PAGE EIGHT Till BARRXE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA llrlieorlly ilgdlictioil The Fight or VV mgr ittli roomy Freedunl aillistlgiliiilkblAMMilih Vi 7VVVVIVVIIHVZ one LXVKV iaiiiiRwKim hi the NMArmir lorrc MN inc thlhflttl xz gt 3i with RNA lt no llt Wllr ii li gt ltl inllklltll ill itiiidtlsr lV 114 NWW mic nutins Liiiiiiisi HAS time it it Hi 11 to homo in VV 051 them is Zv lti Aminon lmgllllli will lnb Qitizirc phozio poll to tho riiaicc pixcn ltw lltllllf hull ll hm mltluilt about the lrt it nitcrtlsltli lair iiiC ocn Le maxi mixed uilh 23m 321uittt who WWW mlfwiw WY MlISlrSdlvl =t tliill firm rlfltj Min7 tl It VVw Vvd Uu lldlnfll 11iiil Nrwil ltl lndu gti in tl cm ll Limits of man tiIi ninth f3 11 Ilufini and Arid uncut it Hi Nils 30 rln nunUna mm fowxiti will lillUlllltt gl li lriltt rtt 1h Linn iilllnm Ht ltvin lll 151 Jtion mtwrli onth ox niln in you llitfll l3ifls1 DIAL Jiliilliit nmdc her round ttl it All ml llll ll ti Ji tllt if lntfiu si tiiv iXtKi tutti oi uloit lliit in trim inn ins mu Hflilui ilxlhl llrlll mil Lilllliltlz liczc ipctntlti llll ll bWimtt Nil Hm lid1W 411 illtlllll in hum Judi or im llxtizntzivr stuff Iit7ll llr NilWWI MM oil in LltJHtlliolil Ill pininizn to tl At ti did sire ct tinii on stir lflL war r7w to of concenth ii llCL until iv tif Liitt ii he jiilfltid ASKED YtlliV mm intuit lins 2m iilttilt tip it hump the shit Smmu Fttltsltl ours ho liClll iob hump 2mm 2mm limit mini3 641l vl iv ti tl llt is tEn Ul ti Iloli lt lion ltJtork iii lndin ltlullli 7v isiii xiii ti lilgtl Willlit nilor in lli lili2lrvl vrxsdcnr cil tlil Lontcnlitiu iinl Hil AC iii with liltiiti Arriinur tllil iicr cwntylildi birthli to imkc ifi proton mixture in ii ci guilds tiuzililir Whether Eir ticr used liimtit itltlition slit lid rustic bcct puip 15 iiiV iiw mm to Sloan tor mon yum llilll Ill cll iitylklilt ninouiit of cnrtltigc nnll Iii lunt ltlltl iiid No Otv Fl ll ll 13 ill llillt littl all the choice IlllXLtl hay rlit Ecli CAP lfiniintr Tlltlt to Vqlronic Him 1ttli Siggind up il once privzitc ixlml 0i PM it Iildtlltl llltrl liwlitd according to IVLVVV VHV NU Mmml when mom Slums hung ininlnturcd song of liininL brought the1 lilllilf ili thr 0t at Illhli MN Mllilllud Rtlilroil Siblnr Hi the tiliricllru llitli Ill WW we 19 lmd 191w luwh Hit lul nip liiirtitii llllllil the ltllCl oi 10 lllltllt lunni nlllltxlin ns ll in li1l HALV iltllt ll iinl pintiittil Willi thcni VHS morning 33 1311 llinghgnn Sun ictatgClMVH liitllll it 211 ttni 10 in lt i1i int lll illilt ll SI lllvlml 11 12 Hmlllotlltl Clitlllilllx to tlic ltttlll SL200 ll UH Lm no he Mill All it gt Ton dmcx out pom qrrnilins With no it1 itll mum lillllt WJ Tm iliwl ll tlftlittl ill will Shim tuckttilk linlr it gtyndiczitc of Elgin countV to bake bread iust righluse llyn tfirtr lion Snizgivni it titl of Atlantic ondntiiid drill for l5 id $1V00 hm 1913 lltliildlilt itililiktl loci in ti tli lorrxtirx til Hunt in Jill HUM Fleischmann Yeast mm mllii Dclml WWA snii mrnllj illltt ton isltlnn ills vu 121m inimi lVithiwilndml mm HQI1 llrcgtcl cxlfil important in menus his nlygin lt ii lt twin tim lilL tin iltl iznolcd to ltll ic2nit nzd Him mm go CSSCtlllltl lllglellCrlilvSll5upl3lVlllg Vllilfllllt 77 in into tll im an in lll4itll Slim ion ur dumw iitdi mm min in Amtvtnunti it NW AHlillf illl 13 11 ll Vi mm 75 Nlllv HonV ltt lll ii lii tic tn wzi wt ltti or in lurid littii Jul ii 1Vllnkd UV Mm ncmltit int Mr and Itlrs innit Dunn ll it also good rhoElm for other foods you bake lircud ilt