Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1945, p. 14

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IN va 1Y Wu IT PAGE 17111414115171 315 Clnnl w4 1vrr va on Illltlll Itll oIIOIIOJOII 43 MHAycww mmwmmu==m LE OY HI WYEBRIDGB NEWS or STAYNER FERTltIZBRS 311 III For Lawn and l4 I11 III it I1 I1I1 14 14 latden 3e 1t 1r Alla 4g II ww PI hNI 1m1 It 11 ll 1r III II gt 11 II IIi II II II III IIII II II II 114 gt III II IIII II II lI IIIIII nonhucm il ll 1I1II s4 It l1 14 It 1l ll ll II II II 4II II It Hm um IISIIIIII Ilm II 11111 111 111 11 4I 14 tt II ll ll HrwmlUh lm I4 WW ltlilt it Vt ll Ll ll 11lidH 1th dilllcl TEIGPhone OperalOlS Cfre Ileeded l0 MI IIIIII IIII HI III IIHIIIth 414 11 11 44 II II II uphold 1111 ndhn the feat Increased tH1 It and Mk Ema aSSlSt In ha UTi JillINltxl lt II II II II II 11 11 ttt tIlIlltl11tlIilI4kl number 01 tEIBphOne calls crealed 125 II II III Il II llI Mun hmhh Huh 111 Kl ll ili l1 ling ltlittl l1i work pleasanl surroundlllqs and reg III III II II II 11I1I II ItISI IlIl IIIHI IIIIvIIIlg IIH It III tt IIlI II II III hh IILIIIIKhilI1II TIhlIil HIQI employment NO experience 15 11 11 KIT 41 It 11 1111111 ll ll HI 01 11 v1 lllhlll lull 44 5w lilttn liill hi llthll necessarY You Will be pcnd Whlle 14 41 II t4 IIII II II III III learnlng 21 ll Ill HI Il IlIII 11 II II II II 441IIIIIIIIII 1511 111 11 lttt1llll ll1 tl ll Sully Hllllm Al 2U 111 51144 littllt1LMJ Smith II l1 Mr 11 11lt inson ant 41 I1 11 I1 11 111 ti lvllltllltlll1 41 Jar14 lilailo lllttl to llltlt nvu liMllLUYMLNT ml HJll 11 113 111 111 gt 11 11 l11l4u gt Your Track II II II 1I1Iv Iii11114 11 1111111 111 I14 41I1 1111 I11 1111111 11 II III II II 11 IIII hI 933 I1 11 ll wit the gt1h41ol 11 IIIII III III IlIlIIIl In1 lulut wa 1111111 111 IIIIIil Illnlll WI DIIIIIIUHI llRlluu 11 44411 nitI 11 Illlt 411I1I1I411141In 11i III III IIIII WII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIItitllItlI IVII IIIIIIII IINI IIhmh wth II hm hm titd row shipment gt4i110l 112111 1I111 It 11411111I11I III III IIII IIII IIIII IIIIIII IIII 11 111I1I I111I11II1I nitk wtth tho lattrs parents Mr ml 4l ll ll Will11 511111II11I 11 I4 41 nnt Mrs hm Mason loronto MA 111414111111111111111111 1111 1111114 111144 111 MI wt Al 114 11 11 1111114111419 WWW lI II III TI WI IIII 111 1111 III rm hm III 1111 II4 tin 11 p111 11111 l1 11 II111ltl 111 11 111111 lattLtltto lttlltllto lll1 111 llllgll ll Wll ll lllltlll illltl MW Illl itlllltl liont Iltl three tttclth liberal lnttrplctation ltoad and 1110 llaininr Clasxliledq II II Dont NegleCl UM llIH Il IilTII lIUIllII Il llI hml llad must ho quitv an athlete 444 41 I1 lti ltl 1111 1161 In 1It111111lt my Slllllll M5 ho Hilfm llll haw ltllllltll to Ptllmll In 111 Mrs Albert ord who had hIfl mIIthU IIIII $135 per 100 ll Illts hoot 14I=l11311I4Ilt gt1lt111I0r IIIIIIMIIIIIIIImOlIlIIWIlfIII II to II II