v1 inniinl tul A311 PAGE ll Wmn MW MrstJ Johnston Social Welfare Mrs llubhert Mrs Robertson Mrs Lowry War Work Mrs Small Mrs Reynolds Mrs Wright Mrs Earl Purvis Mrs plague typhus fever spitochetal jaundice Weils disease ratbite ever food poisoning tuluremia rabies trichinosis and various para mppr4aw4wlroacot3 WV enamonomouomomo II II NEWS OF STAYNER 11 OuowOEQOm trtloirtr that itlatlzi Mint Brink lit unlitt halos insl jV TV NUV ix VHHKI it it itl Your lllilh ltlrh Vi il th mat zldi it iiuihhfr 3LMr jVi25 Ly it IIVI II IVI At ttltltivllt lt tan VVIV VI ct Zultltlzxtl llitii ll ilv um5 Mid iv AHM Mdi iiiltll llUlll itilntlH Tl WWW ttlmlll II II VI vVurI rns lurk Vii tlllwi will littlt by tivm il litmu aui Witilitlixz ltisitlltlt itit 41 AAflrl inl Alirii HJvyVHV fijlllwv his Eln on urge tititi co Vt will 13 liil lnrliK witns sting liaii Vuleit ginraw tittyyr VI lMIVhIIVI QMHMI VIM dug mm MINT ht Jul LI villi mm INN g1 have 31068 irlrlaxmI t1l kill at $3 with with ll Dailies PunS hi pgjumf nitys ljiilllll lily lags hwrmhl Ihh th ihh Mmh VII II IIIIIII At in VVVVVV VVVVjV1VfVV mm MVhV Ui In Take tlood look at Illt llii SIlllIllltiAlNI Ill IIlIlIIIL with our hilly ttiuiiilittt it in than it Hid hwhhml ii your liitthi tMLti PM tltultim Shell Vl in kiwi SERVICE BRENTWOOD Wm mm mm mm tlill tti Start feeding me to your liiults with the ilt sixIti VI II II IV VII VII IV iIr Ii tutti ill Jim 1o iiiov iti sttftitlontly tittitilltl so that iou II VVH litVttii nt le Holt ii it 12 VVQuVVg II VIII DIIIM IIIIIIIII NI huhle whwlhh lltll can be and ll lit him ii it lit it ViV ammhwh Vm gt tlto ht lil till tith htt pannt lllt lililgtltllllltlll that It Vt VV Int lou iii Lost lLilllt li intuitl VV MNUI hililllllltlti iI PEN ilpiiwzix Filly cut to minimum atd niitldleluens pioitts tlt elilnlilzittd mad UHIH it it ii iii italirtnzri lifiltiivf iTiEIl Im llilliilcvd gmwmli Hm unlit hm only mm 141 midi EVlliiwi L1 lit tillev Ttrd lilt Fdlll Al lirtlltlmllf if lilUKhl Hmm mi mmmm mmnmm Hm ii thoit Shunt mm IVI II V1hiiVVVVhVI ghhm Vhln hmthhhd PM hmhthV keep your millet iittlle illl no execss tilt and willlmw Him Numb rw out Mi wililwlwi km Willi Miss Bernice Styllliiui build bones litsit and feathers VV nvi Iitiil lIItullIztIiIstttA VI AWN iIitIiIiIIIlItIi IIlIiVI VVV VIVVM ML IIVIVVVVI $0th and MISS MVI rm fresh food gniVntV thititsI like llll till lllttl thml nd 31 in f3iw Klilhl in hill Aliiwtun it tlln McLean Toronto spent the and theyll cut more of me You see lni made up as lltttlHl it if ti duymni llll it the ltl ititwltiott Aiittl i3 ili Willi Ml illdMlt 090 mu Mr Farmer and tor thttt itlltill WW it 5I 51m is wt Selleil VV VHV VI VI VIIt IV tilt ha it uintd iitciV II bth rr lri ltl tit viiiiiiiNarotidtltIeLl gttiiilliitidii Hiiltilll iiiti liltli at the home of lltl laught illftlll Nmm Md iLN sir more flock owners titan ever before atU 5mg SHUR 5t 3m Shiite hinted 111 MOKltt ou under ill gila DP and ilad tritiitii Mw MW1W wvhb Wm 011 bi3uimqsyifId Diiidiizigl Elmi GAlN 1b lrowint Mash You an 1101 mt right at tilt llllll 511th BARRU in illt ll llllll for hh th ti lhmh mt lnpr IIVVXVVIV VVIIVVIV IItltltFlitI Ill Vvlfdil VlVWlIIVHI Tand lilrlllfoVlV bow Im waiting mew rhhdy mill you make more profit WWW 01 mm WENT mm mm llnri him it if mimimn Ti Illll ii ur tiiieitv so that theyll start