THURSDAY APRIL 12 1945 MWW xw FULL COURSES ironinrrson Al 1h lloyul viiIs LUNCHEONS tniiu lltispitul lliirrzc on April Interment St Marys Celn license huvc DH issued dam gt to 111451 Polly minor and The approximate number of curs IlObtllSUH 109 Bill gm licensed from the Barrie office is they order before June lst VIv Mowwnuwdw II rm CHURCHILL BORN CARDIS or rum EGBERT brART YOUR CH CKS RIGHT cents were manual 1333 ti III IlI IIII III IIII III IiI ZIIIII III IA L1 35 II ItIiIII III 01xe II IfrI In Id TI iilllii v1i5 ii if the late jw iv Livy IICHI IIIAII II 01L MIMI DDII II Wu kAthUlllLlisw ll mil 351 5px Imus pm 021 SKILILIWl innu ll leimil turd llxll first shearing oii vtiltilwyl II IIIIIII ntothii sign of Sprite lull Cemetery riled Lross SJltglgt Collectionl llllIVlNS st rum leiIrijrttlll April it Men to tict 111 hplh no SJtidJ Aprzl ew llilAs und John st including 12 Hallie matinee will hind lso it Jhllit Im We Cl ifftitllltclllnl um turtle vv gt 2le lmwrmy sumh III IIIIIIIIIII qu Inn 2541 lllitll vlmx need nil bcilII III 1ij lilvlilillli ltls tat HbldklL pend Hill Alli rl llu elhi litUrllvI OI lVGS 0C Vii AVVF NUS 59L be filed by April In April is llltl unmixed gI II II II wl Well 11 bdlld of Altte Mathill mm fumed lim 1mm UHC 51 How iicllullv his IHiii llt ilmd mu lbwch 15 3th in L1 intis St Johns eihelery Norer be timid ill the Supreme uull IfI MI 5t BARR Phone 5461 51 IIIIIIIIIIZlIigjllsIltdIII IIII II III IlmtiJUIIV sitting rchedtlletd to optn LmJ III II ll Ii Ill ln 3l gurjdyI 11 IH III II tliI ItI II Ath IIiI II il Alto tt A9111 ll 19151 Itun III II I01 IIUII I4 III II VI Hi obit lli llw lltiilulw Chilledtin DH lllIx Jillalul timid Iul llllit AMI Lil tA II II II II iI 1le Km rrur Vldntr5l llllti piesuils For lions for Mr WV New illl in itil it III III II ItI Hm IIIIIIMI In in it Ind II IyIIIIIIHII ItIl VIetl rtI fllnrrron InlzdllaIprlng md Summer rldli p1llI IIIII tIrl Ip lupihl summit II II II IIII II III UIIF dd IBIIIIIIII uIlIntiIII Ii HUGHES VIIIIIIIIII IiIllI liltr etifIlIIJINLI LIItIlIllII lionhim ml 11111ny Aim lzLiIlIIwi 12 mmi Bruin llil Iii luvt II II HIM rumor your subscrip it up WI iil i1I or IIII II II rIIIII IIL II flllll his hull lllll xi ilv lo IH Rift BH 11 AD Agnie lillzllzdx Learjgtk 15 fin It tgymlinhsi in NIHHHU The Llllll is AI iI Pm 011 tl ti tell loin MW II II ltil lIl tlli ml Rn rv 1p F114 400 lLlobi II II 1U mu lutxt iI NH 14 lllw Vldll sl iit tr It it lllKltl IlIlttl the lllIIlllll the llanti VlllI ilIl DUNCAN ll lilo home of her simltiuisult leiliudi Archer tnlthlw Hi =llil write pr 11 ter Mrs Alex Constable Stiiilll Shty pa 13 to My int 311 I1ll 13113 AIMll GI my 51IIvwltlt gullquIlmnd hmm 55 Id Hm WV KWlin MW 111 Hi lltlnley lllltllll beloved dduuln Idummimnm Muml bundwtches unit lmklni mode to orv omens lllllllllt gt lot of lllt Lit Mr iInd llr Wnl III PII IIIIIIII II II The Lliiiyilitli Vttilltli lvillml lillltll 11 the llll Vltlvlidi DUNN Illtllllfm 51th 11 HI HII 193 llosnitol lidllli on liil 19131 1mtlt1 lflltlfll April Mllllm sl Hi Xlsllklilt IJun llir illth lll rhd lrl Nd EDWARD Al the Royal VlClOllIl loxoid llllc for the prevmil hayriif IZl11I AI III 11nd iiiodilii liiiltitt1i ieuil mm YulQM Hll lehn gull month DIDlltlierlli Will llt held lorl by Mr JI inn4er Ix 1gp lIUII daughter 1K11lllllillll AIM 40 hulk3 mm llflblt over months nnd lllldltll tummy pull Uzilla lAleId beloved husbond 11 III rI II III IIII II IL 1be II IIII III VI tlI niislfibie illill Mrs luit rum MUlllllY At the limvul Victoria 07 Hir wk or mm 51 pp Inme llrill ionilnenting April ml 11 pin Very tllquJiilllt tliztt Mn Moe llwrpltul Home on April 11H II IH nm illn iv mt 1114 luwhluh lllttl otiittv Health to Mr illld ill lolt Murphy 111008111 ltmlylv m1 511 Ht NIHIr IIII II Inluwmm ZI BIUTIUI II III mIIsI iIIIIII IIII III iixiiII irriIIIiIlIlIlill UfIlll ll hnnth