lHURSDAx 512111 11145 no BARRTE KA1ilhnBARElE awn1r my 14 to 11mm II II II II anomomouomacmoom lZPOUND TROUT or er ar CAU HT IN BAY INNISFIL NOTES 71 om in In memem H11 11 b1 emarco In uccess L4J the lake trout caught on April 111mm kin1m Result Will by roll McKeown it clgh Buntit Loni lumen hi an ers III 111511 011111111 and WM nicely proportionalw WW 4t 111111 gt73 32 littllt by Uhtr fixr inches l3 41 My xf 1215 tiidmt hquth trIt41It =3 14 no ono one ago on Jak1lxiii1 sutieliohtintiadld gt 41 14 TilitlffiVLSItUX LgtiiI lileZlJlS first ltllLlY Shitkry in 11 1mm 31mm 109 311113 on 11 11s 11s awn1 tittow $11 215 llll In lute mm the UPA Junior 013an Mk wum 1111241 amt Ifitlz littie 11 at at 41 lather led Elan is humall show The lu was only out of 1141111I1 441 I1115III41I4114 ttInIi IlttFl 11 the ItlttS the only tIhqueht It 11111 my um d3yI 5mm 114 I1 brigX 51111 lCl 111 111 oitgt 111111111 tartr stations pray 1e secotit 1111 31 ha been caught 11 1t 111 yea 41111 14 Htlf watQ ttm ltiriao is lit 11131 mad gt11111111l have littlt 111 Klit filial instead but 14 gm 11H1md Llih if mil ltl Illicht ltl 1111115 H4 4i111t11t 111 on 8111 ti 111111 won 11 UALdu Sllthlltdtli Klitlillllll ktlt 1111i Lllhllllpilllltlii for tile lli4ll J1 ltI ttllIltll lailnt 111 lixt 111111 1ll advance nations Hitlot 11 1111 l11 Drown1 41114 t4 mi 1111 31 11111 11 talcum lllttlt niIthtIm straight games by 440 tt 132 the itatigr urllng tub uid Huttrmnil TI 11111 SH 111 lr hltxtllltl nlt talmu up by all and sttndiy 14 will is Will lithllil riiatktil 111 flunng 1111 min to 111411 1141 ti 1IlIlt111i4 that the Junior ll hockey this season it 11 ttrll inductt 1111 ht Ill llHIl 11 14211 pland 11 1tiin t11111i not ill the tlitSS with that in the tlillt 93 11111 144114 11411 llfl it tttittti 911210 lIl lllt 51 MikesStratfhtd filial tilltl Nww Iout3lml4t1t1l liltH iltlllt lllill 111411 11 llaljlt will lltii and hlllgaltlll Ith would haw put t11 31 11441 it 111 ARINGAME 1111 txiovhti in mi 11111 the 1111 And in fact thctvtes Aces and on 111ntlt 1141111 11114 hill 111 1011 Am 1111 141 T1 who would l110 given liltlll Cltifit battle Mw WAT Al Drilmltu 111114 home to v1 141 tth 511 tins me afar l1 out lU Hl izllilih lllZZlIltS we rxtrntl Congratulations Titty tantc Miami 111 minor up 111111 thr HUM In 15111111 1x1 It l11 lItlt for gaitllts with the Colts and they were 1111 1h4I1 Mlle Imam 41w 1121s 111 Mr l41Lt tn tutr amt ltwt litttlitV We l1tl ill tttll lt tic 111d ll win 1131 Burerr 1A fl Will lil lllll 11 114 11 1111111411t gtl111 lot 111 14 lIwn Itinllv ttn advantage St Mikes had in limitless player strength 1111 11 guiw NHL 1411 II W4 lnjv 11111 111 tl l4l1 tunati 11111111 1111 dothlttt ltll ilttl 111 1141 of In for ptattiu 11tit th1otnzh 1111 11 nmmttto 11 111 11 Iwh tln n1on tlnn unnd to lt tl lllllt to thoost httuun lht 11am III II II II tih ollg hadnt llttl intu llltl unexpected Oshawa obstacle on hull POM mer HRS Humid will tutti 041 11 mil ii ll1ilsUlll 14 11 whim WW illill tl1111=1111t ltltltl Porto and Rumors would have been reallv crlmli WW Emil 5W