Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1945, p. 4

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THE OLD HOME PLACE lay3k Liar ft heart ti war1 the Old twine late door slain it wand xs ti=t light the picker ferye like ragged wort out late filill holds She piste tlr swing credits lLllif Look back my iraLi til iii ielti aged Where tiers keep watch amt flu trrllg luzrrxxz dwell lIYXIililr 11101 suit the iiiiffilzil of llrllish Eiiie lI 1x lhrrr ll mm lhonmg lilllrlt 111 he gtIJtll gt well Recall liIilil We te lila one me there The flagi llitt El in idlilii til ili Ivll The filtreili Limp he llll hacked rocking chair The goldframed lvlillll l=l il pirlor Wall 1f if cliildliriti vi lie rilhll depai With liuizitn lil irde luck my Elvait OVERED EVERYTHING man ieceitewl illiltlllliti iwi 53M able presciiptiwi firm liH ll iill ii After it had been made up ur him iii li lilt chemist ll ltilllitil Ye IH ltilr him and 10 ii mi 13w Iv gt pass en le Lillian mg ulmissuvii to dance and lllCiilll ti his daughter 1ell ti pramrm tl the piano ful cuieii and ii Keep Healthy The Spencer Way its essential to lucp well ill lilin em in times Vear Spencer lit5ll cially for you to an lltvlllllllll mp and improve posture For information cill in or telephone THE BETTER DRESS SHOPPE MEMBER BARR AMBER llI tHlNllIltt 51Wf with its nervous tension weak tired cranky feelings Have you at such times riotiuwl yourself fceliei nervous dragged out irritable bit blue due to fbnctional periodic disturbances Then dont delay try Lydia 1C Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms linkhams Compound is one of the must ctfec ve medicines for this purpose liukhanis Compound from wholesome roots and Pinkhams Compoundis whatis mm mm Ill mo known as azitcnnc sedative because it has soothing effect on one of womans most important organs if youre not delighted with Follow label directions no 60M COMPOUND ix Ur ile III Vii laiiitztlti ttiwi iluntt l1 III it ur Illll1ltil reached 23ml IHI lgtli in the VI ll iii iillH iii ihi vulir ilh lilrnillllti lll ifli lill iut iiiit lwfme 11 izvpnriie lllt iteizd Andres Smut II Sella and li an tlzuiwl lmiiiiete Veii llil up will 88 made herbs medi cine that Iiiles mrIiur Just see cSults iMliSttlld Family Standby Three Genefrtions commas COLE or OSHAWA IfMy mother and her mother used fmustard as treatment and 7wouldnt be without itin my own home declared Mrs Cole Oshawa Ontario When positive resultsrare required for the relief pf colds bronchial ailments and Iincessant pains mustard treat ment always helpslI Whey mydaughterhad severe cold lgsiwinterghpplied mustard poultices anheivas soon up and about again Mrs Colecom tinues used two parts of our to one of mustard After the rst ichest poultice my daughters fibreathing was relieved and her scold loosened up tive mustard Hath or mus poultices prove in helping to cedl your doctor Brond ofiMuslord BIe surenthe mustard you medicinally is stronguniform Mustard Baths fOrNeurulgiu gt and Rheumatism It you want relief from any pain where the steady application of Iheatuis essentialuse mustard baths Mrs Cole advises have ttied mustard baths many times in my own family for the treat mentor neuralgia and have adI Semi for meran Handy Household Booklet 3For reliable information about the standard meth ads of using mustard in treating patients in the home you can have airee booklet Write or your copytodaytoReckittCol 11217 Station TMontreal cinal strength for you Keens at any grocery or drug store ill Womans Viewpoint on This and That liilrl ifiom ii iii 1t old April ll She lllll iliite of Wales School lll itllt ml in llci Nlli oi chums present mfh ui identification brac tiie llllltl of iimcc of Wales stiuu one illl lllllllt leaf pin 11 Mr md iillt Gerald Smith and Vi in 211 irillltl pen and pen ili li 111m 511 ll lilt in tho war between and Ill cliildieii came in Simcoc tounty lliztam and weie placed in lfexter homo by the tiuldreus Aid lltl IClinve returned ill the past you and vised friends to use this treatmet to help relieve rheumatism with excellent results Hundreds of thousands of Cana dians have discovered for them selves how quick safe and effec tard ease up chestIIClecongestion rheu matic pains neuritis neuralgia and arthritis When applying mustard