lllllcIISC llcisclimzuins frcsli Yeast and be erl AVE VII YVHHVHII Sr VlVWHHIiMw mp HIV IVV NV ll ll ii Viv iwn llllllmul In Ulhf Mrs Roy Jllllllll tlfl lliyllis Baxter is in ll um thlil ddlmm ION mi H5 lLPLnl ll itttttlltttllltd ll Tinonto iiiiim tho tltlll no zihlc yttltllllltCCflllllllli liroritc iororcr 7yc1rs in ulzo ix mi oncr lit imr ni Klimt lot W1 itltl iiiiii llt cntcrcd OTC llrockvillc lt lll the at lr lurcnsc Mrliu1lilin it Mi laiwll mit VAIH twiniun Mlltl ml itlluilvl ilortlt was it his lionic for tin ttlttitl with llILil daughter illl Abl lob link for Huthm uh 6l1ll llttllHN llis mus mi oumhmt Vim mucom amend fig01 Mm Baxter tllC familiar yellow ltlhcl Pic Brown Slightly onntlrtl lhv litvilinn lumittltflt ll3cii to Limp liordcn for furtlr Fisher lziiiton ind lid hictlrnnv llctty Btdllild lllOlttlV VVlVVll hllx liitll llrozrn Mitiiiind li that Std Win ll Slvll ill immnng niii stntiiinmint No1 l3ill in Toronto during lilt tlit tilluVtVltl il Vuyll9ds It MADE liiloiwl word that her Sllli ltv lttliVItl iii Lll itil gunner HL in Scptmnbcr li lltl1l 53thth StingingIllItigltilxlsmHimiI iitvilit liltilll liltlllllll lll ltl llllv lli il Nu ll ll ittillilti hi Hpmcnunt in hp lithium1 gilljwlx Iligillltlijfltfli llqlllVVllildV kind In QUHIIL CANADA iiLtlitl futililltll iFIlllilll tilll illlilltll NtlW MW llt zind hosted to No CM in iCilunil stiicsts of intll Richmond Hill with QUlle Mlwh Rb Wilma mm QM Kl lly MN All HimIlmliltilllicd Soldiers Regiment lur Mrs lhonipson llcccpllon rind Shown wm lllllmlmn Ml Hb mm fillHm Hm Will 1M tin lltt tliztcr of 191314 he was on llotl Cross ltittllllf unis hcld iorrptmn was held in lfltli lieKim AM PM illvlilliillll Hm lmlittllllllltgtllillVU dumb illKl also hit in lucsdny afternoon in tns txl hull Monday nitllit iii holile of mils now int on lloinun littwin Sta Of Cum Cw man mum WC mm me mm and mom ltfl ltcculliiiu Nniiilnr of borough ti illordcn liendtunilcrs llc rocccrl llt till Rod Cross drive lituuim llll Mrsllill mg Aircrru to Active Scriicc liiltiiii fiinpltiiiis oiirsc ti gt MW 1914 zlnd 1m Congratulations to Mr mid Mr Mimic lrtniililcyi lhc grooni has lm11 llmmbmVi Hm mim vIWHX imllylmn mm ms you mm Bert Thompson Qiiilin on Rho Just returned ttllfCtVlwlt lititttilhrlgi IV burdilrs wtilllhs iH lillmitt ilill lltalllltllilfl mildfrltl WVtitllrltll in Holland Lute in ittltt lilllllllllljlldlitilllllll JtlmllllTlllllllI lllltorliiiillliciilinidl fhlliclrfMl mid To 05 Who 55 mllnll if lNPless liliiiiiois and iii litlllilxlltlltiS rc and 111le of NW icsiiilillhlvrIii was 50 in Belgium and was on Mr und Mil Si1imls MIX Tlmnbicyl beds To those who sleep in kin way but ctitly lisolitlittl to civilian ro llty ilt non stutioiimi Hintiuiliownk imnspltm mrk for some Mm MWFEnV Tunmm ml VVVVV whose mat is broken 2y had arman mnrlnigimnnra ff wrvv will ltCtth notircs in thcli living he and liicut llcl lic inid only been in tho pill Norrison iillln wcrc ttl Til WAG AGAIN Totliose who wakoupin lllqlllotitlllg nstircdns when next few days risking them to icllllickcll lttAMC tno taking llltifwiiil hints for short time wiiin nd guest of Mr iiiid Mrs Mor NIH inmowblco muncrcd the in they went to bed we offer in Milburns Health and iltll Wt Willi dill All MittlSllttlt Wills tho lttllmt it itlllll ll was killed vontiic uCIiiuks Nerve Pmsatolnc remedy who soothe and StrenglhcnlthpCWQS rNtl CNN lllltllWCd ll Mill lltl Im llil ll Ntiilliitil lloopcr was married in Miss Ilium Ulillllfm rllllil LWhit is den tSllCd his wife When thlsmdone mew 8110 be