mmwy APRIF 15 THE BARBIE IdaquIrII IIkw 2sz my IIIVIIIII rm will ltltller Ciro ill Donations at Ford Clinic chno COHdiHOS Rwy begged for fwj Th ulr Til lvirxd chl II II II II 231in tir 4W in 5H Chiurn to Linn upsi the why ltv rowan INSTALLATIONS rir ttu rill45 lireoiI Ziifigff REPARS Em BERT SOUTHNODD III rILIIIlvrl it1IrilJIIEIII III II II rI St taut ctr iv msy away lixr lutluanI v3 liL trl tl WWHII II flutli Him our 1l1lr VI in It III II In il llrlitl nall 1Itl 31 III zulihl Immune tillrlr lo II Vtl 101 ll MiDDLlNCS vlllt lllAl nllil trad lkltlI to liti let vnl tell children it ill mixtl lier to III II li lira gt 55 ptr Milan noun mun trim lorry she would be lllI tort trgrn III it lk lm him but id ll calpaacrooInctrcolloomvtaItlarltwprlolctlllmlltliltrecot II III III ltt it lrmn iltet the lzllle trill ltI gt lt nl lgr lull it lttt Int or iz ll II II lint tllrlIYtlltI illllltl lroA to tlrt trrr M11 lMM II titll llu lUltl Milllmi in nltl l1l with utlltl mine to ilrtlltlflw IlIl ll ll llltiltt tum or lit Itillrlrtllltlll mlcuw it II III II it to the luldrl ot llir lirtl limit lrt llu tlitlltlgtlllllltll lrlnl gtrI grill Vrntl rr Ulll ri lr II II II II Inrslxlln him in rm tllltl rgrt now trr my our lruIrt lllllllIt lt lrIllrlI uIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII Lulrsalt theotl dr rrol it literollllltxle titll the ttlllllrllltlt mtr it IIljIjI lIII IIIIIIfIiI HI IWI II II IIIXI IIII IIII IIIII IIII ltlrrltv Mllr will Hull lltr lord lull III Jll llfl hotlln llllgtlili lollilrrr ir lIronl 2151 v1 ll 1I In Elllttr rtrrltrllrl=tlllte Ila1 ilte II II 1I Ahlllrt the durum tllel or or Ir luvrarL IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII till boot llvlltl tlrrrrt ttlllltlttl 10 wont or lr vl 111 tltr twilld dothllltl tlltltl lllltItr lllllillliVl IIIIkWI hm mm MIMI llh lHIl in ith blool Worth of lr II Lr1rlr lk ll Illlltilltllt It twenty Ivkul ltt HI Ii IMl ll 11 lll 3th 31 tlIIlitl ell tlrrltrrr llu had ttlll 1w HHN MT tllldy tlllrt ltli tillltt 01 III III IIIIIIIIII IIIIMIIM ThyH MI her how eru hoped that the lll held tomorrow at the Red truss Rooms 11 urgent and evcrllrrrt urged to do ltlx snlll II Would end and tlrrt llllllll trruhm IL its many from all her old itttttl sir lt tllll tin ll all their tlllllhlw IIIIIIIIII III Um IIII II II Intlllt next Blood llollorI tlllllt will llel are donors the llrttl tor blood etttlll is llll 11lltl o1 lldW lnat on llltltl lloo rlttl the Hill ltllilli the Tm kilolether ttltallt tll tin outstation The clinic will he opened at share in making it Itlxnihit to mm the tires the lo o1 entirellnl all till ttltlliltgt ant and will continue as long as there of the dangerously injured hm ti 1w1kaitllllttllt troln which they rnd Hour to onla Iilkltt Illt been Nttlllltll ltltl lltlt orer which the turf then llllltM lvllrlt ri llttl tItlit lgtl llll lIgI ttrtlnlll not and tlrtl tntl tll ii ttll it ltltltIIIIIJII II Ij lnrtl lrlouqlrt With them MORE HEAT LOWER FUEL COST Install FAIRBANKSMORSE AUTOMATIC STOKER End Your Heating Problems USE ECONOMY FUEL llrrrrrzlhvyrullhtlrllh ulrin1hrhmlw5 III IIIIIIIII lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MI IIIII SIIIIIIIHIIH WI Supplnml mI the hlll vlllelr he will thus lllrkrlliVlIlIUI mt HM Il Inn xtatt ot the llllle gttllrrrtl lrtt