IIIISIliIIItIIIIIWINIl IlellI lslIj Why do lllllIl BARBIE 44 Tl liuxvlilh Illillif NIHI giIiII IIhh IImf IthIhII IllIlIIlIlISIlIIIiIflIIlIIIIIEIIIIIIIlgIIIIiI5I10IIIIflIIhRimYIIQ heard you say that Itcd ltll FLOUR MILLS iv gt 1111115 ltltlh delvllittlillix it 144 MIN hl lllllttm 4llltth 51 gm ShhIT 413111114 huh nicely out Iscchn nights running 4N4 I4I1 111 11 111111 InInIl 2115 tII11IllIItlIiIIlItItlht d1 lZIlIIlh hIIIhhh hm 111II1Ihhd Ill The dalt 11I the Ilch Cross at IT TO II1II II nI115A11141IIhI1I1I thin IIIII1I1I1IIII 111 gtl1lll1 MIIIII IIIIIIIIII 14 11I1 1411i4I1 11 111 IIISIIIIIIIUHInIIIIIIr wAhIIIIIfIIltIggIlIItIhItIhIttg 111 Ii 1r 11 ltr hIl IIII Ihl hhw litllltl lhlv IIII11 III 31 3111 M111 lhntttllv lI113111It1llod 11 lIo MM MA 1l11=1nit1 lor1ntti intttt the 1311111 In Mom 111 attxth tic I11zI1nI1Inzt1d tho 141111l 11 1111111 PinlIhtoi hunIotaIlIIofII hiIr IIIhrottwang Id 11 i4 IIIIIIIIliI Illhlflmxtilf l1 Gerald 15111111 Vltlitttil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILhI TRIC ll Mb Mild1M Stimuli 11111161 ll him 13er ACCOUNTANTS Ll IROPRALTORS II II II II IIIIII II IIIIII IIIIN Ih MI II IIII IIII will 1f1llll will 11 11 114 14 Phone 2l83 Barrie til 51 1L filialhlllllAW All ll WELCH ANDERSONCOMPANY 11101111 ELSlIl AJlURNS DsC SERVICE 1ll lml Eii544 1114111 warrant uttow gt114 who Ilw 1h enllr flI Chartered AccountantsTrusteesmic Licensed Drugless Therapists H4 mull 31 no Uml llm nolittaxs with hor niothor in lttto oI Mm Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St Electric Radio llvdro and 23 IIVHIII St II HI l11nt DOIIlIV wno llarrtt lIIIIII gt11ltnt 1n l1llltlllI ho of Town Mechano Therapv 111 1411 iv lt 1v irl II IIII1ItIIIIItiltithIIIIIIIIIL3th IIISIlliIhIlItIItIIItI111111111ll nt 111 tt1 III IIIIII MIIIII PIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII hIIIItII 1IIIIIIhItIIIIIhugIIRIIl1111 in vhhk street Phone 3194 0IIIIIIIIIIII II II II II II II II IIII 11111 l11t ltllllllttl lit NJWIIlHY WM ut 1d 11 I1 ll italiaai Elma Quantz llt ltllttl to II DI 3n lstl llml llll WV if plinth lukmnlrv Dl II OOlOlttllellrlIdflIliIIlIIOONIINIIOlimINI0001 NUS GUIHHWI II VISHUII lllIIllIlII Il lI II III Boys ClllliOlRACiOR AND 11111 11 111111 1111 11111 Laura llt1 tlltl 111 111m larrlsters Solicitors Notaries Pub lltUllSh llllullAPlhl 11 11 it 111 cpllonc 111ls P111 113m 153x1va InppxugglshI spun II IIII II ConveyancersI etc M0110 to llltllll 3070 15 Owen St Barrie II gt111Ilhtl oft 11111111111111 r0 lllt ucdwnd 11 his honn Jan at lowest rates of Interest Of Al INlMlINl Mm Cltvton lomntn 1ltll 11 mllmxllhn 1m 11 lit90 Mtllun 1nd ltclcn All tlce 13 Owen Qt Masonic lemplv II 1I I4 1II vI gt 1h nu XIII In AMI MESI 11I1IIH Uh gummy II on ltll1llIIIlIIttn unlit WWI ICIICthI Shem 1hII MSW BundmgI BmeI Branch ofce MEDICAL Mrs Dttval lotonto spent llll DMD 1114 11 B4 Elmvale Boys Chick