12 1945 9A0 EIGHT BARRIEEXAMINER HARRIET ONTARIO CANADA AruvwwowmimmwWwwmhw WW IIII rM Borden co Flew 25 HILLSDALE STROUD Types 2500 Air Hours M1 in IIilll Freedom Mkmygih Fm lienh til Mix liili lllllxtiHl tnntinlied is tl it 1l if 11 5mg it medical Wu 1H1 gin md 1i fit illi1ii Mam thin all 1W H1 mu win gum is gt in ltmriiiI iliygltit labial 11111 Mnxmhu lim nilJnt till and um mi in Ii I1 lr iI IUI CHEI Rerrilh Ialtltlllt liuiuniinii II ii IN iinviwizI IivIltIvInnn IIAIiIiIlIiiltlItvm AlllllliiiilitI it mm VIHMI 31 niit iiIiltl tit 021 tin1i 1i hunting Arid 81 my hm plignutl lin out ii iI II II IAI iv1ii ifi STIrllIllHvVil Jilii II gt IrII IhI intiiim th Wililll heir3 all niaim xix mi in Rtlt 11 11 hi Utiri WWW Hv lIHlxqllr 111 1v iIEI II VI Kl it Ilii lIllillll II unovlv Annulnno Lil 101 HER full Bttlldlt ii iii inn El lt1 11 lt 11 btztiu 11 li litter llililtw Fordglirr Mad ll In 91 sh lAt Nzan lllitil IlIitltillli III nh it ON YOUR WORN TIRES iltiiilittim It EH by 311 aptmn 1111 jg gt HAHN Sunnldale Corners Juh II iit Onto tiioloiirlc on Your thesis gt him till Mrilhun mi nil 11 xi Vlt hlnt DllilllllI till lhidlh ex Used its loo lute Aircrew Rewiir llllltl mlnml vi ml III lIIIII 11 llIIIII lt1t1 litlt the weekend Hihl RFQU E0 1HNil min by fKIMmH hum lR iel Boot take chances and Mix Nvt 11h ll 111 II III It IittiIIh I1lItI1 11h in loroiitl IIIII lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIkI IIIiIlIIIIIItIILglIhIIIIIIIIlL being WINS Come in and VI IIIilI In gt 29 WV Will li1tl v1 in 111 lintl ii litlll see US Gwa or Ithe RItM twin llruilll IIIIlt III IlII III II IIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIi IhIlIIllIiI bllIllIlIldI S1 illV YOUR II II III IZII II II IIII IIIII IIIIII III III II II Ii 11w ti tt1itl it ion aligned IRHVZVL in HI mi ll in 111 1H pin it ll1t111 m1 Strutlid fulll fhlwaklgl 113551lm WE ARE EXPERS IN All KINDS OI WHANPHV Hi 740 IIt 512W IIII IiIIIhIIi IIIIII 7214 HEJIIIIIV IUIIIII III HI Mic lgth MiQiinv Liiill Dlln John DEALER 0F llRE REPAIRS BRING turn NIHtInil 11 ill iliottxtim It qtrphim 10 ntitnan in mi in MW YOUR RE FROBLEMS Us il Ittt irit winlit lli lltlilillll1 lltl11t lmumtt 5v 31 t1 to hit ll ikliiHi ti 19 Mitmn Tmmhrrrd Hum jl Mi WW gt illtji Ahh 3m Invit 111i1I1eE r11 H1tliirlliy VI lll ii Til liiti Mb McLean 1111 I311II1I DIHO Mm Ml1 sitizif 11 More iviii iit Vi llll Stir lilllllllt Luid Aiiioill MCQIIV hing Si link ltitittl iti tini 1m Hill 115 IKI HI HUW in ympl $112 IIIIH It ri uh WM MNml in 11th 0n IMV wr =l vx Sgt hIlbId INN II tiiizrn 121 151i ti 11m tl dihlmlw MN lmt LI HI IIIHI tion to Newlyweds St hidden mIII IXIl imt 11 lititi ltttdilxti 31v tilll lit MIImg MI MS I5 IIlIiIltllt 11 WW held in hot t1 llllltnliH iW 11 it 13 vuvvra lilw viiiii iltj litltl lilllt time 11 lk Faith mug MIN La hull it irritan evening in honoran Phone Bartle 54 mm 111 1Itlilllil of pilot and 11 MAW Mwml mum Mi and Mrs hiudt Himmtl gt1 idol in Jim will illlil of nuclei hp hotnun Hm to 3133 pm HtiilyMlht Ulth WOW llMl LIMIT ll ii HI Ili HitlHVx wn reid Nth 11 1=11 2i mw lin 11 it 15 run 1th lITIlIiIthle Illlllli ltw 1I II 111 IlIIttoi hi1 iIvIttiIiIeti iii1 IVIII IIIt Sis StIiathnn T1013 1115111 McLeod and the lCiiiiiiivgilrl oikstiiieiiiIIII ItIIlI III II Mfr Bey presented lioni vit ll Illyeeiiuil