tlr libI llttle rlrotzer llll urd llel llle remainder ot the lrllm ll al 1L 1211 lItllll xxett ll lktlltltll1llttl fallow lll ll Irlllr lwtlti ms mm IIIHIIIiI WWW fmmsheep wlll look rtter lll tlnltlronl ltIlIit1It1t mul HIM The 1943 whole for 1t rim1 r1 have sent to the Lender ot the lrr we herll II III III lrlltlitt ll llltitlI II tI rlrlcl in re ll Mt ml V11 gt or mllttllIlerW tit ll littll1 5000 Hum mm UM pm II lltlt ll Ill gt 11 oekbttrrr Blttltl lIixllel rIII 11 rLtrrlm rI rill lllllll MI lllml litng blltltl Morrow 52hr All llliln to nrzrke the best llse Ht Wt IIiIEIIiI lt 1211 15 ll Synnott $3475 ll Slltllfntld il i1l it II l1 Il llinId money When return home gtl1tlllm III rrtw lll Thoma ML Mrtlotlrnl II llItlllI be able to tell you Stilllr lllltlgt llattr lllrrrr IorontoI Mi5 KI1II $1173 rr HHH wt 11 llt1 call II My ll lIHEI llrllritzl Itlltllll lrlnl and out trtllllllllIIl that II rrl 1IlIlI it rIlrt IIIIII IIIIIIII $2I1IIUI MIIIII II PIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIII IIII cannot write to yull lltim II $1975 Miss Ilse II II ImI III Armor twirl ImI tum lv flul rtllwl tll llw llll ll tl 11 my Will MM III IIIIIII II IIIHIIIII IIIII III oldolr llr ms Ztltlt Miss II III 1H1 lllt le on in death Ill 125151 ll lnblIIU HI WWII llllt in Toronto Shear $1 ll Mrslt lI lore SHUT IIIIIIIIIIIII lm 111111 llll111II4I tolerated tor ltillthitl lmm sum FULL COURSES 6R LUNCHEONS will not forum your lziftsuf 1W0 11 lr mr rov our loll rtlm and Mm Young 511173 um rlr 2r on Wilhullr II START NEXT WINTER RIGHT 15 lllllt 95 Ii llltlIHN IIlItIllIlIlh rtlt ltilllil Coleridge $3201 Miss II II IIIIIIIIII IHIIlIIlIIliI IIIIlIlIIinIb okilll forwart to seernll Vlllllltt who III III II III II iv Il on Mr and llr llenllron Lyll IIIII MUM II It ttlllttwaY 1111 le momMoNooNlaNlolloooooroooo IOIOINIJOIOIOIJI NNoIvoNNNI II rill16d sumo mo dIIIIIIm IIHIIII IIIIXI IOWIL it it in 11 ti 51875 IHI 11 ll HIV rreslrl gt Ionng At tra so ll I1 IIII II II II IIl TI tlrerr Lurehtgr Mrs Sit11ml lrllrce or Wales In Morrison wl ele he lttltcl rllrtrl hr death Phone rt Yours In the Joy of servrce IIIIIIIIII 3250 0mm SIIImII SL550 MISS pmenls 193+ fun mka Ba le MAYllElll STANDEN Tm POST OFFICE SQUARE tllltrtll next Sunday Alrrll ll zit IIIIIIJIIUHI SH Mitts mum HOLMES PrOprlemr gilt IIrIe 1j HIUNM MCS Young $1125 Mlss Eleanor llan IIIIIIIIIII II l12I tunO him Np lien $1425 Miss Jean loodfelloll gt xm gulls lt tho $1425 Miss Verna Wice $1425 See page Seven for other Stlrtlld IL rI lWH llllmli llt 204 Ml Nmilll Dillilll $1M MW vath who has hear 111 he torchers are spetldllru llltllilgtbv c1 3m HIM 5mm Onewood 11 winterI ha been vocations their lgtlttllt homes our IIIIIIdVIIIII II few IIIIyS III SIIIIIIIIII ISIS IIIIIJIII TIIIIIIIII III PIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIII blr0 MM Down 51 ltll lad farewell Dam was held llltr Miss lerrr Stiltlc it lrtllizl IIII III dllv night ill the Community llnll 11 HII iS NM III MIL IIIlIIIlIlItI ISLItlifillgtgt Illantlrt an MI and MW NV web ml mm mm mIMImIIW III en family who have nlIoved to their England 11111 is the first rIt our VictorianK lullClAlllllitll new home at IainswwIlLI hills to come home May there $2150 Miss Margaret Miller Sll2l Tpllgl OffliftrImIl InlsrlhIIlIEIfIIlIIW TR lIlI5I ICIWI III Miss