Starter ituttll4 hurtHash onrcntratc attlt Mimral lwcelcid with lr Illlll lturi 1911141 llxrdcntont was caused lit the lrtyfhv 11 1193 irrm villaoe Saturday itlttltlitlg tlltltl Wmcl Up 15 SOHO on VICTOR tutti slnll halt AIM limt luttt Ktaphs B11111 Win 1101 tertaincd the Sunnidale Corners GLADSTONE CURRIE AN ORDER NURSES tllltnl Linn P10 and Mrs Stanstickl loro1to1 mm ljcjdlcmwll111do Young P0111110 last lticsdztivI Successor to 84m Bmmhl we Baby Cllnlc gt vi 11 4l il lls iil Tm ll 44 41 Jam 3010 430 dd In IIIIIII IIV Imf l1ilII MIII Ruht Zlllllv1l mm llll lll 31 AI ml llhi2lootitbillmiltd Xiiluinlimlhldlll BAggllngllggngLlcxlggogTC icsday Application 00 231323831 oarsv r11u 11 any 11111 14 Illt cm 1I 55 EH4 StIlihune 40I with 11 our heart oat 11c WI III IA II It vc IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIHIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII II IindIltIlIts IIIltInlIiuiIdII IIIIII IIIIIIS WIIS IIIIII III when Ihe 111111 111IsIseivcd 11 thc close iOWenStBarr1IoTelcpIhone 317a IIIIICcIs may he made dliectIOI thropgh WI Illl IVHt litdl Millsll 1gtltititlllm Melian f0 mm cm wk b0 When me BullllllwsmljyctdllV ll9 r1111 01 intmerce 44 471 USf 05 HS 511 all Mr attdMts Win llutttt and llllK Tim llllll till tttltlg shed bv fire on Sunde COWAN 93 COWAN MUSIC ESQONS CharlsIs spout Saturday in loi1nio Ildh IlIIIlIII Is fIIlIblIIllthie attornoon Barristers solicitorsConveyanccrs PHONE 28W PROPRIETOK Wilding Ctldlllfa ttl lllCtl 2011 lin train was WA meeting Notaries Publlc cm JESSIE It BRYSON Gmdon II The Womens Association held 17 Owen Street Baplle mrmtuonuminnunwrrrporoomomomm 1311 btoiiuht t1m lIlUllltt 111 lift ilk At OKnmSt lmd ChOll Director II 0l Penal lthllll7ll Mttlldgl II their April meeting at the parson Branch CHICO Stayner lllS t5 IIIIIII IIIC EIISICII IIIIIIdIIIISI MISS II ILIh mu thI mud 1111 lepldcr IIIIQ MIIINIIIII IIIII whd III AI ROSS Cowan Central United church MatMath 1401111411011 5311114111 qmm the mils Ilhz IUW Wollle 12110 whh Uhod mehalnce mgeswf PEACHER 01 PIANO SINGING her home in GndCtlCll ShhlltlilyI tilghtI LitiIdIIIblIIIlIlti ItIIInLI III RI RSDSIII III chIIrgeI seven FRANK HAMMOND BA KICI ndIMvlcIL THEORY all grades Simcoe Centre Progresswe ronto and rs 1911111111 and Mrc Hmkiti read poem 350nm 94ml 41 ame II lilcllflffm 115131 1312 14lllrg WHLCOLLMJTJLO 44 444 UISE Him But 01 Edmund Hardy Mus an atom whh QIIIIIIII nr ltvgisttrml Warehouse No Ml Ildilmidge and Illllls DUNCAN FI MCCUAIGI BIAII KIC Teacher of Piano Singing land II Weston Ontario pIIIIOIIql IIfIIlzI IIXSW ecltIruecr fBARRISTERI SOLICITGRI ETC Muswal TheoryI Organist Choir Reliable Grading ed cdntest 1111 the books of the Money L03 ROSS BlOCk Barrie BfteIIOstidlgewls PreSbyterla llOnllltSettlemen iiiii III Mr WRIIBIIWTnwe Bil Alibi closIeIIMrs Clemencc DONALD Mac EN BA ierliixaloiv 111 