ifpoultice form never leave one on for more than twenty minutes If symptoms are serious Be Particular About the use and efcient Always ask for Keens DSE Mustard Keens is packed to keep its high quality and medi Get MTA illlllll We lnancli of the birthday Several of the children lll other have lfttl advised they ill be Home home in the near Phyllis loft who had made he home llll Mr and Mrs Smith 13 Charlotte St lliiiiic for nearly five years returned home several weeks ago There are four boys and lllli in Barrie who others in hillia and Midland This Childrens Aid Soi eictv work is under the direction of Miss Mary lluriiliaiu Is Io An importaiit change poll tax is being legislated for Milltown New Brunswick affecting women Set at $5 for every male over 31 years the new proposal makes it apply automatically from $5 to $10 also to all women residents gaim fully employed successful rummage sale and Mrs Louis Brown 134 Duulop St on March 28 The proceeds of $4045 go to the Telegram British War Victims Fund The total amount raised to late is $31030 First pinup girl was the Maid of Anzio winner of national danc ing and beauty contests 2000 years ago Statuettes of her were sent to Roman legionaries to cheer them up on active service the Womens Hospital Aids Associa tion of the Royal Victoria Hospital have been selling tickets is to be made on April 10 Proceeds are for the work carried on by the As sociation for the Hospital or lRlhe Bayview Chapter ICDOIlilll this column last week of the 21st party the Past Grand Patron and Matron should have read Mr and Mrs Quentin Boyd anateadof Quanta ill iiis ilueldj llliliit iii Hit cl Will he leavingV shortly as well as euchrc was held at the residence of The draw for the doll for which THE 843812 MINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Eighteen Applications Pcnsion Recommended Going to Vancouver Oil appiicatmir lire re If new rze lr in and Bifl Li le Mei illiiim lp daughter er and been exceptionally lll lctobei lll M115 row it fl EDD 38 gtl maeml Mr SMlTllANAO ll Ncwf=lidlilti when Leading Wiei Fae taxuuiach vttiv lip All 1lllti lii ti enmired in limie tlllfl tliuptl 11 luirie North lii Wren til ted Til UREDA in Quality Youll Enioy call liojval lililil and 111 tinaualn Neill bu fiiiei Lied 1t was defti II BIIIXII IIIIIIIIIIII IIrII IIIIIIII ti Rm up mm sinus lttNJZvi wt if fitlil Luirduri briglarid lle ttlrlll il inf Wu performed by 11llalll 41 ration 01 nulnei 21 SIM RUIN It IIIIX VII imminziteiicied Theo Stualii lilllH tliaiiaii din mm Lie lllltli var iiiiil raid lug Wren liiska Brenda Meal Wuw cine Hat Altiera ll wrli II Id bridesmaid SubLieu Keith if gt one RtiVVlt of Se llllitllll One riililrellllnll of all lie lltti IIIV IMmIIIIIII III III II III ll llIli the CanterIf iiicepv III II 1930 in vVnttlHIitiliin hull wing iilllIl we IMI IM md hm Ind ililllfllliiil main It lllt llill itlri lttlttl ili Hr liel heel nimd iud alert vision iwa ant incoivu we ulti ll mHHMHm film id lavas stationed at Nefuumiliilti iui mum in Ivllllllltgtll thanking FIIMII 7mm yillt lixwuuve for the lovely gift tv ll liio vwik pitmule ill II1HK 31 llixitl film IiiIi laikdale Baptist thuici den1 5m Hm we lililiwl Uni hllm mmb ated with pink and white Shalli eit ei 11 ilwi iv con if ii m3 Wk helm no dragons and plilnx on Th 39 iimetel it no ilii ictiv mp lmwn was the scene for the veddiin of in Plum Sinclair on behalf of tile nutme Simka dumtmmi HI Mr lI Hm imp illi Xllmltd lthVllllifi and Mrs Shown and lieut inn inter hi Vl wmthW Eldon Franklin Hall For itlll IIIIII II II III HIII AI he llil iii found her ready xHe Hf ML and 11 III II II IIIIIIIIIII cuopezate and she had the qual inva WI Illll own li lei INipH VHJMV Wig hill Knapp officiated and William II hm llthI ff ll1Wl Findlay xillwlll of the bride WINi in vimi mm iii 3W 10 llflltilt it the organ ivll Irene Taylor lliei lll lu wi quarter in mil0 53 FIIIIQ 43 in NH xis Worm liuihl Drillruill said that Mrs The bride lllll in uizniinue ilIV imp in ugh mhmrtun was extremely pupu her father wore ioseitiirt satin Im III III mu lir Illmllll the salesmen with whom and carried catmlp Vllilp PM HI SI 5hr we did business for the antecu carnatious and sweet peas lier FLOW ST Ilia locket illei lll nllllll day lllllil lifeliibeis of the Executive ll