U3 lll 11 lfttl 1t4 gt1an 11141 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III hI UNA 1mm up Wm WM Jhmm Land 50141411 writksIauo and IA IIIIIItII MII IIIiI IIIIIIIZIBII IIIIIIIItItI thiI II II IIII III 11111 11 113 pxltt 411 4111 to 1111 111 141 lL1 11111 tttlt4 1n I111 Ii 11 littlll that ltlllilt AFDCDO La hallo ll 11m Iv Il 313 mIIW KIM iII II II llttntItitit ittl1lt til lllii llit SI Mikes tl Stratford opening HitlllL Elam Ive lull tlIfml HawH Ilnhl I1 Inl1UII til If IIIH III Sly jump VI IVH patient in the ln11111 1111s nth tln two tjltlltts at Maple liviif iiiltllllS mmmlrl IIm lmphf lIlIleIVlmhI IV 41 hmi why 71hIII 17 in hmlmkll tlttlitt draw 11111111 well WW ll 113 13 HHM MM iv wmmm 10 m1 nial Fwd it ll Am llI lI ltlht AU 11 nth1 14 II II 111 11 1141 11 111411114 1111111141 111111111 lluy Nugget photo shows P11 111111 the of hInmIv 1011 final Skm IINI IIfdhtlylulh tit nil 114111 II4II 43111144 I4 I11 II laquezto Ill 11 hoolmy tinttorui attain iii ltlntllantl where his Infantry 10 5mm lIlfd Vlll ll lm IIIII AIlIMII WHY with II III lIIIIhIMII II II IIZHII hi II 534 inform1111411 llltli ltikitlltl htlnzinte Defence star with llarrio Colts Slrtlltl1 lttny Sam and Don 5111111111 MW MM his mhmw own ltlltltl ltivv you itittttrtldll whirl lltll WhV 31 11 111111l litl tac 01 is Ir zti 111 lilo IVlt ltulllliiill Mobillimitneirtdxdliiiifihiii Tvo lionspiols were illlinllltl in ll kill with lull ll At Hm hm Mr gt351 tt ittltittrtIL N414 11 11111 11 111 matron 24 11111111 owr itllltitltIV llnrko McDonald is back homo in rillia ks MlI MEIYW Yb 1er Vail hill 31 hush IIlNVI LIKIII1ImhII LiasRig altor tho unison play with New York Rangers htit his doctor has ud rm ll OHM ll hmlm II lfk bull IIJIIhRIfgll II Ihrmdlf 11 1511311 11I 31 by my vlwd ltllil 111 rotito lie is likely to ho appointed to the NHL reforeeing 185 MIdlmd Rink III KIN Imh IIIHII hh Im1 11 141111 1111 111 1111111 11 72 L11 gttaff lhv lnnk Magazine has ttllllleItttlt with the allstar selections TrlOIlIlhyI lfmIl Ilm IwnIllmIII mll 633nm IIIIIIII hi IIIIILN m4 Mimi hII N1 hgh 111 1111 0111111 lltittltll Hockey League board on voting by team coaches II Whhh hum hIIIIIIH hm hI III in 1H Pt Large Pkg mm mull Mm 5mle NIth mm b0 Gm Ami Buslien MHHMM WU m0 Ihnmpmm null of the mnltt tittttiil tn ltittlttl 1142lnh111 lit llH 11111111 ST NW Iltltlltt1 littli llmtll lIliIIIIY Altx Sillltlltlitlk Amltlledi 09 rp III II 11I41h1 Drugwgiuuh 111 ltlsl IOl be 41 vo fllllf lllliS 1a on 111 II 1113 ll llmlilltmnm Hf3 film Jlmlll Umdm ujd Juiry the final for the Finlavson lropliv lllwlltlllltth Wllll lllttttith Mll lllll Hm lll CHOICE 15 oz Case It lilIIIIIllIII1lIllII IIIIIIIIIvIIwIIWIIttImsIIIItIIIIIILLIIKEIIEIltXIltIeIgIIIIEIILIhIIIZrIEIIZh IIIIII SIItIIIIII MOIOIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII hm Imd pI 11 11W 11 1111 11 III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII 11 5i II II 1y was tl tlatl liv lltIvivn litll 1111 gt4 whh huhhhrs Rh Bhwmhh Of Infantry and Frank Buwmhh of Service and Spiers hIad Illt ti ilobtttson IIIII IIIIIIlllIIIlII DIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII I11 kIt l1ItI 5215141 It111I11II1I11I Id1021110101 SIPiltl 11 1601 IIIDI 11m rm other Spot centre Mickey Maguire and Bobby Mc had lIiornoI lilting Jack Moore IIIIIII gt III III II IIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII tIII ItmgI II11 1411 Vtrltlitjtth or heady Cuts Pkg Laugthlin of tho Armoured Corps were tied wings were AllKuntz of the and D1 Como Vll llmk ilr II II II IIIIIVIIQ IIIIIIIIIIIII FIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII III IIIIIIIII Wt tI Al gt A4 11 grcaves as altornatc for one 11111110 14 llhm tlHIHlI 41 In mm Emmy 00 Mdclls Im to be come 14 1111 ll lbitr Id 01th lltmitlt It mm MU Wt 1111 11mm 111 1111 11111144 honorablo tttcntion were such notables as Bun White of Mcds the lca ues lsplm ll 14 4v 11 1111 what II IdI FddI Ihrvey PIKMNIII IIId 0mm NV 5111111111 1111hly Omani tvhutas lilh Illa ttldtl but Hm ml WW mi my 0s an 1e mg Home Ah was ust t1 sntut t1 01 hit 1111 lllitl ltlllttllttllu lttl ll ltitilltLl born ltvatmn 1111 in lt11lott t11lgt1 QFUIIIIXIII1ESI22ILIiilcgggaggfIISggvzupIggrgiv Ithm 111111111 Ah 51110 and ho was pchntIyI mutItt 1tIitI 111th ioIl 12th IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIJII IIIIIIIIILIII II did 511 1351 1110 11mm wa 0111111 tie it mas or writ centres Gliltl Clillldlil and 1th Alla SENice corps and LOU BFUH AIMOUIOd MT Regl Emil illisx This your he was at centre stcadtlY lmtvfm hx UW ellc smart rightwinger of the Armoured team That roster of talent Ed in Pro wresers an interview Wm spun Besides the tiltittlllOlllitlllLtl ml llfmlm Ill lnldllll would take some heating in the NHL would certainly as one club take Iwmm Hy Thrkm If the New 13m and 1mm injuring Danny IlI5IIllIllIIIIIilIlY fIllII Il lIIII senior amateur honors in the country this year To camp Bond Show York Sunth News Al recounts CU Stifftth from it hull SIIKIUlllil Ih Eifhlilq Unhhghl unkind IIllnIIl III CACTE his curly hockey career and lUCSnI ml ll llj lf Th1 llIlltl 11131411 1191 L1I41Il HonI Earl RoweI MIPII MrsI McKmnon Heads MIII 33331th1 IiIiIIIiIILQ IIIIIIIIIII IICII III III IIIVII NIIIhI BIIIIIIMICIIII IIII ICIIIIIIII II IIIIIIISIIIWII hII hIIlIh IIIIIIII IIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII lg1 HILL 11111 1111 1111105 in III HOSI THO 0f Runners Women in the 8th Victory Loan campaign IlIlIIMd undilrm IIXSIIIIl 168 Whhh hIm IIINM hth Ltivlzatton lo most of us the two IQ nd the unit is featuring bi wrestl ycmn A11 like ll vinn tho Rum1 111s in our llfltltit haw been 1111 fluloin 0r Training for Season MIISI WI McKinhon was again mg Qhow in 0430 Drm TI next pound Ranger leader IfIirst ISIIIIIlLIW IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIQ III IIIIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIII LIII elected prostdent of the womens Tuesday night Through the court 519m lhlI RCITrIIOI sun II hhh IthI IIIIVWhIIII IIISII ho 114111115 peoplo llo hated vat hnt witlpnr If Elxpfxsslg lsection of the Barrie Golf and gay of Frank Tunney 11 Tormmh IlllimI