laiins early litxi full and hWd Wm Hlm iiltl till lt Ii km ltiiii TiiiWhy lmilidviii will lmmti fittily ill throttrh thv iinltt itlt applyith ltzi when ll ii In IVVIJ Aliul V115 ms tit WH ltt llvrhame Vtt Small ittuln tr Mrs John onklin New tlliifidliilhid iiirx IIlililbiiaiill is ihliiliiliimy thhmk INNNJ THNM mi wwk Hm lmbmm Wh Wig awnV mt IIVIIIIII III IIIIIlt RIVNII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIV IIItIIIhlloiiti illlilleII Sittlliitliil Iand inhIlwhwqu huh Vh hiS hhmh hhhu of he dhhhhm Funeral VVV Ella mp SHUR GAIN GROWING MASH VV II ii gt WU just us ooree Owar behell titllltltl Ihlw ll ll MAM vim lilllnff and ill McGee Midland lV hh about to enjoy some great or long to hm inn it it itstuiitt lLint Frailcclsnd Miligtthite Lonlt loliilialtl Kay ltilunstin Nora mirtiliiliuhllex 1th iiimgdlidfiils IiliZiiitiiiiiii thlldlgteh flit Made and sum By taillighter of Wm Hanson were gripVIIII Bmh Im lilitllli Black underwent mils hhppand hiS Dist gekmm iiiiliiiKiii Hiltltm lnmSWl Tiltmnlilvull Lmidrlix llsim WV lllwnitlf Uttl American cousins who are so illIll ontilit1y urea iisl Vi in llltllyiagtt llIt hm hhhhh tht anaoa halt innit more than list my hhh good relivory magigigging bhfmjtuglm urns hmht hhhhhlth hhh llIV Vtiotl hlhhhs whit Shhh mm mmmimm 3pr VimVI hpdhm for whom the Whole brm 005 mil imik mm lmlldi titlilillltSi httVt Vmiilk 111 Nva Ml world mottmsV President Roosevelt trust Corsage Ille gtWlllS 5151 boon advised ii their own ilesii17 WWW Simud mil hum 01er VVIVI Ihm VIM IIIIIVIIII VTVIII WW IVVIVVVVVVVVVU mint Agnes llupmt Edhhmio on the quantum After the Wll ti ss iv VV EVVlVVV VtV VV hthv tho hhhtihm gmimmhhm tIIi ltI mil Ind IItlllI ISIi tutti it ltil brown icetssoiits and lid tiil 11 at illt pulsinldht Mine VOW dblC b0dltd my hhmhhh 1h whom5 hm plea to ltltttdit eat of the RUtillCS Vm hm wm ll clement young man at 18 should be forced VV VV lhtt Albert Schell wus best mitttt V113 WNW Pitsbl hm nrtw Tractors oh to spend year taking part in Followmg the wedding reception gecding hmnh building and youm mining lt lt lllmllVISKRVIVEQVE Lemon JuceReupe Several farmers in this dllllCleIOgram poll of Canadian 0pm Inland lakes of chhhdh contain Qu VTITY WITH QUALITXI VVI 363 tV lt on Olivers The bridi uriiimi Checks Arthritic lira EQIJZZV11VVIV3EV 65 $102 ion showed of those queried more than halfVIthc fresh water of Battle EntirnilIlelsI ClILU 1000 en left ltitcrfnr tlilit ithn Nazu hmhhLV Of mm wmhn huvVwere in favor 13 against the world Canadas share of the With it distVibVfmnVlg hh tlern Ontario the lake VOilllthLLI Pam hm their hh Whmhhh Shh undecided gave qualified an Great Lakes alone has all area oflcoples weekly 931 Never did Tmms um Farm Eqmpnwnt dmnand SO ifiillclosiirtcllueiie brailutiiidiii will tUr mamme the farm by swers more mu 34000 sqllim mnes mty lmld much care as now lotto tllltl Lubrication are vitally illl Vimhlm hm hm hve Uh VUVVV VVVVm IIIliIIIIIVViIilz sItifIianiIIIVEiileIIIaiIthIihh LtIlIiIlIIiIiigI triitIItIoIrIIsIUIlend tilllClt ms WW WWW llti permit Protect them Willi our finest quality gun Scutmd Lino North humth hmhhhth hm limpC lmfhlhl Edward Ghost 5V Miss Margaret Hanson was mlltil iql VD RI 5ls Ctt iiiitlit of Rt 1LLll liduat Glltgtl pastd anal ol Aka KHHAIN ermnamed before her mumvmlc lit flttltt LUlll