tiny from the 511111 In iii iitth it itll thtlth WHMII MyALKWiIIICOHEYIIin5 Lilli itid illllltil Claude in ii lew donmnhk Nun MM Mum 1m 1111 Infinity 1111 went to imam MH Muile Lumh $1 ands thanked their utility lIllilKlS venian hmmwmk mm gt lt llIithhiIlIIhIII iII1IIIIIIIiII lIltllIleIlIV ItlIlI Ii tltI Ihl ItIItl II lIIIIII IIlIII my Ii IIIIIIII IIIIKI mo IIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII IIIIII II II III Ii11I II next door Murv it you do 111v ntlii lliii gin 11 ll 14 it Killlntll ii lint hip 81 01111 Mrs innitier 0il North Hav IlttHtllI hHIHllittIni 1th ll mitti Ill t11111 it 10 fiIlgt for WMS 110 impq Mm there are no lull nimmnth tfwfk MI III III lg Mm Wm Rub Minords generously into than HNK Eth rm mlwul WW minis MN Will vamm Yllkwumfxilyh er Baum mm mwnimw Ami yi1illillllllal illillilll illllllfirvlnlnhll and get the blessed rliegthuargm lvv ng rh to iltr lurk who miliitt mug wingHm IlItinliin ml III II III WW 157 iilV hliSS lill Robinson Harrie VlS mics groayuhyllgfIdginiIdflionsmanora Ill llllilll lllll Hill Ho huml lyiiui txti models are fluttering il ttti it ltiii Neiliys UH Monday mg Omnmo ti Blmmv mm Ih n1 amu tlimth iii the tl and returned till qmowqurSrm Lich htllsvxllwltulllfllitili TClllygilljlfr if theme Living llnppy Siil WW muscle oriolntaor colds nndordinary ew It aiiip lltHllll as liltl iiistitittnr II assisted bV several niilnhtlh or dandruff and skin it who im Bobby lore iron UAVAIIIPIII IIIIIIIIIISIIC III IIIIIIIII Ihl RIIIII IIIIIIII II rIIIII IIIICIItl Illm Hurry Burgess llIfIIilIlII IIIIlliIIlIIIIIVVM dISOIdemMIMIII IIIII exoleIIIIII QTOKFR yill null Inttieai iit lliltl ill My MM Mrs mm Mnmn vi hi 111 it Ilt Hutu Ht Th WW guests Mrs Gem iigit dlld lh 1n isiii Gotbome today 115 100110001 Mlliit hllitt lilt1 ltith invomtt Knccshiiwq on nmv or iiimm 1110 next WChn WIh hi ill MIS im Is now carefully washed and Ollllumtl 9mm iipl gundII gill lung lmwtrmgnk md ll ilulberts May 10 0h caged ne it MM rymwms Ur Hm mm MW HUM NHL Smith Svmmnpngl muV Minesmg visited Mr and gringfsupllylylo11111kt tilinimptiy i51 mm mil trotnit nni Slim hilhl htthdiiyl Im NWT Mrs Dove Dryliroiiuii on Sunday refrghnwm WW SCHmm 1th lu lion lotumt went Smithy uncertain and MN rp Rmdnum Bar all lIiIIEI III II1III1 II II III 10 WW FIHIHWW WMS III III MIII 119 visited with the izitters moth husmbs tlttllllllnfh 11nd ttjtlll 10000 and MW ihvh hmwh My Smhuum Kncoshlwk lust WOW cr Mm Chas Knecshaw for the eff Iitlll more thini 11000 ilillill kitti 111 llllliitfiiiil w1th their son nostiziy ziftcrnntm sommm mm up will woekmd bFllxuitninpli ntleCaHDilOllb Yiie payl Iveiiie es llltVl been destroyed or illrlc l0uuiti lluiiibly Will it 11 teleh at rte in Vance our in um Immmmd and mks hm mm MIX MM pmmh and yum days hm WHik with his grandpa love one of those Still Ktirtitol Hulayisllllillill lllIirriIlts IwithI dress label shows due date Coal oke Wlmrl knocked nut and river 500 dnmueed EIW laWI TIt Im mail Shiigtuq K1 mVl blips ller choice of llilW Mm R955 Neilly MlssipllilryvCOIli Builders Supplies irthe equivalent of several major 31501 17 MJTN string framed poutti or top LIV chilrgel DIn bso Puom 49 Fs N11 and Mrs Ross Snidti 10 and Mis hi lxnetshaw spcnl our in article Did It Pay ht mm MW 999 rent siyctit the weekend with