llllllill We Worth lvv extended ll wishes to Mrs Hill mm lim Hl llNli i1 ll illllll llll 1w Iil the livecu lrvithiiiiiton in form halo effect The brides IHW HII IIIIIHI maids hllftlrl llopc llammoff and II III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Dorothy luast were gunmed alike It At II III II II III in ashes of roses crepe and carried itix tti 11 II III IIIIII cascades of pink carnatiuns and lllll if IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIII III PIIIIII blue sweet plus lliiu limitllllll Blue Gm one of me wodd III IIIII IIIIII mm headdresses were fashioned sim ill my tum ill linked up llll tie Yt Ill le lpeumi ol the YWtA lliirte illiltlll 111 Will mlliilvn llwum at anip Hill ll always re tame lll the llouzzc which he he ll to the men and Women at amp llurdeu In March of fill leal Ccutie for the acumen in the Force was opened uv Harrie llllllll Lliv auspices nl the and Harrie Leave elllll uminitlec Mi Vmthinizton being the chairmauioi the l7ll Actively interested lll this protect Ili illlllllltlllll had elven much time and llioilillifio this war tllli lllillli home of lrial champagne lill crepe and otony usually turn to some sort of meat with dressing in it as lifesaver lf you want roast how about dressed shoulder of pork llave it honed and then run knife dong the membrane to make deep At mceliuu of the lIxccutive nl er slits and thus hold more dress the lilrille Armu liliiv 111 mi ing Have you ever had meat fantecn held on liiursdav uiuht leaf with dressing Make your the lllfllllltlS of the Executive prc favorite meat loaf mixture and seinwl Me Wm lliltiitlmi with place little less than half of it in beautiful sterling llltl compact as the bottom of pan then cover tokcu of regard for he personally with the dressing and cover it with and as letoLmIiIoIl of the illlt the remainder of the meat If you work she has lolii rm the tantecn like loafshaped loaf grease lliciuscriptioii Hll lhoeompacl loaf tin thoroughly and pack the was 10301045 ll from lx mixture in this let stand for little ecutivc Barrie Active Service then turn out in baking dish to Club cook Of Course you can roast it The presentation was made by the right in the loaf tin but like to Presidentllrs Montagu Leeds have more browned surface so Miller XllltSSinL ill SW11 millet turn mine out It makes better lfelt at Mrs Worthingtonxdeparture gravy that way too rie Presentation lroin IEx cclitive Dressed Meats gratin When meals show signs of more C105 hat black High School Graduates Are you interested in Nursing as ing and then roll it up 01 you may PROFESSION choose two strips the same 5126 Will0 cover one generously with dressing The Silpeili1iendem and then top with the other OllirlllO lltysliiItIcliIle832Li2f Nursing like this waIy best as you can use more dressmg Pork chops are good with dressing usually buy butt chops for this purposep but large loin ones can be used Re move the bones place chop in baking dish cover with dressing 647762 22 04 Varammo Reynolds it British war brides who come to Ontario and are now seek chawhile the war lasts Canadian Red Cross official cle elares Several British war brides in To ronto and number from outside have contacted the Red Cross in an effort to get back to England This causes all departments great deal ofrunnecessary work Apart from the fact that ibis unfeasibleI bcause of present shipping condi tions each of the brides who made application to come to Canada also signed at that time an undertaking promising that she would make no application to returnto Britain un til after the War Months agOIthe County Oounc of CarharvOnshire NorthWales advertised for police womenforI its county forcey One application was received hilt aday or tWO later was withdrawn Carnarvon women say their local sisters wont stand be ing bossed aroundbyfemales and theyre notgoing to riskbeing boy cotted by applying for police jobs The Council will solicit the aid of Womens Institutes andclergymens wives in overcoming this reluct ance It It Lincoln has the firstlady under taker funeral director or morti cian as you prefer in England She is 38 years old and for 20 years un til the war Started was childrens nurse Then her brother was call ed and her 80yearold father was left with the business ithad taken him 50 years