llllfdfill Mix ll Millltltly AlJlll 16 ill the ltOltlt 35 Him hmdcs and prices on Saturday last lIniscelitincous with hum hf Whthh mm the juice dhhhhmh Mm Hhmld whh tV 5Cl 33 351W him ol lemonslts easy and pleasant lrce after lingering illness Our YOUR DOOR PROMPI luFPItlEhI lgtlulilVluRY the home of Mrs Robt Oliver You hhhd hhh himhhhmhh Vi mhhh lends and ClmbmS The WiHEt ll Olltliggililllll 48 tiizli UK ti unmib Cle Cd ml int Woilt is of Itibiitt Picsbmei it ltilllhHnilcllillthOllllgllhplhll Euchre and Dance for or Fund ldll Church at Kthlzll evenmtr it lt ili itsults alc obtained If tilt pain The men fiom this distiltt im 154 Burton Are BARRIL mile 2386 the 110m Ul MlSt ClillellCt SCUl are not quickly relieved and if you plovetl at Cmnn Borden snonsori presented hel With 11 Glld We do not feel better Ruex Prescrip Quchre hh illu dice he hm C15GVVCLLVVV Vfgcllfmxle he 031 UVUIAV WV here on Ftlduv night in aid of the hwoooOJOlotutooolofrooocotootuovotteuovrconmmm ham were husxesses at miscel Kathi llliilitullillltitilchIplCIVIflilz lggl yttIFtllld dlhEiCIlitdthd laigIeI din laneous shower at the home or all m1rncmhinondd by lTwndnE thgllmii 9mm MFS Clinton cammrs Munuqcrlalnblvns Robertsons Drug Qtore 1911i Bliigklitilglgliffwiilaibii Vincent Flynn and tzf ei VVVV IV jV more and 5mm hh Eiffel ml the mam4 Mme PIVFVHTlV lhtljihfjgmwfjjgegllft LV leleihone Co IC3l to he VV 66 rniHenath piillesgiasg milttii bi SIMd Womens Institute 36000 Frlelldly People In Stroll WILL BE HELD England Stayner Womens Institute met AT in Mrs GOUIdS Friday af ifsctmxieikmirdii tClnmll Mrs Flank Watson prc Oltn Mullen England showmu xl attainedstilKtESMa$ 231 beautiful View of Stmud in Eng With Jobourtand metals drained by war on tinov0td VMCethd Arrangements were made lIde tVltICh he dejscttbs is to have quill ready for the Dis livtlyllltlcentonnd IwIith PlentyV 0f Obie limit is piOCEd on the number Of new iUiQi Hydro swim trlct Annual in Shayna on JhmV 313mb 0M id SFIPShmevi V12V with Miss Mary Clarke 33 ems 3311giiqggtgifgdgl135135qt serVCesVt at can be nStOHed 1945 Nevertheless your iSPFaker was decded tOV Spoil ilttie villau ft dr VV VIWW tSOl tag day for the Bit IgnVV 7w Egrrsh RSV16 ngggdawggJHFI WWWWMwyWWQJSex Jng essen la ruro SerVCegtO4 6mg 350 LHemfv SpeakerrARTHUR HAASI Vylgelindper IN FARM SALES irate Dr Littles father whncnm limit of labour and materials available if mm the9 10 WE in ImiiSfil sons in Slmcoe Count are re 18 Onlqno Farm Secy lOred with The Institgte for gillin ne Barrie womens Institute Chairman Ciift Brown lres Simcoe North Blind and services of vital import thTh$emYa5 31g attendace ti AboUt 80000 licioons mode and OD ro lVEltYBth erCOMr 251330 10132655 will at tithingt Agril i2 ilnsit Sneu3el2tnttl fr pp Urng read an arthVIayre WI and hpmchcal answers were givem Sliii OWOIl SGIVICeLOnd monyhove SiilCe been added to roll call Shortcut int W131111117511LM1L alibliiigvg12mm 52 Housecleaning numbei oil These Wt be connected as soon OS tpOSStbie it Will take nn Wr letters were read from b0 over1 luunkunrnu MN 9132fogggmgresmi SHE gmmfuuy aCknOWIedgmg red fhe monpowerl materials and Effort that Hydro can ring 131165 rs gheeler fliptdlEagfllidrenztlndbrlidstrillioch command Ito gemice to These applicants in we res rs atsmm these boxes tare if l2ndVVICE PM MISS Kathleen MC