Mgsildlsbtndoondjitseggll 111 if 44 The 11111811 1th ioi lroutcssive Cut V1 Obtain sack and twine from moved to rilha ned hind BARRISTIiltl SOtLIEHTOR ETC of HOME MS eySLTerzzrsi ve cc one can 11 It 190 Al wumu omw Mls 331193Elrtstlsm Wigohic Tel BundfgBarri DOROTHLWJOHNSONW Associate Association 1111 tin 11111111 of 511mm antic Will be held Mrs Mason chihuahua 511411 IIltds Bowman Churchill or MMIIIIdIId hag gCIIInuDde MOUNT ST LOUIS if Toronto Conservatoriy Music 15mm mm co mama JOHN FI WOODS 111d London Eng College of visit on Sunday at Ivan Ciairns Mrs Mel Wellman spent Easter holidays with her husband at La last week in Toronto am glad to report that MrsVic tor Crawford who underwent an Music Piano and Theory 152 Mcple Avenue BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owcn St Phone 2661 Money to Loan in the TOWN HALL BRADFORD Miss Patricia Dunn spent few or directJLom CANADIAN COOPERATIVE VEfIrIEmNARIAN on 07111111111110 MERINARIAN and SURGEON lupStirm===lene296 Attendance 96 ROBERT ll SMITH Culham Stayner Mr and Mrs Les Bertram and sons spent Sunday with M1 and Mrs Green Midland trm Theannual meetingr of Guthrie 4I Womens Institute will be held on tThursday April 19 at Mrs Loves Itl Fitzgerald Tom Berthelotte has returned to Barrie Collegiate after holidaying Minister of Health and Public Welfare will address the meeting now Mai 111111 GEOG JOHNSTON 11101191111 non ton were weekend visitors at the home ofMran4d4 Mrs Perry Gill At the Red Ciosseuchre on Fri day eveni in the township hall LaWSON Rogtusougithhvaio JOHN ltIIWOODS1Barrle Presideon StacyTrans 11 AMBULANCESERVICE 4IHIou 42 Clapperton Stu Pouciw VSHANEY Evelyn Murdoch Toronto Miss Ruth Murdoch Ullsivater at Murdochs Harold Crank rs 912 am 25 p111 IBy appointmnt Sales at Spcclalty Mrs Frank Kelly and daughter Toronto and Oliver Perkins DIIals ton spent Easter with thiriptar Ients Mr and Mrs Harry EerkinsI Be Good to Your Bauer CHECK 11 Motor ambultino 01 DAY AND NIGHT BARBIE ONTI14 PHONE 2530 lJ IW Walkers Mr and Mrs IR Campbell Toronto at Alex Campbells Mr and Mrs Atkins and Mrs Croskill Thornbury at Halls ZSVVMaIy StI Phone 348544 111 111211115119 11111311011111 1131311112 Moron FORISALE 13HIP 511 c1112 1101042in Volt COOP Starter assursI you of Congratulations to Mr andMrs Fred Peacockupon the arrival of ababv daughter at tbRfV HosI pita Barrie Craig Mdhutst and 44 Mrs Jns Mrs John Dyclrand Barry leSlteId Mrs Minute thc farmers aunt Rix Tuesday Miss Marjort Normal chool is at No school Mrs Brigdcn Georgetown vsrient Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Prec Glad to report that Diane Dun 48111111 Only North Bay operation in OIillia hospital last IIe II ON WLDNESDAYI APRIL 18 11141411 is much IltllptUIwIzclI yggli sIteiItttIZIIIItSIIIIItIhitcrarIJIEII chMllIIngd Mrs Herb Rugman Spent days 1141111 irtcnds in Barrie MAYDEE McAULEYI Arman