hislSinpiilyrllyllihmlifh handle Slyhi b1 WV Bill Neiliv ll letter frm the Old WHCMS iPlC lIV VJVHS lIUS red tinC up tvm CtllltlilV Margaret Nei all in The Ladies Guild me ill Mrs Toronto General Hospital on Fri ilCllllI poem and Ross Neiiiv In EHIUHS Wednesday mm dm mum for an emergency 0p uttiiv Ginies wern OHJOled Next good attendance Cihlltll She is getting along very II It Mom be held at Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs Jock Stevie ziiid well tit time of writing KONR fziliiiy spent the weekend With Ilumhtl from here ilitCHdCd lllllldS in Elnivule itliedpreseutativii and3 dangeri Wed Mrs Brown and Marilyn and 05 Hy evenim in 01 10W MrsI Cdrnwn 011111 Betty spent the hailt tor Mrt1 aim Mrsallure Stod 59c wee ten in r1 iii IalI recen mlirrie is con Th Ladies Aid met at Mrs pln were presented With beau AN ADDEDATIRACTION lpmgei BIIII wd$ay flliiedtir C1h CNSIII min featureVow 2185 eoor mPOlllitj is re iorted en rs itls oomis iss enn Ol Mr rind MrsIEidon IFreiieh illldl The funeral of Mrs Churlqs 055 15 it my 10 Hum TQM wu her parems children spent Sunday with the CiOmeX form ICSIdenl 0f 15 Kcratoi decorated with RC nd MW 11 Halbert pitmgr parents and Mm grilllgllltlilly was held zit Jlohns MMiCmH moms self UN sperlit pouple of days this week ins much res yerian ceme cry on sons in oron Hillsmrduy memmm She Ned or plastic buckm Sim Pm Georg watson Camp T00 me for last week pussqdqwuy suddenly Mth mm for Motherde Dimmer Borden spent ten days leave at Mrs Townes moved inst peek of her brother canningtml lCI hOme here W0 wmisI 059 Miss Marguerite MaeDonaid ha thli lind Sals John Kells are vis IerIIIIgIIdiiIIOIIIhlOlIilggr Ia week WII line rich in Toronto ell Elba Brown Oriliia SDCIll the MiSS Mallque FVas ad weekend with his wife and daugh gleSt Of ML and rs reem II ter in Montreal for few dayS Mr and Mrs Ihos Devitt To WITH THE PROBLEM of how The Evenmg Auxuflfary inet gear the E3319 thanko ermb Quality in materials and ing last lVlonday at Mrs Hal spent Sunday with Mrs etinploybthe thousapds ofh women te arm MISS Elma Reynolds IorontnI or re ease mm workmanship make these berts inch book as the WIND Of Wn lm Stocks has returned iinIZkeiiIliITh IICI palm the SPRING by Elizabeth Yates Long Skipper oxords 30011001 homIe ItlIfier spending the winterln Ml and Mrs Jack Bannister mans Green is modern has social ing and servicegiving Health Dundns with his daughter MFS IUhiv Spent Easter With the fUIm iignicancelf arid 510 be We last Of sideleather in block HMGm Do Strang inin sh th an Hrs on as Pleasure pride adiI IiglllgggidjmiIWillisMcWittch DIllSlIIOvnUFfhe EhgiisliilsilIidllarlIdsfme Qmewwhh 751917957 IawlgIttmiIlyJwlfggdon ng comfort the thlngs andwfamilw Toronto are Visiting how she develops inhilosophvwol and rubber heels Sizes 3277179 rm pare or 10 MlIS E11 GYEE love for all humanity Which she ex ys In Y50 muc lnia Mr and Mrs W111 Adanisoii and MlS Norris Stavner and bOmeare well worth lannin for But therIIs fmnilv Midland spent Fiidav with ISIIIIIS III seremw and MIS Joseph W1 Sak31 Mr rind Mrs Bruce Brown 29ng SlyMd Howlhls ow WERE guests 0f MYS Wiggins and way you can enioy new home comfort and satis Pie Lloyd lleilderson Cami dig 5ng McMurray last Wm cti 30mg is smug for week encee ulq at earns average Miss Janet McDermott returned