no more restless mghta due tab lfSN crntors nnd tiiwht LlllliCCl ficcr Mrs Irnycr ind Vilttlttl spent the past week itiilicr pur dreamuand nightmaresV lllm Mmm lum of Mlllun ciits Mr llld lr llowlrd Bltit The mm Ol Chmpf beau Price 500ubox 05 pills atnlldrugcnuiitcrs Ewill not icccivc the notices While now 13 years oldt llillnllulztiltilil imam nurse Hf mm Vida 10 Ihnl VBXVunam OMmlmm wants me gure out 100k for our registered trade mmkauncd cmnmtho package uli the reservists in the specified laughter iris urc liViillL in hcwlnwpimiV Barrie Slic resides at 38 um Spom the weekend my mum pcmmncm wave mums ihc dur Cllttmies Will be Wucsmd rc Vvesulllfflet Sanford St with her baby son Jon Mrs Alvin Drcnnzin spent sci ability of immpomryv tdxcsg hc1xktltburn Co Limited Toronto Ont Norman bolti Dec V10 l913 Bc lnl lin lust week Vusitintl1 01 sides his sorrnwing parents wife sister Mrs Dorlund l0ll3i hose mount tiild licr paircnts Mr mid 10W 010 MESV JUhn Ga 1th wkmmmxw if Ii SUPPLEMENT YOUR Di by eating cakuo FLEISCHMANNS frolh You evuy day Thll fresh You is an excellent natural sourco of the Important BComplox Vitamins and son Norniiiii also sister Eiiccnlloopcr ziiid one bro thcr Robert zit home To VlllOllt goes the iiczirtlcli sympathy of the en Your correspondent is sorry to report tlizit ltc Douglas Brandon has been seriously wounded in 0umly lion overseas Word Wits rcccizrjil by his parents on March lhrE is the second time Doug has been wounded since he went worsens the other time being on Aug 23 Continued from page one wounded From ltzily lie sailed on hospital ship to England and Christ mas Day last year was spent at sea Although the ship should have reached England before Christmas they provided an excellent dinner hundreds of wounded on board Furthch medical attention was provided119 Birdrinr England until the end of February when he sait ed for home Tpr Bird nowVDppears to lie in fiiiTiEEith but he is still SUffClltli from his injuries The muscles and nerves in his left arm were damug ed and he cannot yet straighten his larm However he told The Exam iner he was lucky to be back a9 wcll as he is While in Italy Tpr Bird was with reconnaissance unit and much of his work was at night patrolling behind the enemy lines On one occasion he and five other Canadians had gone across into the German area and at the same time German patrol had crossed over into the Canadian lines The two patrols met in the darkness on the wayback to their own lines Whil neither unit was looking for it tight and made the day happy for tile HOSPITAL SHIP urerermi Miss Gloria Paydon Torontoc is visiting all home Miss Mary McLean hits returnin home after visiting her sister Mrs Campbell in Toronto Congratulations and best wislrs to Mr and Mrs Maurice Jones on the arrival of baby girl at RV Hospital Barrie Home and School Meeting The Home iiiid School Associa tion met Vat Mary McLeans on Feb28 with good attendanCU Roll call was The Oldest Book We Have Had and incidentally members brought numerous books that dated back as far as will Mrs Cook read the devotional feature on Making Good Use of Time Mrs McLean gave an interesting paper on Life of Mrs Courtlce the original foundcrof Home and School Association Mrs Wattle gave comparison of ar ticles of reading in magazines of today with those of years past Miss Mary McLean conducted quiz for home and School life af ter which Evelyn Jones led in candlelight service The school childrens candle was lit by Ruth McLean National Federation can dle by Mrs