ec are flat sidcrably due to big strike of THP LATE PRESIDENT BOOSEXEIT P0913 IlVES thiS excellent advice DOllt be When lliiII3uIiIstzlltdeone of the Victory Bonds give us chance to swttcllmcn ill the USA The news or the death or PIBSIden ran first things was to look back lit buy postwar security in the best vel at warm rm VGeOr 121V suckep Whenever anybody offers you VVV VV possible wayVn 1m Rome in en something for nothing quick profit with the Gum one the In thlnking the speaker Smme county Briefs wasearw last Thursday afteluoon things remembered was infiltloll MccagueV VVV AVVVSVOVVV complimemV Stroud correspondent lepot ts that OPINIONS OF OTHERS AGAINST CLOSED snor ill landmutilatedeortelepllonewlres for the pmtemon of the many and hydro wires with no thought 22 Billions The outlays during the war have ghtiregigxtshgilmq that went mm summedup to 22 billions 18 bil There is nothing Iand we mqke lions for war alone or 85 cents out no exception which Will add to the of evely dollar fol war alone Im beautiful appearance of the Streets wayI labour leader told the Vancouver Kiwanis Club that he stands against the closed shop Thisques tion which hasproduced many strikes recently is one which the Government can no longer dodge As long as labor relations were matter of bargaining between employers and employees matter of this sort could be lfttobe settled in each industry Now ghave been hasteninprd Value tgemsndon that labor relations are laid down by Government Obtaining the money can the to VVV strain under ich ore esp policy the Government musfcount noses decide th or germ mu SI mSVphysical disabilityV he made long journeys whether the closed shop or no closed shop is more 33 his IIifiiiswotliriieIdollilIlI 333 313131 adowwe Izaly 591 in to attend war conferenCes sparing neither 1VV ISVachfhge thVe by borrowmg from the public and is glogwmg eampl of SS rile MinisterofFinance 0m Dominion ofcanad mind nor body in hisendeavors to promote one 115 by b9mwmg from the ment Beautiful avenues orold trees offersfrsale tlmately come down on the Side of no closed shop bankmg system the Cause Of the Allies and to read the It is fair to say that our record me maPy of walkermns streets timate goal of lasting world peace He was GOD BLESS THEM is one of the best in the Wotldgi gtggrfegr gtuggagglffof truly war casualty and gave his life for his declared the chairman of th OI country and for the Allied cause as much as By GEORGE ADAM National war Finance Committee igerszge 0f bVEBUtY that everyone VV Vl gm sure that am Vllot alone in my opinion then in referring to Canadas financing any soldier who 133151 the supreme Sacrifice Say that one the meSt and bravest organizations during the war years in active combats onAtflVleV facVe of EM plane is theVSaIVleVtioiIlArmy FourThreeThre ECIIPSB of Sun re VV era onvi tripo severe wee stoodu on Calleglfygdgatt Willeglfdtyhg amlzet Eomzrl i313 south angliSleVVea angrily 233slhlalntciet endayguly IV VV fV II wseemed so near for the Allied cause to which group we 093 edit billions of dollars or these Canadiains will be scanning the VV words of the leaderwho was womanheard her securities $401 ever 10 are held he had devoted himself So wholeheartedly inspired though brief talk then listened to voice by individuals byylarge invest skghfigzatmtegogigsaeihmy it dV dVb gt go the successonV which heha made that rose above the dill of trafficvelour arid beautiful org like insurgme VcompaVVVBSV and early riser8V ne Whigs 2m Vh oath lgtfereVthV lat MayV 1945 and offered in my 3ch 3V magnificent contribution ncgne afethSdoeld songs hrhere not groaning $3 by wngahking VsystemVV eglipse at th suhV he rst Sinc occ VwV in optional with the purchaser as 0110an lV AVnothVer tragic feature was that he should Jan was OT mm 91 We belteVeMr Towers tat August 31V 1932V and me lastrunm have died when he was taking rest to caAmx OWE