MOH llIG Lilk on school litillh Hllllt lll Joseph IilII ilkLII will he quarterly mold of the admini Simon CUHHIV hmvh rm UONNOR by vultwrmj loll lidl llhurlldhlt fllrglhl 5th jusnn acmnlnm was II It is ill trWM EliblIiIlnll lliilieI on pllli iEltI mud III hm 7913 IIIIIrl lute Iniide iiithe Iounly builde wed it ZJlillunlitli St litishliiI 1W Wm Allim rmcury fbddv md mud 17M wuk April he members of the audit commit ix in luyrl it loin llospllzil lturiltI on Altiil 7l Indium 01 my If MM 1169 Judi Harm WWVt 11113 to Mr und Mrs Fred IWPWIO Wimp Iv QMNL Hf Barrie tmd Evans of Ilmd linetlcii llll lllllllt Li ilLtllll1 wlIfIIllIIflIIIIIlIHIIII PITIlrlIlIlII ford II Ii III II Iv Alrlvuil in Barrie on lhursduy m5 Md ll ll Whit motor vehicle llCClN sstiini If lluspilul Barrie on lll 11 101 Wlllllli ll lllltlll ml the III IIIIIIII IIIIII MIIK tIeIIII My Lloyd and Steekley Flillgllllidurllll the lust few days 111 Muer mayhem SLI II IiIIIIZIIIIII llomx on Friday Apr 13 to St and curly in April tiltd it is esl Mary lunch for Mass lit lilnatetl that about it of the lOllllI gerously wandering about in the traffic at the Five Points yester day atternoon The little tot was taken to the police station and was later called for by her mother Ac cording to the mother the baby had been left with neighbor on fDunlopSt However the neighbor left the little one to play outside and paid no attention Since the fire atrthev home of Dri II SII II IIIIII IIII ll MIIIIII11L Mth und the number of trucks und Construction of new $400000 rmlers 00 or IIIIIIII IIddIIIIm III Im IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Anunmr change has been made Invery illlildltlii householder is strongly lllltl to continue eoltserylng coal and to place his ll of Syntheuc rosin Wm begin Show in the miiiingcnicritIilriiic Dominion oldei loi next wnitel supply as soon as possible lhe demand lor coal is greater than ever th BAKERAIH lovmg memory Store here MCAnm IOST OFFKE SQUARE CIIIthL ring wash Itsnr wife and mother Edith has been trmlgferrod mm betore lll history In particular the demand tor household coul up about 40 since the ll 10 HOLMES Proprietor Innide in Tommq plans AIgroioIllgf my Sound and nastier llubcrlucli who wu begun now for outstrips the supply It Will be absolutely necessary for every holtSc Ifull operation by July What is home without mother Fm Comm mam holder who ordinarily burm anthracite Ull to use iolortion of substitute fuels 11 II III WI my what are the jays we meet In charge hem HQI has been gnarl her loving smfile noIlonger unable to secure house or tipurt every householder cooperates wrth his cool dealer by placing his order ill once and accepts ICClllCOmlnVO or cet Y0u gemtme an ver went but In kc lImIrmwm his fuel whenever his dealer is able to deliver iLI the truckmg problem W111 be greatly lessened Through the yIIIm v03 gIrIIggIved FOSIanCCIhtre when he this securpd accommotution mI mm moge Liar hands rating Employees 18 D0511 Office Millie home that now is gm bundmg were Smrllcd by Io tIhgseIthut mother cher Handrails egplosmn in theAbaIsement Sterwwtlr llterell never be another to fill wins Dial 3lltngxslgme b39132 oil dealers must until September 30 1945 give priority on lltlthlltS of available he vacunt C1th was gummy qhaken It iII believed supplies of fuel to consumers who place their purchase orders before June Illllfi Monday Apr 16 Here is your chance to consult ab YUIII1k0d 50 hard Wmm the XDlOSlOllIllly lrive been Cluscd lintniien April ind srptunbir 21 191 con um mth not lcclpt delier 0f lt solute free in die from t0 MIL ance bani heigg pecist lhzlts something to remember by Comb1Ibt1bk 83505 ll W35 more Class fuel than 75 of his normal unmile requirements However not more QUFFNS HOTEL Inannouncgngthrmsupmb vacuum AlVilYS mod Ullsels and 50 com mommgbm fortunately them than 