to build up Gladys It erred to his aid She wears her brothers tophat and long black coat drives therhearse and gener ally supervises Lincoln has got over its first shock and Gladys pro poses to carry on until her brother is free to take over have ing to return to Britain havent and top with another chop the same size Each pair of chops serves two Bacon is another meat that takes kindly to dressing Put slice of back bacon in baking dish cover WHfi andplacemarroiher sliceof bacon on top If you pre fer using side bacon cut each slice in half cover with dressing and roll up spiralwise and fasten with toothpick Cook the bacon either kind in moderate oven of 350 de grees for about half hour Watch it carefully so as not to overcook it and dry it out Most people have their favorite poultry dressingsand seasonings but like to use sageI with pork It is good idea to add slightly beaten egg to the dressing for thise dishes as it helps to make it stay put When do just small quantity of bacon use only the egg yolk and save ItheI white for someotherpurpose The meat loaf will slice better with an egg in the dressing Ilf your family is very fondof dressing and like more than themeat will hold putsome in WHILE Gills truss THE nuns Drain cloggedwbut you dont have toplean it Let Gilletts doitL andsitdown for spell Gilletts clears out the messwater ows through again LA grandcleanser too dirt and grease cant stand up to it Get someit will save you lot of work FREEBOQKLETlSend today to Wentymmutes Standard Brands Ltd Fraser Ave 1k Liberty StTiOropto Ont for your copy of the Gillett book that tells you how Gilletts clears traps and drainsdestroys contents of authorisescleanses and sterilizes makes grand soap and helps you in dozen other Ways Its FREE MADE IN CANADA teaspoon vanilla 12 cup raisins Op tlonall ilarly to the brides with Sillilllllllt length veils Winnipeg was izioniusrnzui and the ushers were if the bride and ll lhchault reception the brides parents Jameson Ave mauve sweet peas For travelling Mrs llrilt chose of pink earnations turn the couple will live in Bar Read and use Examiner Classifieds Spareribs are natural with dressing You may spread each sheet with dress veil was of tulle flow grout fragrances in delighilol alterboth mist by Moc gm Use it lovishly to keep you flowerfresh licut Bud lloitou of Findlay cousin held at the ill Mrs Shook wore beige gown of facoime corsagc of pink and Vil throughout the doy BLUE GRASS FLOWER MiSl 150 CUSDENS PHARMACY WELLINGTON llll2 Illitth PHONE 37 gabardinc suit black topcoat white flower accessories and corsage Upon their re 12H your zest into the Crystal ga ONLYagcrlooks backward YOuths smiling gaze is xed upon theafuture IW hat opportunities lie amid thehidden years VWhat great expectations fortifytheir courage gladden their eys Despite thetrOublous times thewardisrupted world the towering P10516318 that mill 001119 with peace Canadian youth stands condent APRIL 1945 3tlu NeverIdismlve lye inJior water The Onion of ihe lye ltseUIheut the water the motor VI StevensdnyIMgr baking dishIandbaIke it for about And with resonlII II II II 1V 351 45rbuilfaagmrx Bedtime handmcanada are tliesreatesi opportunities allynation ed cup sugar eggs Ilztcup milk has OVIOI offered Canada Tmllst plaice Hoahandipaps upon iniliaifve no 13 1335535113 3335335 drigsi P0 tmblit1Rathei musticoue t0 Extend the helping mg hand35 this Bank has done for 90Iearsof friendly Counsel sound credit and unwavermgfaith in youth itself Creambutter and shortening add sugar ngaIcIiuaIIIlyI and crsarrgdxziekltli The managementsandstaOf TheBank oforonto seek to assist the adageggffdfgnggieatzly with youth of today toward the suecessoftomorrow The oicers of The the milk Pour into buttered mus Bank of Toronto want to help and they invite young men and women tins and bake at 350 degreesl to consult them in nancial matters nusr 1N MOTOR II lII IBM and dust allowed to collect if around the air passages of anelec motor on the farm overheating This is likely to re sult in Serious damage if the air II is kept frbm circulating through IWgDed 1355 the coils Electrical specialists ranches 45 suggest theuse of artlreI pump or BARBIEH ll NettlIetonMgi hand bellows to blow dust out of II

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