can with MR and Mrs Henry Tmax uty worer is constructive reading gt to Hamlton lit Sundgy lotgesgme es en in 38 transform your present home make it more livable Migivpaliertidggr 114312 igdenspaeryii it Buys 3252 withph parents and appealing Wlth Colour Styling Plan using Tuegday with Mm Ema gm TO HELPYOU TO BE BEAU LAlW Melba Sherman Ottawa TIFUL that is the purpose Miss Lorraine Sherman and Mr th 911 es ere come ay en you too can and Mrs Sherman Toronto spent few days with their par ents Dr and Mrs Dorsey and sons Douglas and Robert have returned to Toronto after spend ing Easter with the formers mother Elwood Corbett received word Mrs Morris Downer and Myrna plete with envelopes For all occasions Birthday congrat ulation sympathy wedding eonvaleseence etc At 50 10 150 FOR THE HOME tetireand take life easy if you look ahead and make provision for it Because your future security depends on how you 1111sz today IAn Imperial Life policy will assure our retire ment at 55 60 65 or any age you oose Like the architectwho designs your house and works distinctive CIL Paints ecially suitedvforthe purpose Your local CILIIIIaim Dealer an expert DII BIIII IIIIII RIIhIIId Hudm on paint and its uses will be happy to help you prepare lt the Golour Styling Plan thats Midland spent the week with her parents Mr and Mrs Salsbury preparations Its not inst super Misses Maureen and Doris ficial iob its big business as im GREETING CARDS Coni Drinkle Midland arespending aorta as buildi 05 uscrapers Of the week With their grandparents Pte Alvin Reynolds Camp B0r motor cars because time has Drove den and LAC Clarence Reynolds Trenton spent the weekend with that feminine lovelirEss isthe mm much of civilizations oroaress and feminine beauty like garden just righr for your home the parents must be roamed nd end Ba that his bIOtheTv Gm liConsult him on painting anIIdIIlVlzigdliIIYIgVSIiiliSeghId 3321521 ind wdud fabeuedewith puoT0mAMEs For your Emma had beenwound out theyspecicatlons for your own personnl maefs 3510 would Seek Bennett and Carol Toronto spent Richard Hudhut or Du Barri name favourite servicemans pieI id inlGermany Theme bee comemenceand Comfort EVEIY Imperlal Life Hither WW1 391 representative wrrtesyour insurance policyton lure Pastel screen colours lhe weekend with theirfinothelh We areseriousminded chemists Mr and Mrs Gordonllawio andgsons Paul findLorne and M121 IIIIIICler YourgidiVidual needs hr the expert advice of your Mr McWatters architect on mattersof eon iii andMrs Sam Bell and rain 5Llfle mdmTfig wth mmmstmg dESEEF ctI dd ilvMid1and spent Sundaywith tr Ido breboard back and easel land Mrs Garnetsiieck attendm ru ion an esign Mr and Mrsilee Browm Mr cu we alcceguate e1 appear Size 8x 10 ihches 980 he gomfntwegdgtg ofMr Haw You likelilnost ghfilfteadetsfof this adveruse sat and Mrs Tm Midland at Mr onSpa en ayneru meat wi reac euagle skit Have you Th COOKIE SHEETS Made of Mrs Mf Aitken hobioadl 33d MrIsI Rial IllrencIll 5133 iii will WOMAN SUNSHNEW sttampIed steel To liel du aCaSls daily over the radio and liraugedt receve moulhh incomeChe 55 Prank Swinnerton McClelland an Av re tart fromthen on 11 11 PRESERVE II III SIIaIIIITOIOIIIO WIIhJJOIm Stewartl is new hOOhIhithhIRdIT mIke your COOkIeS even more lVlllryIIXIiEtkntIITortlilisteos SngnIIt