504 of the normal annual requirements nmy be in anthracite Class fuel ARRIIF tube models at new low prices FewlfglIdeIImI our III we III was another furnace which could wmume 0f Class Bu fuel must not CNIINdomTrII of more has nu me Acousticon in making hearing aid Honorable IIIIdyIIIIIIIIyIlIn II 3ng be used for heating the billldllllzI 75 of his 0mm annual requiremcMSI of which in me Marin llnwmr In more ASK Mr Brokllrl hiatpry Comeinand prove to your waysI IL VeekI Gm MBYTFS than 50 may be chestnut sized anthracite the 051 59 110 mUCh your hearing or Loyal and tllue till the end of your Alrede was dead Bay home and business convmsnlou days VlLW lzirk opposnc the Mayor res luvery householder who buys lulld coal or other luss or fuel required to can be restored with the great new You had aIllllu10 one eculd not idence Poisoning was suspected lettpt 25 in substitute tutl with each delivery oul tleulils are prohibited from Futura Acousticon dhelphlovtmIL but post mortcm conducted by delivering luss or IuSs It fuel without it the some time delivering substitute Concussmnt 05 mng Brockhurst Dealer Analolshi Who knew YOU and Men Struck violently on one Side ofhis head Itis thou he was 70 33 Steel on can uy no more an 75 your norma Ever remembered able one huvin been sired it 77 15b Husband and Family Canadian champion annua requrements In ass or ass lntroducmg the Great New at CWFORDIn loving memory Constable Jack Grant picked up atWOyearold girl who was dzm T1118 IS the maXImum and not aratton of dear wife and mother Rhoda Alberta Crawford who passed away April 14 1943 Conversation Hearing Aid silent thought secret tear Keeps her memory ever near Based on Govt Findings if you burn Class or dass fuels you are required to use substitute fuels ll conjunction With them for the remaining25 of your normal annual requirements Time takes away the edge of grief Butmemoly turns back every leaf oz Ever lememberedzby husband sons Ellsworth and Jim and daughters Velena and Norma 15p DURNEORDln loving memory of Lila Culham beloved wife of Garfield Dumford who passed MARFAK all Drive in today and let us give our away April 1419433 MacPherson last Saturday the mg AS III exqmple If you OIIdimIIII I9 VII mm fuel III we coal II You left behind SOmebmken departmenthasbeen calledzout four It It Ike an mom con an LunIslIx II IJI hearts mes th Jim ending the legulanons permit you to orderthrce tons of ltlSS illtlllluclte 112 tons of That loved you mest Sincere Ila urlllySa iredwas fa SC coke or other Class tiicl and 112 tons of Cluss tuel That never did or ever will rm mm or street and RED INDIAN AVIATION MOTOR OIL Forget you Ufa dear alsmalllfence fire back ifthe Do or pocziholitus coal and burn six tons of fuel inthc coal yelliLntst SaMIJmg Dad minion Store during the noon hour tons of Class p0mlwnm and itt mus Urcms 91 WASHING and SIMONIsz Sisters and Brothlrs MiiTEffElhBBTHilagwllglil iv ne at the comer of Theresa and Class fuel is provrded for burning in equrpmemrjiGiiiElTiEiilfiiiiWm lmflIllTtlllwbESut FERGUSONJill lovmg memory Dundohaldsweets Tuesday during lstactorily used such as blowers Spencer haulers magazine type heaters and anthracite of gear Wtfi an IlilotIlIlgv Who the noon hour there was grass Stokers Ingfewfygperggn 55 mnin SI the mwmngion St She new could forgetII IBmcIwtson formerly of BaIII you are usel this type of equipment and you burned stx tons of fuel in the vcoaI year 24 hour servtce loremergeney ONLY And so We think that themLSheIIS Is In charge If organizaIIon Jlbl fending you are permitted to order 41 tons o1 Class fuel and 1h tons of Class LEI 393312 Teerlgiigilgwu up PamllSavingsin Simcoe East unit forsth Victory Loam Head The cuanttc Cl 11 Od maximum an RED INDIAN DEALER pleggJod just let her know quaersare in Orlllla In the 6th tire cinttinlgelist