ITlltltthS It IiICIIII ever IIIWM Patrick and IIIIIIIIII l111 pttlttltd 111141 1111151411I1I11I uarI oI ctera 11 em cr uIl eeh am in my omc own II 1mm World dominated llv fm DtlleIIHStmmi me CEIiuty cm hat gm some of me blggm pm Buy he said With ice available 1ll 1111111111 11111111111 411114 11111411 1161111 lb fstcd in running horses as well as mo ed 051 Wrestlers mm be It 10 five month 1w 11 111W WIH htstnmltl If lltt the harness variety has the TOl Monday evenmg Olhe timers Camp Borden 10 PM KNEE loses anyhow you dont haw to HT ll ll lowing runners in training for the ected Were captain Mrs Cur me boys lc11ned to live on skaics ld weal III IIIIIIIII IIGIIII IIIIIIIII II QIIIIIIII Wm II he hf Wm WM ZI II in 11v Iionhng IseasIOn two I2vytIaIrIolds VlcecapmlhI MrSI AI TI MC MT RCIIII IS selling tickets on ItllglllIltl hIiIifuiIsIa lIleIItIlIIItItetIll tlk IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIVSI II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII 111I1ni mIIm MIyI th 11121 Whhh If OI7 Slmd md Blmldle Fulvand Nabb sccytreas Mrs Rlll du You must have ticket IU med whu have but luvzil Mm mLme he mlyldllm hvehrwld Bumg hue 011 111W4 TI If hemn the Gatdcn 1114 II thii trio in inind forer lactvcrilsJ lee hanlhmp manager Mrs vem to get into the show Many of the 111K 1tnilit 11c141141111ih114 il mm l1l ll mm lm lille Hw PMS by kee 31019 MCkCnZlC transportation COHVCD troopers are also going to Come Oln lIjhueI5 IS II DcnulrcoS IHIllnmlc1 is Ill MI IIHKICI NONQ $01 95 35 W0 11gt1w no 1cc1dcnt As 501m 115 th W1 rf 11 or Mrs Chithck Plans were v1 as otliu inattcts Both of thc two as owners of Victory Bonds iftct 1111111 cudttabk ulttn ll 1111111 yemuoldi hlve read been que to have the weekly match leillwd hm me game hockey ll 10 lullllld were lmmfs om the draw that night i1 mto qunsnluatmn 111 it 111111 II tnltel for the 1946 th Fd dld Ulllmg 0150 but payv HUIUMUOH W010 thcy not Kiwis 1110 Mm hrglelflso Cu LonI1l ays Sum top names as Whippm Bmy Ab The lllltllt officer used to Will the Lluh that Wound up in Ith hmur 11 tit1111141 441 MM IIII II II III II III MI II and Saucer thdmap rm twoweap eIII bee named et but are Watson Nanto Singh Red Vagnonc Vim mu hDuse more one hm hm Lcllat position of 1111 N111 In 1111 III IIIIIIIII IIIIIV be IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII 1d av Rasputin and others are expected second straight Ivcar BONELEss 19 runnmg 0f4 the Sllply deSlgnaled as brow mlyi lmulman and my Wm Fm i4 Alum WMth md mm mm Canadian Dmby at wmmpeg bay C011 etc with the owner at amp him wearilv with Oll youll lllld iltltllttl of today uIIIWI II ROLLED Man as well as the Winnipe Futurity and we and day demgmlted mm the emesl 070 ecor NUlhing that man can do will 14 EXTRA 15 14x 41 Hf seems Strange 110 81 thmkmg Fcldspar widely used in me Ger polldhived to stickhnndlc because Fgr IsalkIrIgI Iltghldm1thhihlxhjldirl2 B3 LEAN 31 35 Xem lea 01 races he 411 11m Ht LI r1 but that IS Just what horsemen 1m1cs industIrIii cdieIt th 1311155 AND it gave me an edge 0ch biggu Io CI DI SWIM this WI