Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1945, p. 6

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Lira55 ITxizU Crliianl Nearly THEKSDnY APRIL 12 1945 FA at 54 Wt wv Vb CEOWOECW memomomomd ii ivy MINESING BAXTER NEWS 95 ELMVALE LAURENCE GREEN 023033130233 crzzc13mom My VV RECOMMENDS Wowwmfamam um r5 VVVVV VVVV V7 VV MJI II VV At Age Ujuu nmy In vim out iJI ti Hm it lair Ilt VV 22 Ii IIII 32500 MONTH lR ithAlNlIFllt 111 iii iiil VV OR Vi AV 54 48500 IN CASH ii ilzrxna l3 tut kittllttl VVV VV VVVV Ifyou should div before Itii1ii lgr ill tt 52500 1N CASH mil in Pull tuliily EV VV VVVV $50000 IN CASH $7500 MONTH tl3 and VV VV ililtEl MONlllbi to ll in zllv turi All policies mm 13 tirrlrizt AIILLIHtI III tilr Vomit1 Ill VV OLrainaLm WHHOUL Hng xtlntliifxln Tr iAiui 1L in Lugu LAURENFE HIVNV rpnwhnw =V IiI it 10 1d Lly tuft VV tVsV VV VVV VV VV VV II hi vi or Me to gt gt it in it VVVVVVV tV tV VV VV ttl iV VVVVVV two tittit lltllll rVV iV MV MJ VVVVVVV Hi IVi VVV VVV VI lltlilti ii it it IrI iI II Ii Irl ll tllrl HM VV VV VVVVVV Hr Vgti VVV IV VI VVkViVVVVVVTVi IV VI ViI Ii II IVIVVM it Awi ll 11 l2 tl VV VVV VV Al VV VV will NSC WARWICKS lt il in lIIItis V1 lmmuh V=Vi Vl 1l Ilthllrlllp jf corn 11 the Vi IV lit VV 1V my VIV IIL VI ii iIlI vi lI Ii Vhlm HIMHI iIKIi inl IIEIill in lintlhi iIIHdIkmlI VW VI VHIi iflf qr Int it Vi JV liter parents Mr and lltl HVIllVrn Ji liil WM xi IrI it IiiiIthti Il it iItl SM XIIfIkIIImIt IIIIuIuL MIHrlIVIIiIL rm Int lit fa IV fullAXEVIIIiVIZiIiVVi if Vrrar ViiViV VV Vt VV VV VV hymn Vl VVVVVVVVi VVV iVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VV VHS VVVVVV lbll re 10 in vvttirtluc Hum rt li li rwrr WV VI iii HIV noun MILle gt iV ma tV ti lliltl lIi in Vrr ii it VV LIVrxn11it1tltiZ mn VV iVrl in iVirla or Illli llllti tlll will villi iltmn lltll ii it l1 mutant ill it Vi tune lm it iii ll liItt 1qu Iill1rr II rlt it lllt li VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV Ni WV ti ll ll xvi tlrvussct if ltl ll llian il lt zi it Mt Vslttll at ni tin lin 31 llI 2ng IV IIII III iv till iv It llilltl IiIilriii dill Willi llI llIi II IitlIV linIvllllxwtivt WI rs toigr Illllllg VV pi VV1ii11gt VVV VVVVlV lV tVI VV VV VV VVVV lit Vil gt Vti ll it iVV VViVVl VV lint tiltlliilr tit iilttil ser NVVTHE CORN BU rli lll HALF CENTURY lVEVVV VVV VIVVV VV VV VVVVVIVVHVW VV lip 11 VA VV 314V mm an it Mi lVI ww it lilril nl inr lztlol lint twintr on 1t Mjf Mp VVIVVV Vi VV VMV gamma in lIi 1tliV il VilltVth 7V Imm 11 IM II ll I9 IIIiiiini IIziIii ii MlIIUIItII UI lllllV ll gt0 lt llnilllti brill VlVVlVVVVViiliVVEVIVI 1H in ti VV lVl VtlVilVVer VtllthlVV riV VVVVVVV VVV VV VV VVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVV VV Iml lillil wt to rot rVHVIUiHVTV air Ill illllri in mixing allI ple 5h 11 out 1lt an 11 lttlllittl lit the lieliv vinaii VVllVVHVlVVi HV jVllVltlllVVllllVt ll iVl Vi add on lVl ti VVVlV VVVV VVfVVVVVV VVtVVVVVVVVVVVlViV WV it in ii iiilwliI hliriiiiiIul illgt ll Iisiililm Mm It II rzrl rrport aw ldi in ltir llaa VVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVV HVVV lr int Illll lll Nixon lillllllt iirntller linielt lillllitltl iiihrilrl lta the so hm Nilttll llalflzforil Sink llel lI lrttt llli Wit and Alltirear Ellllvrtltf and one rlntiqlier Ettliie Illalilt Barrie The funeral sci tin ll ito Johnston and Wes litlllgtlttll An interest lcatin ll the birthday caki wt tl the lllllliliiti had liirtll til lie lltlll rl lild lllrlllt Win 11 iii was tttclrdcti in 51 tlltiil ll izeiuilbirs niid riItlltlh The service was tortillaLil by ltev Il