llponqiltfficielildsllpzldlesteliiil210233333undel 0rd Thatwe dwn here do not forget Loam BruceI was an effective We love and misshet so salesman inBarrie andalso quite MEMBER BARBIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ever remembered2b1r worker on the publicity end of 15p IS HusbandIandIISonsII he campaign Since IthiI he has CLASS FUELS Ib II CLASS FUELg IiII FERGUSONlndovmg memory 01 Em IntheArmymedlcally dis Smog amhmcuk dear SisterI Nam Fpgusonr Charged and is now associated ass COTDHISCd 13 ck Rice who passed away Amnlhm with Toronmbbnd houseI Class fuels comprise United Eucgwiff 322 Slag It worgaer akgplies and Her memory 1535 dearjtoday severalmotorim hav be et States anthracite poalgratq AS in mg hour she passedIawayII ting tickets ery waedisfgleng brokemI eggI StoveI chestnut Chestnut lit the lI310vmces of Novad SCCl1dwNlI tLovmg1y remembered by hell baFthylaws Twp police are and pea except that chestnut is Brunswlw zmd Fume Edward ISLm es 11 Iz ISIStEIS and bro hers 1573 partmulay chemngunon parkI not Included Class fuel thracite ill bloweIiI inzIesIv Iully mflxgire 93331 NlOORMT nI 10Vng memory of III jugItmIcloseItoIcomerIIangle park the provinqes of Nova ScotiaI any ol the Iabove CIdsilflCdllOllSIIObAIas ue dear mother and grandmotheri luggrimeMainstreendrmmepark New Brunswick and Prince Ed mile The lePUVmCe 0f Qe Olly Susannah MageeI IMooIre wh gym Ipatkingihesme re hyd ward Island welsh nfhmcue Passe Aprlm 1940 times Thematoriiits aiemotoblig coal cobbles French nuts egcefulgggzhtxrgtseqciar ggl bdto appear incourltif they call Stove nutS any screened coke CLASS 210 FUELS In Xlsirisewveve loved thee dgiirly Inthepoticecsiaiionailazpay the $1 iexiept reclaimed beehive In hath Wendell Same TM Wieeitsi intend to 00kg the largeSt top 5129 1355 fCVfUEIS comprise UnitedStates anthracite In aalfriilliiiiififrdniil Silt PVPam31netthan Wm 0t PESShrmgh BuCkWW NW3 Barley BWWhtai WWW children Jaekandiorreine 15b Pgmmd my lg mam iigfvhgie igiigfegesgrl uxeslaggiggenggggavgvge1291tgcgtygst PRIESTally lovmlzI memorytodl Veteranssofthe North West InutIand larger bfflluellIWaljthI other cokewhichI1s not Class orClass fuel dear mother Elizabeth iPrleIst Ieiaxe planningUta cele raClte low Volatile bltulnincs low volatile coal unscrewed and anyscreenedsizes whomassed away April $119441 at then Diamondidnhilee in July or cIokIe petroleum cokein do smalleLIthan nut briquetteshigh volatile bitumjn meStiC Sizes bus any bituminousor other coal whichls notCIlaso or Class fuel to can An friends fronmlayto dab ye tan 05 39mm 79f Butmever will the one we love I9 Lang Erom memory pass away Grovesz nowttmhlsbllth year and Fondly remembeled IErankt Perkins PorkiSt both of whom were with thexYorlct Sim IT Wdmay h9mg from th year IbgBarrie tlifere=are two bRDER YOURTNEXT WINTERS FUEL BEFORE JUNE 1GIVE YOURcoon Install III 15b bribe Tammi IIIR II RINEHAiRTlI lovingmemory of we egtinlhatFaWngl DEALER ALLITHE INFORMATION HE REQUESTSwACCEPT DELIVERY DUR Vt brilliant ma THE SUMMER er THE BEST TYPES or FUEL HE chm SUPPLY gt April 12 1942 FltD 3games gm0n arm wteengot=wss The Department cluMumtlons antiapply 512015311 GOAL ISAN1AILKBEENUW Iwuoje sun never sts mowers Imam non HOWE MINISTER IecayI III II II He has gone to hmrm free hom Dun rehearsal off one Of mg The above order was taken fromthe Toronto Globe andMalloE3Aprll tI Iww Paid for injhis newspaper by the Barrie Fuelvlledlers hormone LUMBER SUPPEY co BARBIE Boswellle plays thelhenll author Voltaire sorrow and pain oliserved atliatonero the actors was Whemin Godsown time we shall For rihlbinidbn ubne allmeetaczain ltlio Salami co limited Mine lien II Ir II II II III II phone2461 anemia elling my mu CAMERON Ems 550 Co JENKINS CO5 VIIIMWII IIIIIIII7W II In II II amen cmm mowcomm to viuaawviImIIt mi Lawlsolignclusou collate Inuit in lean fire in II