ed Vh Vt ed thereV are between Vfon and JuneI 30 1954 VV 18 Vm dSmmlh 7f4yearsand 6Imontl15 alter Vwas V3 ca and onehalf and three million Canv watchers living in Saskatchewan 37 137 ehmSe better foil Rammpatlon the San am ll 959 who 5th to have Prayers 01 adians now holding Victory Bonds andManitoba wm haveVan WVmp Francisco Confernce oftV118 United Nations feted for them Several hands arose Then another All these facts and gures addrup 3ge over residents0 other provinc DUEIISt OCTOBER 1963 Isl NOVEMBER 1949 twhi to 0931959 Edge songs by the leangLllee Very face to single conclusionksuccessv II VW it ope see at mm ton esior the eclipse in its total phase shone wrth triumphstamped wrtlr the Joy of un because we have been workm Callablelnorafrer1959 Noncallable to maturlt 0V msgreatest heartis desirean enduring selsh service VVV will be Visible within strip 401 Imm able peace among the nations of the world This writerIwasnt any too happy aloneina big mi wZSCZJiKiZi that the out if 19 Small Pam Ca yD in in cm RWPWDHSMRV and NVemb II see ec ipse but only 0mm on enominarions further eVldence of his intense desire for city and his eyes set little Wet under his glasses look for CIVlllan supplles during partially $50 319990041900 $5000$10000$25000$100000V $1000 $5000 $10000 $25000 $100000 peace throu bout the wod was seen in the and5m9 tibutim the Shaker the the remainder of 1945 was not var The ath of the gt fact that hail he lived 50 addressthe Jetted ggiggughggrfmm awayImmseu waShwf ticglarly god Ilee Viame Orlslnaa VWith sutlgilsephviseztwiil 100 Son Day Dinner at Washington thefnext IIlIlIhough bitter Icold and under the hottst Iskies to miiiiaigvmvr iiiwrsflfng Bgte Ironflana at 615 am EDT night he would havetold his listeners that theseViaithfulVand courageous lasVsics ladsand men must betel continuation of thepres 3313 oggiigfnngfguggfg in thwdtofthtslon Wle 36d the GOthmmt to nance expenditurelfor War purpose all ofathe peoples of all loe world must and mm the 135 and SUbStance t0 the sure to 53W eclipse will last 20 seconds The why 23rd April 194599 YulCh Pmg 131 1945 work to Which they have so Igladly pledged their Bold planning llves They deserve every honor They deserve vUsefuLVwmkVat fair income support Whaa glorious heritage thlia ramwmwmemrwmi period 01 Visibility will reach 47 seconds in Ungave and 75 seconds maxhnumerlcmtaml learn live togetherin peace if civilization Multilateral had pr jobs than we had in August 1939 RudIlt BeI Th not sectbutVa servicetor the glory and the remembering that there Iwere Wlmpgl StrseIgIlswas Stigma lnlgvlatloghggdgsgs gadgzxcgzndorl or good will 00th ungmptoyed at that time NewYolk theatrical produccrsl be tits spell ihg that provides 1655i taro Kathimomcu action gt GodVVblessttiemtorevcriga 45 V1 dont ouuestrtllatpeacetlme mm epared was ready for IBooth left to the worldt And what brave band to work is one of our ma post Thepath of mono WIHV gt V4 deliverya whet died he reveaVlVEd ns gm 210 he mmatedl war objectives It is going toVVre north of LakgSuperiyor throlliglf Applications for these bonds may made through any Victory Loan Salesman anIy II concern IGthhe pattern of theVWOrlds glandemaa vfhgn herVerVly neViner persh from in quire bold planning declared the NorthernOntario Scandinavia an Branchin Canada ofany Chartered Bank any authorized Savin sBank mm hostilities caseV Mow than aml tr war grow power an Governor of the Bank of Canada Russia VV 83 rust iV wailWemnhnem to therbesgmnmg $1338 EgeVrVVVlVthzggrtdeipectew1nd stVle gt seems to be the case that in LoanCmpanv from whom copies of the ofcial prospectus and re ous and er it mm This omVVVVaVVOVVVVVVVszm mm hem VV ee million more mu MET REFUSALB applicatloqfonumay bVe obtamedV end toith brutal in most and momihlg impractical method Militia nuances betweengovern VDeparmicnt of Finance April 1945 plaufromprodxicttoni utlLlAlLi