Lo TEA RS cm qpl Belated VVAlli Those vre uesttn serVice olon extstin ower lines mo iRae Secy Mrs Floss Trnas ere remmded to 5d ers Gould District Direcli Licensed Auctioneer the yearly reports right away be tor Mrs Chqs phhey Brunch to their district convener The 93m some cases connecte ore prlor Opp COniSWhO tor the County of Slmcoe election of officeiq Perm re urre le th exlemions We re rel that Fred Maguire Mrs MCArthm Wth ears of eXperience iiy Mrs Roy GOOdfenow after ng any 0p eart ex ressio it ALL SIZES 11331133 fgljh rSROS had esh 20 rgpgggglftfgg proved applications may not be completed before l946 Johnstoh Ahditofs Mm Farm Sales Specialty her six years of untiring and it cw or Used Tires and Tubes Crosbte Mr Splendld lieadershipas resident ion Officer tyehup 15 Appl to Travers Coach Lines Mrs Small missed only orile meet 19 055 on VV I24 RY IicgertsAgriculture and Canadian omc Barrie or write Box oqtfligllgtggsesnogars PThg Blew your Iy TQICVOHS IO Ont 35V our ervme VnV Ius rites Mrs John Collins ws res rs tV VULCANIZING attain atetr at ted 9776 new custom UV we esgarp rSI tuition be given II II IV Vr VI Pres Mrs Bert Slm kin SSCV VI AND VEgrleilwgodchrgiaiacslygigic TrteasMMrg Hi1 Hgghgslij 1133151 Dir th MUNSY War Work Mrs 8c 0r rs ma cant irectors yeES in torme ser vs crosbe Telephone committee Mrs Lowry MIS Leonard 7MSWOWyant andriMrwarGVx if 7H in weilli 1777 Vices on lean for feChnlCOi work Ur oneHy expel W1 ass rs don WtcaMrs Spring cult along Withth shortage of many matertots critical to war lateSt eqlllpment chi RATS AND LIVFQTOCKm 211 IIS tinting MiSVSlmp VV AII kln Historical Research Miss Or needs your Hydro has done and ts domg everything pos The prineipal disease transmit Chard MTS Goodfellow gt ted whom ms to men we bubonic Home Economics Mrs Wright Stbie to extend ElectrtCIly to essenttoL serVICes if your For fast road service call us Day or Night turn seems slow in coming please consider the wartime cdndittionsrunder which your Commission labours and be Phone 3922 Barrie OurAruck has its own air compressor FREE CHECK AUCTION ER icontagiOlis abortion tuberculosis Sites Vlncluding intestinal protozoa relflfdnag 111181VVIlltklltmrPublicitv assured that is domgfvetilhmg pOSSbiet0 serve VOU VV Stop us on the road anthlme If we can be of service Izgfmme 5515ng Slefgmfgi lac Floweic and With the utmost Speed gt 1I Vth guts planlStSV MrSV Oakley Mrs VV Vt e74 eases among IVESOC are reins Auditors Mrs Jon more prevalent where rats are sh Mm RV Goodeehow W3 plentifulrwrClose attention is bein given the rat in cohnection with gitd aIrii Egjoyable lunchcompleteci ese iseases inc udtng white gt goo ernoon IV ET IREan i=scour in calvesmastitisringworm For Successful Sale ltgt IHE HYDROEll MC POWER COMMISSION Fiftyfour VCanadians already of Household Furniture Ave Bafe liabomon Vin mares joint tits in or haveIappltedIfor reservations on 0F Viiim SHOP WImTIIE NEON31003 oats and other illnems gt the rst CVIancarrlitg plane to FarmVV Stock and cross the Atlantic at the elld of HMWRAY THOMPSON Proprietor The Classified Page is the first 1mh1mems the war ieature ofvnlhe Barrie Examiner ev Coliingwood is considering hav WM EMBER BARR CHAMBER Cnmncg itry week le full of interest and PHONE ETROUD 23MI Vlng VictbliiiTOider Nurse ser VV Hm 3yvicef WI moneydalrtnthm