Mirry Andrew $1425 Mis liesI try I21 JTTZITI Il IIIllliII IIIIIIIII 11 CV lllllliill $1423 MM Vtluv lenvr spurt at St Catllallltts rtltl lllbrthll hylma Mtlson t11l1LIImII SL400 Miss RIIIII Purkum Ajax He was on patrol on till litlmH Hansen Toronto Mrs Atlantic Coast ltllIS Illlfl hiltt llllrrrrlrrtrrtr and llritton lIllnsrnore MAO 55 AldIIy Mllliunl WA AH MEMBER AR Suerelrllnt of the Lords Margaret lhorburn $1450 Miss loer by hr sun MarshJ11 Allle OMMMMh Sumter Will be observed in the Margaret MINI SL425 mm RIIHI Read and use Examiner Classifieds ltelve lIhe orllllrl llowllI litndl WOMNIIWWm Billv $1223 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Ridge NB for the P415 3111 llrrs at Norrrlan Kings MIS Wildmdtl 311751 Miss PhDIll been instructing at Perlnfiehl whim mm 13 $1300 Mrs Jean Blackstock $1lUtlz or re Golden I20 oz lb 111 53 EluSt Phone 4035 Mt lttlt vomits Mr rnd Mrs Johnson 8117 IIIIIII KI lull ill and IIIIIIIII III II IIIII VIIHIM Sirnd lll llttw Marl Ilc ha lived v1 11 II IiII PIIIIIIUII ll lrW II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII II III In WIMIHHQIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II tlomletl their tllllltlllltl nut turtt rt lrtanr llll tm pkg womb MC Smgle Com Of ll IIIII lilIhdlI Inme Km 1lIW11IdflV BUIIL 53320 rI mm lumber ommerce cents At all llCWMlLtl Us or 115 III IIIIIIIIIVIIIIIII IIIIII II1IIIII M13 Shem Intrigue Itllss lloIllrl mm Ilzvlrmulu offlce TIIMIIIIII II IIIIIIoS Wm AI lVlchiletIrlIIIIliIZI lIVJhss IIorotll II 95h III Wv kinsorr eritllv with his father All Irli 155 ilnJ Ground 1400 Frlllces Swrlll snortC Mrs llrt lltll llljl tlrlldrcn Kine 15gt lot Allans Mr Bennett IIIIIIIMIIIIII IIIIIII SIIIIIIIII MIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII SIItI wm lrrloltlll with Mrs $1 II tn lCreielrton Wice Mr and Mrs II oolo Mrrarrtl Mrs Geo Nicholsrn JIIDI II IIW VIN II II tthel ms MII and MIX Bi KIQIISICIIG km lnl III III Um um II BillAIlVI WMNI CICIII5I iI gt it IinZI II mn IlIlliElInlItrltIbIteliheIlIlsI Inn Tm II II II III assures YOU Of 371 lfInMTI iMiss Brnzrdette Marley Ils him K011112274 10mm StephemI M5n III II III III IIIII III AIIIX oaylng in ll Illxsic Faith Beatty Pinkerton with her sturdy Chlcks 1mm MM IUUHII and Marie Mrs Kearns Balruir spurt LutzdUt10ver awrrmt ltlllffEIltttNlIY 45 IfLUllSI 25 39 Frank Ross and children Peter CORN FLAKES 23c 11thng 91 Donnelly Miss Ruth Reid and Miss my in 11ng woek II It Hamilton Toronto HeTell Ruttan we ImIe glad to heal mm II II ltyIlnz AIllIIClilletiesIAgNW HHI tuklllm Ih VINO Newnmrkm at HI Dunnenys Miss Grey 18 able to be around again Bull Toronto with Mrs Noble The Showers utter Laslcr Sur II It S321 IIIIIIIIIlgIIIIIII as Cl t1 Ng dzly are welcomed by the farmers II IIJIl In IIliI hereubouts in lrvs Meltier Fred Noble at Mervyrt Nobles Mr Miss Albertine Cotlghlln who rs lid MFS Ge Wight With Cun with the TCA 10101111 198 102 LmrnZI 31 BIIIIrIIIImICII III nmg to New York by plane this wech in Vanna pig meta WA Ar The WA LiIeIlIIeg eiitertzrined at the waslShcmsgoltiiftmi 13313 lot llrlltwnlr MInur Dehydruttd home of Mrs Frank Jones last lerport the death of Miss Ellie large For rico Tuesday evening Miss Calming Sharrahan She was all active II rolls Applesaucc tin prestdlnz BEVUllUIlIill papers were