IFIJIasI lg elfIylLf II IISIII IIIICI Inga out II 73 ers with the sum and dmr dia may crispy andtasty than before temwith Misvses Mimi ahdvEdna mp 13 1euuuranceltcanprov1denotonly ix me guano ua an ee on 828 16y 14 29 Prmecnon fordependems d1 R0 of which Swihnrrdn igiiizistegflrl ta both 9505de Igniting IIlIlIieIIliuIlbo has surpassed his former achievenierltf wAitkenl Harry=0amplin Tilisonbtirg sct comesfottpohcyholdes milieu own later years Donaid Campiin Ottawa Miss Shirley McInroy Buffalo NY and MissIGraee Camplin Toronto spent PIE OVENS For topofthe stove oven baking and keep Let an Imperial Life represeiitarive work out plan for your retirement so that thereil come Sci lltluu fURRI Miss Willourrhtby Brantford Misses GertrudQMiller Beatrlce Reynolds and Marjorie Spencer Toronto Mrs Coburn Al bion joint communion service of Thom sonviile and Beeton United churo eswas held last Sunday evenind in Trinity United Church II Amw pi tilts tiqhgv plotted familv nevii ieglstlvarm diandy stertide with M1 and Mrs BobbieDulif spent few days etltia has created fresh PS orsum in Toronto lexciiinri DersIonalilv whom you are mar COOkmE $198 camplvm Ldm IIIytiYIIIII I121 can go Shmg WIlIIOIIII aworIYKI not likeiv to forget Apartlromihei SOCK Teachers wl19spent Easter va Represemuuw ewor DRYERS Made Of cationvin the home town were EVERETT LISLE Kenneth Thompson Toronto vis ited Mr and Mrs Don Duff Tilecouglilllai Stick ile caughihal Hangs 0n brilliant characterizationsl it is notable the weekend with Mrand Mrs as Ismdy IIIIPIIIIII anguage Rowe Mrs Earle Thomas is spending ITS NOT INTELLIGENT to $0yigexetia or more Wlth friends in gzsoundhwithizn azuished The limpet 4unday15ch01 will 52 aioggiezufaq Whig held am1or sum cams and aches come from over Cadinum plated metal Rustresistant In mens siz es 10 to 11 250 Pr Timeu lo Store Your Winter if nudolawughltishudiogeirldor kind $115 12001813 30 during the day and keeps mlIVIlIrgIlIIIriilIy and Keith Presser IIk tightening la55 with aIIIlalgengregaon was mgmilmm fD two vlligrontd spentt few days with the $1503 01 dchtlls otthdralts or 15 othes Away were inmimyed hwanygg Eire no go is so om in ters paren one er causes received no er ndsee how quickly fitwillhetp to reliege yo 1V1 md Mrs KIOWIQS WWI WW 51 MgIllIdsIIIIQOII 15 49 59mm keep wm Ellcouehing condition Aime Swim with BW and mentiavet the me and voufiiteel 25 Service wasruivm by expimv Head Office Taro to IWPW if and OEWVeIlypgoingto the foundation of the trouble Mrs H1bert Mono Mns the Elle wrmm 018 390 MOTH BALLS 15 Re Hi IHalhertV nktiwhhwi soothing theirritmd air passages and stimulatin Audrey andBabaraMapes as We 15 the MOTH FLAKES 15c lb me Wm Auxiliary MU with Oicoln oigm gupddsamsggnivthe hdollday week spot This oxygen carried at with Easter thankoffering fmeim gunk10mmuuw ooda human the markt for the past 48 Years ll dill IgIIsItItIIIIIIIInIIIti ime Imm 015 at in hit lteNllISIceI Bani P1506350 IIbDlB the large flimin size about 3times as muoll 600 It friend sIIIntIIoILIhe wggifndaIlllltiIl quOId mtue alwa ZellerIs Mlgng lilIIIKeaIlns neregideg aIIlhe cit druwiun raw Mr aInd iiiits JOhtrMithell and 31 todvresfbgjgg romp CPW devotionalIseiviceigaefconduet on Des er We ngwI If III by MISI WI Irf on the 43y IlIlu ileum 09 Limited Toronto on other we