ML ml 4mm Wmm thn Wekend hh MI hhd Mm Miss Sexsmtth spent the Easter OPTOMETRY Organist St GeorgesChurch 800 01310011 p111 inovIedIto thIeir Iilrethome 11 Bar Why QIIIIOII holidays at her home nem Na II Teach of piano and Theory I1 rte as ween nc est tlSIIJSIU pence 11 yfield St Ban1e HON DR MPl 0F PORI OPEI their many friends herc go With MirIlgggGIeIilt wlxlglgfwgl IJohn Shem Sr of MidlindI is ROBT BAREE FFSc lslimg his daut1 M115 aurice OPTOMETRIST II I1 Mrs Robt Campbell will speak on aItIhis home here II ILL 1The IISOUNIE of ISOlne of Our Miss Grace Ban returned III EII BarrieI Phone This is the first time that the annual meeting has been chods Hostesses MistN Besse moved Into tho hmfse fomeyhc Toronto after holldytng with her 96 d491 and Mrs G1ttensMemb8YS are licensed Auctioneer grandmother Mrs Miller ours my held in Btatlloxdand vctyone mtetested in good govI urged to attend this meeting thpltd by MI Youngmn Mr and Mm Emmy Flanagan OSTEOPATHY ernment is invited to attend Visitors over Easter holidays for the County 0f Slmcoe Mrs Glu Bartlet Clarence and family Toronto spent the FUNERAL DIRECTORS iwere Mr and Mrs Rycktnz G111 Weston Mlss D0 Mrorev eekerrd with Mr and Mrs Harold EDWNWlLSIQN1BSA1D0 Toronto at their home here Mi With years of experience T0113le and MISS Mab Glllv Wes Flanagan mom BTECKLEY ZStmcoe Street King BlocKABanh FUNERAL DIRECTgRsII Telephone 2293 ford Maltot at Fran Crow 123 ids 11131 1813111121131111111 EzSzd 134 mm iron mlriik Alliiii AW award amp 9151M15 Li 04 Jfllglvem WM 1h Angus 01th and prompt It Misa giftthgngIYASU Mltlfgdgorcgyeh II I4 II Bertram and children OakvrllcI at xtenhon W1 be given 74 and children Port Elgm Mr and EMBALMEBS fuoormecthn WWW 19 Mrs Brunninc BeaVPrton 1y add soninlaw Mr BarassHam 13mm in Germany of Household Furniture 1111111111 STROUD 23 ing4 to hear favorable report 01 Wow his Goddltion Imt 1141111111 01111111111111 011 COM notbe announced as formerly over che radiow an is much imnrhVed in health 44 Marat Serve and practise teach sturdy CthllIS strItche htIeIt tecsentIhillnesIsI It InIII ngder the supervision ofMiss II Irs IISS Anne Barker ml at their resnectivc 11011141 hero 343 mb pe in ttedd iii and SEEDS IIIIMr aha MrsIGIIIA climmergIorg LIVESTOCK 4MEN margglmlggg p31 01 11 gt 41 ave Fellmellu4lgm me Milk Producers Association at tpd g0 Wlirlmmo 11111111111151 hall last Friday night llf mmO and For success Sale all enjoying themselves immense 11 111 51 WW iliiiisllgfnifvzsm ply 5101 Alena Robsonfrecewed Wag Then if iGSf iOilNll The sumof $461 raised for tire arm 004 an Iex 0W Ohmel F9519 rf 4Baldwin443SERv1CES4 InnuyrhaIinI19en siInt triIItIhedftmd Implements trgsndggicgbgmgidh Eggmahgegh 14 III e449 wuv 131131 Street ThegrdelrigyTelecgrgrmY bit R11 1171111011 25 Friends will be wish and girlie nu

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