AV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Vw Hmer durum33 in MVV WVVHVVCVVV phVVVVVburVV WV pnlllwuyprg VimV wisp 1H VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVV JV IVVVVIVV IiIViIlI It lIiiiim It Swill ill lilllIIIII VlVthlVilVVVVVlVVVlVtflltVVVVlllttVlllVL Valid lll mm hummer VIVVVV VVlVVrLVilcVV VVlVltVV irVailVthul thoVialV5tmV llVi 1M llfttV tVlos trim llLgt Vpnkmd ilglltllS here llllllltltilI VVVVVVVV IV VV rm airlmV lid and nioiiai MNOS NCMWL and main lion liolleeViI and AM ilela Jun qumph 05 mil 1115 LII WWW Nllrx Bethe ileiirv loroiito No VVVVVVV MVVVVVVVVVV CVVVV VV Hilv icllii IlliiliStlltlLll ls l011llll this week battle VVllllllllSllll lltllttllti and Chll Hill public school banana Mp mid Mm Cm NC1V Siar City Sask are visiting vizli Mr and Mrs Jamiexon Mrs lamieson whoV has been at iiin RCAF Hostess lone at Clinton is spending few weeks EADY MONEY 13 the common term for What at home Tpl Ross 12mins has arrived Miss Vivian Galbraith hrrn busmessmen caliReserve Funds In any languageV overseas turned to her teaching in oronto Pie Gapp Graveiillnrst is after spending the Easter holidays Ready Money 71S handy thing to have llne on cave with he parents wk Mr and Mrs Seymour Kell of Mrs Willonghby and Rene L1 Cookstown visited with Mrs Kell Vita spent it few days inlamdnn None realize this need more than farmer for 1n or Sunday ltllCSL VWatiold alid Sarina have 77 Congratulations to Mr and Mrs now Returned home the busmess of farming there are SO many times that Each Ver mm mm mm WNW start their Chicks on Alvm Rubinsn on the arr of Am Sumpw CVhaSV 5pm VV IVVmers olwaysVneed extra money at sumoltth littlt startrr titan ever before Theres Smghle MIS M01 Clmmnghmn WW extra money iS neededforbiils that mustbe met 86 me elcrTTrhickvrrentuttetiou SHUR lunch Bexlgeyf ll91qltl0qlHKiclhlgtIrm iII vIItiHIOIfmeliIit trillillISdiiYe laIIOIgiiI mo piemetfifgrpjfi to take advantage of Opportun1t1es to turn GAIN than on any other icedml fact there are several Pm Cora BygyCmVVVdm IVV 9th Womm Immute WV mm reasons II fillltlyl COlDS Toronto spent the its animal meeting at Mrs Geo douar WIth PIOto weekend with his parents ihlclrliizilrls on Thursday Apr itl Chm k9 his Ml WY the ML they it Some spring seeding has been at 815 Converters are asked to Inorev and grili iIiiSttl Iililiin iikt SllIlllirll llltlkVVStilltthlr 0ng but the heavy rains have have their annual reports ready are many tmiCS farmer extra because its made no lrIsll its around so careful um mm 15 up most of the Work At the April meeting of St of only the finest and llltnt palatable ingredients dLVACVVAlChiL ililm lCILVIn Vilnius WQV lzlstSTVvVeVthlay at thVllSV money WlthOUt TCSCTVC fund he must Either sell lvels an er ur aastonsi lS igan its Chicks ner finelybalanced combination of iced materialsV lough with his fatmjly her9V moved to Bunjg was mesenwld somethmg for What he can get for it orborrow with particular attention paid to the correct amounts of vito VMVI and MISVV Chas Campbell with pair of wall plzinueS in hc its lul tilliiy animal 11t0lll lliiclalgrow VlSl ed With lat ers nephew iecognition of her sewics as ZKdSulTillvlsn1rdlIhk 5mpi1s in made am Capt Burton Barrie onVsundayiiVV former WA member VH61illPlldS geta can mva and SpliVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVNVV VVeVthVtVJVlVlViVVcVVgtViVleVtVonerVtVVOiszlfiVVdVV tVr 3th much happiness lll ller Victor Bonrds Vde fe 10 an Theres solid value eircn for loll 1entVY01lpuy for no thVgglrgV LVleilViVVaflngbelng confined to VVIBlzms have b8811VVcnlllpleif3l for Orwean on