member of several organizations llll read by MYSI Cmnmg Mm Pals IIIIIhIIIII she will be greatly mlssedIl DIIIIIIIIIIIIII Fresh DIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ij 101 le M131 StephenSI Plims Wefe Easter holiday visitors to then 24 made to hold birthday patty home town were IMISses Mm 210w 156 INPW JIII early in June to commemorate theI ONeillI Joan McGinnjsI JoanI C0 II IIIIII III 20th anniversary of Unmn FUHGI cilia and Teresa Kintorrand AllI gt Qulck or Plain HaltrkIPkstn details later Miss OallllinIg assist bemne CoughlmI an of Town ed the hostess scrvrrre dainty Mm ROSSIKenerI Midland MrI and lbs II ZIIW if Baldwm D1311 lune Mrs Frank Hall and family Ajax Street 4220 land PeItIel FaIEOH aIrIrdl mm MEMBER BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MIDHURST Newnymjggt M155 an doms fgglmdl Irv Kirton Tororto Andre b2 II III Orillia 1310 Moore Vt MI In Ic on Hanbour Jack Toner Pot Martini IMrs Kermricy spent the week II Dan Sexton Frank Marley and II Be MMSII seedless endIm Toronto pat DonoVIm TOIIOmIII MII III II Prime rommercla 965 Miss Robinson Bgll10I Spem EasIeII Wm Mm FI Wuva rs Frank Corrrgan llrmrltm II In for II IIIII weekend Wm Mm Everett CoutlIs III II 68 L91 and Ronnie Coutts had their tonsil lemOVid in RV Hospital lb doz Elizabeth St Monday II IStI Mrs Clements Mmesrng liter Mm Petlis Toronto spent the PleTYSO Johnslom Sunkist dhlirst WomensI Associ tamed Mr 44WV il 11 =4 Cilifomla II 2293 TiesdayI IMls IHambly is spending glulglly II 11923 II Little Rem MCGinniSII CundIlesI iSI fwo weIekIS Impronto Iwnh her IIII II II II II spending the holidays with liendafgegofrggaghEWFWE Isize 252 aunt Mrs Chas Day IS been Hg Boneless WI II Mrnand Mrs WaltI Kneashaw and MesMotley $chanIdlelt Sun II II lEaSterIIweek IIIII New YOIIkII CIIII II II rt ariders Clifton McKay arid II an Schandlen Toronto vlSlted Mr travellmg bmh ways by IpIane Ext FNCYBC 31095 II II II II daIVI Isobel 39dMIyIICmbertI and II II II II II II Congratulations to Mr and Mrs 1131 30h Kneesmwr Mf ald Mls or Herb Rugmarr nee Ruby IItgobilIl SEEIIIIfngfswgIgnfhlgggld392 II son who weremarried in time Cl LI II II on Monday Settlement II II MI Holiday Visitors were Mrs Har Boneless ML and 13 EmESt Bonney Texas or California MountDennis and Mrs 01d Wright and chdrenBarrie CoutISI westmII spenItIme weekend at Wm Gardeners mm and MFSI Ir Imported are II II VI ANENT IIPIIillitIlIaItitIIieiiitggieat theirhomes 96150 ills NIIIoIiIIrIarlirinIilIllIli lb hereinc1uded lvflss Helen Finlay MrsHawey BedfOIdCOOkstown BACONIW LIVER VI Gravenhmstz Misses Dorothy and fit Qardiners HamrnyI Mim II OhltarloI No1 WAVE Evelvn Finlay Bervl and Myrtle or home3 It lb II Coultsr Mls Lorne FOWlell GO eg Tommo wlugagow CANMM Tasty 11 510 $111091000I for ProlzggiIIfgdiribliinldhzmg Canadian prdduction of goldfor II II For Planting Now 153955 II or Sq Maw 10 elm the calendar fIveal 1944 lSeslmcilled est daughter of Mr and Mrs 2885300 Ime Ounces V3 at II it Blrvlt LAC Alf $1111091r000 II TURKISH nrIlIlis0vvtllwlnIiItitIigthe die MW IA rest Wallwill Mldhurst If you wantalltlie news at Barrie Allmemhandl By Appomtment jr and its trading arearead The Barl ion 390 Have you renewed Iyour subscrlpI rie Examiner $200 year and GOVERNMENT 1315251013 BEEFI II anteed to ti9n lvqrthmpgz