Wattle Ontario Feds oration candle by Mrs Cuvanagii Home Federation candle by the president Mrs Tracy contest was conducted by Marjorie Cook winncrs being Mrs Wattle and Mrs Cook The IllOSlCSSSCIed delicious lunch THOSE young men and women whose eager lcct approach the threshold of new enterprise will nd warm and friendly liandclasp VV iiiiiiiiii IV awaiting them at the garcsth branch of this Bank liiutliaiidclasp iiizirksiuiiuunsycrving faith in Canadas youth and pledge of practical shooting ensued and thingswere pretty hot for it while TprfBird said the six Canadians were fortun ate to gctgback alive because the Sunmdaleicomers Germun unit we fighting patrol of 20 inch Tpr Bill Bird was employed by Craig Sons before he ens ii Financial problems are bound to bset the path of the cntrgrprisuig lusVuch problems theBank of ordiito lS Oldalld experienced but to their Solutioniit brmgsyouthful Vigourand aggressrve outlook gt To young Canadms of Okinawa Wth POEM endeavour 115V servicetotlicir riccds iz Thu sympzi thy of thccommun lly is extended to Everett Lougbccd hisi ther listed in October 1942 He trained hill 35 JslMcQy me ntVDundurnSask and it Was there Spending few days with their one month before going overseas Mr and Mrs Mac lvchauley While in Italy he was in the same gngdfrlinim gillrlstgga 13115363153 Bull 131mg tlelhgzllggrlobis Fisher Mr and Mrs Henry Corbett mm and Jack With Mrs Corbett New traveller and Don Astridgc Lowell Tpr Bird had much commcnda The YIESVmeTin the church on Batik offersliellijndbf help that really counts Friendly guidance in tion for the Red Cross They brought us cigarettes and things while we were in the hospital and theycertainly looked after us on hospital ships he stated Tuesday evening with Archie Culham in charge Devotional ex ercises were taken by Garth Gif fen and Jean Bates The topic was taken by Jean Buic Farewell Presentation liarillclasp means that greets young Canada at this Bank linuiicc loans to hurdle the obstacles that every growiriggbusincss on counters essential banking services of livery kindtlicpc are what the After one months fuiouglv TP LaSt Friday evening number Bird will report back for another of friends and neighbors of Mr Army medical Examination and Mrs Archie Currie and family Gr gamma in the Township Hall to spend social time wllll them be fore their departure for their new To prevent insects frombuild home Cookstown Durin the mg many food pmducls Sub eveningl an address was reagd by 59 to W010ng Storage or delay Gord0n Blue and Herb Culham and in transit the Montreal Furnigation John Thmnpson presqnled them Station ofthe Plant Protection Div With two occasional ciiatiis ision Dominion Department of Atg riculture has held tests regarding SOLD ONJTS MERIT the effectiveness ofmethylbromilie VThe Examiners 7000circulation liquid hydrocyanic acid and 1619 has been built up throu service No premiums 01 any is do iT TO PROTECT FOOD OFT 7i VV Incorporated 1855 inrauchel Asatut or twin rifilm Bel Didi Rrerf it Fumes Kc Mining Cummllxocanadiun Aidto Tamalen Aunuutlls 30 Gun Stun OTTAWA at mm human Chin Fund Cm William MJlrlSs uoCiaiman HomTliomasVlen xc Vicectafrmaq alukin Wit ChrtlddsFund Danilh Relief um Greek Wn lawrencpJ Fume miscarriedTravail Intloud under in War Charlllu Ad Relief Fund Ndhcrhndl italic Fuuil Norwu inn Relic Fund United Polish Relic Fund Yugoslav Ballot turd Department al National War SIM rum 3Anmpu II Nettloton Mgr ALLANDABELsuvemon 313 1r he was marriedln May 1943 just daughter MrsJohn Morgan VV