pmsrieVirltls3 in luv Liiirzi lgllifgk N11 and Elmer Sherman Thquerficvelcmff beS gimlm VWthh to keep savmgs untll needed Victory Bonds your frth and children Toronto Iand Mt United Church If hostilities eIase VliViiS bVVtVilVrttth 5131thViUZilVitzVVVingjsxlugfxit in 05s glVlVd ViVVElVVszlverQPIIVdinVV BVarrViVe visited llistoVreV 9V thanVV EelviceVV inlVl The at earn double IIWhen you have Vldiory am lg rat ig till Vc er eVrn OVCUCCVII ween an Dm Grow better Chicks for lrss money the ShunGAIN WAY Eiiiil223uiligiuiiI iisdiglibereihiroiiifkt with Bondsyou can get 3103 from any bank at anYthme 1r ed Church Rev John Harris of at oclock similalserviee will Without any formality and the interest the bonds earn Extmmy Is needed to pay harvest the Gibson VIndian Reserve spoke be held in Ivv at thsame time Ky hands VV to the congregahm VSang many Hen pays large part of the mtereston the 10am Mrs Blackett and May Fer Seeding Htltdennlg and house guson TOlOniOV and Mrs John Fel CAmmh ms the 0158i or he 00 1121th itmiSuldlh 51358 Si MTV1 ddling R3 Fe effeglgfoglgingtl EqufiVVVlll tvvvmtory 130110393 133 bought forcaShWthh YOU haVe Vv gt eVs no VrBuV vme rs lt BARBEE nova mus creature high to saved or bought oneonvenent deferredravments TVVEV AVprVVraFggenggVngnVeVVn this VSVthVVVV VVVVVVOVVV VVf AVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVTVSVVVVY as 310 get VtVVVVV 35 252336 ghesday Weaning ill ITherexwaZId Idgodvilttendonce it II II oul mov were it the meetln of the WA held at S110er Youth in Cums which AQE dealt with juvenile delinquency rst SVWPkngVeng Vw Buy VICtOIY Bonds to PYQWde reserveOf working it BELL mm 235i editor capital fer your farm BuyIthem too to helpmaintain lt insirindr arice 521d amid VchVe Improve ts jingle was givenpgnMrg ff Th es aroun cummumiy dcr HenrydessOn thought bv Mr your country War or Cy pay1ntereSt e86 wveJStVevps 30 VEVthttVzr Farm VEIVlng Jmrggmf mm the SCIFinn IoI130n$Oe II Cooperatives He explzlilnEd by Mrs Keni 9f 1959 had the two Ways difference between riv message OfI Summe love and It prizes and the cooperva Evil hope ViSpecial mention was made He outlined Elli interesting history the members tho Were respom farm development in the past iiiiletlifgitihre hgyell flit igciiiImI 425 ea 91 59 EVV Igmlt iiitog 135sz rerVfe cggirchVilVVl vIhonedtpglled1211EzilliilllnbtaiillfilfliilnlgsycaedI agrarian erraticrings W14 VNV The intense bVlVVVmg VVCVTVVVV VVVVVV VVVV 88W Maghgmu aegmfd flowers for the church gt VV modeto sent rm atpimple39iggtcggtzglgzggrgm titty 12 ltiimtiigfredigrku arremrersmnree tvme Dominion militialied rriiletlsriterdiy Welcomch 08 mi behalf of the gathering gigglsanereAlilsscldahfgi sellclriiinig silt vrcrorw lOAN 0pm April iarai II Tile thief offered by Burdock BloullBittelsis based on the knowled MSW lumhi was served by the fleshments at certain auction 30 ladies number from Thornton NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE thotVaucb ailments as eczema and other skin troubles are caused by an attended The Federation will hold 5316 The ladies deemed 10 1W gt in blood condition only mommy meetings Win the Rev Kent to purchase some You netted malteVaprot ttVyou Ive tV ne communion supplies Mrs 40 cash to buy young animals nag about n8 clean us to help cleanse tho sammer the next on May obit immritiea oii Her W35 aSked to make enquir Have you renewed your subsm ies rogurdlnsome basement work 331 The West mm by Ha ug counter for BB Price 8100 bottle hon The Timber Elia WwdrTmntn on but served the lunch lVV

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