thhh 1111mm toward 11 131 no IHICK MEATY 15 do AlmOSt as soon as cons or tradevtwiil pr tuc in aria g5 guys Demure relates smm me the record for enlv stilin 1111 110 mVllVi l5 lollll and ht F1 681 ex near 11 14 41 delli bgglthfyt arentzreg or lens with value of $205086 sull pck up 5le it Nomi Great Lakes II llll llewm IllK FRESH WU ea ome Buy rink would be ICIhHlICISv ThiS grain hm OWOH triumph BARRm BOWLING LEAGUES 0th forward and 103 eel Sound harbour March 24 for the vocal solo A111ukh4 My Soul 43gilln5l abOUt 10 players kes willed from Fort Wits Still tltliin the S3Clll c1 held 0f he Fresh Tb In early amateur days Abbi I1 yr Ih we Willldnl Match 27 at p111 1111 LL iss oann 111111531011 Barrie govl25 mull mac 359d 1ke mt 360000 bushels of No NolthlIl Forty veterans 111331110 Emth Gameks 25 14 60 play nth two pUCkISITOlletorf wheat and arrived with her cargo 147I IBESLI led by Leigh preside Cashm 11 SM the PER DAY 3100 Come 98m la 30 th Cupboard 23 16 53 pm 11 K1 was headed by the RCAF PER HR 250 41321 ROM 23 16 53 9eIUVTmEbeame04 931393 When interviewed the czmtnm Band from Camp 13111131 19d by DEX 203k 11 12 75 3TT9T1 22 174 Jomid hls rst 13 wellmt andchief engineer John Gillies thht Sergeant Boyce The Lb DA lo 23 417 33 more Ortoles1n 19 NORTH said it was like summer trip parade lOIIhEG up at the Barrie PER WE 3350 2nd STARIEEIDhINh starred for remarkable thing was that no ice Armoury and Headquarter Com MAPLE L5 Children alder 16 years Dixies 18 21 42 Ngifng tTagz IgoaJuniors Bap was seen In other years moreI 1ch pany of the Grey and Simcoe For LEAF AmUStmyeipMeintSpet Clarke Clarke 17 lie ColtSand Falconblldge Falcons Richelith bgnithl tilinilsliiiiltitrip 1321311513th 33115319th till Clarks 12 Tms e1 mlssmn had coxsncemmle mom on Capt Felker celebrated his 110th Legion to the church service Musmoon OTWd Rental make lympta assingilmkscthe grade I35 1111111113 on March 28 He never SLb 25 wowbury Cks In 6m 44 74 I4 application early Saturday Egagcleph greSCSIlLSr EnHIIIFIIII ms experteItItceId suIcIIIi 211 Early sailImg Bag JIs Ck 1en tam and sat mta no 111 13 CaIrboIIc Underbil rtPostponed games Mondays results Garner URRY BRO HEAVY DUTY 5aCorner Cupboard Postponed games Copaco Garnersz Corner Cupboard Examiner secretary by next 19 01 US$14 Tires and Tubes7 my 0111 thr games and the winners gt value at the prize money 11111113117 Exhibition Booster Givs Barri M7 in RETREADMG work done by experts with latesttcqulpmentp For lost roadservicecall us IDayjot Night image 3922 name it Our truck has its own air compressor CHECKLI managerorthtandsay Exhibi RCAF Olympia 5Undethtlls 33 BAYFIELD STI PHONE 3874 gt OstghgngTlgsmIithsZDagry nig ts arrle MEMBER BARRIE CHAMBERIOF COMMERCE Tannery 7Copaco Clarke Clarke 5Underhills 2nd Exam iner 5Dixies Bell Telephone II Winner ofthe weekly prize for ice he hadlns biggest thrill the Navymmymr Fame high score was Harry Long at No weavin ast Eddie Mr Hockey RBpallS SFTs who mm 3314 and 760 Sh gang scoring against Frank 41 for three games M01 210 Brimsek of Boston Spain Equipment New AT CORNWALLIS Tentativedates for playoffs have VI Sgt Johnny Dyment former been set for Apri nd 30 No Brumsg ma or er Examiner employee has been pBst TEXAS MARSH for lice of any objection to these Desplte Fi llls penance as 992 edI from the Dartmouth RCAF SEEDLESS 9515147 dates Shaun bemade to the league tre Hawks used Demarco mg Electric and Acetelyne Station to BmWIOOdI Newfoundland ht Playoifswillbei nights of be dammed byIIheI tom pins Iwbrbke IIIIS III In Jggpmx Eams including the hygaoilg gffjght4 Ab up mgr now stationed at HMCS Cornwallis PM II Deep BrookI NISI Afterjoining the Team captat shave been advxsed months mal CALlFORNtA lb Amy of thepla0ffn groupings amine II wIasuiclIgrgIIduetore IIstIatIited 55 Elm St Phone 4035 Waiebioccaggy 1II sixties ans 1311ch me II IIII II Some Show Pointers Tusday evening Bert McLean showed fine reel dpictingIscenes and activities at theLindsoy Exhi billon Mr McLean is agogetter Eight and half years ago when year But the passing enabled me to lead the club in points Then came long siege of sea soning with Providence Reds of the AHLL interrupted only by brief major league trials He ledIthat minor league club three times and his league once in point scoring Chicago brought II him up for the last game of the 3839 season and two minutes after stepping otithe in lifetime it Burnt corras 35 13X At Your Service with our fully equipped Machine Shop SHOE PBLESH Black BroWn or Tan Tin Men and Women Activities of General Machine Work hand shot afooth wings next sea sonand withina few months he was backinithe minors POSTED To NEWFOUNDLAND Chris Spanis4HCNVR steward is RANGES Lirlgm 281s 049142911 MOMS LWNA sewI 11319 Welding will he to filllAppsf shoes so if scored gsime II tiril YougGiiis Enticed From Orillio by Meg Two15yearold girls who were enticed away fromOrillia byrvtwoi young men last Friday evening were apprehended by Provincial Police in the Tollendal district Monday night During the police search one of the girls fell over fence and suffered Ia broken arml BARRIE 41 III fewer than three goals 13f 111111111111 11111171111121 mlda Fiasco VI for Iftth KlWanijsFarmerimeeting lion Age Barrio alumni nmwcnmmm 20F COMMERCEj WouldMe back with ambigger and Stop us onIthe mad anyItlmgI if we can MI serviceI II J4 II II thaItIook IlIiIold 541116 Fair dwas The girls were returned to 0mm IiLF NATIVEGROWN No1 aw 1l1 rev ay say one Of the men is HOT HOUSE cusoyandl Imiggmgegxmgf mg the 0111 1111 mined by WI mung 125114 970 Of 44 41 We best the Dmmmm against the men is that of breaking I4 Theiannualtalris thezshowlendow and entmgh Cottagat Tollnaal MATIVE GROWN ILEIIlFI I1 of he products of the community Large It and14MrMcLan hoped Barrie Had COMMITTED SUICIDE gawo BRITISH coLuMaih Matthew Zickoff 62 oWacTier it 11 111 wm 1h 11 er Iarc an ever II 1111111115110 WTHITHE NEON an groundsnowgone it may seem committed suicide by shooting him EXTRA FANFJVIIIiEIfIEE J4 am promelhbibllttlgtdgg ll slflifl T133er wbgmgigveiiiglxllilb 1W dry iiilsliantt4 page Provincill Cohstable TSllugh 1nessy of IBala